Emergency Checklists

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Last updated 01/11/2023

Last updated 01/11/2023

Doc. No Version Valid from date

Emg 01 - Main Propulsion Machinery Failure SMS-0589 2 01/03/2019

Emg 02 - Steering Gear Failure SMS-0590 2 01/03/2019
Emg 03 - Loss of Electrical Power SMS-0591 3 01/03/2019
Emg 04 - Collision/Allision (with fixed or floating object) SMS-0592 3 01/03/2019
Emg 05 - Grounding, Wrecked or Stranded/Major Flooding SMS-0593 3 01/03/2019
Emg 06 - Fire Explosion SMS-0598 2 01/03/2019
Emg 06a - Fire in Accomodation SMS-0594 2 01/03/2019
Emg 06b - Cargo Fire on Deck SMS-0595 2 01/03/2019
Emg 06c - Fire on Deck SMS-0596 2 01/03/2019
Emg 06d - Fire in Pumproom and Machinery Space SMS-0597 2 01/03/2019
Emg 08 - Search and Rescue SMS-0600 2 01/03/2019
Emg 09 - Heavy Weather Damage SMS-0601 2 01/03/2019
Emg 10 - Excessive List of The Ship SMS-0602 2 01/03/2019
Emg 11 - Hose Burst, Pipe Work Failure or Tank Overflow During Cargo-Bunker SMS-0603 2 01/03/2019
Transfer Opeartions
Emg 12 - Hull Leakage Failure SMS-0604 2 01/03/2019
Emg 13 - Containment System Failure SMS-0605 2 01/03/2019
Emg 14 - Sea Pollution SMS-0606 2 01/03/2019
Emg 15 - Bunker Spills SMS-0607 2 01/03/2019
Emg 16 - Emergency Cargo Transfer-Lightering SMS-0608 2 01/03/2019
Emg 17 - Jettisoning of Cargo-Oil SMS-0609 3 01/03/2019
Emg 18 - Hazardous Vapour Release - Uncontrolled Venting SMS-0610 2 01/03/2019
Emg 19 - Emergency Towing SMS-0611 2 01/03/2019
Emg 20 - Salvage SMS-0612 2 01/03/2019
Emg 21 - Medical Emergency Due To Illness/ Injury SMS-0613 2 01/03/2019
Emg 22 - Helicopter operations SMS-0614 2 01/03/2019
Emg 23 - Enclosed Space Rescue SMS-0615 2 01/03/2019
Emg 24 - Gyro Compass Failure SMS-0616 4 01/11/2023
Emg 25 - GNSS Failure SMS-0617 4 01/10/2023
Emg 28 - Abandon Ship SMS-1938 2 01/03/2019
Emg 29- Cargo shifting and liquefaction SMS-8561 1 01/10/2020
Emg 07 - Man Overboard SMS-0599 4 01/03/2019
Emg 26 - ECDIS Failure SMS-0618 6 01/03/2023
Emg 27 - Break away from Jetty SMS-1582 3 01/03/2019
Emg 01 - Main Propulsion Machinery Failure
Inform Master 
Fix Position of the vessel 
Check for other vessel’s & navigational hazards in the vicinity 
Exhibit “Not under command” shapes or lights. Change status on the AIS. 
Broadcast URGENCY message to ships in vicinity, if appropriate. 
Commence sound signaling. 
Continuous watch on VHF channel 16 
Keep a log of the timings 
Plot & record position at frequent intervals 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 

On being called to the bridge, check if the vessel is in immediate danger. 
Prepare for anchoring, if in shallow water 
While the vessel still has some way on her, use rudder, bow/stern thrusters to steer her away from danger 
Assess weather, set and drift. 
Inform the Designated Person Ashore 
Once in a relatively safe position, evaluate the situation after input from C/E to ascertain if any external assistance
required and inform company accordingly.

Chief Engineer
Establish if repairs are possible by vessel's staff 
Establish time required to repair 
If shore assistance required, inform the Company 
Spare parts required at next port 
If possible, take photographs Retain broken parts if any 

The drift directions of a disabled ship can still be influenced by listing the ship, changing the trim from stern to head trim,
putting the rudder hard over to downwind position. As disabled vessel in bad weather finally comes in a position with winds
abeam. The drift directions change significantly if the winds change from port to starboard beam. A very good guidance on
Drift data’s is given in the below mentioned publication.
Please refer to ICS publication- perils at Sea & Salvage, chapter 5
If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Doc: Emg 01 Ver: 2 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 1 of 1
Emg 02 - Steering Gear Failure
Call Master 
Alternative mode of steering engaged 
Advise engine room/duty engineer of situation. 
Engine to standby 
Check for navigational hazards in the vicinity 
Broadcast URGENCY message to ships in vicinity, if appropriate. 
Exhibit “Not under command” shapes or lights. Change status on the AIS. 
Keep a record of the facts. 
Plot & record position at frequent intervals 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 

After briefing from OOW assume control of the ship 
Depending on the circumstances (traffic, sea conditions), reduce speed or stop the main engine or stop the ship. If
necessary take all way off.

Prepare for anchoring, if in shallow waters(refer to ICS publication- Perils at Sea & salvage) 
Report made to coast state authority, if applicable 
Inform DPA 
Give orders to abandon ship, if circumstances so require 

Engine Squad
Main engine ready for maneuvering 
Steering flat manned 
Engage emergency steering 
Commence investigation into reason for failure 

Use of the main engines when steering capability is not available may be very helpful in changing the drift direction and
speed or even in stopping the ship altogether.
Tests have shown the following:
1. With full or emergency full astern power it is possible to bring the stern of a single screw ship up into the weather
2. For a ship with the rudder jammed in a hard over position, careful ahead maneuvering can keep the ship’s head into the
3. The effect of propeller revolutions on a free flapping rudder is such that the rudder will generally go to the hard to
starboard position with either ahead or astern revolutions and will stay there as long as the engine revolutions are
It is essential that the personnel repairing a damaged or failed steering gear are warned before any engine movements
are contemplated. The tendency of the rudder to go to hard over position might be used to aid repairs by holding the rudder
in one position even if this results in radical changes of heading.
If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Doc: Emg 02 Ver: 2 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 1 of 1
Emg 03 - Loss of Electrical Power
 Both at sea and port following an electrical power failure Engine department will first check that emergency generator has
started regularly
 In case vessel should experience electrical power failure during transfer operations:
 The terminal, or alongside ship, must be immediately informed by the deck department to stop any transfer operations
 All the cargo valves, on the manifolds and on the tanks, must be closed
 To resume the operations only when all the services and cargo plant have been checked and found fully working again
 When electrical power failure has concluded and all the services are running regularly the engine department will check the
conditions of emergency generator (battery, gasoil…) in order it is ready to start in case of another electrical power failure.
Duty Engineer
Call Chief Engineer 
Determine cause of failure and inform Bridge. 
Report status of Main Engine and all Auxiliary Equipment to Bridge. 
Effect repairs as required keeping Bridge updated and following the suggestions as indicated below. 
Ask Bridge to Save VDR Data. 

