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Automotive & Assembly Practice

Automotive R&D
transformation: Optimizing
gen AI’s potential value
Automotive manufacturers could realize time and cost savings and
quality improvements by implementing generative AI functions that
add value at all stages of the R&D process.
This article is a collaborative effort by Peter Cholewinski, Martin Kellner, Wolf Richter, Matthias
Roggendorf, Andreas Tschiesner, and Andreas Venus, representing views from McKinsey’s
Automotive & Assembly Practice.

February 2024
Three momentous trends are buffeting the R&D One clear lesson emerged from these discussions:
function in the automotive industry, creating the by following a value-focused approach that
need for profound change. supports the integration of gen AI throughout the
R&D process, companies can capture substantial
First, the transition from internal combustion value in the form of reduced costs, accelerated time
engine (ICE) to electric vehicle (EV) technology is to market, improved quality, and more innovation.
a fundamental shift, the likes of which the industry
has not experienced since surging oil prices and
competition sparked demand for more fuel-efficient Opportunities for gen AI
vehicles more than a half century ago. in automotive R&D
We convened a workshop with 30 R&D
Second is the trend of software-defined vehicles executives from leading European automotive
with a central architecture that is more geared and manufacturing companies to discuss their
toward consumers. Software provides many use of and plans for gen AI, exploring a range of
opportunities for automotive players to differentiate opportunities inherent in the technology. Some of
themselves, with such applications as infotainment these executives also completed a detailed survey
and advanced driver-assistance systems. However, on gen AI; their responses are reflected throughout
software also presents companies with the this article.1
substantial challenge of transforming hardware-
centric operations to support their added role as Adoption and investment trends
software providers. We found a strong inclination to adopt gen AI in the
automotive sector. The majority of companies (75
The third trend is the emergence of generative AI percent of survey respondents) are experimenting
(gen AI). Gen AI is becoming a powerful technology with at least one gen AI application; those that are
with the potential to completely reconfigure how not plan to start within one year (25 percent of
R&D teams operate. Although the technology is still respondents).
in its early days, its ability to generate and process
language and imagery, integrate insights from Further, investments in gen AI applications for R&D
various sources, process information across diverse are substantial: more than 40 percent of survey
formats, and produce detailed documentation for respondents reported that their companies have
regulatory purposes points to a radically different invested up to €5 million. A few companies—more
R&D future. than 10 percent of respondents—have invested
more than €20 million.
New entrants to the sector—EV manufacturers in
China, the United States, and elsewhere—have Gen AI application in R&D processes
already successfully implemented R&D process While most of the executives surveyed (70 percent)
innovations that accelerate new-vehicle time to reported that their companies are integrating gen
market, gaining considerable strategic advantages AI applications into R&D, most pilot programs
over established players, whose margins are already are limited to one stage of the R&D process. The
squeezed. breadth of piloted use cases is remarkably high (60
percent of use cases we identified); nevertheless,
To better understand the impact and opportunity we saw no systematic use of gen AI throughout the
of these trends, we spoke with executives from R&D process.
leading European automotive and manufacturing
companies. The detailed discussions focused The wide range of piloted use cases indicates that
primarily on gen AI and the lessons that are executives are largely aiming for a comprehensive
emerging from the many gen AI pilots and a few future approach to using gen AI in the R&D
at-scale deployments.

Of the 30 executives who participated in our workshop, 12 completed our survey.

Automotive R&D transformation: Optimizing gen AI’s potential value 2

process. Indeed, more than 40 percent of survey And some use cases can deliver exceptional
respondents are prioritizing more than 75 percent of efficiencies: for example, a German tier-one
potential use cases. automotive supplier achieved a 70 percent gain
in productivity—including the time required for
Gen AI’s estimated impact and value human review of the gen AI–produced output—
Most participants agreed that most of the gen by using gen AI to generate test vectors such as
AI use cases quantified in the survey or during full branch coverage and modified condition/
the workshop bring substantial value and could decision coverage (MCDC). By integrating gen
improve R&D processes by 10 to 20 percent. AI into its development process for embedded
Some participants viewed the potential value of software and its generation of requirements—
integrating gen AI use cases more as a means of using gen AI to help determine requirements
recovering investments in gen AI, while others for stakeholder requests that could serve as
viewed it as an added expense required to first drafts—the company achieved productivity
remain competitive with peers. Nonetheless, the gains of up to 30 percent for engineers.
prevailing view is that major organizational and
cultural transformations are needed to capture gen — Design applications. Within the design segment
AI’s full value. of R&D, the leaders we consulted estimated
that generative-design use cases could
Gen AI use cases and their potential value to R&D improve R&D processes by 10 to 20 percent.
Use cases currently being piloted or investigated by They also estimated that reverse and black-
participants’ companies were most likely to focus on box engineering use cases could yield 5 to 10
requirements engineering (mentioned most in the percent improvements in R&D processes by
survey), followed by software testing and validation, using gen AI to reveal and decode proprietary
and product design and optimization (mentioned by technologies such as knowledge extraction,
more than half of survey respondents). algorithm decoding, or reengineering.

