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Chapter 1




According to Al-Shuaibi, A. (2014b) education is an important issue in one’s life. It is the key to success in the future,
and to have many opportunities in our life. Education has many advantages for people. For instance, it illuminates a
person's mind and thinking. It helps students to plan for work, or pursue higher education by graduating from
university. Having education in an area helps people think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to their
success, and improves not only their personal satisfaction but also their community. In addition, education develops
human personality, thoughts, and social skills. It also prepares people for life experiences. It makes people have as
special status in their own society and everywhere they live. I believe that everyone is entitled to have education
‘’from cradle to grave’. There are various benefits of having education, such as having a good career, having a good
status in society, and having self-confidence Education primarily affords us the chance to have a prosperous career.
There are numerous opportunities for us to find employment wherever we want. It makes it more likely that you'll
find better, easier work. The better our education, the better our chances in life. Additionally, education strengthens
our minds, validates our convictions, and enhances our morality and social skills.

Why is education crucial? More than anything else, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
recognizes education as a legal right. In addition, as the population educates itself, the quality of the workforce rises,
enabling a nation to compete in the international market and develop economically (UNICEF, n.d.). Unfortunately,
poverty is a barrier to educational achievement, and there is now a vicious cycle in which education, which could
help the economy grow, is hampered by poverty.

Every nation has a system of education. They are, however, very different. For instance, how an education system is
designed depends on the resources and funding that are used to support it. As one might expect, a nation's
prosperity is closely correlated with its expenditure on education. Developing nations are unable to support
comprehensive education systems or even formal schooling because they lack basic amenities like running water.

Every student has a unique perspective on what constitutes a high-quality education. Similar to how not everyone
enjoys the benefits of attending a top university, maintaining financial security, or having family members who can
support them emotionally. Every person goes through different struggles on a daily basis, and receiving an excellent
education is one of these. Or Some students seem to have lost sight of the value of receiving a good education and
do not value what they learn in class. They failed to recognize the efforts of the educators who taught them.

According to Lumen (2021) Formal education is the process of learning using a formal curriculum and in a classroom
environment as part of a formal educational setting. Themes have been investigated for centuries using standardized
techniques created by Greek philosophers. In the past, only the wealthy had access to scholarly books and the luxury
of free time to learn. Education became more widely available as a result of the Industrial Revolution and the
societal changes it caused. New middle-class families learned about fresh educational possibilities.

A cornerstone of the Philippines' national development state that it is a high-quality education. The right to a good
foundational education is protected by the Philippine Constitution of 1987. In addition to providing a large budget,
the government continually improves the educational system to meet international standards. The Philippines faced
difficulties in a number of areas of the educational system despite significant improvements in access to basic

also known as the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, provides the overall framework for principle
empowerment by strengthening principal and leadership goals, and local school based management within the
context of transparency and local accountability.
According to Jess Alfonso Macasaet governance of education sector that It has been long self-evident to many
educators and parents that education, in addition to its immediate benefits, is also a form of investment, building
peoples' capacity to be more productive, earn more, and enjoy a higher quality of life. The rise of human capital
theory in the 1960s, and its widespread acceptance now after thorough debate, has provided conceptual
underpinnings and statistical evidence. Estimates by economists have shown that education is one of the best
investments, outstripping the returns from many investments in physical capital. Related analysis has demonstrated
that the total stock of human capital worldwide has a higher value by far, in terms of its contribution to production,
than the stock of physical capital.

While human capital ideas focus on links among education, productivity, and economic growth, other disciplines
have emphasized additional reasons why education is important. These further reasons stress the contribution of
education to building social cohesion. They note that education transmits values, beliefs, and traditions. It shapes
attitudes and aspirations, and the skills it develops include crucial inter- and intra-personal capabilities. It empowers
people. It frees them to learn and think for themselves. It has benefits for health and environment. The more rapidly
the world changes and the more complex it becomes, the more important are the skills that a good quality education
can provide. The trends driving change today (such as, democratization, market economies, globalization) have an
implication on education. Countries such as the Philippines need educated and skilled citizens who can operate in a
democratic society, workers who can meet changing labor market needs and compete in global markets, learners
capable of benefiting from the technology revolution, and policies capable of harnessing the evolving public/private
interface. Thus, education is important because it contributes to improving peoples' lives and reducing poverty. It
does so through several tracks, including:

• Helping people become more productive and earn more (because education is considered an investment,
strengthening their skills and abilities – their human capital);
• Improving health and nutrition;
• Enriching lives directly (through the pleasure of intelligent thought and the sense of empowerment it helps give)
• Promoting social development through strengthening social cohesion and giving more people better opportunities
(and thus greater equity through opportunity)

In addition, many of the world's states, through international conventions and commitments, have recognized
education as a human right. Education thus contributes, within the context of a sound macroeconomic and political
environment, to the entire society's growth and development, which in turn raises incomes for all.

The purpose of this study is to determine how each individual will fare if they receive an excellent education because
the researchers feel that everyone deserves access to high-quality education, the study's goal is to understand how
having a good education affects each individual also to find out what the students think about this matter.


1. What’s the most important things that needs to be consider for the students to experience the good quality

2. Do the students think that getting a good quality education needs tons of money?

3. Do the students thinks that being in a public school is not a good quality education?

4. Is it possible that some student think that having a good quality education is something that is not important?

5. To what extent students feel about their attitudes od education in terms;

a.) Knowledge
b.) Skills
c.) Values

the Republic of the Philippines.

Al-Shuaibi, A. (2014b). The Importance of Education. ResearchGate.


Mirasol, J. M., Necosia, J. V. B., Bicar, B. B., & Garcia, H. R. (2021). Statutory policy analysis on access to Philippine
quality basic education. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2,

Why is Education Important to Individuals and Societies? (2023, May


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