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Write a short essay on the fig.

1. Do you believe in the idea that “The customer is always right”? Why or why not?
No, because just looking on the bigger picture and basing it on reality, they have the rights to be right but
not all the time they are right. In general "customers" are also human and we all know that humans have
floss, imperfections, and errors. Therefore, basing it on the characteristics there are some who take
advantage for their label as customers. Given the situation where they know justifying their rights can
invalidate other person's point of view in which could have been a betterment for all can affect the
decision if we are basing it by the "label". But if you relate it to work ethics then you should comply by
the rules and regulations.

2. In the Philippines, what is the law that protects consumers? Give a brief description.
RA No. 7394 "The Consumer Act of the Philippines"
Republic Act No. 7394 was enacted primarily to protect the consumers against hazards to health and
safety, and against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices. Unfortunately, blatant
disregard to the law is still practiced by several manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and suppliers that
puts the consumer in the losing end.

3. According to DTI, what are the eight (8) basic rights of a consumer and the five (5) consumer
responsibilities. Elaborate each item (in your own interpretation) in a 2-3 sentence explanation.
The 8 basic Consumer Rights
1. The Right to Basic Needs - consumers are able to get quality and primary goods at reasonable costs or
in suggested retail price.
2. The Right to Safety - consumer goods should go through comprehensive safety testing before selling
in the market. Other products especially "hazardous products" should also contain instructions or
information for precautions or warnings for consumers.
3. The Right to Information - products should have truthful information or facts for the consumers.
4. The Right to Choose - consumers has the freedom to select goods or services at reasonable costs while
being guaranteed that they are of good quality.
5. The Right to Representation - lawmakers should provide laws for the sake of the consumers as to
ensure that they have the opportunity to receive the best value of goods and services for them.
6. The Right to Redress - manufacturers should comply to DTI's rules and regulations. They also need to
monitor their goods and avoid unsatisfactory services.
7. The Right to Consumer Education - this is the process of providing consumers with knowledge and
skills that will allow them to make informed decisions about on what they purchase.
8. The Right to a Healthy Environment - the importance of environmental considerations in consumers
decision-making and product or service provision. The right to a healthy environment expands the focus
to include the environmental impacts of product use.

5 Consumer Responsibilities

1. Critical Awareness - consumers should have the ability to evaluate and analyze information, products,
and services with a perceptive mindset. They should be mindful and careful on examining of available
2. Action - consumers can take various actions to assert their rights, promote their interests, and for
positive change in the marketplace. Actions like researching, recognizing biases, evaluating products, and
etc. by these actions, consumers can contribute to a fair, transparent, and sustainable marketplace.
3. Social Concern - this refers to issues and considerations other than personal interests and immediate
requirements that impact consumer behavior and decision-making. These concerns reflect customers'
knowledge of greater societal difficulties, as well as their willingness to use their purchasing power to
promote constructive social change.
4. Environmental Awareness - as consumers, it is our responsibility to fully understand the
environmental effects of our consumption. We must realize our personal and communal responsibilities to
conserve natural resources and maintain the environment for future generations.
5. Solidarity - this refers to the collective solidarity, togetherness, and mutual aid of individuals dealing
with similar situations or pursuing similar goals in the marketplace. Solidarity promotes a sense of
solidarity and empowerment in consumers, allowing them to advocate for their rights, confront injustices,
and affect good change.

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