Although these are the most frequent areas of

focus, each segment of the R&D process has Capturing gen AI opportunities
viable gen AI use cases that provide opportunities Most of the executives we consulted deemed the
to reduce costs, increase speed to market, and barriers to implementing gen AI in R&D as either
improve quality. For example, administrative costs “large” or “very large”; only 25 percent of survey
could be lowered by using gen AI to complete respondents characterized them as “small.” Indeed,
certain documentation tasks required by the lack of systematic integration of gen AI into
regulations, thus freeing up developers’ capacity companies’ existing operating models can be
and improving engineering experience and attributed to the major organizational and cultural
efficiency. changes such integration requires.

— Testing and homologation. The executives For gen AI applications to add value across the
we consulted estimated that using gen R&D process, a holistic, value-centered approach
AI to automate reporting and to generate that goes beyond tech and data is needed. Only by
documentation and scenario-based simulation building the range of necessary capabilities and
could improve testing and homologation culture can companies expect to reap the benefits
processes by 20 to 30 percent. Automation of new technologies such as gen AI (exhibit).
could add value by simplifying the creation of
essential reports, manuals, and documentation A road map centered on value
for compliance, product documentation, and A surprising number of transformations lack clear
quality assurance purposes. and specific targets for value. Without that clarity
and alignment at the leadership level, companies

Automotive R&D transformation: Optimizing gen AI’s potential value 3

A value-centered approach to incorporating generative AI in digital and
analytics comprises three stages, each with distinct objectives.

Alignment 1. Business-led digital road map

on value Align the senior leadership team on the vision, values, and road map for the transformation, and
reimagine business domains to deliver an outstanding customer experience and reduce unit costs.

Enabling 2. Talent 3. Operating model 4. Technology 5. Data

delivery Ensure the organization Increase the Enable ease of use of Continuously enrich
has the skills and organization’s technology throughout data and make it easy
capabilities needed to metabolic rate by the organization to to consume throughout
execute and innovate. effectively aligning support innovation the organization to
business, operations, at pace. improve customer
and technology. experience and
business performance.

Change 6. Adoption and scaling

management Maximize the value captured by generative AI use cases by ensuring the adoption and enterprise
scaling of digital solutions and by carefully managing transformation progress and risks.

McKinsey & Company

struggle to marshal the necessary resources and data privacy, algorithmic bias, transparency,
track progress. Building support and alignment and accountability, and it should be consistently
around that value is critical. communicated to all stakeholders (see sidebar,
“Addressing legal and ethical considerations”).
— Frame gen AI as an enabler. A major theme This helps build trust, understanding, and
in our discussion with R&D executives was support for gen AI implementation and
avoiding gen AI backlash in the organization by encourages all members of the organization to
properly positioning the benefits of gen AI via a support its strategic objectives.
preemptive discussion. Presenting gen AI as an
enabler and accelerator rather than as a means — Empower C-suite leaders. A crucial first step
of cost reduction and job destruction is critical can be providing C-suite leaders with relevant
to a successful adoption. data and case studies that demonstrate the
potential impact of gen AI on the organization’s
— A clear and consistent change narrative. strategic objectives in a clear and concise
Internal stakeholders—chief experience manner. In an ideal situation, C-suite leaders are
officers, managers, employees, and relevant briefed on the ethical and legal considerations
departments such as legal, ethics, and of gen AI and the importance of establishing
compliance—should be engaged in the guardrails and nimble ethics and legal approval
process of defining the change narrative. processes. By modeling a pioneering mindset,
This collaborative approach ensures that C-suite leaders can foster a culture of innovation
all perspectives within the organization are and experimentation within the organization.
considered and that the resulting narrative R&D departments can support these leaders
is comprehensive and aligned with the in ensuring that gen AI is implemented in
organization’s goals. The change narrative a responsible and effective manner that
should address ethical considerations, including maximizes benefits for the organization.

