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  (TMF)-
 


 BIT BANK 







Class: 10th Class
Subject: Mathematics Medium: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: 1. Real Numbers

1. log axy = _____________ (Ans: log ax  log ay )
2. log y
= ______________ (Ans: log ax  log ay )

m log ax )
3. log ax = ____________ (Ans:

4. log xm
= ____________ (Ans: log xy )
5. log aa = ____________ (Ans: 1)

6. log1a = ____________ (Ans: 0)

7. a log a = ___________ (Ans: N)

8. log 32
= _________ (Ans: 5)

9. log ax  log ay  log az = ____________ (Ans: log axyz )

10. = ____________ (Ans: Terminating Decimal)
11. ab  c is = _____________ (Ans: Irrational)

12. If ax = N, then logerthemic form ________________ (Ans: log aN  x )

13. Every composit numbers having the _______________ factors
(Ans: more than two)
14. The form of the number (q  0) is called _______________
(Ans: Rational numbers)
15. If a = bq + r then r is called _________ (Ans: Remainder)
16. If a = bq + r then ‘r’ lies = _________ (Ans: 0  r  b)
17. n be a Natural number then 6n - 5n is ends which number _________ (Ans: 1)
18. If 230 = (32)x then the value of ‘x’ = ___________ (Ans: 6)

19. log100
10 = _____________ (Ans: 2)

20.  5 3  
5  3 = ___________ (Ans: 2)
21. (x + y)2 = _______________ (Ans: x2 + 2xy + y2)
22. (x - y)2 = _____________ (Ans: x2 - 2xy + y2)
23. (x + y) (x - y) = ____________ (Ans: x2 - y2)

24. log 22 = ____________ (Ans: 2)

25. The least number that is divisible by all the numbers from 1 to 5 is _________
(Ans: 60)
26.  is = ___________ (Ans: Irrational number  
27. If 3log(x+3) = log27 then the value of ‘x’ is __________ (Ans: 0)

log10  log10
= _____________ (Ans: 1)

29. Short form of
log10  log10
is ______________ (Ans: log10 )
30. The number of prime factors of 36 ___________ (Ans: 2)
3 2 5
31. Expand loga b c is ______________ (Ans: 3loga+2logb+5logc)
32. If a = 22 X 31 X 51, b = 24 X 51 then H.C.F of (a,b) is ____________(Ans: 20)
33. a1 and a2 are two odd prime numbers. If a1 > a2 then a12  a22 is ________
(Ans: Even number)

Chapter Name: 2. SETS

1. If P, Q are disjoint sets, then P - Q = __________ (Ans: P)
2. If the number of subsets of A are 32, then number of elements in A = _____
(Ans: 5)
3. Cardinal number of null set is (or) n(  ) = _______ (Ans: 0)
4. If A and B are disjoint sets, then A  B = _______ (Ans:  )
5. If A  B and B  A, then ________ (Ans: A = B)
6. Number of subsets of the set A = {1,2,3,4} is _________ (Ans: 16)
7. If A  B, n(A) = 5 and n(B) = 7, then n(A  B) = ______ (Ans: 7)
8. P={x/x is a whole number between 3.5 and 6.7}, then Roster form of P is _____
(Ans: P={4,5,6})
9. “x is element of set Q” represents symbolically ________ (Ans: x  Q)
10. If A = {x/x is a prime number, x < 20} then Roster form of A is _______
(Ans: A = {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19})
11. If A = {1,2,3,4,5}, B = {2,3,6,7} then B - A is _______ (Ans: 6,7}
12. If B = {x/x = 2n + 1, n  W and x < 9} then Roster form of B is _______
(Ans: 1,3,5,7})
13. Set builder form of A = {3,6,9,12,....... 30} is ___(Ans: x/x = 3n, n  10, n N})
14. If A = {x : x is a factor of 15}, B = {x : x is a factor of 18} then A  B = ______
(Ans: {1, 3})
15. Roster form of { x: x = 2n, n  W, n  4} is ______ (Ans: 1,2,4,8,16})
16. Roster form of {x : x  Z, x2 - 9 = 0} is _____ (Ans: 3, -3})
17. Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint. If ______ (Ans: A  B =  )
18. Set theory was developed by ______ (Ans: George Cantor)
19. If A, B are two non-empty sets then A - (A - B) = ___ (Ans: A  B)
20. If A  B then A  B = ______ (Ans: B )
21. Every set is ________ of itself. (Ans: Subset)
22. The number of elements in a set is called the ______ of the set.
(Ans: Cardinal number)
23. If A  B then A  B = _____ (Ans: A)
A B 
24. The shaded region in
the given figure represents _____ (Ans: A - B)

25. The set builder form of A  B is _______ (Ans: x : x  A and x  B})

26. A = {x : x2 = 4 and 3x = 9} is a _______ set. (Ans: Null)
27. If A is subset of B, then A - B = _______ (Ans:  )
28. If A  B and B  C then _______ (Ans: A  C )
29. Roster form of {x : x  N, 9  x  16} is ______ (Ans: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16})
30. A = {2,5,6,8} and B = {5,7,9,1} then A  B = _____ (Ans: 1,2,5,6,7,8,9})
31. A = {x : x - x = 0}  n(A) = _____ (Ans: 2)
32. A = {x : x is even prime} then A has subsets _____ (Ans: 2)

Chapter Name: 3. POLYNOMIALS

1. The sum of the coefficent of x2 term and degree of the polynomial
p(x) = 2x3 - 5x2 - 3x + 7 is ____________ (Ans: - 2)
2. The degree of the polynomial (x4 - 15)(x3 + 5) is __________(Ans: 7)
3. Zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = x2 - 3 are ______, ______ (Ans: 3 , - 3 )

