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TECHNO I Midterms )

Product • precise description of what the product

has to do.
Product • Customer needs are generally expressed
in the “language of the customer.”
– is something sold by an enterprise to its
customers. Some firms use the terms below to refer to key
design variables of the product
Product development

– set of activities beginning with the • product requirements or engineering

perception of a market opportunity characteristics
– ending in the production, sale, and • specifications or technical
delivery of a product. specifications

Characteristics of Successful Product A specification (singular) consists of a metric

Development and a value.

For example, “average time to assemble” is a

From the perspective of the investors in a for-
profit enterprise successful product metric, while “less than 75 seconds” is the value
development results in products that can be
produced and sold profitably, yet profitability is
often difficult to assess quickly and directly.

• Product quality - market share and

price willing to pay
• Product cost - determines how much
• Development Time - firm’s
responsiveness and econ. return
• Development Cost - fraction of
• Development Capability -future
improvements of this metric.
Duration and Cost of Product Development Process of establishing the target

1. Prepare the list of metrics.

2. Collect competitive benchmarking
3. Set ideal and marginally acceptable
target values.
4. Reflect on the results and the

Challenges of Product Development:

• Trade-offs – opportunity cost

• Dynamics – changes
• Details – choices
• Time pressure – decision making
• Economics – reasonable ROI

Product Specifications


TECHNO I Midterms )

Sample Metrics Product Development Process (Generic)

• Product-centered
• Information-Processing System
• Risk Management System

0 – Planning

• This phase begins with opportunity


• guided by corporate strategy and includes

assessment of technology developments
and market objectives.

• Output: Project Mission Statement -

specifies the target market for the product,
Needs- Metrics Matrix business goals, key assumptions, and

1 – Concept Development

• the needs of the target market are

identified, alternative product concepts are
generated and evaluated, and one or
more concepts are selected for further
development and testing

• Output: Concept - description of the form,

function, and features of a product and is
usually accompanied by a set of
specifications, an analysis of competitive
products, and an economic justification of
the project.
Development Process
2 – System-level Design
• the definition of the product architecture,
– is a sequence of steps that transforms a decomposition of the product into
set of inputs into a set of outputs. subsystems and components, preliminary
design of key components, and allocation of
Product development process
detail design responsibility to both internal
– is the sequence of steps or activities and external resources.
that an enterprise employs to
• Output: Geometric layout of the
conceive, design, and commercialize a
product, a functional specification of
each of the product’s subsystems, and a
A well-defined development process is useful preliminary process flow diagram for the
for the following reasons: final assembly process

• Quality Assurance - phases & checkpoints 3 – Detail Design

• Coordination - roles & delegations
• complete specification of the geometry,
• Planning - schedule
materials, and tolerances of all of the
• Management - benchmarking
unique parts in the product and the
identification of all of the standard parts to
• Improvement - documentation & review


TECHNO I Midterms )

be purchased from suppliers; a process plan Prototype

is also established
– an approximation of the product on one or
• Output: Control Documentation for the more dimensions of interest.
product - the drawings or computer files
Prototypes two dimensions:
describing the geometry of each part
and its production tooling, the (1) the degree to which they are physical
specifications of the purchased parts, and as opposed to analytical and
the process plans for the fabrication and
assembly of the product (2) the degree to which they are
comprehensive as opposed to focused.
4 – Testing and Refinement
Prototypes are used for learning,
• the construction and evaluation of multiple communication, integration, and milestones.
preproduction versions of the product
• Output: Prototype (Alpha and Beta) of While all types of prototypes can be used for all
the product – Alpha prototypes are tested of these purposes :
to determine whether the product will work • Physical prototypes are usually best
as designed and whether the product for communication
satisfies the key customer needs, while • Comprehensive prototypes are best for
beta prototypes is usually created to integration and milestones.
answer questions about performance and
reliability to identify necessary engineering Prototyping Principles
changes for the final product. • Analytical prototypes are generally more
5 – Production Ramp-up flexible than physical prototypes.
• Physical prototypes are required to detect
• the purpose of the ramp-up is to train the unanticipated phenomena.
workforce and to work out any remaining • A prototype may reduce the risk of costly
problems in the production processes. iterations.
• Output: Postlaunch Project Review - • A prototype may expedite other
includes an assessment of the project from development steps.
both commercial and technical perspectives • A prototype may restructure task
and is intended to identify ways to improve dependencies.
the development process for future

