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Lion and Rats

Story :
Mama can make the story “The Mouse and the Lion” into a children’s story that can teach
kindness from an early age. It is said that a mouse pranked a lion while he was enjoying a nap,
which suddenly made the lion angry and wanted to eat the mouse because he felt disturbed.
While grimacing in fear, the mouse begged the lion to let him go and forgive him for the prank
he had committed. Feeling sorry, the Lion let the Mouse go. The mouse felt happy, he thanked
him and promised to repay all the Lion’s kindness to him. Then one day, the Mouse heard the
voice of the Lion roaring loudly. The lion turned out to be trapped in a net that was deliberately
set by the hunter. The Lion asked the Mouse for help to remove the net. Quickly, the Mouse
helped the Lion get out of the net by gnawing at the net until it broke. The two of them
immediately ran away and saved themselves. The story of the friendship between the Mouse and
the Lion can be an inspiration for children to always do good and remember all the kindness we
Summary :
Cerita “Tikus dan Singa” Para ibu dapat mengarang beberapa cerita anak untuk membantu anak-
anak mereka mempelajari perilaku yang baik sejak usia dini. Dikisahkan kala itu tikus sedang
bermain dengan singa ketika sedang tidur siang, kemudian singa menjadi marah dan gelisah serta
ingin menangkap tikus tersebut. Tikus itu memamerkan giginya karena ketakutan dan memohon
kepada singa untuk membiarkannya pergi dan meminta maaf. Atas kejahatan yang dilakukannya.
Singa kemudian memaafkannya dan melepaskan tikus itu. Suatu hari, singa terjebak di
perangkap dan meminta bantuan tikus untuk melepaskan jaringnya. Mereka berdua lari dan
menyelamatkan diri. Kisah hubungan tikus dan singa dapat memberikan semangat kepada anak
untuk berbuat baik dan mengingat segala kebaikan yang kita terima.

setting :
•time : afternoon
•pleace : forest
•atmosphere : tense and happy
2.characters : Lion and Rats
3.Main problem : The sleeping lion was teased by a mouse which made the lion angry.
4.resolution : The lion was caught in a trap, the lion asked the mouse for help to release the trap.
5. re-oreintation : They both survived and ended up becoming friends.
-Characters Personality:
Lions have a forgiving and firm nature.
Rats are very mischievous but like to help
-The moral of this story:
Always do good things and remember all the goodness we receive

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