4. If p(x) = x4 + 1 then the value of p(1) + p(-1) = _______ (Ans: 4)
5. Write any Trinomial having degree 5 in terms y is ______
(Ans: Any one interm of y)
6. The number of zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = x + 3x2 + 3x + 1 are ______

(Ans: 3)
3 2 2 3
7. The degree of the polynomial 5x y + x y + 11xy - 13xy - 20 is __________
(Ans: 5)
8. 2 is one of the zero of polunomial x2 + kx + 6 then the value of k is _______
(Ans: - 5 )
9. Sin90o is one of the zero of quadratic polynomial x2 + px + 1. Then the value
of p2 is _______ (Ans: 4)
10. The sum of the zeroes of p(x) = 16x2 - 9 is __________ (Ans: 0)
11. The product of zeroes of p(u) = 4u2 + 8u is _______ (Ans: 0)
12. If nth degree polynomial is divided by quadratic polynomial then the degree of
quatient of the polynomial is ___________ (ANs: n - 2)
13. Given polynomial p(x) of degree ‘n’ the graph y = p(x) intersect the x-axis
at most ________ points. (Ans: n)
14. If  ,  ,  are zeroes of the polynomial 3x3 - 5x2 - 11x + 3 then
 +  +  = __________ (Ans:
15. Quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 2  3 , 2  3 is _________
(Ans: x2 - 4x + 1)

16. from the graph no. of zeroes are ____ (Ans: 7)

17. A polynomial which has only one zero is called ______ polynomial. (Ans: linear)
18. If one zero of the polynomial f(x) = 5x2 + 13x + K is reciprocal of the other then
the value of K is _______ (Ans: K = 5)
1 1 3
19. If  ,  are zeroes of polynomial 4x2 + 3x + 7 then    = ____ (Ans:  )
20. If - 4 is a zero of the polynomial x2 - x - (2 + 2K) then the value of K
is _____ (Ans: 9)
21. The sum and product of zeroes of quadratic polynomial are 2 and -15
respectively. Then the quadratic polynomial is ______ (Ans: x2 - 2x - 15)
22. If one zero of quadratic polynomial p(x) = 2x2 - 8x - m is then the other
zero is ______ (Ans: ) 5
23. The degree of the polynomial (x + 1) (x2 - x - x4 + 1) is _______ (Ans: 5)
24. The product of two zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = 2x3 + 6x2 - 4x + 9 is is 3.
Then it third zero is ______ (Ans:  )
25. ,  are the zeroes of polynomial x2 + 4x + K and    =2 then the value of
K is ______ (Ans: 3)
26.  ,  ,  an zeroes of p(x) = x3 - Kx2 + 3x - 4 and  +  +  = 2 then the value
of K is _______ (Ans: 2)
27. The polynomial degree of 7 is divided by a polynomial degree 4. Then the
degree of quatient is ______ (Ans: 3)
28. The length and breadth of rectangular field are x + 10, x + 3 respectively then
its area in quadratic polynomial is _____ (Ans: x2 + 13x + 30)

Chapter Name: 4. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

1. The solution of the equation 3(x+2) = 21 is ________ (Ans: x = 5)
2. No. of solutions of the linear equation 2x + 3y = 12 is _____ (Ans: Infinity)
3. If ax + b = 0 then x = ______ (Ans:
4. If 2x + 3y = 0 and 4x - 2y = 0 then x = ______, y = ______ (Ans: x = 0, y = 0)
5. The rule for the pair of linear equations a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0
a1 b1 c1
shows intersections lines ______________ ( Ans:  
a2 b2 c2 )
6. If the pair of linear equations 2x + 3y = 12 and kx + 2y = 7 have unique solution
then k  _____ (Ans: k  )
7. No. of solutions for the equations x = 0, y = 3 is _______ (Ans: 1)
8. The rule for the pair of linear equations a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0

a1 b1 c1
shows parallel lines is _________ (Ans:   )
a2 b2 c2
9. If the pair of linear equations x + 2y - 3 = 0 and 3x + ky + 10 = 0 have no
solution then k = ______ (Ans: k = 6)
10. The nature of the pair of linear equations 2x + 3y = 12 and 4x + 6y = 24
is ______ (Ans: coincident lines)
a1 b1 c1
11. If the ratio of the co-efficients is  
a2 b2 c2 then the lines are _______
(Ans: Intersecting)
12. The intersecting point of the pair of linear equations x = 4 and y = 5 is ______
(Ans: 4, 5)
13. No. of solutions for the pair of linear equations 2x + 5y = 9 and 4x + 10y = 15
is _________ (Ans: 0 or No)
14. The co-ordinates of the point where the line 2x + y - 8 = 0 is intersecting on the
x-axis is _______ (Ans: (4, 0))
15. If the pair of linear equations 2x - 3y = 5 and 8x + ky = 20 have infinitely many
solutions then k = _________ (Ans: k = - 12)
16. If the pair of linear equations 3x + 2y = 10 and px + 6y = 24 have no solution
then p = ____ (Ans: 9)
17. If a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 are inconsistent then the relation
a1 b1 c1
between the co-efficients is ________ (Ans:   )
a2 b2 c2
18. General form of the linear equation in two variables x and y is ________
(Ans: ax + by + c = 0)
19. The intersecting point on the y-axis of a line 2x + 4y - 12 = 0 is ________
(Ans: (0, 3))

a1 b1 c1
20. The pair of lines which satisfy   are _______
a2 b2 c2
(Ans: coincident lines)
21. The two digit number which ‘x’ is in units place and ‘y’ is in tens place
is ______ (Ans: 10y + 1x)
22. At present the sum of the ages of father and his daughter is 45 years. Then the
sum of the ages of the father and his daughter after 5 years is ________ (Ans: 55)
23. The solution of the equation 2x + 3 = 0 is ___________ (Ans: x = )

