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Classroom management was described by educators as the process of

arranging learning environments to facilitate students’ effective growth, the ability
to help students overcome feelings of learned helplessness, and the capacity to
formulate a guiding vision. It has been stressed that classroom management
incorporates the notions of successful teaching and communication. In this
context, effective teaching involves serving as a mentor, providing direction, and
playing a key role in maintaining control, this was according to the study of Özen
& Yildirim on 2020. Furthermore, in Naparan and Alinsug’s study on 2021, they
mentioned that proficient classroom management fosters enhanced learning
experiences, which in turn positively impact students’ academic achievements.

In accordance with the study of Hoekstra and others on 2023, in teacher
education programs, general classroom management is frequently a well
covered topic, but social dynamics are even less frequently covered. In the
aspect socio-emotional development, it is difficult to attain due to student
misbehaviors. As indicated in the study of Finn and colleagues on 2008, student
misbehaviors are defined as behaviors that interrupt the systematic order in the

Moving on ,

According to the study of Miljenović on 2022, classroom management
should not be a matter of chance; rather, it should be based on the teacher’s
personality traits and characteristics. Effective classroom management is not just
about discipline; it involves teacher–student relationships. In the study of Gest
and others on 2014 , they highlighted that the way teachers manage social
dynamics in the classroom, addressing aggression and promoting positive social
behavior, positively influences students' feelings of peer community, school
connection, and motivation. Responsive teacher - student interactions predict
improvements in school bonding/motivation, while teachers' efforts to support
isolated students and address status extremes are
associated with positive changes in students' sense of peer community. The
study also reveals that educators' efforts to control aggression and encourage
prosocial behavior in aggressive students are linked to reductions in peer-
nominated aggression within a year, underscoring the importance of teachers'
awareness of victimization patterns and classroom friendships to facilitate
positive changes in school dynamics.

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