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In the evolving field of engineering, in the Philippines it is highly important for engineers to
continuously learn and develop. This is where Republic Act No. 7920 also known as the New
Electrical Engineering Law plays a role. Its core focus lies in ensuring that engineers never cease
their learning journey through a program called Continuing Professional Education (CPE).
Within this law specifically Article 3 Section 24 a framework for implementing the CPE
Program is outlined. It emphasizes efforts between entities such, as regulatory bodies and
professional associations to ensure that engineers consistently excel in their profession.

Section 24 of the CPE Program requires the Board of Electrical Engineering to develop detailed
guidelines, which must be approved by the Commission. These recommendations provide as a
model for putting in place an organized and demanding professional development program for
master electricians and licensed electrical engineers. Important parties are contacted during the
development of these standards, including integrated and authorized electrical engineering
societies and other relevant industries, guaranteeing a comprehensive approach to curriculum
design and execution. In addition, Section 24 presents the idea of a CPE council, which would be
made up of representatives from the Commission, the Board, accredited and integrated electrical
associations, and other relevant industries. With a separate legal entity, the CPE council plays a
crucial role in putting the CPE rules into practice, monitoring compliance, and encouraging a
culture of ongoing learning and development within the industry. This council protects the
credibility and applicability of the CPE Program by serving as an outstanding example of
professionalism and responsibility.

A proposed amendment, aligned with the values of continuous improvement and professional
progress, proposes to strengthen the CPE Program by implementing required professional
development requirements. This amendment seeks to reinforce the commitment to ongoing
education by requiring training on new advancements, regulatory changes, and ethical concerns
pertaining to the practice of electrical engineering. The amendment highlights the profession's
commitment to excellence and guarantees that practitioners have the knowledge and abilities
needed to handle all aspects of today's engineering environment by formalizing these standards
within the CPE guidelines.

Professional development plays an important role in an engineer's professional path, stimulating
both personal development and the general advancement of the engineering field and technology.
Developed technical skills not only hones one’s engineering path but also increases the
employment chance on the enterprise that displays higher skillset on the field. Mandatory of
Professional development is a must, especially in dealing hazardous job. [1] Higher Education
Institutions play a critical role in societies transition towards sustainable development, educating
future professionals and decision makers. In the last few decades, a number of technical
universities have devoted major efforts to integrating sustainable development into engineering
curricula. There is still, however, an increasing need to further transform learning and training
environments and build capacity of educators and trainers on sustainable development issues. [2]
According to the study of National University, it was found to gain employment, you must have
those set of skills regardless of that person’s territory/nationality. Electrical engineers are
responsible for designing, prototype building, testing, and maintaining the complex electrical
parts and networks that power our world, impacting every industry from aerospace and
telecommunications to artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. [3] Due to increasingly fast
changing technological and work environments, practicing professionals take part in professional
development, if it is compulsory or not, in order to stay competitive in the global arena. Research
has shown that compulsory CPD for registered engineering professionals may further their
professional development. From the “Possible Implications for CPD Provision for Engineering
Professionals” document several issues and concerns were identified, which influence
engineering professionals’ perception of the professional body. Mandatory continuing
professional development for relicensing of engineers. [4] We are in an age of continuous
innovation, and engineering, like all professions, is constantly changing. Engineers need to keep
abreast of these changes and expand their knowledge to maintain their professional status, both
in the eyes of the public and their colleagues. Also, the Code of Ethics of most, if not all,
professional/technical organizations require that the individual continue their professional
development throughout their careers. Many believe that the lack of mandatory continuing
professional development is the essential element that keeps engineering from being viewed as a
true profession. In addition, there is a national trend toward requiring continuing professional
development for maintenance of licensure. The National Society of Professional Engineers
reports that 14 states have laws in place requiring continuing education of engineers or are
considering enactment. The proposed amendment is in alignment with RA 7920 Section 24,
which lays forth the guidelines for the Electrical Engineering Professionals' Continuing
Professional Education (CPE) Program. By outlining the specifics of the professional
development requirements inside the CPE guidelines, the proposed amendment would
complement with the Section 24. The setting up of a CPE council, as stated in Section 24, would
be essential to carrying out the amendment's proposed professional development guidelines.

As per Republic Act No.7920 Article III Section 24 which stated that the CPE guidelines shall be
prescribed and promulgated by the Board subject to the approval of the Commission. With the
said statement, it should undergo revision to be mandated in the CPE program for necessity to
acquire enhance skillset for the field. With the other developing nation started the
implementation of this program, the Board should also consider implementing this in the
country. This will help give more knowledge and skillset to our professional that will be used for
research and innovation.

In summary, the continuing professional program is a way to have a career enhancing
capabilities, it is the lifeline of sustained excellence in any profession especially in Electrical
Engineering profession. By formalizing and standardizing professional development standards
for electrical engineering professionals, the proposed amendment when combined with Section
24 of RA 7920 would improve the CPE Program and encourage continuous education,
competence, and professionalism in the profession. As a result, the electrical engineering
profession in the Philippines would continue to develop and remain relevant, with practitioners
constantly learning about technological advances and best practices.

(1) Agustí PérezFoguet, Boris Lazzarini, Ricard Giné, Enrique Velo, Alejandra Boni e, Manuel
Sierra, Guido Zolezzi, Rhoda Trimingham, Promoting sustainable human development in
engineering: Assessment of online courses within continuing professional development strategies
(2) Tprestianni, What do electrical engineers do? National University, Sep. 22, 2019
(3) Muller, Jan, Electrical engineering professionals’ continuing professional development needs
within one South African company (2015)
(4) C. R. “Chuck” Pennoni, Fellow, ASCE, Mandatory Continuing Professional Development for
Relicensing of Engineers (1993)

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