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Task 1

Cloud Computing Security: A Review of the Challenges and Opportunities for Banking Sector

Organizations in the UAE

Importance of the Topic

Cloud computing is increasingly becoming popular for organizations with highly reliant

data to safeguard and backup their data and information to avert risks and maintain business

continuity in the event of disasters. Unfortunately, as more organizations adopt cloud computing,

issues relating to security arise and need to be addressed comprehensively to guarantee

effectiveness. The identified topic will be focused on the organizations serving in the UAE's

banking sector, which is one of the most sensitive and highly critical in the country's economic

development. The focus will entail the cloud computing security issues the banking sector

organizations have been facing, the past and ongoing trends on the issue, and the opportunities

available to address them. After a detailed review of all such issues, a proposition on the action

to be adopted and implemented will be made in the proposed research.

Task 2

Research Questions and Objectives

The research questions sought to be addressed include:

1. What are the main cloud computing security issues and challenges banking sector

organizations in the UAE face?

2. What strategies are banking sector organizations in the UAE implementing to address the

identified issues and challenges, and how effective are such strategies?

3. What are best practice recommendations available for the UAE's banking sector

organizations to adopt to improve their cloud computing security systems and measures?
The objectives of the proposed research include:

1. To identify the common cloud computing security challenges that the UAE's banking

sector organizations face.

2. To evaluate the effectiveness and gaps of the strategies the UAE's banking sector

organizations are implementing to mitigate the identified challenges and issues in their

cloud computing security approaches.

3. To propose the best practices that the UAE's banking sector should adopt in their cloud

computing security approaches and systems based on research findings.

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