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Title: Exploring Processes and Describing them with "Either, Neither, and Both"

Materials Needed:

- Oxford Business Result Unit 14 - Processes

- Intercambio Curriculum Lesson 2 - I'd like both

- Whiteboard or virtual whiteboard

- PowerPoint or presentation software

- Visual aids or pictures related to processes

- Handout with examples and exercises related to using "either, neither, and both"

Warm-up (15 minutes):

1. Greetings and Introductions: Begin the class by greeting the students and encouraging them to greet
each other as well. Model various greetings using different verb tenses to set an example for the

2. Icebreaker Hook: Share a short story or personal anecdote related to processes or decision-making.
Ask students to discuss their experiences with processes in small groups or pairs.

Introduction to Processes (15 minutes):

1. Show students the title of the unit, "Processes," from the Oxford Business Result book. Ask them to
predict what they will learn in this unit and elicit their ideas.

2. Use the Intercambio Curriculum to introduce Lesson 2, "I'd like both," which focuses on explaining
and describing processes.

Main Activity - TPRS

(40 minutes):

1. Use TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) to engage students in an interactive
storytelling activity related to processes. Adapt the story from the Oxford Business Result book or create
a new story using the vocabulary and grammar introduced in the unit.

2. As the story unfolds, pause frequently to ask comprehension questions in both the target language
and English to ensure understanding. Incorporate gestures and visuals to support comprehension.
3. After the story, ask students to retell the story in small groups or pairs, using the target vocabulary
and grammar.

Grammar Focus - Using "Either, Neither, and Both" (30 minutes):

1. Present the grammar objective of the lesson, which is to use "either, neither, and both" correctly.

2. Explain the usage and meaning of "either, neither, and both" using examples and visuals on the
whiteboard or presentation software.

3. Provide a handout with exercises for students to practice using "either, neither, and both." Encourage
them to work individually or in pairs.

4. Review the answers together as a class and address any questions or doubts students may have.

Presentation Practice - Explaining a Process (20 minutes):

1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

2. Assign each group a different process (e.g., making coffee, booking a flight, creating a marketing plan)
or let them select their own.

3. Instruct students to prepare a short presentation explaining their process in stages, using passive
forms when appropriate.

4. Allow time for preparation and practice.

5. Groups present their processes to the class, and the audience asks questions related to the process.
Encourage students to use "either, neither, and both" during the Q&A session.

Closure and Wrap-up (10 minutes):

1. Review the main points covered in the lesson, including greetings and response, describing processes,
and using "either, neither, and both."

2. Encourage students to ask any remaining questions or seek clarification on any confusing topics.

3. Assign homework from the Oxford Business Result book or provide additional exercises related to the
grammar objective.

4. Thank the students for their participation and provide feedback on their performance.

Note: Adapt the timing and activities based on the proficiency level of the students and their needs.
Once upon a time, in a city struggling with waste management, there lived a passionate
environmentalist named Emily. With a fierce determination to combat pollution, she dedicated her
efforts to finding innovative solutions for the issues plaguing the community. Emily's main concern was
the excessive waste generated by cigarette stubs and coffee capsules. She believed that by reprocessing
these items, she could contribute to the reduction of waste and develop eco-friendly alternatives.

Emily's research led her to a groundbreaking discovery. She found out that by reprocessing cigarette
stubs and coffee capsules, she could create a new type of fuel that could substitute fossil fuels. Fueled
by her excitement, she developed air turbines powered by this reprocessed material, which replaced
conventional engines in vehicles.

Demonstrating the positive impact of her invention, Emily launched the first solar-powered SUV capable
of running solely on this reprocessed fuel. With impressive mileage and a sustainable foundation, it
quickly gained attention among environmental enthusiasts. In addition to its impressive capabilities, the
vehicle also possessed the ability to regenerate energy through solar panels on its rooftop.

However, Emily did not stop there. Realizing that not everyone could afford such an advanced SUV, she
designed an economical yet environmentally friendly option for families. She created a solar-powered
minivan that not only ran on reprocessed fuel but also utilized a sophisticated hybrid engine. This
innovative engine combined both renewable energy from solar panels and a small amount of traditional
fuel to enhance the vehicle's efficiency.

With keyless entry features and a warranty that covered all-wheel-drive components, Emily's minivan
quickly became highly sought after. Families were drawn to its reliability, security, and the added benefit
of being theft-resistant. Moreover, Emily made it a point to design the vehicle with a spacious interior,
considering the needs of larger families.

Emily's vision was to make her inventions accessible to everyone. She wanted to ensure that even those
who couldn't afford a brand-new vehicle could benefit from her eco-friendly solutions. Therefore, she
launched a program that encouraged the purchase of used vehicles, which she retrofitted with her
reprocessed fuel system and hybrid engine technology. These refurbished cars not only came with a
warranty but also provided the same all-wheel-drive capabilities and keyless entry features as new

Emily's inventions revolutionized the automobile industry. By using either solar power or her
reprocessed fuel, people could now embrace more sustainable alternatives to traditional vehicles. Both
the SUV and minivan proved to be economically viable while significantly reducing the carbon footprint
and dependence on fossil fuels.

Ultimately, Emily's vision of a greener future became a reality. Her dedication to the environment had
turned a wasteful society into one that both used and reprocessed items for the betterment of the
planet. With her advancements, pollution was reduced, and cities were befouled no more. Thanks to
Emily's technological breakthroughs, the world was now moving towards a future where eco-friendly
vehicles prevailed, simultaneously benefitting both the environment and the people.

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