Product Development Process Flows

Prototyping Steps

four-step method for planning a prototype is:

1. Define the purpose of the prototype.

2. Establish the level of approximation of
Prototyping the prototype.
3. Outlinean experimental plan.
– Product development almost always
4. Create a schedule for procurement,
requires the building and testing of
construction, and testing.


TECHNO I Midterms )

Financial Plan and Resource Generation • seeks to identify how much in sales will
be required to cover all fixed costs so that
Cost Estimation
the business can begin generating a profit.
Cost estimation and budgeting • leads to calculating and examining the
margin of safety for an entity based on
– allows businesses to make informed the revenues collected and associated
decisions about whether or not to proceed costs.
with a given project. • A demand-side analysis would give a seller
– If the estimated cost of a project significant insight into selling capabilities.
exceeds the available budget, the business • Unit Contribution Margin
may decide to scale back the scope of the = Sales Price – Variable Costs
project or even cancel it entirely. • Break-even quantity
– If the estimated cost of a project is lower = Fixed costs / (Sales price per unit –
than the available budget, the business Variable cost per unit)
may choose to invest additional resources
in order to increase the likelihood of Break-even analysis example:
• Beth has dreams of opening a gourmet
Key Elements of cupcake store. She does a break-even
Cost Estimation analysis to determine how many cupcakes
she’ll have to sell to break even on her
• Materials investment. She’s done the math, so she
• Labor knows her fixed costs for one year are
• Overhead $10,000 and her variable cost per unit is
• Equipment $.50. She’s done a competitor study and
• Permits some other calculations and determined her
• Fees unit price to be $6.00.
• Taxes
• Contingencies Payback Period

• length of time it takes to recover the

cost of an investment or the length of
Methods of Cost Estimation time an investor needs to reach a
• Bottom-up estimating breakeven point.
estimating the cost of each individual Shorter paybacks mean more attractive
component of a project and then investments, while longer payback periods are
summing those estimates to get a total less desirable.
project cost estimate.
• Top-down estimating • calculated by dividing the amount of the
estimating the total cost of a project and investment by the annual cash flow
then allocating that cost to individual
• Account and fund managers use the
components based on some rational
payback period to determine whether
to go through with an investment.
• Three-point estimating
estimating the most likely cost, the best- • One of the downsides of the
case cost, and the worst-case cost of a payback period is that it disregards
project. the time value of money.
• Analogous estimating
estimating the cost of a new project by
comparing it to similar projects that
have been completed in the past.

Breakeven Analysis Financial Planning

effort of comparing income from sales – comprehensive overview of your
to the fixed costs of doing business. financial goals and the steps you need
to take to achieve them.


TECHNO I Midterms )

– process of estimating the capital changing market trends which can

required and determining the its be faced easily through enough
competition. It is the process of framing funds.
financial polices in relation to 6. Financial planning helps in reducing
procurement, investment and the uncertainties which can be a
administration of funds of an hindrance to growth of the
enterprise. company.

Financial plan Types of Investors

– gives a clear vision of the overall Angel investors

operating income and expenses of
– are individuals willing to make high-risk
the business to distinguish
investment in early stage ventures.
– if the company will gain profit and will
be successful in the business world. Public funding agencies
Objectives of Financial Planning – mandate and authority to fund business
ventures to achieve economic
• Determining capital requirements
development, environmental , cultural,
–depend upon factors like cost of and etc.
current and fixed assets, promotional
Venture capital companies
expenses and long-range planning.
– invest in high-risk ventures that offer
• Determining capital structure
potentially high returns.
– the capital structure is the
– VCs raise funds to capitalize investment
composition of the capital, i.e., the
funds that they managed.
relative kind and proportion of capital
required in the business. Private equity (PE) firms
• Framing financial policies – in relatively mature ventures that
have at least a modest
– with regards to cash control, lending,
financial or operational track record
borrowing etc.
– while offering relatively attractive
A finance manager ensures that the scarce terms in an immediate time frame.
financial resources are maximally utilized int eh
Strategic investors
best possible manner at least cost in order to get
maximum returns on investment. – investment intentions more that
any other factors.