Blackout without auto start emergency D/G procedure
Put emergency diesel generator starting system on “manual” 
Manually start emergency d/g either by a) hand start using electric starter or b) hydraulic start using hydraulic start

Put on load emergency generator 
Check air pressures on main air bottles, in case empty check D/G air start bottle. 
Intercept diesel generator starting air bottle from main air system and refill it using emg. Air compressor if required. 
Put diesel generator starting system on “manual” 
Check running of D/G emergency D.O. air feed p/p 
Start D/G pre-lubrication p/p. 
Manually start one D/G. 
Put D/G on load. 
Reset & restart SW cooling p/p for D/G. 
Restart main air starting compressor & refill main air bottles as reqd. 
Restart instrument air compressor 
Put diesel generators starting system on auto 
Put emergency diesel generator start/stop system on “auto” 

In Port (Discharging). In addition to first 20 points, following to be done
Start second D/G & put on load 
Start all non essential equipment 
Shut main steam v/v’s on aux boilers 
Restart aux boilers 
Reset & restart SW cooling p/p for vacuum condenser 
Close all steam v/v’s on COPT’s 
Reset & restart L.O p/p’s on COPT’s 
Reset & restart condenser p/p. 
When normal steam pressure achieved slowly restart steam plant 
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Doc: Emg 03 Ver: 3 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 1 of 2

When Underway (In Navigation). In addition to first 20 points, following to be done
Restart all pumps for main engine service following sequence below:
1. Main engine L.O pump 
2. Main engine cross head L.O pump 
3. Main engine feed and booster F.O pumps 
4. Main engine cylinder F.W cooling pump 
5. Harbour S.W cooling pump 
6. Main air compressor F.W cooling pump 
7. Composite boiler feed water pump 
Restart other E/R fans (one reversible e/r fan running already from emergency D/G switchboard.) 
Reset & restart all navigation equip 
M.E. fuel handle & telegraph put back to zero position 
Reset M.E. slowdown & shutdown system. 
Reset all e/room alarms. 
Contact bridge for restart M.E 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Doc: Emg 03 Ver: 3 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 2 of 2
Emg 04 - Collision/Allision (with fixed or floating object)
Sound the general emergency alarm and Inform ER. 
Vessels position plotted & navigational situation assessed 
Displays appropriate Signals. Switch on deck lights at night. 
Note time /course and speed/ angle of contact. 
Mark course recorder & engine room data logger. 
Record of incident commenced 
Present wind & sea conditions and latest weather forecast obtained 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 
Save ECDIS records 
After briefing from OOW assume control of vessel 
Ensure crew mustered at emergency stations. 
Check for injuries and/or missing persons. 
Ensure watertight doors closed where appropriate. 
Ensure automatic fire doors closed. 
Is there any fire 
Is there a risk of fire/explosion (consider possibility of spark if vessels separate or fumes being drawn into

Is there any pollution or risk of pollution 
If pollution confirmed have ER sea suctions been switched over from high level to low level 
Decide whether separation of the vessels may cause or increase the spillage of oil or increase the risk of sinking and
act accordingly.

Ensure broadcast of DISTRESS ALERT and MESSAGE if the ship is in grave and imminent danger and immediate
assistance is required, otherwise broadcast an URGENCY message to ships in the vicinity.

Establish communications with other vessel and exchange information (Name of other vessel, POR, Call sign, last
port, next port, number of crew onboard, name of Master etc.) Render/Ask assistance as the case may be.

DPA notified 
QI notified, if applicable 
Coast state notified 
Nearest safe port identified 
Nearest safe beaching option identified 
"Shore Based Emergency Response Service Provider" organisation informed (through the Office) to get residual stress
& stability in damaged condition.

Consider transfer of Cargo/bunkers/ballast/FW if necessary after consultation with "Shore Based Emergency
Response Service Provider".

If possible arrange to take photographs of any damage to own vessel and the other vessel or dock 
Letter of Protest issued to appropriate parties as relevant. 
Emergency Squad
Report on damage received 
Results of soundings received 
Steps being taken to minimize ingress of water if appropriate 
Steps being taken to minimize pollution if appropriate 

Back-up squad

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Doc: Emg 04 Ver: 3 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 1 of 2
First aid given to the injured 
Lifeboats/life rafts ready for boarding and launching 
Supports emergency squad 

Engine Squad
Report on condition of main engine & steering gear received 
Report on condition of auxiliary machinery received 
Water provided to fire main 
Results of soundings received 
Lighting/Power confirmed as reliable 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Doc: Emg 04 Ver: 3 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 2 of 2
Emg 05 - Grounding, Wrecked or Stranded/Major Flooding

Stop main engine and advise E/R. 
Sound General emergency alarm & announce “Vessel Aground” on the PA system. 
Changeover to manual steering. Have both steering motors on. 
Check accuracy of vessels position from fixed objects and assess navigational situation. 
Broadcast Distress Alert if the ship is in grave and immediate danger or an urgency alert to vessels in vicinity/VTS etc. 
Exhibit appropriate light/shapes and switch on deck lights at night. 
Obtain latest weather forecast and tidal range and times. 
Change AIS status. Save SVDR/VDR recording. Save ECDIS records. 
Ensure crew mustered and check if any crew injured. 
Assess if there is a risk of fire/explosion or pollution. 
Notify DPA / QI / Coastal State as required. 
Consider use of Anchors 
Inform "Shore Based Emergency Response Service Provider" (in consultation with company) to get residual stress &
stability in damaged condition.

Consider transfer of Cargo/Ballast/ Bunkers/FW to reduce the stress / damage on the vessel in consultation with the
company and the "Shore Based Emergency Response Service Provider".

Conduct a Drug and Alcohol test as per the D and A policy 
Evaluate below prior attempting to refloat using ship’s power alone ( in consultation with the company)
Check if vessel will remain stable when re-floated. 
Check if the vessel can refloat with the rising tide. 
Check if transfer of Cargo/bunkers/ballast/FW can reduce the draft of the vessel. 
Consider if any instructions / plan received from the local authorities. 
Consider if the vessel can re-float using astern engine movement. 
Consider the possibility of any further damage during/after refloating and clearing the grounding area. 
Consider if any local assistance is required.
Emergency Squad
Close watertight doors where appropriate. 
Sound all tanks / bilges /void spaces. Identify any sources of water influx. 
Check availability of bilge/ballast pumps to deal with the influx.
Take soundings over side to verify area of grounding and the nature of grounding. 
Report to Master if any visible damage. 
Minimize ingress of water as appropriate (In consultation with Master) 
Minimize pollution as appropriate (In consultation with Master) 
Inspect ballast tanks/void spaces for any damages if possible.
Back-up squad (In consultation with Master)
Give first aid to injured 
Prepare Lifeboats/life rafts for boarding and launching 
Support emergency squad as required 
Engine Squad
Check condition of Main engine, Steering gear and auxiliary machinery. 
Change suction to high sea chests if appropriate. 
Sound all E/R tanks and void spaces. 
Isolate areas with influx of water from electrical power. 
If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Doc: Emg 05 Ver: 3 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 1 of 1
Emg 06 - Fire Explosion
General emergency alarm sounded 
Prepare for loss of power 
Vessels position plotted and navigational situation assessed if appropriate 
Display Appropriate Signals 
Switch on deck lights (at night) 
Shut down appropriate ventilation 
Record of incidents commenced 
Engage hand steering 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 