24. The solution of the equations 2 x  3 y  0 and 3 x  8 y  0 is ______

(Ans: x=0, y=0)
25. The primeter of a rectangle whose length is x cm and breadth is y cm is 36.
For this data, the linear eequation in two variables x and y is _____
(Ans: x + y = 18) or (2(x+y)=36)
26. No. of solutions for the equations 3x + 2y = 15 and 2x + y = 9 are _________
(Ans: 1)


1. The Nature of the roots of the Quadratic equation x2 - 9x + 20 = 0 are ______
(Ans: real and distinct roots)
2. The roots of the quadratic equation x + 5x + 6 = 0 are ______ (Ans: -2 & -3)

3. The roots of the quadratic equation x2 - 5x + 6 = 0 are _____ (Ans: 2 & 3)
4. The roots of the quadratic equation x2 - 5x - 6 = 0 are _____ (Ans: -1 & 6)
5. The roots of the quadratic equation x2 + 5x - 6 = 0 are _____ (Ans: 1 & -6)
17 1
6. The sum of the number and its reciprocal is , the number is ___ (Ans: 4 or )
4 4
7. If one root of the quadratic equation of x2 + Kx - 8 = 0 is 4, then the
value of K is ____ (Ans: K = - 2)
8. If  ,  are the roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 ( a  0) ,
1 1 b
then  = _______ (Ans: )
  c
9. The nature of the roots of the quadratic equation x2 + 6x + 9 = 0 is _____
(Ans: real and equal roots)
10. If x2 - 3x + 1 = 0 then the value of x  = ____ (Ans: 3)
11. If x2 + px + q = 0 (p,q  0, q  0) has real and equal roots then ___ (Ans: p2= 4q)
12. The nature of the roots of the quadratic equation 3 x 2  4 3 x  4  0 is _____
(Ans: Real and equal roots)
13. The product of two consicutive positive integers is 42, this can be expressed
algebrically as _______ (Ans: x(x+1) = 42)
14. Product of the roots of the quadratic equation 3 x 2  2 x  3  0 (Ans: - 1)
15. A number is 132 less than its square than the number is ____ (Ans: -11 & 12)
16. The discriminent of 2x2 - 6x + 3 = 0 is _______ (Ans: 12)
17. The condition for ax2 + bx + c = 0 to be a quadratic equation is ___(Ans: a  0)
1 1
 2 , then x  2  _______
18. If x  (Ans: 2)
x x
19. In a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0. If b2 - 4ac < 0, then roots are _____
(Ans: No real roots)
20. The quadratic equation having the roots 2 and -2 is ____ (Ans: x2 - 4 = 0)
21. The roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 ( a  0 ) are _____

  b  b 2  4ac  b  b 2  4ac 
 and
(Ans:  2 a 2a 
 
22. The sum of the roots of the quadratic equation 2x2+6x + 4 = 0 is ____ (Ans: -3)

10 1
23. The sum of a number and its reciprocal is then the number is _ (Ans: 3 or )
3 3
24. If the equation x2 + 4x + K = 0 has real and distinct roots, then (Ans: K < 4)
25. The quadratic equation having roots 1 and 2 is ____ (Ans: x2 - 3x + 2 = 0)
26. If x2-5x+6 = 0 ad x2-7x +K=0 have a common root then K = ___ (Ans: 10 or 12)
27. The quadratic equation with roots (2  3) and (2  3) is ___ (Ans: x2-4x+1=0)
28. If  ,  are the roots of the quadratic equation x2-7x+12=0 then
  = ______ (Ans: 1)
29. If  ,  are the roots of the Q.E x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 then  2   2 = ____(Ans: 13)
30. The sum of the roots of 7x2 = 1 is ______ (Ans: 0)

Chapter Name: 6. PROGRESSIONS

1. The 21st term of an A.P 10,7,4,........ is ______ (Ans: - 50)
2. The sum of first 100 natural numbers is ______ (Ans: 5050)
3. In an A.P, if an denotes the nth term then an = _____ (Ans: an = a+(n-1)d)
4. In the nth term of A.P, an = a+(n-1)d, where d represents ____
(Ans: common difference)
5. Common difference of the A.P -1.2, -3.2, -5.2, ...... is ____ (Ans: -2.0)
6. Sum of how many terms of the progression is zero in 18,16,14,........(Ans: 19)
1 1
7. In an A.P, a = -1 and d = then the fourth term a4 = ___ (Ans: )
2 2
8. The 8th term of the G.P: 512, 256, 128, ....... is ____ (Ans: 4)
9. If the common difference of A.P is 2 then a10 - a5 = _____ (Ans: 10)
10. The 21st term of the A.P whose first two terms are - 3 and 4 is ___(Ans: 137)
11. The sum of 15 terms of AP 4, 7, 10, ........ is _____ (Ans: 375)
1 1 1 1
12. The common ratio of G.P 1, , , ........... is ______ (Ans: )
3 9 27 3
 n(n  1) 
13. Sum of the n terms of the series 1,2,3,4,....... nterms is ____ (Ans:  2 