– could be a member of any of the

previous types of investors
Importance of Financial Planning – often they are larger companies
operating or investing in the same
1. Adequate funds have to ensured.
industry or a complementary one or
2. Financial planning helps in ensuring
market as your venture.
a reasonable balance between
outflow and inflow of funds so that Banks
stability is maintained.
– reached financial nirvana, as bank offer
3. Financial Planning ensures that the
the lowest cost of capital,
suppliers of the funds are easily
investing in companies which Other Options to Raise Capital
exercise financial planning.
4. Financial planning helps in making 1. Funding your own idea.
growth and expansion programs 2. Crowdfunding
which exercise financial planning.
5. Financial planning reduces 3. Friends and Family
uncertainties which regards to


TECHNO I Midterms )

4. Taking a Loan Copyright Act

5. Enter Competitions – gives the copyright owner certain

exclusive rights
Intellectual Property Rights
including the right to:
• Reproduce the work
An Act Prescribing the Intellectual Property
• Prepare “derivative works” (other works
Code and Establishing the Intellectual Property
based on the original work)
Office, Providing For Its Powers and Functions,
• Distribute copies of the work by sale,
and for other Purposes.
lease, or other transfer of
Lays down the rules and regulations that grant, • ownership
and enforce patents in the Philippines • Perform the work publicly
• Display the work publicly
Intellectual Property (IP)
One need to fill out an application form attach a
– refers to creation of the mind, such as copy of their work, and pay the basic filling fee
inventions, literary and artistic works of Php 625 at the IPO.
designs; and symbols, names and
images used in commerce. Types of IP:

• IP is protected in law by, Patents

for example, patents, copyright and • A patent is an exclusive right granted

trademarks, which enable people to for an invention, which a product or
earn recognition or financial benefit a process that provides, in general, a
from what they invent or create. new way of doing something, or offers
a new technical solution to a problem.
• By the striking the right balance To get patent, technical information
between the interest of innovators and abut the invention must be disclosed to
the wider public interest, the IP aims to the public in a patent application
foster an environment in which
creativity and innovation can flourish Types:

Types of IP: • Utility patents – cover anyone who

invents a new and useful process,
Copyright or Author’s Right article of manufacture, machine, or a
– Is a legal term used to describe the composition of matter.
rights that creators have over their • Design patents – include an original,
literary and artistic works. new, and
– Works covered by copyright range from
books, music, paintings, sculpture and ornamental design for a manufactured product.
films, to computer programs, databases,
• Plant patents – go to anyone who
advertisements, maps, and technical
produces, discovers, and invents a new
kind of plant capable of reproduction.
Patents Application:
– as a person’s exclusive right to
1. One need to fill out a Request Form for a
reproduce, publish, or sell his or her
Grant of Philippine Patent, as well as
original work of authorship as a
submit descriptions and drawings of the
literary, musical, dramatic, artistic,
invention or process.
or architectural work.
2. Once the application has been filed, it
The primary goal of copyright law :
will be published in the IPO Gazette.
is to protect the time, effort, and creativity of During the period of its publication,
the work’s creator. anyone can write in or contest the


TECHNO I Midterms )

3. Corresponding filing fees amount to Php – If you don’t register your trademarks, you
3,600 and Php 1,800 for big and small may be prohibited from using it by
inventions, respectively someone who has.

Content of Description: Trademark

– is a corporate symbol that contributes

to the image of the company is trying to
– mark of quality and excellence that
identifies that the company as the
– Like a logo, a trademark can be a
combination of color, typestyle, and
shape, or it can be just shape and color
Examples: like McDonald’s golden arches.