After briefing from OOW assume control of the vessel 
Ensure message sent (Mayday, Pan Pan or Securite as appropriate) 
Ensure crew mustered 
Any crew injured or missing 
Alter course and speed to reduce draft and minimise fire spread, stop engines if necessary. 
Ensure watertight doors and fire doors are closed where appropriate 
If an engine room fire, prepare for engine failure. 
If possible consult MSDS for substance on fire 
Is there risk of explosion / spread of fire 
Consider use of fixed FFA if available 
Cargo tanks pressurised with IG if appropriate 
If fixed FFA to be used re-muster personnel 
If fixed FFA to be used ensure space ventilation fully secured 
DPA notified 
Coast state notified 
Nearest safe haven identified 
Nearest hazard identified 
If in port:
 Stop all cargo/bunker operations (if any). & be ready to disconnect cargo/bunker hoses. 
 Alert terminal/port authorities, shore fire services, agents. 
 Be ready to be pulled off the berth/evacuate the port if required. 
 Have the International shore connection/fire plan ready. 
 Shore assistance required. 
Is there risk of pollution 
If pollution confirmed have ER sea suctions been switched over from high level to low level 
If pollution confirmed consider shutting accommodation ventilation 
Is vessels course and speed affecting fire e.g. supply of air 

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Doc: Emg 06 Ver: 2 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 1 of 2
Emergency Squad
On UMS ships bridge to be contacted before entering ER 
Confirmation that ventilation shut down received 
Seat of fire located 
Confirm nature/class of fire e.g. oil 
Can fire be fought with first aid measures e.g. extinguisher 
Commence boundary cooling 
Fire fighting party ready 
BA control established 
Carry out search and rescue if necessary 

Back-up squad
First aid given to the injured 
Lifeboats/liferafts ready for boarding and launching 
Supports emergency squad 

Engine squad
Prior to entering ER confirm it is safe to do so 
Stop any machinery on fire 
Emergency fire pump started 
Emergency generator started 
Lighting / Power confirmed as reliable 
Electrical circuits isolated in vicinity of fire 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Doc: Emg 06 Ver: 2 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 2 of 2
Emg 06a - Fire in Accomodation
Action: (As soon As the Fire Has Been Detected)
Deck officer has been informed about the beginning of a fire through the manual fire alarm, phone etc. 
Sound fire alarm 
Call the Master, Engine Room. 
Shut down cargo and /or bunker operations if any 
Crew mustered, Check for missing crew 
An investigation of the area involved to be done by fire party 
Any trapped person evacuated 
All vents/doors closed and boundary cooling commenced 
Isolate electrical circuits to the area 
Try extinguishing the fire with the appropriate extinguishers 
If unable to extinguish using extinguishers, use fire hoses 
Inform DPA 
At sea alter course and speed to reduce draft and minimize fire spread. Stop engines if necessary 
If in or near port, alert Port Authorities, shore fire service, fire brigades, make sure that the international shore
connection is properly fitted in place

Save SVDR/VDR recording 

At sea exhibit light / shapes (NUC) 
At sea prepare lifeboats (not affected by fire) 
Navigational warnings broadcasted on all distress frequencies 
Distress message send if fire not under control on all distress frequencies 

If fire extinguishing system has been operated, sufficient time has elapsed to allow cooling of the affected area 
Thorough investigation of the area has been carried out 
Has been ascertained that all source of ignition has been removed 
Area has been properly ventilated and all residual fumes blown out. 
Electrical power mechanical ventilation has been restored. 
Determine cause of fire 
Assess damage to own vessel 
Assess damage to shore installation if in port 
If there is a spill of oil in connection with the fire, inform appropriate parties (refer to SOPEP/SMPEP or VPR plan if in
US waters)

If available, take photos of area damaged by fire 
Notify if spare parts required 
Enter all times and facts in log book 
Surveyor attendance / report 
P&I and H&M attendance / report 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Doc: Emg 06a Ver: 2 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 1 of 1
Emg 06b - Cargo Fire on Deck
If the fire involves stores or machinery, the appropriate extinguisher should be used. The fire may affect the cargo and
increase the emission of flammable vapours. Cooling the area with water spray can reduce this. However a water jet should
never be used on a liquid fire.
If necessary all personnel should be evacuated, the compartment closed down and the fixed fire fighting system (foam, CO2)
activated. The area should be cooled with water sprays. Once the fire is out, the space should be ventilated carefully to
disperse any vapour.
Action: (As soon As the Fire Has Been Detected)
Deck officer has been informed about the beginning of a fire through the manual fire alarm, phone etc. 
Sound fire alarm 
Call the Master, Engine Room. 
Shut down cargo and /or bunker operations if any 
Crew mustered and all personnel accounted for 
All ventilation to the concerned area stopped & boundary cooling commenced 
At sea alter course and speed to reduce draft and minimise fire spread. Stop engines if necessary 
Refer to the MSDS of the cargo for fire procedures. For bulk cargoes refer to BC code/Shippers documents 
An investigation of the area involved to be done by fire party 
Try isolating the source of fuel for fire 
Try extinguishing the fire with the appropriate extinguishers 
Try to reduce spread of fire and try to contain it at the place of origin 
On tankers have the IGS plant running & ready for immediate use 
If no follow ups from the investigation, muster the fire team / rescue team / cooling team 
Evacuate unnecessary personnel from the area and make sure that all accesses are interdicted 
Inform DPA 
If in or near port, alert Port Authorities, shore fire service, fire brigades, make sure that the international shore
connection is properly fitted in place

Close automatic and manual fire doors 
Isolate electrical circuits 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 
At sea exhibit light / shapes (NUC) 
At sea prepare lifeboats (not affected by fire) 
Navigational warnings broadcasted on all distress frequencies 
Distress message send if fire not under control on all distress frequencies 

If fire extinguishing system has been operated, sufficient time has elapsed to allow cooling of the affected area 
Thorough investigation of the area has been carried out 
Has been ascertained that all source of ignition has been removed 
Area has been properly ventilated and all residual fumes blown out. 
Electrical power mechanical ventilation has been restored. 
Determine cause of fire 
Assess damage to own vessel 
Assess damage to cargo if any 
Assess damage to shore installation if in port 
If available, take photos of area damaged by fire 
Notify if spare parts required 
Enter all times and facts in log book 
Surveyor attendance / report 
P&I and H&M attendance / report 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Doc: Emg 06b Ver: 2 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 1 of 1
Emg 06c - Fire on Deck
If the fire involves stores or machinery, the appropriate extinguisher should be used. The fire may affect the cargo and
increase the emission of flammable vapours. Cooling the area with water spray can reduce this. However, a water jet should
never be used on a liquid fire.
If necessary all personnel should be evacuated, the compartment closed down and the fixed firefighting system (foam, CO2)
activated. The area should be cooled with water sprays. Once the fire is out, the space should be ventilated carefully to
disperse any vapour.
Action: (As soon As the Fire Has Been Detected)
Deck officer has been informed about the beginning of a fire through the manual fire alarm, phone etc. 
Sound fire alarm 
Call the Master, Engine Room. 
Shut down cargo and /or bunker operations if any 
Crew mustered, and all personnel accounted for 
All ventilation to the concerned area stopped & boundary cooling commenced 
At sea alter course and speed to reduce draft and minimise fire spread. Stop engines if necessary 
Refer to the MSDS of the cargo for fire procedures. For bulk cargoes refer to BC code/Shippers’ documents 
An investigation of the area involved to be done by fire party 
Try isolating the source of fuel for fire 
Try extinguishing the fire with the appropriate extinguishers 
Try to reduce spread of fire and try to contain it at the place of origin 
On tankers have the IGS plant running & ready for immediate use 
If no follow ups from the investigation, muster the fire team / rescue team / cooling team 
Evacuate unnecessary personnel from the area and make sure that all accesses are interdicted 
Inform DPA 
If in or near port, alert Port Authorities, shore fire service, fire brigades, make sure that the international shore
connection is properly fitted in place

