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BK10A6000 Engineering Mechanics 2

Exercise 3 / week 4

1. The A-frame is being hoisted into an upright position by the vertical

force of F = 80 N. Determine the moment of this force about the x axis
using triple scalar product when the frame is in the position shown.

Problems 2 and 3 refer to the same picture.

2. Determine the magnitude of moment of the force F about

a) x axis b) y axis c) z axis

Use triple scalar product.

3. Determine the moment of the force F about an axis extending between A

and C. Express the result as a Cartesian vector.

4. Determine the magnitude of the moment of the force

𝑭 = {50𝒊 − 20𝒋 − 80𝒌} N about the

a) base line AB of the tripod

b) base line BC of the tripod

c) base line AC of the tripod.

5. The force of F = 30 N acts on the bracket as shown in picture on bottom right.

a) Determine the moment of the force about the a-a axis of the pipe if 𝛼 = 60°,
𝛽 = 60° and 𝛾 = 45°.

b) Determine the coordinate direction angles of F in order to produce the maximum

moment about the a-a axis. What is this moment?

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