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1. It’s so scorching hot that I can practically feel my skin sizzling.

2. I am so snowed under work that I can hardly find time to eat or sleep.
3. Life is so crazy that you never know what each new day will bring, full of
unexpected twists and turns that keep you on your toes.

1. Last Wednesday, before I responded to your Skype message, the police
had been interrogating me for a good 30 minutes. One of my neighbors
who (had been) under house arrest since February, (was not found) at
home on Wednesday morning. Since this person is a non-EU immigrant,
the inspector (decided) to interrogate all the foreigners living in the same or
nearby condo. What I can really tell is, if my Italian (were) fluent and rich in
lexis related to the crime, I (would not have skipped) our session. [present
condition and a past unreal result.]

If I didn’t have a Russian driver’s license, I wouldn’t have taken the test

Advice words parasites crutch words

1. "Hey, do you mind sharing your expertise on [topic]?"

2. "I could use some guidance/ help. Any take you could help me out with
3. "I'm a bit ___stuck___on [problem]. Would you have any insights to offer?"
4. "Got a quick sec? I'd love to _pick__ your brain about [subject]."
5. "I know you're experienced in [area].... CARE to give me a few pointers?"

6. "Mind if I bounce _________off you? It's related to [topic]."

7. "You've got more knowledge about [field] than I do. Can you lend me a
8. "I'm trying to _______ my head around [concept]. Could you give me a hand?"
9. "Could I get your take _______[matter]? Your perspective would be really
10. "I'm ________ into [subject] and could use some friendly advice. Are you up
for it?"
Prompts to develop a conversation:
1 long term car rentals
2 the best neighborhoods in Ferrara
3 a primary school enrollment
4 food to try in Italy Care to share…. / Can I pick your brain…
5 filing for taxes ways

1. **Awareness and Self-Monitoring:** The first step is to be aware of your

tendency to overuse interjections. Pay attention to your speech patterns during
conversations and identify the interjections you tend to use frequently.

2. **Practice Pause:** Instead of using interjections, practice incorporating short

pauses into your speech. Pausing can help you gather your thoughts and
communicate more clearly. It also gives your audience a chance to absorb what
you're saying.

3. **Expand Vocabulary:** One reason for overusing interjections is limited
vocabulary. Expand your vocabulary to have a variety of words at your disposal.
This will allow you to express yourself more precisely without relying on

4. **Preparation:** If you know you're likely to use interjections in certain

situations, prepare in advance. Organize your thoughts and plan what you want
to say. This can help reduce the need for filler words.

5. **Speak Slowly:** Speaking too quickly can lead to the use of interjections as
you try to keep up with your thoughts. Practice speaking slowly and deliberately.
This gives you more time to choose your words and reduces the need for fillers.

6. **Record Yourself:** Record your conversations or speeches and listen for

patterns of interjection use. This can provide valuable feedback and help you
pinpoint specific situations where you tend to overuse them.
7. **Engage in Thoughtful Conversations:** Engage in conversations where
you're encouraged to express your thoughts in a more structured manner. This
could be in a group setting or with a friend who can provide constructive

8. **Replace Interjections:** When you catch yourself about to use an

interjection, pause and replace it with a more meaningful phrase or sentence.
This will help you break the habit of relying on fillers.

9. **Breathing Techniques:** Practice controlled breathing while speaking. This

can help you maintain a steady pace and reduce the urge to fill gaps with

10. **Public Speaking Training:** If you're looking to improve your overall

communication skills, consider taking a public speaking or communication skills
course. These courses often provide techniques to enhance your speech
patterns and minimize the use of fillers.

11. **Feedback from Others:** Ask friends, family, or colleagues for feedback on
your speech. Let them know you're working on reducing interjections and ask
them to point out moments when you use them unnecessarily.

Remember that breaking any habit takes time and consistent effort. Be patient
with yourself as you work on reducing the overuse of interjections in your

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