Close automatic and manual fire doors 
Isolate electrical circuits 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 
At sea exhibit light / shapes (NUC) 
At sea prepare lifeboats (not affected by fire) 
Navigational warnings broadcasted on all distress frequencies 
Distress message send if fire not under control on all distress frequencies 

If fire extinguishing system has been operated, sufficient time has elapsed to allow cooling of the affected area 
Thorough investigation of the area has been carried out 
Has been ascertained that all source of ignition has been removed 
Area has been properly ventilated, and all residual fumes blown out. 
Electrical power mechanical ventilation has been restored. 
Determine cause of fire 
Assess damage to own vessel 
Assess damage to cargo if any 
Assess damage to shore installation if in port 
If available, take photos of area damaged by fire 
Notify if spare parts required 
Enter all times and facts in log book 
Surveyor attendance / report 
P&I and H&M attendance / report 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Doc: Emg 06c Ver: 2 Issue: 1 Mar 2019 Use: As req File: S 02 Retention: 1 Yr Page: 1 of 1
Emg 06d - Fire in Pumproom and Machinery Space
If the fire involves stores or machinery, the appropriate extinguisher should be used. The fire may affect the cargo and
increase the emission of flammable vapours. Cooling the area with water spray can reduce this. However a water jet should
never be used on a liquid fire.
If necessary all personnel should be evacuated, the compartment closed down and the fixed fire fighting system (foam, CO2)
activated. The area should be cooled with water sprays. Once the fire is out, the space should be ventilated carefully to
disperse any vapour.
Action: (As soon As the Fire Has Been Detected)
Deck officer has been informed about the beginning of a fire through the manual fire alarm, phone etc. 
Sound fire alarm 
Call the Master, Engine Room. 
Shut down cargo and /or bunker operations if any 
Crew mustered and all personnel accounted for 
All ventilation to the concerned area stopped & boundary cooling commenced 
At sea alter course and speed to reduce draft and minimise fire spread. Stop engines if necessary 
Refer to the MSDS of the cargo/bunkers/LO for fire procedures. 
An investigation of the area involved to be done by fire party 
Try isolating the source of fuel for fire 
Try extinguishing the fire with the appropriate extinguishers 
If no follow ups from the investigation, muster the fire team / rescue team / cooling team 
Evacuate unnecessary personnel from the area and make sure that all accesses are interdicted 
Inform DPA 
If in or near port, alert Port Authorities, shore fire service, fire brigades, make sure that the international shore
connection is properly fitted in place

Close automatic and manual fire doors 
Isolate electrical circuits 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 
At sea exhibit light / shapes (NUC) 
At sea prepare lifeboats (not affected by fire) 
Navigational warnings broadcasted on all distress frequencies 
Distress message send if fire not under control on all distress frequencies 

If fire extinguishing system has been operated, sufficient time has elapsed to allow cooling of the affected area 
Thorough investigation of the area has been carried out 
Has been ascertained that all source of ignition has been removed 
Area has been properly ventilated and all residual fumes blown out. 
Electrical power mechanical ventilation has been restored. 
Determine cause of fire 
Assess damage to own vessel 
Assess damage to cargo if any 
Assess damage to shore installation if in port 
If available, take photos of area damaged by fire 
Notify if spare parts required 
Enter all times and facts in log book 
Surveyor attendance / report 
P&I and H&M attendance / report 

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Emg 07 - Man Overboard

Immediate Action by OOW

1) Avoid run-over of person in water ............................................. Stern swung away 
2) Lifebuoy with light/smoke signal ............................................................ Released 
3) General emergency alarm and 3 Long Blasts ........................................... Sounded 
4) Lookout for man overboard........................................................................ Posted 
5) Steering with both steering motors ........................................ Switched to manual 
6) MOB position on GPS/ECDIS ...................................................................... Marked 
7) Signal flag “Oscar” ..................................................................................... Hoisted 
8) Record events including weather parameters ............................................ Logged 

Further Actions
1) MAY DAY message ..............................................................................Broadcasted 
2) Recovery maneuver .................................................................................. Initiated 
3) Main Engines ........................................................................................... Standby 
4) DPA.......................................................................................................... Informed 
5) Rescue boat party. ................................... Mustered and boat ready for launching 
6) Ladders, nets, heaving lines, lifebuoy with lines ........................................... Ready 
7) SVDR/VDR recording and ECDIS data. ........................................................... Saved 

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Emg 08 - Search and Rescue
On receipt of distress call, fix own position, calculate distance and steaming time to distress point 
Call Master 
If assistance can be rendered advise Amver /nearest coast station/Rescue co-ordination center. Follow guidelines in
IMO publication “International Aeronautical and Maritime search & Rescue Manual” Vol. III (IAMSAR)

Communicate the following information to the ship in distress:
1. Identity 
2. Position 
3. Speed and expected time of arrival (ETA) 
4. When available, true bearing of the ship in distress 
Maintain continuous listening watch on all the distress frequencies. 
Establish a traffic co-coordinating system among vessels proceeding to the same area of distress. 
Inform the Designated Person Ashore 
Position courses and speeds of other assisting units plotted 
Monitor X-band radar for locating survival craft transponder (SART) signal using 6 or 12 nautical mile range scales. 
Post extra lookouts for sighting flares and other pyrotechnic signals 
Assess the distress situation to prepare for operations on scene. 
For onboard preparations while proceeding to the Area of Distress refer to the Section 2 of IAMSAR vol. III 
Check number in crew of distressed vessel or aircraft 
Check nature of cargo in distressed vessel and if oil, ascertain if sea in area is polluted or any other conditions which
might hamper operations

If survivors taken on board list names and next of kin 
List of missing persons 
Report deviation to managing Company / Charterer’s. 
Prepare exact copy of radio log 
Enter facts in log book 
Notify interested parties 
If vessel not assisting: 
1. The master deciding not to proceed to the scene of a distress due to sailing time involved & in the knowledge that
a rescue operation is under way should make an appropriate entry in the ship’s logbook.

2. If the master had previously acknowledged and responded to the alert, report the decision not to proceed to the
SAR service concerned.

3. Consider reports unnecessary if no contact has been made with the SAR service. 
4. Reconsider the decision not to proceed nor report to the SAR service when vessel in distress is far from land or in
an area where density of shipping is low.

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 09 - Heavy Weather Damage
Master informed 
Close watertight doors if applicable 
Alter course to ease the motion, if necessary heave to. 
Engines to standby 
Obtain and monitor weather forecast 
Muster crew inside accommodation & Check for missing crew/crew injuries 
Is hull damaged 
If yes asses extent of damage 
Is the vessel flooding 
Can the ships pumps keep up with flooding 
Is there any pollution or risk of pollution 
If yes report as per SOPEP/SMPEP/ local regulations 
Send damage reports to "Shore Based Emergency Response Service Provider" through office for evaluating damage
stress & stability

Can bunkers / cargo be transferred to minimise pollution. Circumstances permitting, before transfer takes guidance
from "Shore Based Emergency Response Service Provider" before transferring weights onboard.