• Trademarks
– identify products
• Service marks
– promote a service
• Collective marks
– are used organizations or
Types of IP: associations to identify themselves
• Certification marks:
Trade Secrets – such as UL (Underwriters
– any practice or process of a company Laboratory)
that is generally not known outside of – used to certify that a particular
the company. product has met the manufacturing
standards of an important third-
– Information considered a trade secrets party regulatory group.
gives the company an economic • Industrial Designs
advantage over its competition and is – refers to the ornamental or aesthetic
often a product of internal research and aspects of an article.
development. – A design may consist of 3-D features,
– defined differently based on jurisdiction such as the shape or surface of an
article, or 2-D features such as patterns,
lines or color.
• Industrial designs are applied
but all have the ff. characteristics in common:
to a wide variety of
• They are not public information industrial products and handicrafts.
• Their secrecy provides economic benefit • The maximum duration of design
to their holder protection varies from country to
• Their secrecy is actively protected • country from 5 to 25 years.

Trademarks Design are concerned with the features, the

appearance of part or the whole product:
Trademarks/ Servicemarks
• Two-dimension features
– to distinguish them in the marketplace
– patterns, lines and/or color
– a value marketing tool, in some
• Three-dimensional features
– shape, texture and/or surface of
– prevents another person from offering a
an article are protectable
similar product or services confusingly
similar to yours.


TECHNO I Midterms )

– by design right if they are not The Executive summary should address these
dedicated by functional main points:
• Purpose – Make sure you have a
Business Plan and Elevator Pitch purpose when writing the summary

Business plan • Problem – What issue needs

addressing? Why is it an issue? Why are
– is a document that summarizes the you where you are?
operational and financial objectives
of a business • Problem Analysis – What can be
– contains the detailed plans and changed or improved?
budgets showing how the objectives
• Results of Analysis –How do you know
are to be realized.
your resources are valid, reliable, and
– It is the road map to the success of
your business .
– serve as a guide on what to do and it • Recommendations – What can you do
will give a clear outline of the things to address the issue? How will you
that need to be done. achieve your recommendations?

Importance of Business Plan • Company Description

A technopreneur should be involved in – company overview that includes

making the business plan because he or she the history, mission statement,
knows the content of the business proposal and vision goals, objectives, products
it explain it thoroughly to the audience. or services, management team,
organizational structure, and
Four Reasons Why You Need a Business Plan
location of the company or the
1. To raise money for your business organization.
2. To make sound decisions – significant to the business plan as
3. To help you identify the potential it provides the clients or
weaknesses customers with the company’s
4. To communicate your ideas with stability and credibility.
Product or Service - Your product and services
Benefits of a Business Plan section should include:

1. See the whole business • A description of the products or

2. Strategic focus services you are offering or plan to
3. Set priorities offer
4. Manage change • How your products and services will
5. Develop accountability be priced
6. Manage cash • A comparison of the products or
7. Strategic alignment services your competitors offer
8. Milestones concerning yours
9. Metrics • Sales literature you plan to use,
10. Realistic regular reminders to keep on including information about your
tract marketing collateral materials and
the role your website, will play in
Business Plan Outline your sales efforts
Executive Summary • A paragraph or so on how orders
from your customers will be
– decision-makers will determine if processed or fulfilled
action is warranted on a particular • Any need you have to create or
action or idea. analyze a problem, draw deliver your products, such as up-
conclusions, to- date computer equipment
– recommend a complete but brief
synopsis course of action.