14. If x, 2x + 1, 3x + 2, .............. are in A.P then the 10th term is ____ (Ans: 10x+9)
15. If a,b,c are in A.P then b = ______ (Ans:  )
 2 
16. If x,y,z are in G.P then y = _____ (Ans: xz )
17. If 17th term of an A.P exceeds the 10th term by 14 then the common differ
ence is d = ______ (Ans: d = 2)
18. The 5th term of G.P 3,9,27,....... is _____ (Ans: 243)
19. In a G.P if first term is 9 and 7th term is then the common ratio (r) = _____
(Ans: r = )

20. The 10th term of the G.P 2 , 2, 2 2 , 4................. is _____ (Ans: 32)
21. nth term of G.P an = _______ (Ans: an = a.r )
22. In nth term of G.P: an = ar then r represents _____ (Ans: Common ratio)

1 1
23. In a G.P, if a1 = 9, r = then a7 = _______ (Ans: a7 = )
3 34
24. In a G.P if a = 256 and r = then the G.P is __(Ans: 256, -128, 64, -32, .....)
n( n  1)
25. The sum of first n positive integers is Sn = _____ (Ans: Sn = )

26. Sum of n terms of an AP Sn = ____ (Ans: Sn = [2a  (n  1)d )
27. The common difference of an A.P : 3,1,-1,-3,....... is ___ (Ans: d = -2)
28. If a = -2 and d = 0 then write the first four terms of the A.P is _______
(Ans: -2, -2, -2, -2)
29. If a = 7, d = 3 and n = 8 then nth term of A.P an = _____ (Ans: 28)
30. If a1 = -4 and a6 = 6 then the 4th term of A.P a4 = ____ (Ans: a4 = 2)

Chapter Name: 7. Co-Ordinate Geometry

1. Distance between any two points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) is ___________

(Ans: ( x2  x1 ) 2  ( y2  y1 ) 2 )

2. The distance of a point P(x, y) from the origin ‘0’ is _____ (Ans: x2  y2 )
3. The line segment joining the points A(x1, y1) and A(x2, y2) internally in the

 m1 x2  m2 x1 m1 y2  m2 y1 
ratio m1 : m2 is ______ (Ans:  , 
 m1  m2 m1  m2 
4. Mid point of the line segment joining the points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) is _______

 x1  x2 y1  y2 
(Ans:  , )
 2 2 

5. A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) and C(x3, y3) are vertices of a triangle ABC then centroid

 x1  x2  x3 y1  y 2  y3 
of the triangle is _____________ (Ans:  , )
 3 3 
6. Points divide the line segment either in the ratio 1 : 2 and 2 : 1 are
called _________ (Ans: Point of trisection)
7. A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) and C(x3, y3) are vertices of  ABC the then area of Traingle
 ABC is ___________ (Ans: |x (y - y3) + x2(y3 - y1) + x3(y1 - y2)|
2 1 2
8. The area of traingle formed by points A, B & C as vertices and whose lengths of
three sides are a, b, c is A = _______ (Ans: s( s  a)(s  b)(s  c) ), s= )
9. Co-ordinates of origin ‘O’ is = _________ (Ans: (0, 0))
10. A point on x-axis is ______________ (Ans; (x, 0))
11. A point on y-axis is ________________ (Ans: (0, y))
12. The point (-2. 3) lies in _____________ quadrant. (Ans: IInd Quadrant)
13. Which point lies on the both the axes is ________ (Ans: Origin)
14. The distance of a point (-3, -4) from the origin is _______ (Ans: 5 Units)
15. The distance between the points (-6, 5) and (-7, 5) is _______ (Ans: 1 Unit)
16. The mid point of the points A(5, -3) and B(3, -7) is ______ (Ans: 4, -5)
17. The distance of the point P(3, 4) form x-axis is ______ (Ans: 4 Units)
18. Points A(acos  , 0), B(0, asin  ) then the distance between AB is _______
(Ans: a Units)
19. Which conditions are satisfied the points A, B, C are collinears then ________
(Ans: i) Area of Traingle is ‘0’ ii) AB  BC  AC )
20. The co-ordinates of the centroid of the Traingle whose vertices are (0, 0),
(3, 7) and (6, -1) is _______ (Ans: (3, 2))
21. Slope of a line passing through A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) is m ___________
y2  y1
(Ans: m   tan  )
x2  x1
22. P(2, 3), Q(x, 5) points joining the line slope is 2 then x = _______ (Ans: 3)
23. What is the slope of the line which makes the angle 45o with x-axis is _______
(Ans: 1)
24. In a triangle ABC joining the midpoints area of the triangle is 10 sq.units then
 ABC is ________ (Ans: 40 sq. units)
25. Whose Introduced the Analytical Geometry _____ (Ans: Renedecardea)
26. (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1) are vertices of the triangle then area of triangle is ______
(Ans: 1/2 sq.units)
27. If (9, 3) and (1, -1) are the two ends of a diameter of a circle then its
center is _______ (Ans; (5, 1))
28. Which country Mathematician Introduced Heroy’s Formula ____ (Ans: Greek)
29. A(x1, 0), B(x2, 0) are x-axis points then the distance between AB is _____
(Ans: |x2 - x2|)
30. A(0, y1), B(0, y2) are on y-axis points then the distance between AB is _____
(Ans: |y2 - y1|)
31. In a triangle ABC, joining the mid points of  ABC circumfrence is 15 units then
 ABC circumfrence is _______ (Ans: 30 Units)