Has vessels stability been compromised 
Tanks and bilges soundings monitored using automatic gauges if available. Send people on deck only if is safe to do so 
Call for assistance if required 
Inform the Designated Person Ashore 
Take photographic evidences 
Damage to cargo (if any) 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 10 - Excessive List of The Ship
Stop all operations 
General alarm sounded 
Vessels position plotted and navigational situation assessed if appropriate 
Record of incidents commenced 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 

After briefing from OOW assume control of vessel 
Ensure crew mustered 
Ensure distress message sent if appropriate 
Ensure watertight doors closed where appropriate 
Are any crew injured 
If underway, reduce speed or stop 
Inform DPA 
Inform coast state 
If in port Notify terminal/port authority. 
Send damage reports to "Shore Based Emergency Response Service Provider" through company if appropriate 
Observe list angle and if increasing, organise cargo/ballast transfer to correct list as required. 
If oil has spilled, or it is necessary to jettison oil in order to maintain stability, inform the appropriate parties and
initiate SOPEP/SMPEP/VRP Procedure.

Emergency squad
Result of all external & internal soundings received 
Cause of list identified 
Confirm vessels stability calculation 
Steps being taken to minimise ingress of water if appropriate 
Steps being taken to minimise pollution if appropriate 
Lifeboats ready for embarkation 

Back-up squad
Assist emergency squad 
Prepare lifeboats / liferafts if required 

Engine room squad
Report on condition of main engine received. 
Report on condition of auxiliary machinery received. 
Sea suctions changed over to side of list if appropriate. 
Soundings of all engine room spaces received. 
Lighting/Power confirmed as reliable. 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 11 - Hose Burst, Pipe Work Failure or Tank Overflow During Cargo-Bunker Transfer
Stop all cargo and / or bunkering operations and close all manifold valves both on liquid and vapour lines 
Sound general emergency alarm & call Master. 
Verify scuppers are secured/plugged 
Take steps to reduce affected tank level by gravity transfer or pumping 
Take steps to isolate affected line 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 

After briefing from OOW assume control of the situation 
Ensure transfer facility notified 
Ensure harbour authority notified 
Ensure potential sources of ignition are identified and isolated 
Ensure all external doors, portholes and other openings in accommodation, stores and machinery spaces are closed 
Ensure positive pressure is maintained in accommodation and air conditioning intakes, which may permit the entry of
vapours, are closed. If unable to maintain positive pressure due to exposure of air intakes to vapours, stop ventilation.

If personnel come into contact with the cargo, the emergency action specified in data sheet for that cargo should be

Inform the Designated Person Ashore 
If oil goes overboard, Implement SOPEP/SMPEP/VRP 
Communicate with shore side clean-up support resources, if required 

Emergency squad
Mobilise anti pollution equipment and make every effort to contain spill onboard 
Appropriate fire-fighting equipment and breathing apparatus should be assembled for immediate use; the emergency
parties should wear breathing apparatus and protective clothing.

Use dump valves or portable pumps to transfer the spill back into slop/cargo tanks 
Initiate oil spill removal and verify containment 
Determine if any oil spilled over the side 
Ascertain cause of casualty 
Determine corrective actions 
The product which has overflowed on board is to be absorbed by sawdust, cotton waste, rags and buckets. Polluted
material is to be put in bags and landed

Prepare portable pumps if possible to transfer the overflowed oil into a slack or empty tank 

Back-up squad
Assist emergency squad 
Prepare lifeboats / liferafts if required 

Engine room squad 
Prepare pumps for transfer of cargo/bunkers to shore if necessary 
Support emergency party in cleaning up the spill 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 12 - Hull Leakage Failure
Stop Operations & Close all valves 
Sound General Alarm 
Inform Terminal / Supplier about incident 
Record of incident commenced 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 

After briefing from OOW assume control of vessel 
Clean up squad mustered 
Notifications made in accordance with national and international requirements. 
Is there a risk of fire 
Smoking on board banned 
DPA informed 
Air intakes to Accommodation and ER shut down 
Change over ER sea water intakes from higher to lower level 
Are crew at risk from an toxic hazards 
Request external assistance 
Is an internal transfer of oil necessary 
Will vessels stability be compromised by spill and or transfer 
Is leakage coming from de-Ballasting operation 
Arrange for deployment of booms if possible 
All parties informed of situation 

Emergency squad
Nature and source of spill confirmed 
Quantity of spill confirmed 
Spill stopped 
Commence cleanup operation 
Drain effected area of oil 
Check levels of tanks and monitor for changes 
Lower level of oil in tank affected 
Sample of spilled oil taken 

Back-up squad
Assist emergency squad 
Prepare lifeboats / liferafts if required 

Engine Room squad
Engine room party mustered 
Report given to CE about incident 
Instructions issued to ER party 
Water provided to fire main 
Lighting / power confirmed as reliable 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 13 - Containment System Failure
Stop all operations if appropriate 
General emergency alarm sounded 
Vessels position plotted and navigational situation assessed if appropriate 
Record of events commenced 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 

After briefing by OOW assume control of the vessel 
Ensure distress message sent if appropriate 
Ensure crew mustered 
Ensure water tight doors closed where appropriate 
Are any crew injured 
Is there any fire 
Is there a risk of fire/explosion 
Is there any pollution 
Is there a risk of pollution 
If pollution confirmed have ER sea suctions been switched over from high level to low level 
DPA notified 
Coast state notified 
Nearest safe haven identified 
Consider isolation of damaged area 
Consider transfer of cargo if possible 
Consider transfer of bunkers/ballast if necessary 

Emergency squad
Cause of failure identified 
Steps taken to minimise effect of failure 
Results of soundings received 
Steps being taken to minimise ingress of water 
Steps being taken to minimise pollution if appropriate 

Back-up squad
Assist emergency squad 
Prepare lifeboats / liferafts if required 

Engine Room squad
Report on condition of main engine received 
Report on condition of auxiliary machinery received 
Water provided to fire main 
Lighting / power confirmed as reliable 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 14 - Sea Pollution
Includes all situations like: loss or contamination of cargo, hull failure, transfer system failure, tank overflow during loading or
bunkering, hull leakage, emergency cargo transfer / lightering, pipe leakage for all aspects like reporting procedures, action to
be taken to minimise the oil spill, stability assessment, notification to the company and shore authorities, clean up contractors
follow instructions contained in the SOPEP/SMPEP & VRP plan if within USA territorial waters
Call Master 
Inform the Engine Room 
Stop all cargo / bunkering / oil transfer operations 
If at sea advise the Engine Room to slow down and stop the vessel if conditions allow 
If deemed necessary by the Master sound GENERAL EMERGENCY ALARM and muster the crew at their own emergency

Inform DPA 
Inform coast state 
If at sea warn ships in the vicinity 
Keep continuous watch on channel 16 VHF 
Ensure that fire fighting equipment is available (portable & fixed) 
Eliminate source of ignition and prevent flammable vapours from entering engine room and accommodation 
Ready to start fire pumps 
The ship should keep the wind speed from astern or move astern so that the superstructure and after decks remain
clear of the cargo vapour

Check crew for absence / injury 
Fix vessels position at regular intervals 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 

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Emg 15 - Bunker Spills
Includes all situations like: loss or contamination of cargo, hull failure, transfer system failure, tank overflow during loading or
bunkering, hull leakage, emergency cargo transfer / lightering, pipe leakage for all aspects like reporting procedures, action to
be taken to minimize the oil spill, stability assessment, notification to the company and shore authorities, clean up contractors
follow instructions contained in the SOPEP/SMPEP & VRP plan if within USA territorial waters
Raise the Alarm 
Stop all operations and close all valves 
Call Master 
Commence record of incident 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 
Notifications 
Make necessary notifications e.g. nearest coastal state; local port authorities; In US Qualified Individual; terminal
operators. Using the initial notification form

Inform DPA 
Continually up-date the relevant authorities as soon as new information becomes known 
Safety items to consider: is their danger of fire? Is the crew safe from the toxic or other health hazard of the spill?
Switch ER sea suction to lower level.