Automotive R&D transformation: Optimizing gen AI’s potential value 4

Addressing legal and ethical considerations
When it comes to using gen AI, — Regulatory frameworks and ethics — Clear guidelines and protocols.
executives in our discussions and the committees. A predefined regulatory Establishing clear guidelines and
survey were most concerned about data framework and a nimble, rapid protocols helps ensure compliance
protection and related legal concerns. escalation mechanism to clarify with ethical and legal requirements,
While gen AI is initially introduced by borderline cases can provide the legal including data privacy, algorithmic
tech departments, companies must and ethical foundation for widespread bias, transparency, and accountability.
develop a strong adoption framework use of gen AI. This can help protect A well-defined and efficient approval
that encompasses R&D, legal, risk, and companies from potential liability process involves clear documentation
compliance. Companies in the critical- claims as well as reduce uncertainty of objectives, data sources, algorithms
infrastructure space are already facing a for engineers who are formulating new used, and potential risks and mitigation
rapidly developing regulatory environment gen AI use cases. For example, some strategies. Ongoing monitoring and
to define permissible uses of gen AI, leading companies are establishing evaluation of gen AI projects helps
including criteria for data usage and gen AI ethics committees with maintain the technology’s integrity
guardrails. members from outside the organization and supports its trustworthiness and
to provide an independent perspective acceptance.
— Safeguarding proprietary data. It is on the ethical use of gen AI as case
imperative to ensure that proprietary law evolves.
data does not leak into vendors’ gen AI
models and that potentially proprietary — Early alignment on guardrails.
data is not being used in gen AI Responsible and ethical gen AI
responses. A clear understanding of deployment in automotive R&D
the terms of service for commercial gen requires early agreement on guardrails
AI offerings can help establish internal for the technology and a rapid ethics
rules to guide decision makers in using and legal approval process involving
and protecting proprietary data. legal, risk, cybersecurity, data
protection, and compliance.

— Build a visible lighthouse to inspire the Empowering and training talent:

organization. This can prove to be a key Two gen AI copilots
strategy for R&D departments in automotive. Gen AI will certainly affect jobs, but McKinsey
By identifying a high-impact use case for gen analysis indicates that models will often function
AI and showcasing its potential, R&D teams can as copilot applications that support the work
motivate and inspire the rest of the organization employees are already performing.2 The changes
to explore new possibilities and embrace will include assuming monotonous tasks, such as
innovation. Once the lighthouse is successful, writing briefs or drafting documentation. This in turn
R&D leadership will need to build a set of will enable employees to spend more time on more
mutually reinforcing and supporting use cases. rewarding tasks—for example, generating ideas
Simply building out use cases in isolation and and creative solutions and drafting initial code for
without coordination often leads to considerable review. Building talent capabilities can be much
activity but little value. more of a training exercise than a hiring objective.

“The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier,” McKinsey, June 14, 2023.

