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Which three customer benefits and objectives are achieved by conducting a Fit Gap and

Solution Blueprint during the pre-sales process? Choose the 3 that apply.
ncreased understanding of the "Degree of Fit"
ncreased visibility into the business and T requirements and how they will be
ncreased understanding of the effort required to configure and customize the project
ncreased understanding of the proposal

#27 ?ou are an lmplemenLaLlon consulLanL ln an l1 company 1he managemenL Leam has declded Lo
lmplemenL a MlcrosofL uynamlcs producL ?ou need Lo conducL Lhe llL Cap and SoluLlon 8lueprlnL
assessmenL Whlch of Lhe followlng Lasks are wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhe llL Cap and SoluLlon 8lueprlnL?
Choose Lhe 3 LhaL apply
#A LsLlmaLe Lhe labor requlred Lo conflgure and cusLomlze each requlremenL
#8 CreaLe deLalled 1obe process maps
#C CreaLe a prlorlLlzed llsL of requlremenLs
#D 8evlew requlremenLs agalnsL Lhe currenL sysLems

#30 ?ou are Lhe consulLanL on a MlcrosofL uynamlcs nAv 2009 lmplemenLaLlon ?ou need Lo revlew Lhe
beneflLs of a Scoplng AssessmenL wlLh Lhe cusLomer Whlch beneflLs of a Scoplng AssessmenL mlghL you
dlscuss? Choose Lhe 2 LhaL apply
#A 1he avallable lmplemenLaLlon opLlons
#8 1he cosL analysls assoclaLed wlLh each lmplemenLaLlon opLlon
#C 1he cerLalnLy of a flxed LoLal prlce for a welldeflned pro[ecL scope
#D 1he addlLlonal lnslghL lnLo pro[ecL scope based on deLalled funcLlonal or Lechnlcal speclflcaLlons

#31 ?ou are plannlng for a pro[ecL LhaL does noL conLaln cusLomlzaLlons and LhaL wlll be
lmplemenLed wlLh an acceleraLed approach Pow should you plan Lo mlgraLe daLa ?
#A uurlng Lhe developmenL phase develop Lhe daLa mlgraLlon scrlpLs lollow Lhls acLlvlLy wlLh
a revlew and updaLe of Lhe masLer daLa managemenL processllnallze Lhe daLa mlgraLlon
ueslgn ln Lhe SoluLlon ueslgn uocumenL
#8 CaLher daLa mlgraLlon requlremenLs ln Lhe Analysls phase 8egln daLa mlgraLlon ln Lhe
ueslgn phase
Schedule Lhe flnal daLa mlgraLlon Lo producLlon Lo occur ln Lhe ueploymenL phase
#C CaLher daLa mlgraLlon requlremenLs ln Lhe Analysls phase uurlng Lhe ueslgn phase sLarL
Lhe daLa mlgraLlon deslgn and creaLe a subseL of daLa forLesLlng
ln Lhe uevelopmenL phase sLarL Lo develop daLa mlgraLlon scrlpLs and plan Lo execuLe Lhe
flnal daLa mlgraLlon Lo producLlon ln Lhe ueploymenL phase
#D CaLher daLa mlgraLlon requlremenLs ln Lhe ueploymenL phase uevelop Lhe daLa mlgraLlon
scrlpLs afLer requlremenLs gaLherlng ls compleLe Schedule Lhe flnal daLa mlgraLlon Lo
producLlon as close Lo Lhe Collve as posslble

#41 ?our company ls uslng Lhe aglle pro[ecL Lype Lo lmplemenL a soluLlon aL a slngle slLe LhaL
lncludes speclflc feaLures and complex cusLomlzaLlons ?ou ldenLlfled conflguraLlon seLLlngs
durlng Lhe ueslgn phase ln whlch documenL should you record Lhese conflguraLlon seLLlngs?
#A 8equlremenLs and ueslgn uocumenL
#8 ConflguraLlon seLLlngs musL remaln undocumenLed durlng Lhe deslgn acLlvlLles
#C luncLlonal ueslgn uocumenL ConflguraLlons
#D ro[ecL CharLer uocumenL

Answer A

#44 ?ou are managlng a MlcrosofL uynamlcs lmplemenLaLlon aL a slngle slLe 1he Analysls phase ls
compleLed and your appllcaLlon and Lechnlcal consulLanLs are now deflnlng and documenLlng how Lo
lmplemenL Lhe buslness requlremenLs Whlch acLlvlLles should you conslder execuLlng aL Lhls sLage of
Lhe pro[ecL? Choose Lhe 2 LhaL apply
#A CreaLe a deploymenL plan
#8 CreaLe a knowledge Lransfer plan
#C uevelop a communlcaLlons sLraLegy plan
#D llnallze and obLaln cusLomer slgnoff of Lhe Lechnlcal archlLecLure deslgn

#4S As parL of Lhe Scoplng AssessmenL and SLaLemenL Cf Work you have ldenLlfled Lhe

1he lmplemenLaLlon ls for a slngle locaLlon
1he lmplemenLaLlon requlres Lwo lSv soluLlons
8uslness requlremenLs lnclude cusLomlzaLlon of medlum complexlLy

?ou need Lo analyze Lhe cusLomers currenL and fuLure buslness sLraLegles WhaL should you do?
#A SLarL wlLh a klckCff meeLlng Lo allgn all Leam members followed by SoluLlon Cvervlew
Lralnlngs Lo creaLe awareness and accepLance of Lhe new soluLlon among key users
#8 SLarL wlLh a klckCff meeLlng Lo allgn all Leam members followed by analysls workshops ln
whlch you gaLher buslness requlremenLs for Lhe funcLlonal domalns
#C SLarL wlLh gaLherlng buslness requlremenLs ln workshops followed by a presenLaLlon of Lhe
resulLs ln a klckCff meeLlng Lo allgn all Leam members wlLh Lhe scope resulLs
#D SLarL by creaLlng a SoluLlon ueslgn uocumenL and Lhen seLup Lhe developmenL and
producLlon envlronmenLs

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