If an overboard discharge has occurred, evaluate the likelihood of such a discharge and the necessity of mobilizing
shore side assistance as a precaution

Emergency squad/Spill squad
Ensure anti spill equipment mobilized 
Check all scuppers to ensure that they are plugged in accordance with pre-transfer procedures, taking into account
changes in contained volume from changes in trim or collection of rain or sea water

Reduce the level in the overflowing tank by opening slack tanks and draining oil into them 
Ascertain: the cause & location of spill; the quantity of oil spilled; whether or not the source of the spill has been
stopped; whether or not any discharge has gone overboard or is in imminent danger of doing so.

Direct the spill mitigation, containment, removal and clean up activities of the Emergency Party using onboard spill

Check that deck containment systems are adequate to prevent leakage from going overboard 
Establish portable pumps to put excess spillage into slack or slop tanks or other suitable containment equipment 
If an overboard discharge has occurred, immediately call for shore side assistance. DO NOT PUT CHEMICALS INTO

Take samples of the fuel oil and/or bunkers onboard, and if practicable samples of any oil spills 
Un-pumpable spillage must be removed in liquid form, so far as practicable, by sweeping, scooping and/or shoveling it
into containers for removal to slop tanks or containers. Clingage remaining after these actions will be mopped

Engine room Party
Prepare fuel pumps for possible discharge ashore 

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Emg 16 - Emergency Cargo Transfer-Lightering
Ensure that bits of sufficient strength are suitably located inboard of enclosed fairleads to receive eyes of mooring

Establish communications with lightening vessel and discuss ship interface requirements, method of approach and
mooring procedures

Obtain weather forecast and consider effects of weather on operation 
Test engines, steering gear, controls and navigation equipment 
Check fenders and handing equipment (if applicable) 
Review contingency plan 
Inform the Designated Person Ashore 
Plug and seal scuppers 
Determine effects of ship to ship electric currents and necessary precautions 
Establish efficient deck watch, paying particular attention to mooring fenders, hoses and manifold observation 
Eliminate sources of ignition and prevent flammable vapors from entering engine room and accommodation 
Tightly close and seal area and overboard discharge valves of cargo system 
Set air conditioning system to re-circulation mode and close all access doors to accommodation and engine spaces 
Check and prepare fire-fighting and anti-pollution equipment 

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Emg 17 - Jettisoning of Cargo-Oil
The jettisoning of cargo is an extreme measure justified only as a means of saving life at sea or for the safety of the ship. A
decision to jettison cargo should therefore not be taken until all the alternative options have been considered in the light of
available information on stability and reserve buoyancy
Engine room personnel alerted. Consideration is to be given to changing over engine room intakes from high to low

Discharge to take place through the sea valve and, if possible, on the side opposite to the engine room intakes. 
All non-essential inlets closed. 
If discharge must be from the deck level, flexible hoses rigged to extend below the water surface. 
All safety precautions relating to normal operations that involve the presence of flammable gas in the vicinity of the
deck are to be observed.

If applicable, all safety precautions relating to normal operations that involve the presence of toxic vapours in the
vicinity of the deck are to be observed.

A radio warning broadcast on VHF CH16 to all other vessels in the vicinity 
Nearest state’s authorities are notified as required by SOPEP/SMPEP stating or estimating the quantity discharged or
likely to be discharged into the sea.

DPA Informed 
Commercial Managers Informed 
Charterer’s Informed 
Full details of any jettison of cargo or bunkers should be entered in the deck log book & ORB.
The particulars to be given include following:
 The position of the ship 
 The grades of cargo/bunkers and quantities jettisoned 
 The ullages & temps in the cargo/bunker tanks before & after jettisoning 
 The leaks from the cargo/bunker tanks before & after jettisoning 
 The time required for jettisoning 
 Any other relevant information 
Save VDR data 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 18 - Hazardous Vapour Release - Uncontrolled Venting
All operations on board stopped 
General emergency alarm sounded 
All valves closed 
All accommodation doors and all ventilation (except closed circuit systems) shut 
Commence record of incident 
Start water spray system 
If at sea turn vessel so that wind blows gas cloud away from vessel 

After briefing from OOW assume control of the situation 
Ban all smoking on board 
Notify nearest terminal or coast state 
Assess risk of fire 
Assess need to abandon ship 
Inform DPA 

Emergency squad
Crew mustered 
Check MSDS of cargo 
Emergency party wearing BA sets and protective clothing 
Locate sources of release 
If possible stop source of release 
Use hose water spray to dilute gas cloud and direct it away from ignition sources and personnel. Try to form a water
curtain in front of the accommodation using fire monitors/hoses in spray mode.

Use portable gas detection equipment to monitor gas cloud dilution 

Engine Room squad
Remain in ER until instructed to leave 
Ensure power and water maintained on deck 

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Emg 19 - Emergency Towing
For tankers of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and above are required to be fitted with emergency towing arrangements.
The aft emergency towing arrangement should be pre-rigged and be capable of being deployed in a controlled manner in harbour
conditions in not more than 15 mins.
The forward towing arrangement should be capable of being deployed in harbour conditions in not more than one hour.
Record of all events commenced. 
Vessels position tracked at regular intervals 
Display appropriate lights/shapes 

Inform the Designated Person Ashore. 
If the ship is in immediate danger and Tug assistance is required, a “Lloyds Open Form Contract- LOF 2011" may be signed
by the Master to avoid any delay in assistance being rendered.

Establish communication with Towing Master and discuss the size, horsepower and maneuverability of towing vessel 
Determine the towing arrangement (bow or stern) 
Discuss with towing vessel regarding means of transferring the towing hawser (line throwing apparatus, messenger ropes

Maintain continuous radio communication with towing vessel and co-ordinate engine and navigational requirements 
Comply with the local instructions/regulations if vessel is in territorial waters of a country. 
If above instructions are, in the professional judgement of the master, inadvisable or dangerous, he should question
them & if appropriate, register protest to the government or local authority.

Emergency squad
Make necessary arrangements on deck to connect the towing pennant. 
Co-ordinate with the towing vessel to connect the towing pennant. 