1. Two congruent polygons are ______ A (Ans: Similar)
2. In the given figure DE || BC, AD = 6cm,
DB = 8cm and AE = 9cm then EC = ___ D E
B (Ans: 12cm)

3.  ABC ~  PQR, if AB = 3.6, PQ = 2.4 and PR = 5.4 then AC = _____(Ans: 8cm)

4. In  ABC  B = 90o then b2 = __________ A
(Ans: a2 + c2)

5. The ratio of the corresponding sides of the two similar triangles is 1 : 3 then the
ratio of their areas is ________ (Ans: 1 : 9)
6.  PQR is formed by joining the midpoints of the sides of  ABC, then the ratio of
the areas of the  PQR and  ABC is ______ (Ans: 1 : 4)
7.  ABC ~  PQR, if AB = 6, BC = 4, AC = 8 and PR = 6 then PQ + QR = ____
(Ans: 10cm)
8. Basic proportionality theorem is also known as _____(Ans: Thales Theorem)
9. If  ABC ~  DEF,,  A=50o thebn  E +  F = ____ (Ans: 130o)
10. If  ABC~  PQR, if  A = 50o and  B = 60o then  R = ___ (Ans: 70o)
11. The areas of two similar triangles are 16cm2 and 25cm2 respectively. Then the
ratio of their coresponding sides is _____ (Ans: 4 : 5 )
12. In  ABC, DE || BC and DE = BC, then AD : DB = _____ (Ans: 1 : 1)
13. In the given figure  ACB ~  APQ.
If Ab = 6cm, BC = 8cm and
PQ = 4cm then AQ = _____ (Ans: 3cm)

14. In  ABC,  B = 90o and BM is an altitude then  AMB is similar to ____

(Ans:  ABC)
15.  ABC ~  PQR then AB : PQ = _______ (Ans: AC : PR (or) BC : QR)

16. Sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio 4 : 9, areas of these triangles are in
the ratio is _____ (Ans: 16 : 81)
17.  ABC ~  DEF. If BC = 3cm, EF = 4cm, and area (  ABC) = 54cm2 then area
(  DEF) = ______ (Ans: 96cm2)
18. A In the adjacent figure, if  ADE =
2 3
D E  ABC then CE = ______ (Ans:
(or) 4.5)

19.  ABC ~  DEF and their areas are respectively 64cm2 and 121cm2
BC 8
then = ________ (Ans: )
EF 11
20.  ABC ~  PQR and  A +  B = 115o then  R = ____ (Ans: 65o)
21. In  PQR, PQ2 = PR2 + QR2, then  R = _____ (Ans: 90o
22. From the adjacent figure  ABC ~  ADE, C
the value represented by ‘BC’ is ____ E 3
1.5 1.2 (Ans: 2.4)

23. A flag pole is 4m tall casts at 6m shadow. At the same time a near by building
casts a shadow of 24m. How tall is the building? (Ans: 16m)
KL 2
24.  KLM ~  PQR. If PQ = then ar (  KLM) : ar(  PQR) = ____ (Ans: 4 : 9)
25.  ABC ~  DEF,, AB : DE = 2 : 3 and if DF = 4.5cm, then AC = ___(Ans: 3cm)


1. A tangent to a circle intersects it in _______ points (Ans: one)
2. A secant to a circle intersects it in ______ points. (Ans: 2)
3. A circle can have _________ parallel tangents at the most. (Ans: 2)
4. The common point of a tangent to a circle and the circle is called ______
(Ans: point of contact)
5. We can draw __________ tangents to a given circle. (Ans: Infinite)
6. From a point out side of the circle ________ tangent can be drew. (Ans: 2)
7. From a point in side of the circle _______ tangents can be drawn to it. (Ans: 0)
8. From a point on the circle _______ tangents can be drawn to it. (Ans: 1)
9. The length of tangent is ‘l’ raddi ‘r’ and the distance between centere to point
is ‘d’ then d = _____ (Ans: d = r 2  l 2 )
10. The angle between a tangent to a circle and the radius drawn at the point of
contact is _____ (Ans: 90o)
11. From a point G the length of the tangent to a circle is 26cm and distance of G
from the centre is 10cm the radius of the circle is _____ (Ans: 8cm)
12. From adjacent figure APB =50o then AOB = ______ (Ans: 130o)

O 50o P

13. From the adjacent figure
O 100o P
 AOB = 100 then  APB = ____ (Ans: 80o)

14. If AP, BP are two tangents to a
circle with centre O. So that O 120o P
 AOB=120 then

 APB = _______ B
(Ans: 60o)

15. If tangents PA and PB form a point P A

to a circle with centre O are inclined to
each other at angle of 80o O 80o P
then  POA = ____ (Ans: 50o)

16. If tangents PA and PB from C point P to circle with centre O are inclined to
each other at angle of 60o then  ABO = ______ (Ans: 60o)

17. In adjacent figure AD = 2cm,. BE = 3cm D

and CF = 1cm then the perimeter F
of  ABC= ______ (Ans: 12cm)
18. From the adjacent figure in the given A
figuire PA and PB are tangents to a
circle and AB is a chord. If PA = 5cm O P
and  PAB=60o then the length of
chord AB = _____ B
(Ans: 5cm)
19. From the adjacent figure, Area of the shaded region _____ (r2(4 -  ))

20. From the adjacent figure Area of the shaded region _____ (2r2(2 -  ))

21. A point 15cm away from the centre of a circle of radius 9cm. Then the length
of tangent is ___ (Ans: 12cm)
22. The length of tangent 12cm from a point 13cm away from the centre of a
circle then the radius is ____ (Ans: 5cm)
23. If AP and AQ are the two tangent a circle with center O, such
that  PQO=30o then  PAQ = ______ (Ans: 60o)

