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Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta


Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Senior High School Department

S.Y. 2022-2023

This unit is about:

Origin and Structure of the earth, Earth materials and processes

Consider this questions:

1. What is the Earth’s shape?

2. Understand the formation of the universe and the solar system.
3. Describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support life.

Motivational Activity

- Give a brief introduction about each chapter. Use the introductory part of
Chapters in the Textbook. Pose to the students the following Essential
Questions above for this chapter


LEARNING COMPETENCY Provide activities and assessment related to acquiring knowledge and
process skills and competencies Follow-up on EQ
LC1: describe the historical Activity 1: Concept Mapping.
development of theories that Direction: Describe the historical development of theories of the origin of the Universe
explain the origin of the by using a Concept Map.

Learning Targets:
1. I can describe the historical
development of theories
that explain the origin of
the Universe

LC2: compare the different Activity 2: Two Column Comparison

hypothesis explaining the Direction: Compare the different hypothesis explaining the origin of the Solar System.
origin of the Solar System
Big Bang Theory Steady State Theory Tidal Theory

Learning Targets:
1. I can compare the different
hypotheses explaining the
origin of the Solar System

Directions: Read carefully each item and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
LC3: describe the
characteristics of Earth that are
necessary to support life _____1. Which of the following describes a habitable Earth?
A. has a weak magnetic field
B. right distance from the Sun
Learning Targets: C. dominant presence of solid ice
3. I can describe the D. presence of oxygen in the hydrosphere
characteristics of Earth that are _____2. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why the hydrosphere is
necessary to support life important?
A. It sustains various life forms
B. It helps in regulating the atmosphere
C. It plays an important role in ecosystems
D. It plays a major role in the movement of tectonic plates
_____3. Which of the following is NOT a correct description of oxygen gas (O2)?
A. use by animals for respiration
B. taken in by plants for photosynthesis
C. converted to carbon dioxide during respiration
D. a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas essential to living organisms
_____4. Which of the following describes a Goldilocks Zone?
A. a zone composed mainly of frozen water
B. a region where life is impossible to exists
C. a zone composed only of rocks and other celestial debris
D. an area where the temperature is not too hot and not too cold
_____5. Which of the following is an important characteristic of earth in sustaining life?
A. Earths’ position beyond the Goldilocks Zone
B. The atmosphere that blocks the rays of the sun from reaching Earth
C. The abundant nitrogen in the atmosphere made life possible on Earth
D. The presence of liquid water which plays a vital role for cell’s metabolism
_____6. Which of the following is the reason for the importance of Earth’s subsystems?
A. The subsystem influence Earth’s encounter with space objects.
B. The subsystems solely determine the survival of different organisms
C. The subsystems contribute scarcely in flow of matter and energy
D. The subsystems influence the climate, geological processes, and life on
_____ 7. Why is the ozone layer important in sustaining life on earth?
A. It is where Earth satellites orbit and auroras show.
B. It influences hydro-meteorological phenomenon such as storms.
C. It shields the Earth the Sun's ultraviolet radiation and keeps the planet
D. It is where celestial objects get burned and disintegrated upon entering
_____8. Which subsystem helps regulate the temperature of the Earth so we do not
experience too much hotness or coldness.
A. Biosphere B. Lithosphere C. Atmosphere D.
_____9. Which subsystem do bodies of water surround the Earth a part of?
A. Hydrosphere B. Geosphere C. Biosphere D.
____ 10. In which subsystem are gases such as oxygen gas, water vapor, and nitrogen
gas found?
A. Hydrosphere B. Geosphere C. Biosphere D.

LC 4: identify common rock-

forming minerals using their
physical and chemical properties

Learning Targets:
I can identify common rock-
forming minerals using their
physical and chemical properties


Have students analyze different texts or problems with C-E-R and close reading
Follow up on EQ and have students develop EU in a Guided Generalization

C-E-R Question:
LC 1: explain that the Earth 1. What is the Earth’s shape?
consists of four subsystems, 2. Understand the formation of the universe and the solar system.
across whose boundaries matter 3. Describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support life.
and energy flow.

Learning Targets: I can

explain that the Earth consists
of four subsystems, across
whose boundaries matter and
energy flow.

LC :

Learning Targets: I can

Provide GRASPS Performance Task, scaffolds to accomplish it and rubric
Show again map of conceptual change and ask students to answer next
parts Do values integration in line with school mission/vision and core
values. Provide closure and self-evaluation of learning.

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