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4/16/22, 6:44 PM Best supplements for dry eye/eye fatigue?

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Posted by u/jennuwine 2 years ago 

Best supplements for dry eye/eye fatigue?

What supplements prevent my eyes from getting tired after staring
at a computer monitor for all day?

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fastalonerogue · 2 yr. ago

Vitamin A worked for me.

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CreativeLadder · 2 yr. ago

I use Systane eye drops after a long day starring at the

computer, I find it relieves the symptoms straight away.

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[deleted] · 2 yr. ago

TMG and creatine help with cellular hydration. Also

electrolytes most don't get enough potassium and so on...

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WildTurkeyFartBlunt1 · 2 yr. ago

Maqui can increase tear production by up to 50 percent.

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sumguysr · 2 yr. ago

3 grams of fish oil per day cured my blepharitis. 2 grams

didn't quite do it, 4 grams gave me occasional dizzy spells. I 1/18
4/16/22, 6:44 PM Best supplements for dry eye/eye fatigue? : Supplements
q , g g y p
use Life Extension brand.
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Kehndy12 · 2 yr. ago

What brand did you use?

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[deleted] · 2 yr. ago

Eyebright and lutein supplements. Don't ever use eyedrops

because long term use can cause dry eyes, permanent red
veiny eyes and the most horrifying side effect of eyedrops is
eye floaters. This is from my experience.

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Sorin61 · 2 yr. ago

I use Systane daily for lubrication. Do you think I'm doing

wrong ? ...

Please detail, I am very interested in this.

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Aneurine · 2 yr. ago

There's some evidence Vitamin D can help.. here's one study

that concludes:

"vitamin D supplementation promoted tear secretion,

reduced tear instability, and reduced inflammation at the
ocular surface and eyelid margin. Furthermore, vitamin D
supplementation improved the symptoms of DES."

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Adam_24061 · 2 yr. ago

eye drops

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Septarchy · 2 yr. ago

Astaxanthin made my dry eyes allot better No more eye 2/18
4/16/22, 6:44 PM Best supplements for dry eye/eye fatigue? : Supplements
Astaxanthin made my dry eyes allot better. No more eye
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giles28 · 2 yr. ago

Either ‘liquid tears’ you buy in a tube or a hot cloth over your
eyes for 5mins. Sleep and rest (away from screen) are the
obvious ones. If you have serious red eyes you may have a
bacteria living in your eyes that can flare up in an infection.
For this you can use specially designed anti-bacterial wipes
to treat/relive.

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Fitzy564 · 2 yr. ago

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childofentropy · 2 yr. ago

vit. A

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What1nThe_World · 2 yr. ago

Running your monitor on nightime settings 24/7, l carnosine

eye drops.

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Boopy7 · 2 yr. ago
you must remember to rest and do the opposite of stare,
meaning, look to the side gently, then the other side, or so
my dr friend said. Also, reduce the light (I go down to half
and even full red as well.) Or wear those glasses. You don't
need it full bright ever, imo. Splash face with water and wash
eyes out if necessary. Do not stare nonstop at the screen.

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rao-blackwell-ized · 2 yr. ago

fish oil

Get blue blocker glasses.

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ReluctantHedgehog · 2 yr. ago

My optometrist actually recomended omega-3 supplement

for dry eyes

 16  Share 

 ShenziBanzai · 2 yr. ago

200OK · 2 yr. ago

Same. Specifically one with 600 mg of EPA and 300 mg of

DHA. I take it twice a day and there are other benefits in
addition to helping with dry eyes, like improved memory
and decreased inflammation.

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wmetcal2 · 2 yr. ago

Taurine... I Take 3gs a day and haven't had dry eyes since.
Except for one night when I got god awful sleep. But, I guess
thats normal

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Jian_Baijiu · 2 yr. ago
It works in grams? Maybe this is why I thought it doesn’t
work, must only be an entourage effect when combined
with caffeine and ginseng in low doses.

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matkam · 2 yr. ago

Eyeglasses, from an eye doctor.

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treehugger4-20 · 2 yr. ago

Remember to blink regularly and look away from the

monitor every 20 minutes or so, helps a lot.

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fajitaman69 · 2 yr. ago

Bong rips 2x daily

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Soul_rebel96 · 2 yr. ago

Just 2???

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Yxng_Peenut · 2 yr. ago

Lol he wanted help not to get his eyes even more dry

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SillyRabbit2121 · 2 yr. ago

Lutein/Zeaxanthin/Astaxanthin/Fish Oil.

