App. Econ

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Name: Nacebel Faith R.

Mabida Date: 03/04/3034

Grade & section: 12-ABM- H.SY Submitted to : Mrs. Rhina C. Tariao



1. Develop community businesses:

Encourage the creation of small businesses owned by the local community. These businesses
can provide jobs and offer products and services that meet the needs of the community. This
helps to generate income and improve the lives of community members. For example, a
community could start a cooperative bakery where members contribute labor and resources to
produce and sell bread. This creates jobs for the community and provides a reliable source of
affordable bread for local residents.

2. Share skills within the community:

Enable community members to share their skills and knowledge with each other. This allows
individuals to learn new skills and diversify their income sources. Communities can organize
workshops or skill- sharing sessions where individuals with expertise in certain areas, such as
carpentry or sewing, teach others in the community. This empowers individuals to develop new
skills and pursue income-generating activities.

3. Support sustainable farming methods:

Provide training and resources to help small-scale farmers adopt sustainable farming practices.
This improves crop yields and income while protecting the environment. Farmers can
receive training on organic farming techniques and have access to resources like
compost or seeds that are suited for sustainable agriculture. This helps them grow healthier
crops, increase their income, and preserve the soil for future generations.

1. Create spaces for innovation:

Establish dedicated places where people with business ideas or skills can come together, share
resources, and get support to start their own businesses. Innovation hubs or co-working spaces
can be set up where entrepreneurs, freelancers, and professionals can collaborate, access tools
and equipment, and receive guidance from mentors or experts. This helps aspiring
entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful businesses.

2. Encourage social entrepreneurship:

Support businesses that aim to solve social or environmental problems while creating jobs.
These social enterprises have a positive impact on society and the economy.

Social enterprises can focus on areas like renewable energy, waste management, or education.
For example, a social enterprise may provide solar panel installation services, creating jobs
while promoting clean energy.

3. Offer apprenticeship programs:

Collaborate with businesses to provide on-the-job training and work experience to

unemployed individuals. This boosts their skills and employability. Businesses can partner with
training institutions or government agencies to offer apprenticeship programs. This allows
unemployed individuals to learn valuable skills while working under the guidance of
experienced professionals, increasing their chances of finding permanent employment.

1. Use technology for transparency:

Implement digital platforms and tools that make government processes more transparent. This
allows citizens to access information easily, report corruption, and hold public officials
accountable. Governments can create online portals where citizens can access public records,
budgets, and contracts. Additionally, they can establish reporting mechanisms, such as hotlines
or websites, where citizens can report corruption anonymously.

2. Promote integrity education:

Integrate lessons on ethics, integrity, and the harmful effects of corruption into school curricula
and workplace training programs. Schools can include lessons that teach students about the
importance of honesty, fairness, and ethical behavior. Similarly, workplaces can provide training
sessions to employees, emphasizing the negative consequences of corruption and the benefits
of maintaining integrity.

3. Establish citizen oversight committees:

Create independent committees comprising citizens, experts, and representatives from civil
society organizations. These committees monitor government activities and expenditures to
ensure transparency and reduce corruption. Citizen oversight committees can have the
authority to review government contracts, budgets, and projects. They act as watchdogs,
ensuring that public funds are used appropriately and that corruption is identified and
Name: Mary Ruth J. Canas Date: 03/04/3034

Grade & section: 12-ABM- H.SY Submitted to : Mrs. Rhina C. Tariao



1. Implement family planning and reproductive health programs:

Provide access to family planning services, contraceptives, and reproductive

health education to empower individuals to make informed decisions about
family size and spacing of children.

2. Invest in education and skill development:

Focus on improving access to quality education, particularly for girls and young
women, to empower them with knowledge and skills for personal and economic
development. Efforts can be made to eliminate gender disparities in education,
including providing scholarships, building schools, and implementing campaigns
to promote the importance of education for girls.

3. Promote sustainable economic development:

Encourage investments in industries that provide employment opportunities

without putting excessive strain on resources or the environment. Support
initiatives that promote sustainable livelihoods and alternative economic

1. Foster entrepreneurship and small business development:

Provide support and resources to aspiring entrepreneurs, including business

training, mentorship programs, and access to seed funding. Encourage the growth
of small businesses by simplifying regulations, providing tax incentives, and
facilitating access to credit.

2. Enhance digital skills and remote work opportunities:

Promote digital literacy and offer training programs to equip individuals with the
skills needed for remote work or online freelancing. Encourage the establishment
of remote work hubs or co-working spaces to provide infrastructure and support
for remote workers.

3. Encourage public-private partnerships for job creation:

Foster collaboration between the public and private sectors to create job
opportunities through infrastructure development, investment in emerging
industries, and targeted skills training programs. Public-private partnerships can
be formed to develop infrastructure projects such as transportation systems,
energy facilities, or industrial parks.

1. Promote financial literacy and access to banking:

Provide education and resources to help individuals understand financial

management, savings, and investment. Increase access to banking services, such
as savings accounts and micro- loans, to empower people to build assets and
improve their financial stability. Financial literacy programs can be conducted in
communities, schools, and workplaces to teach individuals about budgeting,
saving, and making informed financial decisions.

2. Expand vocational training programs:

Develop and enhance vocational training initiatives that provide practical skills
and match the demands of the job market. This equips individuals with the
necessary skills to secure employment or start their own businesses.

3. Improve access to basic services:

Enhance access to essential services such as healthcare, education, clean water,

and sanitation in impoverished areas. This can be achieved by investing in
infrastructure, improving service delivery, and implementing targeted

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