Back-up squad
Keep lifeboats/liferafts ready for boarding & launching 

Engine squad
If possible, provide necessary power on deck for connecting the towing pennant. 
Keep fire main pressurised 

Please refer to ICS publication- Perils at sea & Salvage chapter 6
If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 20 - Salvage
Check if assistance can be obtained from another ship belonging to the Company. 
Assistance required from another ship (not belonging to the Company). 
In case of another ship or tugs assistance needed, the Master immediately reports to the Company for instructions. 
In case there is no time to get in touch with the Company, or in case of immediate danger, follow the "Lloyd's Open
Form of Salvage Agreement"- LOF 2011.

Masters decision process should take into account but not be limited to the following:
 Nearest land or hazard to navigation;
 Vessel's set and drift;
 Location and time of impact with hazard based on vessel's set and drift;

 Estimated time of casualty repair;
 And Determination of the nearest capable assistance and its response time.
Refer to "Peril at Sea and Salvage- A Guide for Masters" where a very good guidance is given on the drift patterns
and how you can influence it even when vessel is disabled.

In case of damage to the vessel take advice of "Shore Based Emergency Response Service Provider" through the
office to evaluate stress & stability in damaged condition and whether it will be safe to tow in the damaged 
Inform Flag state & Charterer’s (through office). 
In case of salvage either rendered or received, an appropriate report must contain also the following:
 Position
 Weather conditions
 Draughts
 Ship's compartments soundings available
 Soundings of the sea bottom all around the ship (if aground or in danger of getting aground)

 Distance from nearest danger
 Working VHF channel to be used for communications from/to the ship/tugs
 Extent of damages to the cargo or ballast tanks
 If there is any cargo spill and flow
Ensure that deck, engine and radio logbooks are accurate and current, and in particular the deck log contains regular
records of vessel’s position.

Ensure that an accurate record is kept of any conversations relating to a salvage agreement. Download the VDR

Ensure that a precise record is kept of the time of the commencement of salvage services, the times of any
communication relating to salvage agreements, and time of arrival of salvage vessels

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 21 - Medical Emergency Due To Illness/ Injury
Master informed 
Check for options to disembark the patient & calculate ETA’s and check for charts, publications etc. to arrive the port. 
Once decided to disembark the patient, prepare the passage plan 

Medical Officer along with Master
Nature of illness or cause of injury identified 
First aid administered 
Patients personal details & body parameters collected to pass on to shore radio medical advisor & commence to
record these parameters on a medical chart

Follow radio medical advise 
Illness/injury forms to be completed 

DPA informed 
Ensure that the patient is shifted to ships hospital & attendance alarm is switched on 
Seek Radio medical advice by phone followed by email, circumstances permitting. Note down the name of the

If the person has to be disembarked 
 Get in touch with the agents, pass ETA & decide on a rendezvous position 
 Prepare the vessel based on the means of disembarkation (boat or helicopter). 
 Prepare patients account of wages 
 Pack his baggage & prepare personal effect inventory with witness 
Following to accompany the patient before disembarking in a separate envelope:
 His travelling documents(passport CDC)
 Medical report signed by the Master, including the medical advise received by radio & the treatment given 
 Medical chart with all the recorded parameters
Prepare Accident/Incident report 
Prepare deviation statement (if relevant) 
If injury due to defective equipment etc. Keep parts on board for inspection 
Prepare Witness’s statements if required 
Enter facts in medical log and deck log book 

Appoint agents to arrange for disembarking the patient 
Inform P&I club 
Inform the flag state & arrange for short manning dispensation if required 
Inform Charterer’s 
Arrange for hospitalization/further check up & repatriation of the patient 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 22 - Helicopter operations
Have all loose objects within and adjacent to the operating area been secured or removed? 
Have all aerials, standing or running gear above and in the vicinity of the operating area been lowered or secured? 
Has a pennant or windsock been hoisted where it can be clearly seen by the helicopter pilot? 
Has the officer of the watch been consulted about the ship’s readiness? 
Does the leader of the deck party have a portable radio transceiver (walkie talkie) for communicating with the bridge? 
Are the fire pumps running and is there adequate pressure on deck? 
Are fire hoses ready (hoses should be near to but clear of the operating area)? 
Are foam hoses, monitor and portable foam equipment ready? 
Are dry powder fire extinguishers available and ready for use? 
Is the deck party complete, correctly dressed and in position? 
Are the fire hoses and foam nozzles pointing away from the operating area in case of inadvertent discharge? 
Has a rescue party been detailed? 
Is a man overboard rescue boat ready for lowering? 
Are the following items of equipment to hand?
 Large axe 
 Crowbar 
 Wire cutters 
 Red emergency signal/torch 
 Marshalling batons (at night) 
 First aid equipment 
Has the correct lighting (including special navigation lights) been switched on prior to night operations? 
Is the deck party ready, wearing brightly coloured tabards (waistcoats) and protective helmets, and are all passengers
clear of the operating area?

Has the hook handler been equipped with helmet, strong rubber soled shoes to avoid the danger of static discharge? 
Is access to and egress from the operating area clear? 

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Is the deck party aware that a landing is to be made? 
Is the operating area free of heavy spray or seas on deck? 
Have side rails and, where necessary, awnings, stanchions and other obstructions been lowered or removed? 
Where applicable, have portable pipes been removed and have the remaining apex ends been blanked off? 
Are rope messengers to hand for securing the helicopter, if necessary? (Note: only the helicopter pilot may decide
whether or not to secure the helicopter.)

Have all personnel been warned to keep clear of rotors and exhausts? 
TANKERS: Additional Item for Check List 
Ship not fitted with an inert gas system: has pressure been released from tanks within 30 minutes of commencement
of helicopter operations?

Ship fitter with an inert gas system: has pressure in cargo tanks been reduced to slight positive? 
All tankers: have all tank openings been secured following venting operations? 
Has surface ventilation to dry bulk cargoes ceased, and have all hatch opening been fully battened down prior to
helicopter operations?

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 23 - Enclosed Space Rescue
Sound general emergency alarm 
Record of events commenced 
Rescue party mustered 
Medical assistance called from shore if possible 
Ventilation onto space if possible 
BA Control established 
Rescue party enter space with BA and resuscitator 
Back up party ready with BA sets donned 
Casualty rescued from space 
All personnel out of space 
Casualty evacuated ashore if appropriate 
DPA informed 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 24 - Gyro Compass Failure
Inform Master 
Inform Engine Room 
Switch over to Manual Steering 
Change over to backup gyro 
If backup gyro also fails, use magnetic compass for steering 
Fix the position of the vessel 
Check for vessel traffic density and navigation hazards in vicinity 
Check the effect of the failure on the other navigational equipment 
Raise bridge watch level if required 
Keep a log of all timings 
Plot and record positions at frequent intervals 
Determine the cause and if it can be rectified on board 
Inform the company 

If not applicable enter N/A. Any additional items to be entered in blanks.

