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Theory :-
Plastic limit is the minimum water content at which soil can be rolled into a thread of 3 mm diameter
without crumbling. In other words, it is the moisture content at which soil can be deformed plasticity.
Apparatus used :-
(a) 3 mm diameter brass or copper wire
(b) Glass plate
(c) Water bottle containing distilled water
(d) Weighing balance
(e) Aluminium container
(f) 425 micron IS sieve
Procedure :-
1. Take about 20gm of soil sample passing through 425 microne IS sieve in a glass plate.
2. Add small quantity of water in the soil and mix it thoroughly. Leave the soil for sometime to mature.
3. Make small balls of soil and roll it on the glass plate with fingures.
4. Continue the rolling till the
thread reaches the diameter
of 3 mm.
5. Knead the soil thread and roll
it again into a thread.
6. Continue the process until
the thread just crumbles at 3
mm diameter.
7. Collect the crumbled soil
thread in the aluminium
container and determine its
water content.
8. Repeat the test at least twice again. The average of the three test will be the plastic limit of the soil.
Observation table :-
Sl. No. Particulars Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
1. Container number
2. Weight of Container(gm)
3. Weight of Container(gm)+wet soil(gm)
4. Weight of Container(gm)+dry soil(gm)
5. Weight of dry soil(gm) (4-2)
6. Weight of water(gm) (3-4)
7. Water content % (6/5)

Tanmoy Shee
From the table the plastic limit of the given soil sample is ………………………………..%
The following precaution should be taken during the experiment
1. Rolling should be stopped when the thread is just starts crumbling.
2. Diameter of rolled thread should be of 3mm diameter.
3. Weights of the container, wet soil and dry soil should be taken accurately.

Tanmoy Shee

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