Develop and Use Complex Spreadsheets

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TVET colleges 2014

Develop and Use Complex Spreadsheets

Learning objectives
LO1:- Prepare to develop spreadsheet
LO2:- Develop a linked spreadsheet solution
LO3:-Automate and standardize spreadsheet operation
LO4:-Use spreadsheets
LO5:-Represent numerical data in graphic form
LO1:- Prepare to develop spreadsheet
Organize personal work environment in accordance with ergonomic requirements.
Analyze task and determine specifications for spreadsheets.
Identify organizational and task requirements in relation to data entry, storage, output, and reporting and
presentation requirements.
Apply work organization strategies and energy and resource conservation techniques to plan work
Ergonomic hazards occur when a caregiver’s nature of work, body position and working conditions put
pressure on his/her body. It is difficult to spot this type of hazard, because caregivers do not immediately
notice the effect to their bodies. At first, sore muscles may be experienced. But long term exposure to this
type of hazard can cause musculoskeletal problems.
Examples of ergonomic hazards that a caregiver may be exposed to:
 Performing tasks that require lifting heavy loads,
 Too much bending and reaching, standing for long periods of time,
 Holding body parts for long period of time and awkward movements, especially if they are
 Repeating the same movements over and over
Some of the Effects of Ergonomic Hazards: (pain in the shoulders, back injury, too much impact on
wrist and hands, numbness in some parts of the bodyand muscle cramps)
Ergonomic requirements may include
 avoiding radiation from computer screens
 chair height, seat and back adjustment
 document holder
 footrest
 keyboard and mouse position
 lighting
 noise minimisation
 posture
 screen position
 workstation height and layout
Work organization strategies may include:
 exercise breaks
 mix of repetitive and other activities
 rest periods
Energy and resource conservation techniques may include:

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TVET colleges 2014

 double-sided paper use

 recycling used and shredded paper
 re-using paper for rough drafts (observing confidentiality requirements)
 using power-save options for equipment
LO2:- Develop a linked spreadsheet solution.
Utilize spreadsheet design software functions and formula to meet identified requirements
Link spreadsheets in accordance with software procedures
Format cells and use data attributes assigned with relative and/or absolute cell references, in accordance
with the task specifications
Test formula to confirm output meets task requirements
Spreadsheet design may include
 analysis
 appropriateness
 avoidance of blank rows and columns
 embedding cell references in formula
 formula
 formatting and reformatting
 functions
 headers and footers
 headings
 headings and labels
 identification and parameters
 import and export of data
 labels
 linked formula
 multi-page documents
 pivot tables
 relative and absolute cell references
 split screen operation
A formula is a sequence of values, cell references, names, functions, or operators in a cell that together
produce a new value.
A formula always begins with an equal sign (=).And includes

 Addition
 Average
 Comparison
 division
 exponentiation
 multiplication
 percentage
 subtraction
 combinations of above

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Functions may include

basic financial functions (if available)
date functions
logical functions (lookup, if, choose, true, false, conditions)
mathematical functions (square root, integer, absolute value, round)
simple nested functions
statistical functions (standard deviation, count, maximum, minimum)
Lo3:-Automate and standardize spreadsheet operation
Evaluate tasks to identify those where automation would increase efficiency
Create, use and edit macros to fulfill the requirements of the task and automate spreadsheet operation
Develop, edit and use templates to ensure consistency of design and layout for forms and reports, in
accordance with organizational requirements
Macros mean the process of printing sections of a spreadsheet.
Templates may include:
font types and sizes
headers and footers
page formats
lo4:- Use spreadsheets
Enter, check and amend data in accordance with organizational and task requirements
Import and export data between compatible spreadsheets and adjust host documents, in accordance with
software and system procedures
Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with spreadsheet design and
Preview, adjust and print spreadsheet in accordance with organizational and task requirements
Name and store spreadsheet in accordance with organizational requirements and exit the application
without data loss or damage
Importing and exporting datamay include:
 proofreading
 reformatting
 split screen (if available)
Printingmay include:
 charts
 entire workbooks
 selected data within a worksheet
 worksheets

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Naming and storing spread sheets may include

o authorised access
o file naming conventions
o filing locations
o organizational policy for backing up files
o organizational policy for filing hard copies of spread sheets
o security
o storage in folders and sub-folders
o storage on disk drives, CD-ROM, USB, tape back-up, server
lo5:- Represent numerical data in graphic form
Determine style of graph to meet specified requirements and manipulate spreadsheet data if necessary to
suit graph requirements
Create graphs with labels and titles from numerical data contained in a spreadsheet file
Save, view and print graph within designated time lines
Graphs and create graphs includes
data range
keys and legends
labels and titles
sizing (if possible)
using graph menu
X and Y axis

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