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Emg 25 - GNSS Failure
ECDIS can work without GNSS following a loss of signal or jamming. In the event of such failure, as a minimum,
the following is to be conducted by the OOW in the event of GNSS failure:

1) Failed sensor alarm ........................................................ Read and Acknowledged 

2) Secondary position fixing sensor ............................................................. Selected 
3) DR or EP mode...................................................... Selected if GNSS is unavailable 
4) Speed Log input to ECDIS ......................................................................... Selected 
5) ECDIS settings (date/time/zone) ......................................................... correctly set 
6) Fix position by Visual and Radar means ......................................................... Fixed 
7) Additional equipment that may be affected by the failed sensor .......... Identified 
8) Defect rectification .................................................................................. Initiated 
9) Ships Route.......................................................................... Amended as required 
10) Master .................................................................................................... Informed 
11) GNSS failure........................................... Addressed in Masters bridge order book 

Note: When the Primary Position Fixing System is restored, correlate with RIO and other means,
and inform the Master

  Completed  

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Emg 26 - ECDIS Failure
Masters standing orders book to address precautions to be taken in case of ECDIS Failure
Refer to Failure Mode Effect Analysis provided in HSQEEn Ch 7 (BMM 11.03-11.08) for ECDIS Equipment
In the event of a power failure and both systems revert to UPS supply, consider a controlled shutdown of one and
inform the Master

Restart the second system prior draining of the UPS on the first system 
On restoration following a power failure or uncontrolled shutdown of the system, confirm that there are power
supplies to each system

Check ECDIS Maintenance Card to ensure that settings are correct 
Check the following:
- Chart Autoload on 
- Check that the Primary and Secondary position sources are selected and working correctly 
- Confirm that the heading source is selected and working correctly 
- Confirm that AIO is operating correctly 
- Verify current position 
- Verify that own vessel shape is correct and that the ship is aligned to ships head 
- Conduct Alarm self-test 

Single ECDIS Failure

Follow below in case of Single ECDIS failure:
- Inform Master and Change over to back-up ECDIS 
- Engage Hand steering 
- Inform E/R 
- Prepare engines for Manoeuvring 
- Fix vessel’s position 
- Act to manoeuvre away from the danger 
- Prepare for anchoring if in shallow waters 
- Broadcast Alert message 
- Inform VTS or port authority if in coastal waters 
- Engage Hand Steering 
- Inform office / commence defect rectification 
Both ECDIS Failure
In case of Dual ECDIS failure, follow below in addition to procedure for single ECDIS failure:
- Navigate on emergency backup – ENCs displayed on One Ocean computer (if available onboard) or
procure scanned charts

- Inform DPA and take further instructions from office 
In case of Virus attack:
Take authorization from the office for rebooting the system (The Technical Dept will coordinate with the ECDIS
Manufacturer so that the software applications can be reinstalled in a controlled manner)

If not applicable enter N/A.

Enter any additional items in the blank spaces provided.

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Emg 27 - Break away from Jetty

VESSEL: __________________________ DATE: ___________________________

PORT: ___________________________

1 Stop the cargo transfer operations.

2 Sound the emergency signal, call crew on stations

Inform Terminal / Other vessel / Mooring master of the nature of emergency and order
immediate release of arms/disconnection of hose/hoses.

4 Disconnect and drain hoses/loading arms

Refer to the MSDS of cargo/cargoes being handled and all precautions to be taken against
cargo being handled including proper PPE.

6 Shut and secure all cargo system valves.

Keep the Fire/ Foam system ready for immediate use in case required. Keep the Inert Gas
system running.

8 Inform engine room about emergency and have engines/Bow thruster prepared for maneuver

Take a head count, Man emergency stations and initiate emergency procedures as per
emergency contingency plans for the situation prevailing.

10 Check Gangway is clear of jetty and picked up (Cast off Shore Gangway if used).

11 Cast off any craft alongside and tell them to clear away.

Keep fire axe or knife ready at stations in case ropes need to be cut off in an emergency.
Check fire wires. Keep lines ready for the Tug.

13 Inform Port Control / stand by boat, of the situation and requirements, if any.

Cast off the vessel and continue with the emergency response. As soon as cast off, prepare
Anchors for use in an emergency.

15 Notify Authorities, Ship Managers, Charterer’s etc as applicable.

16 Save VDR data.

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Emg 28 - Abandon Ship
Master / OOW
Sound General Emergency Alarm (Internally and Externally) 
Announce on the Public-Address system the nature of distress and the intention to Abandon Ship (Master) 
Send distress message by all available means. Include position, nature of emergency, weather (time permitting) 
Use engines and helm to create lee for the safe launching of lifeboats 
Stop all machinery on bridge 
Switch on Emergency lights including Lifeboat/raft embarkation lights 
Carry Iridium phone 
Announce on the Public-Address system “Abandon Ship” (Master) 
Save SVDR/VDR recording 
Inform DPA (time permitting) 
Emergency Squad
Muster at respective Lifeboat station 
Take a Head count. Search for missing persons, if any 
Ensure crew has collected the equipment’s as per their assigned duties in the Muster card. 
Prepare lifeboat/raft for launching 
If possible, make a watertight package and carry:
 Ship’s trading certificates
 Deck log book and any other relevant logs 
 Passport, CDC and Crew certificates
 Articles of Agreement and Official logbook
Support Squad
Close all watertight doors, hatches 
Prepare lifeboats and life rafts for launching 
Bring extra provision and fresh water to the Lifeboats 
Bring extra blankets to the Lifeboats 
Collect medical equipment from hospital 
Engine Team
Stop all machinery 
Close all doors, entrances, skylights and other openings to Engine room 
Activate quick closing valves to shut off FO supply 
Report at respective Lifeboat station. 

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Emg 29- Cargo shifting and liquefaction

1) General alarm ......................................................................................................................Sounded 
2) All Operations ...................................................................................................................... Stopped 
3) Notice to duty engineers for ME slow down ....................................................................... Provided 
4) VDR ........................................................................................................................................... Saved 
5) Vessel position plotted and Navigable area assessed ...................................................... Completed 

6) Bridge control ...................................................................................................................... Assumed 
7) Crew mustered ...................................................................................................................... Verified 
8) DPA ...................................................................................................................................... Informed 
9) Coastal state/ nearest Port of refuge & ETA ........................................................................ Checked 
10) GMDSS Safety alerts as applicable ................................................................................. Transmitted 
11) If underway-Slow down/Stop/Anchoring/Adjust course to minimize rolling ................. Considered 
12) Appropriate lights and shapes ........................................................................................... Displayed 
13) Any Oil spill and clean up, reporting requirement ............................................................ Reviewed 
14) Vessel stability-risk of capsize-Angle of Loll ....................................................................... Reviewed 
15) Stability calculations sent to emergency response service provider through office ......Carried out 
16) Guidance from emergency response service provider for improving vessel stability ........ Obtained 
17) P&I informed through office ............................................................................................Carried out 

Emergency squad
18) Any internal transfer of fuel/ Ballast ............................................................ Reviewed and stopped 
19) Vessel stability conditions- Present and worse case ........................................................ Calculated 
20) Holds were liquefaction noticed/ presence of cargo shift-Deck and Holds ....................... Assessed 
21) Ballast, cargo bilges and bunker tank soundings .................................................................. Checked 
22) Lifeboat readiness ................................................................................................................. Verified 
23) Any oil spill, containment, and cleaning ........................................................................... Reviewed 

Back up squad
24) Assist Emergency squad as required ............................................................................... Performed 
25) Standby stretcher/ first aid kit ............................................................................................ Available 
26) Prepare lifeboat/life rafts required .................................................................................. Completed 

Engine room squad

26) Main engine on maneuvering RPM .................................................................................... Available 
27) Any machinery related problem/Power/Lighting.................................................. Bridge informed 
28) Sounding of all engine room spaces .................................................................................... Checked 
29) Sea suction changed over to side of list as applicable ....................................................Carried out 

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