Chapter Name: 10. MENSURATION

1. The total surface area of a regular circular cylinder is ————————

[2  r(r+h)]
2. The volume of cylinder is ——————— [  r2h]
3. In the formula of curved surface area of cylinder is 2  rh, the letter r
represents ——————— [radius]
4. The volume and Raddi of a cylinder is 80cm and 8cm then the curved
surface area of cylinder is ————[20cm2]
5. In the formula of volume of cone v =
 r2h, the letter H
represents ———————[height ]
6. The total surface area of cone is ——————— [  r(l+r)]
7. In the formula of curved surface area of cone  rl . the letter l
represents ———————[slant height)]
8. A cylinder and a cone have equal radius and equal heights then the ratio of
their volumes is ——————- [3:1)]
9. A cylinder and a cone have equal radius and equal heights. if the volume of
cylinder is 27cm3 units then the volume of cone is ——————— 9cm3]
10. In a cone, the slant height l = ——————— [ r  d ]
2 2

11. The volume of a cone with radius 7cm3 is 77 cm then the height
H = ——————— [1.5cm]
12. The volume of a cone is 88 cm3 and slant height is 4cm then the radius of
the cone is ——————— (7cm)

13. The volume of a cylinder with radius 7cm is 88 cm3 then the height of the
cylinder is ——————— (4/7cm)
14. The total surface area of a cuboids is ——————— 2(lb+bh+hl)
15. The volume of a cube is 64 cm3 then the lateral surface area of cube
is ——————— (64cm2)
16. The total surface area of cube is 150 cm2 then the volume of cube
is ——————— (125cm3 )
17. A cone is inscribed in a cube. if the side of the cube is 3cm, then the
volume of the cone is ——————— (7cm3)

4 3
18. The volume of sphere v = ——————— ( r )
2 3
19. The volume of hemisphere v = r the letter r represents ———————
(radius )
20. A sphere and a hemisphere have equal radius. then the ratio of their
volumes is ——————— (2:1)
21. A sphere inscribed in a cube. if the cube side is 2 cm, then the volume of
sphere is ——————— ( )
22. The ratio of the total surface area of hemisphere and sphere is —— (3:4)
23. The volume of the largest right circular cone that can be cut out of a cube
woes edge 7 cm is ——————— (269.5cm3
24. The total surface area of a cube is 600 cm2 then the side of the cube is ——
25. The curved surface area of a cylinder with radius 7 cm and height 5 cm is ——
26. A sphere,a cylinder and a cone have same radius and same height. then
the ratio of their volumes is ————— ( 4:3:1)
27. In a cone the radius is 3 cm cm and height is 4 cm then the slant height is ——
28. A cone is inscribed in a cylinder. then the ratio of their volumes ——————
29. A cylindrical pencil has ————-combination of shapes (cone hemisphere)
30. A sphere inscribed in a cube. then the ratio of their volumes ——(11:21)
Chapter Name: 11. TRIGONOMETRY
Following are the pythagorean triplets, fill in the blanks with suitable numbers.
1) 3, ______, 5 (Ans: 4)
2) 6, 8, _____ (Ans: 10)
3) 5, _____, 13 (Ans: 12)
4) 7, 24, _____ (Ans: 25)
5) 8, 15, _____ (Ans: 17)
6) 20, _____, 29 (Ans: 21)
7) 9, 40, _____ (Ans: 41)
8) 10, 24, _____ (Ans: 26)
3 7
9. If tanA= then cosA + SinA = ______ (Ans: )
4 5

10. If 5SinA = 4, then CosecA = ______ (Ans: )

11. Is Cosx = possible for any angle x? (Ans: No it is not possible)
12. Value of Cot0o = _______________ (Ans: Undefined)
13. Value of Tan90o = _______________ (Ans: Undefined)
14. Value of Cosec0o = _______________ (Ans: Undefined)
15. Value of Sec90o = _______________ (Ans: Undefined)
16. If Tan  = Cot  , where 0o <  < 90o then the value of Sin  = ___(Ans: )
17. If Sin  = Cos  , where 0o<  <90o then the value of tan  + cot  = ___ (Ans: 2)
18. If Cosec  +Cot  = 5 then Cosec  - Cot  = _____ (Ans: )
19. If Tan  + Sec  = 7, then Tan
an  - Sec  = _____ (Ans: )
20. If Cosec  - Cot  = x, ten Cosec  + Cot  = _____ (Ans: )
Sec 2  1
21. Sin  in terms of Sec  = _________ (Ans: )
22. Cos  in terms of Tan  = _________ (Ans: )
1  Tan 2