Also regularly taking breaks will help a lot.

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jdubbin_ · 2 yr. ago

Astaxanthin has made a world of a difference in my eyes.

They used to get so tired all the time. My don’t feel
fatigued/strained at all anymore. 5/18
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XtremeEd2705 · 2 yr. ago

Lutein/fish oil and putting cold water on your eyes.

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jellytin8 · 2 yr. ago

Some opthalmologists actually recommend a warm

compress (sounds counter intuitive, I know). I love the
feeling of cold, but the warm temp can release oil plugs
that are blocking the tear ducts (and therefore better
allow them to lubricate the eye).

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gongsh0w · 2 yr. ago


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brkonthru · 2 yr. ago


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-GV- · 2 yr. ago

I got blue light blocking glasses. Huge relief.

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EpicProf · 2 yr. ago

Do colors look different?thanks

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Bobthekillercow · 2 yr. ago

Blue light blocking does not effect eye strain or fatigue at


There is one study that claims that blue light harms your
eyes, and it's bullshit. Go read it. 6/18
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It only affects sleep, and you can just turn on night mode
/ some amber color overlay at night.

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8bit80s · 2 yr. ago


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bcjh · 2 yr. ago

Also windows 10 has a function for this and there are

programs to help “tint” the screen warmer

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[deleted] · 2 yr. ago

especially with a 30% amber tint.. Makes a crazy


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Lr20005 · 2 yr. ago · edited 2 yr. ago

Fish oil. Maqui powder has been shown to relieve dry eyes in
studies. If you’re getting to the point of discomfort, eye
drops will not make your eyes “dependent” as long as you
get appropriate drops for dry eye. Refresh advanced
preservative free are good drops. You can also wipe hexane
free organic castor oil over your eyelids before bed...sounds
crazy, but castor oil is good for your eyes and is an
ingredient in Restasis...just look into it.

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Posted by u/oneletterzz 6 days ago

Do I take too many supplements? Gee... I wish I knew

exactly what I needed and what I don't need. 7/18
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u/courseramasteradv • Promoted 12

Launch your career in UX Design. Gain the in-demand skills

needed to land an entry-level job in UX Design with the
Google UX Design Professional Certificate.

coursera org/professional-certificate Sign Up 8/18
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Posted by u/theweeblyguide 3 days ago

Experience High-dose loose leaf green tea has literally

changed my life. Best "nootropic" I've come across. Why is
it this effective???
I'm not exaggerating when I say that this changed my life.

I used to always have difficulty with paying attention and studying, I've
always considered myself sort of dumb when it came to mathematics and
"logic" (i.e software engineering).

I had times when I'd be on coffee, and times when I'd be off of it.

Coffee definitely helped but not much. It gave me energy but didn't
necessarily let me think more clearly or anything. It just kept me awake.

I tried coffee with L-Theanine and it...just made me feel a little more tired?
It got rid of the caffeine "edge" but I wouldn't say it made a difference in
my cognitive ability
 145   104 Comments  Share 

Posted by u/FewPhilosopher3681 23 hours ago

Green tea changed my mental health

Not much else to say, I just wanted to share this. For those who are
suffering from depression, anxiety, OCD or chronic stress.. I have never
found anything that calms my mind and makes me feel more at peace than
green tea. I had never tried it until recently and it’s truly the best thing

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Posted by u/aspblaze420 5 days ago

ExperienceRealized I don't get iodine from anywhere, so I

started to eat foods with iodine. Reporting my results.
As funny as it sounds, I stumbled upon a 4chan thread called the "Iodine
pill". I googled what iodine is in my native language and started googling
around. Quickly realized I haven't eaten things with Iodine in them in

I drink black coffee (don't drink milk nor do I eat other dairy products). I
don't eat fish nor other sea food. I don't eat chicken nor eggs. I didn't add
(or own) any iodinez salt to anything I eat.

Started eating 2 eggs a day, which should contain around 45ug iodine per
egg, and been adding iodinez salt to foods I eat. I'm not worried about my
lt i t k I l tf d I kf th t h
lf dI i 9/18
4/16/22, 6:44 PM Best supplements for dry eye/eye fatigue? : Supplements
salt intake - I only eat foods I cook from the scratch myself, and I exercise
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Posted by u/biohacker045 2 days ago

Turmeric, Black Pepper Extract, & Curcumin Inhibit
Conversion of Testosterone to DHT; Creatine Monohydrate
Enhances It (short audio clip from Andrew Huberman's
podcast)) 

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