TECHNO I Midterms )

• Any intellectual property (i.e., they will be liable to the company's

paten) or legal issues you need to board of directors or top managers.
Financial Plan
• Future products or service you plan
to offer • Cost Structure: List out all your fixed
and variable costs.
Market Analysis
• Revenue Streams: Identify your
– to know the market and customer needs.
revenue model – subscription, ads,
– through surveys and interviews to know freemium, etc. and outline your back-
the market trends and what the of-the -envelop assumptions for
customer needs for their daily activities. lifetime value, gross margin, break-even
– quantitative and qualitative assessment point, etc.
of a market.
Recommendations References
– Present your Iachibuchi framework or
SOSTAC framework and discuss here The Lean Canvas
– (Includes all the analysis tools such as – an adaption of the business model
SWOT analysis or TOWS analysis and canvas by Alexander Osterwalder,
others). – which adds a layer to the traditional
Strategy and Implementation business model canvas that focuses on
problems, solutions, key metrics and
– A company should create its strategic unfair advantage based on a unique
plan in a maximum span of t years to 10 value proposition.
– Ash Maurya found the business model
Implementation canvas a bit too general for a lean
startup that is why he revised the key
– provide the company with ideas and
partners, key activities, key resources,
serve as a guide in achieving its goals
and customer relationships and
and objectives through
substituted it with a problem,
Strategy implementation solution, unfair advantage, and key
metrics, respectively.
– is the translation of chosen strategy into
organizational action so to achieve The Lean Canvas
strategic goals and objectives.
1. Problem
– is also defined as how an organization
should develop, utilize, and – A brief description of the top 3
amalgamate organizational structure, problems you’re addressing in the
control system, and culture to follow market. If there is a problem then
strategies that lead to competitive its is time to fine a probable
advantage and better performance. solution.
Management Team 2. Customer Segments
– composed of the team members, – Who are the customers/users of
their strategies, and information. this system?
– It is a group of individuals who – can be done through market
operate the organization. analysis
– They have a day-to-day – knowing your target customer is
responsibility in managing like knowing what products or
different individuals and services are suitable to that
maintaining their responsibility in location.
the business.
– ensures that the business strategy 3. Unique Value Proposition
and objectives are met because


TECHNO I Midterms )

– What is the product’s tagline or 5-Steps Elevator Pitch

primary reason you are different
1. Introduce your self. Start the
and worth buying?
elevator pitch with a brief easy-to
– What is the real essence of creating,
absorb sentence that includes your
making or developing a product?
name, your company name and the
4. Solution service you provide.

– What is the minimum feature set 2. Identify the problem your company
(MVP) that demonstrate the UVP solves. What should the person care
up above? what you do?
– Based on the problem that has been
3. Announce your promise. What
analyze then you will be able to
product or service will provide the
know the exact solution to help not
client? Be clear on the results the
just your client but the society at
person can expect, but avoid selling.
4. Offer proof and a plan. How have you
5. Key Activity
delivered on your promises prior this?
– Describe the key action users take
5. Know when to stop and listen. If any
that maps to revenue or retention?
point in your pitch you find that the
6. Channels listener is turning out, stop talking.

– List the FREE and PAID channels you Three Essential Components in a Pitch
can use to reach your customer.
1. Stimulate interest. Keep in mind that
– Channels that could boost up the people generally buy based on
products and services customer will emotion, using logical reasons as their
have an idea and be informed about impetus for action. Make a point t
it. connect with them emotionally in order
to stimulate their interest.
7. Cost Structure:
2. Transition that interest. Making a
– List out all your fixed and variable costs.
genuine connection can help you
8. Revenue Streams: transition interest. Learn to make your
self equal, then make yourself different.
– Identify your revenue model
– subscription, ads, freemium, etc. 3. Share a vision. Make the value that you
– and outline your back-of-the envelop bring the table as clear as
assumptions for life time value, gross possible. Tell others exactly what you
margin, break- even point etc. want it and what you’re willing to
give in return.
9. Unfair Advantage. Anything that is worth
copying will be copied. Elevator Pitch Final Tips

Elevator Pitch 1. Take your time

• quick presentation which can be deliver 2. Make it conversational

on the fly.
3. Avoid niche words and phrases
• concise that you can even pitch your
4. Express confidence
ideas before someone during an
elevator ride.

• This type of pitch is usually not more

than 30 seconds, or 2 minutes long.

• main focus of the formers to save time

and try to convince a potential lead
within a short period of time.


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