23. Tan  in terms of Cosec  = _________ (Ans: )
Co sec 2   1
24. Cot  in terms of Cos  = _________ (Ans: )
1  Cos 2

1 Cot 2
25. Sec  in terms of Cot  = _________ (Ans: )
26. Cosec  in terms of Sec  = _________ (Ans: )
Sec 2  1

1 Cos 2
27. Tan  in terms of Cos  = _________ (Ans: )

1 Sin 2
28. Cot  in terms of Sin  = _________ (Ans: )
29. 9Cos2  + 9Sin2  = ______ (Ans: 9)
30. 23Cosec2  - 23Cot2  = _______ (Ans: 23)
31. 17Cot2  - 17Cosec2  = _______ (Ans: - 17)
32. 3Tan2  - 3Sec2  = ______ (Ans: - 3)
8  8Cos 2
33. If  = 45 then
= ______ (Ans: 4)
2 Sin 2
34. If Sec A = Cosec B then A + B = _______( Here A and B are acute angles)
(Ans: 90o)
35. Value of Cos237o + Cos253o = ______________ (Ans: 1)
36. Cos28 . Cosec62 + Tan45 + Cot90 = __________
o o o o
(Ans: 2)
37. If Tan(A+B) = 3 and Tan A = 1 then  B = _____ (Ans: 15o)
38. If Sec  + Tan  = x then Sec  - Tan  = y then xy = _____(Ans: 1)
39. If Tan1o.Tan2o.Tan3o ....... tan88o.tan89o = ______ (Ans: 1)
2 2
40. 5SinA = 3 then Sec A - Tan A = ______ (Ans: 1)
41. Value of Tan245o + 2Tan260o = _______ (Ans: 7)

a  b 
42. Tan  = then Cos  = ______ (Ans:  )
 a b 
2 2
43. Sec237o - Cot253o = _______ (Ans: 1)
44. Tan264o - Cosec226o = ______ (Ans: - 1)
45. If  ABC is right angled at C, then the value of Cos(A+B) = ____ (Ans: 0)

46. The value of (Sin90o+Tan45o) - (Sec60o + Cosec30o) = _____ (Ans: - 2)
 m2  1 
47. Cosec  + Cot  = m then Cosec  = ______ (Ans:  2m  )
 
48. The value of Sin15o x Cos45o x 2 x Sec75o = _______ (Ans: 2 )
49. Cos1o . Cos2o . Cos3o. ...... Cos89o.Cos90o = _____ (Ans: 0)
50. Cosec (90 -  ) = _______ (Ans: Sec  )
51. Sin ( 90 - ) = ______ (Ans: Cos  )
52. Cos(90 -  ) = ______ (Ans: Sin  )
53. Tan (90-  ) = ______ (Ans: Cot  )
54. Cot (90 -  ) = _____ (Ans: Tan  )
55. Sec (90-  ) = ______ (Ans: Cosec  )


1. A ladder ‘x’ meters long is laid against a wall making an angle ‘  ’ with the ground.
If we want to directly find the distance between the foot of the ladder and the
foot of the wall, which trigonometrical ratio should be considered?(Ans: Cos  )
2. Two persons A and B observe the top of a pole at an angle of elevation  and
    , then ______ (Ans: A is nearer to the pole than B)
respectively. If
3. Top of a building was observed at an angle of elevation “  ” from a point,
which is at a distance ‘d’ meters from the foot of the building. Which trigono
metrical ratio should be considered for finding height of the building?
(Ans: Tan  )
4. If the angle of elevation of sun increases from 0o to 90o, then the length of
shadow of the tower ____ (Ans: Decreases)
5. The angle of depression from the top of the tower is 12m height with the ground
is 30o. The distance of the point from the top is _____ (Ans: 24m)
6. A ladder touches a wall at a height of 5m. Find the angle made by the ladder with
the ground, if its length is 10m, will be ____ (Ans: 30o)
7. A 20m long ladder is placed on a pole of 10m height making “  ” angle with the
ground, then  = _____ (Ans: 30o)
8. A ladder 15m long just reaches the top of vertical wall. If the ladder makes an

 15 3 

angle of 60 with the wall. Then the height of the wall is ____ (Ans: 
o m 
 2 
Chapter Name: 13. PROBABILITY
1. What is the probability to getting H (Head) when we toss a coin _____ (Ans: )
2. What is the probability to getting at least one T when we toss two coins at a
time ___________ (Ans: )
3. The probability of getting a prime number when we throw a dice once
3 1
is _______ (Ans: or )
6 2
4. 1 - 10 numbers are written on the cards. If we takes any one card with out look-
ing into it, what is the probability of getting a composite number card _______
5 1
(Ans: or )
10 2
5. When we throw a dice once what is the probability of getting a number less than
or equal to and this event is called _____ (Ans: Sure or certain event)
6. When we throw two dice at a time, what is the probability of getting equal no. of
6 1
dots on the top of the face _______ (Ans: or )
36 6
7. When we throw two dice at a time, what is the probability of getting sum of the
6 1
two dots of the dice is 7 _____ (Ans: or )
36 6
8. When we throw two dice at a time, what is the probability of getting the sum of
the dots of the dice is not 12 ______ (Ans: )
9. A bag contains 4 red balls, 6 white balls and 8 balck colour balls. What is the
probability of getting other than white ball when a boy takes out a ball from the
12 2
bag without looking into it ________ (Ans: or )
18 3
10. In the above problem what is the probability of getting a black colour
8 4
ball ________ (Ans: or )
18 9
11. One card is drawn from a well - shuffled deck of 52 cards what is the probability
4 1
of getting a king card ______ (Ans: or )
52 13
12. From the above problem, what is the probability of getting any one english
16 4
letter card is ________ (Ans: or )
52 13
12 3
13. What is the probability of getting a face card ______ (Ans: or )
52 13
8 2
14. What is the probability of getting a prime number red card (Ans: or )
52 13
8 2
15. What is the probability of getting an odd number black card. (Ans: or )
52 13
16. From the deck of 52 cards remove face cards, what is the probability
20 1
getting even number card. (Ans: or )
40 2
17. In one day international cricket match between India and Newzealand the
probability of India winning the match is 0.64. What is the probability of
lossing Newzealand team ________ (Ans: 0.64)
18. In a match between A team and B team, probability of winning A team is 0.48,
then probability of winning B team is ______ (Ans: 0.52)
19. In a calendar year, what is the probability of that both Rajesh and Sharavan will
have the same birthday (ignoring leap year) (Ans: )
20. Probability is always lies between ________ (Ans: 0 to 1)

