Vancil vs. Belmes, G.R. No. 132223, June 19, 2001

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I. Parental Authority (Ar8cles 209-233 Family Code)

Case Title Vancil vs. Belmes, G.R. No. 132223, June 19, 2001
Keywords/Terms Parental Authority
Provision/Doctrine Art 211 of the Family code The father and the mother shall jointly exercise parental
authority over the persons of their common children. In case of disagreement, the
father's decision shall prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the contrary.
Facts The Regional Trial Court (RTC) designated Bonifacia Vancil, who is an American
ciXzen, as the legal and judicial guardian for Valerie and Vincent, the children of her
late son Reeder. Helen Belmes, the biological mother of the minor children, filed a
moXon seeking the removal of Bonifacia Vancil as guardian and her own
appointment, arguing that she is the natural mother with custody and parental
authority over the minors. The trial court denied Belmes' request. However, the
Court of Appeals (CA) reversed the RTC's decision. When the case reached the
Supreme Court, Valerie had already a`ained the age of majority, so the Court
needed to determine whether the mother or the grandmother should be
appointed as the guardian of minor Vincent.
Issue Whether Helen Belmes is the sole guardian of the minor Vincent.
Ruling Belmes, being Vincent's biological mother, holds the primary right to act as his
guardian. ArXcle 211 of the Family Code specifies: "The father and the mother shall
jointly exercise parental authority over the persons of their common children. In
case of disagreement, the father's decision shall prevail, unless there is a judicial
order to the contrary."
Vancil, as the surviving grandmother, can assume subsXtute parental authority only
if Belmes is deceased, absent, or deemed unsuitable. Given that Belmes is alive and
has consistently exercised parental authority over Vincent, Vancil must
demonstrate Belmes' unsuitability. Even if Belmes is found to be unfit as a guardian
for Vincent, Vancil sXll cannot qualify as a subsXtute guardian. In her peXXon, Vancil
herself acknowledged that, as an expatriate, she would face difficulXes in fulfilling
the responsibiliXes of a guardian. As established in the case of Guerrero vs. Teran,
the courts should not appoint individuals as guardians if they are not within the
jurisdicXon of the courts, as they would encounter challenges in protecXng the

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