Automotive R&D transformation: Optimizing gen AI’s potential value 5

Several R&D organizations have already begun — Streamlined processes. To unlock the bottom-
implementing copilots, including one focused line potential of gen AI, existing processes must
on writing requirement documents. Copying be redesigned and costs must be systematically
and pasting text from different versions of such reduced or removed—for example, by
documents often leads to inconsistencies and, streamlining workflows, eliminating manual
in the worst cases, convoluted documents with process steps, and reshaping roles.
unnecessary requirements. A German OEM that
implemented this copilot has realized efficiency — Clear mandates. To ensure accountability
gains of 20 percent and eased the workloads of and drive results, leaders should establish
several hundred engineers. The copilot has been robust mandates that clearly define objectives,
continuously enhanced with additional features, deliverables, and timelines for these teams.
such as checks against International Organization By empowering teams with the necessary
for Standardization (ISO) norms, that have resources and authority, R&D departments can
contributed additional time savings. foster a sense of ownership and responsibility
among team members, enabling them to achieve
Another gen AI copilot, implemented by a German their goals and deliver tangible outcomes.
automotive OEM, aims to reduce compliance task
preparation time for a broad set of employees. In this Building technology foundations
case, the gen AI application automatically extracts Similar to digital use cases, the top barriers to
norms from ISO and similar documents, consolidates adoption of gen AI use cases include data silos,
them, and checks for adherence to and compliance permission issues, and tech stacks that prove
with existing process documentation. It is expected inadequate to support the new technology.
to reduce audit preparation efforts by 20 to 30
percent when it is eventually expanded to derive Implementing gen AI depends on scalable
to-do items automatically and identify synergies infrastructure, which includes robust architecture,
across norms and process documentation. efficient resource allocation, and proactive
adaptation to evolving technological landscapes.
Workers will need time and training to learn how to In addition, a coherent but modular data platform
best use their copilots, test and build trust in the is an essential element to a technical foundation
results, and gain reassurance from interactions that that supports a scalable use of gen AI. Ideally,
yield the correct answers. the technology foundation should provide access
to different gen AI models to enable broader
Innovating the operating model sets of use cases and support cost-efficient
For teams to work quickly and effectively, they implementation. The vast amount of data to be
need independence, clear guidelines and goals, processed and the open architecture required
and access to gen AI tools and capabilities. Given to integrate with vendor-hosted large language
the uncertainties and evolving landscape around models mean that cloud-based infrastructures and
risk, experts in the field need to be embedded platforms are desirable, as they can provide the
with working teams to identify issues early on and flexibility and robustness needed.
manage a thoughtful risk review and approval
process. Crucial elements include the following: Creating robust data governance
A lack of value assurance for data and a lack
— Cross-functional teams. To fully leverage gen of training-data availability from suppliers are
AI, companies should establish cross-functional substantial challenges, highlighting the technical
teams consisting of experts from various and organizational centrality of data.
disciplines who can collaborate effectively to
drive innovation. A culture of collaboration and Although gen AI does not typically require vast
experimentation enables teams to solve complex amounts of data to deliver value, most use cases do
problems and deliver powerful solutions. benefit from systematic prompt enrichment using

Automotive R&D transformation: Optimizing gen AI’s potential value 6

proprietary data, which needs to be administered R&D departments can be better served by
Find more content like this on the
with strict data governance to restrict visibility prioritizing gen AI use cases with the highest
McKinsey Insights App and accessibility of the proprietary data to what is potential impact and lowest risk. These use cases
permissible and desirable. can then be grouped into waves of deployment
based on their complexity and interdependencies,
Data ownership, data taxonomy, and ontology thus delivering tangible business value and building
are required to feed models with the necessary momentum for the next wave of deployments.
clean and representative data for training. A Collaboration and knowledge sharing across teams
comprehensive approach is not ideal; rather, a and waves can help maximize benefits.
set of pragmatic solutions for various use cases,
introduced in parallel, is more likely to yield success.
Scan • Download • Personalize
For example, companies can begin cataloging test
cases, establish data governance for these test Capturing the value of gen AI in R&D starts with a
cases, and create a repository of high-quality test- clear vision for its use and a systematic approach to
case data in a structured data lake. identifying and prioritizing use cases. Each use case
pilot should be followed by developing a product
Maintaining strict assurance that solutions that is supported with robust change management,
are adopted and scaled to capture value value accrual, capability building, and a road map
The effects of the transformed R&D process should outlining the next wave of use cases to transform the
be carefully measured, evaluated, and corrected entire process chain. Value can be captured only by
where needed. A clear and accepted baseline is ensuring that gen AI benefits are applied day to day.
essential to demonstrate the positive impact of gen
AI. Implementing several use cases, partly in parallel,
facilitates successive iteration and refinement of
Similarly, a value capture governance framework the gen AI approach, strategy, and vision over time.
and supporting incentives will help avoid Such an approach ensures a swift and scalable
unnecessary costs for licenses and training. An capture of value from gen AI innovations.
organization with a strong business value can help
realize bottom-line or top-line benefits enabled by
higher productivity and shorter time to market.

About the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility

These insights were developed by the future-mobility scenarios. With our unique, pools, and life cycle sustainability. Find
McKinsey Center for Future Mobility bottom-up modeling approach, our out more about the McKinsey Center for
(MCFM). Since 2011, the MCFM has worked insights enable an end-to-end analytics Future Mobility on
with stakeholders across the mobility journey through the future of mobility—
ecosystem by providing independent from consumer needs to a modal mix
and integrated evidence about possible across urban/rural areas, sales, value

Peter Cholewinski is an associate partner in McKinsey’s Berlin office, where Wolf Richter and Matthias Roggendorf are
partners and Andreas Venus is a senior partner. Martin Kellner is a partner in the Munich office, where Andreas Tschiesner is
a senior partner.

Copyright © 2024 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

Automotive R&D transformation: Optimizing gen AI’s potential value 7

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