21. In the figure 7cm radius circle is constructed in the square of 20cm

side. If an archer is leaves an arrow, what is the probability touching the

246 123
shaded area of the diagram ________ (Ans: or )
400 200

Chapter Name: 14. STATISTICS

1. _____________ is considered on x-axis to draw less than cumulative
frequency curve. (Ans: Class Mark / Mid values of class)
2. Cummulative frequency is useful in determining _______ (Ans: Median)
3. The average of upper and lower limit is called _______
(Ans: Class Mark / Mid value of class)
4. In a data 25 observations are arranged in ascending order then ________ th
observation is median of the data. (Ans: 13th)
5. The median, mean of first 15 natural numbers are _________ (Ans; 8)
6. In the media formula for groups data the letter ‘f’ represents ________
(Ans: frequency of median class)
7. The graphical representation of cumulative frequency is called _________
curvs. (Ans: Ogive)
8. The average of Cosec30o, Sec60o, Sin90o is _______ or1.6 )
9. The Arithmatic mean of a - 2d, a - d, a, a + d, a + 2d is _______ (Ans: a)
10. The most stable measure of central tendency is ______ (Ans: Mean)
11. The set of numbers consists three 4’s, five 5’s, six 6’s eight 8’s and seven 10’s
the mode of the set numbers is ______ (Ans: 8)
12. The mode in the data 12, 11, 15, 11, 12, 15, 12, 9, 12 is _______ (Ans: 12)
13. If 1 - 8, 9 - 16, 17 - 24 are the classes of frequency distribution the size of
class is ___________ (Ans: 8)
14. In a frequency distribution the class mark of the class is 45, and lower
boundary is 40. Then its upper boundary of the class is _____ (Ans: 50)
15. If 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, ...... are class 1 - 10 is _______ (Ans: 10’s)
16. The x-co-ordiante of the point of intersection of two ogives of grouped
data is _______________ (Ans: Median)
17. If less than type ogive and more than type ogive intersect each other at
(25, 50) then the median of data is ____________ (Ans: 25)
18. If 13 is added to the data 9, 11, 15, 17, 19 then decreased value of
median is _____________ (Ans: 1)
19. In a greater cumulative frequency distributive curve __________ boundary of
classes, ______ cummulative frequencies are taken. (Ans: lower, greater than)

20. In the formula x  a 

 fiui  x h for finding the mean by step deviation
 xi  a 
method here ui = __________ (Ans: 
 h 
21. If the median of data 6,7,x-2,x,12x14 which an written ascending order is 10,
the value of x is ______ (Ans: 11)
22. If the mean of a1, a2, a3,........ am is x , then the mean of
a1 + n, a2 + n + a3 + n, ........ an + n is _______________ (Ans: ( x  n ))

 f1  f 0 
23. Formula to find mode of grouped data (z) = l    x h here to
 2 f1  ( f 0  f 2 ) 
represent ___________
(Ans: frequency of the class preceding the model class)
24. The mean of 9, 11, 13, p, 18, 19 is p. Then the value of p is _____ (Ans: 14)
25. The mean of the data is 20. If each observation multiplied by 6 and then 3 is
added to each result. The mean of new observation is ______ (Ans: 123)
26. The mode of factors of 12 is ___________ (Ans: No mode / Doesnot exist)
27. The Arthmetic mean of first ‘n’ consecutive odd natural numbers is ___ (Ans: n)
28. If the mode of the data 7,5,9,x,2,7,5 is 7 then x is equal to ________ (Ans: 7)

PASS 
(MINIMUM CONCEPTS)
           B   C 
         

         G.P.A 
         

            
 

1. Quadratic polynomial graph
2. Pair of linear equations in two variables graph
3. Similar triangles construction
4. Construction ofTangents to a circle from the point outside
5. Statisticsgraph(O-GIVE CURVES)
6. Proving of Irrational numbers
7. Finding the Points of trisection
8. Finding Mean/Mode/Median for grouped data
9. Square / cube of every positive integer problem – Euclid division
10. Formula to find the mean of the grouped data using Assumed mean
method and its terminology
11. Formula to find the mean of the grouped data using Step deviation
method and its terminology
12. Formula to find the median of the grouped data and its terminology
13. Formula to find the mode of the grouped data and its terminology
14. Cone/cylinder/sphere/hemisphere/cube/cuboid – formulae&terminology
15. Progressions chapter – formulae& its terminology
16. Drawing figure for word problem on Applications of Trigonometry
17. Problem on venn diagrams
18. Deck of cards-Probability problems
19. Problem on two dice
20. Giving examples for Progressions / Sets / Polynomials
21. Finding p(x) value for a given polynomial
22. Finding the length of the tangentto a circle
23. Problem on one Dice
24. Checking whether given numbers are zeroes of a given polynomial or not.
25. Discriminant – Nature of roots
26. Finding H.C.F using prime factorization method
27. Finding centroid of the triangle
28. Conversion from one trigonometric ratio into another trigonometric ratio
29. Problems on operations on sets
30. Figure problem on B.P.T /coverse of B.P.T
31. Problems on , , condition
32. Problems on Collinearity of points
33. Verifying the relation between zeroes & coefficients of a quadratic
34. Finding k value for given quadratic equation when one root is given
35. Problems on slope of line

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