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Climatology Part 4 | 76 - 100 | 125 | UGC NET | NETSET CORNER

76. The average slope of warm front is

(A) 1:100 to 1:200

(B) 1:50 to 1:100

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(C) 1:20 to 1: 30

(D) 1:10 to 1:20

Answer: A


Warm front- a front in which warm air replaces cooler air at the surface.

 Some of the characteristics of warm fronts include the following:

 The slope of a typical warm front is 1:200 (more gentle than cold fronts).
 Warm fronts tend to move slowly.
 Warm fronts are typically less violent than cold fronts.
 Although they can trigger thunderstorms, warm fronts are more likely to be associated
with large regions of gentle ascent (strati form clouds and light to moderate
continuous rain).
 Warm fronts are usually preceded by cirrus first (1000 km ahead), then altostratus or
altocumulus (500 km ahead), then stratus and possibly fog.
 Behind the warm front, skies are relatively clear (but change gradually).
 Warm fronts are associated with a frontal inversion (warm air overrunning cooler air).

77. The term Frontolysis refers to

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(A) Occlusion of a front

(B) The creation of a front

(C) The origin of Cyclone

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(D) The decay of a front
Answer: D


78. The slope of a cold front varies from

(A) 1:50 and 1: 100

(B) 1:100 and 1: 200

(C) 1:200 and 1: 400

(D) 1:400 and 1:600

Answer: A


Cold front- a front in which cold air is replacing warm air at the surface.

Some of the characteristics of cold fronts include the following:

The slope of a typical cold front is 1:100 (vertical to horizontal).

Cold fronts tend to move faster than all other types of fronts.

Cold fronts tend to be associated with the most violent weather among all types of fronts.

Cold fronts tend to move the farthest while maintaining their intensity.

Cold fronts tend to be associated with cirrus well ahead of the front, strong thunderstorms
along and ahead of the front, and a broad area of clouds immediately behind the front
(although fast moving fronts may be mostly clear behind the front).

Cold fronts can be associated with squall lines (a line of strong thunderstorms parallel to and
ahead of the front).

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79. The Koppen Classification of World Climate is based on the idea of

(A) V. Bjerkness

(B) G.T. Trewartha

(C) C.W. Thornthwaite

(D) A. D. Candolle
Answer: D


The Koppen Classification of World Climate is based on the idea of A. D. Candolle.

80. The book Grundriss Der Klimakunde was written by

(A) A. De. Candolle

(B) Vladimir Koppen

(C) C.W. Thornthwaite

(D) G.T. Trewartha

Answer: B


81. The second classification of climate by Thornthwaite during the year

1948 is based on

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(A) Distinct vegetation zones

(B) Precipitation Effectiveness

(C) Thermal Efficiency

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(D) Potential Evapotranspiration
Answer: D


82. The book "An Introduction to Climate" was written by

(A) Wladimir Koppen

(B) C.W. Thornthwaite

(C) G.T. Trewartha

(D) L.D. Stamp

Answer: C


83. Land and Sea Breeze are example of

(A) Permanent or Planetary Winds

(B) Periodic Wind

(C) Local Wind

(D) Warm Descending Wind

Answer: B


84. The horizontal movement of the air is called

(A) Air Current

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(B) Wind

(C) Global Winds

(D) Planetary Winds

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Answer: B


85. The vertical or nearly vertical movement of air referred to as

(A) Seasonal Wind

(B) Air Current

(C) Planetary Winds

(D) Global Winds

Answer: B


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86. What is Aerosols?

(A) A Type of Clouds

(B) Tiny dust particles present in the atmosphere

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(C) A ozone layer depletion Gas

(D) An instrument to measure air pressure

Answer: B


87. The Ozone hole was first time discovered in 1985 by Joseph Farman
through conducting the survey of

(A) American Antarctic Survey

(B) British Antarctic Survey

(C) German Antarctic Survey

(D) Russian Antarctic Survey

Answer: B


88. Match List-I with List-II and use the codes from given below

List-I List-II

A. Anabatic Wind 1. The path followed by a cyclone

B. Katabatic Wind 2. A tiny, white, granular ice particle

C. Rime 3. Mountain Breeze

D. Storm Track 4. Valley Breeze


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A. 2 3 4 1

B. 1 2 3 4

C. 4 3 1 2 Page | 7

D. 4 3 2 1

Answer: D


Anabatic Winds are upslope winds driven by warmer surface temperatures on a mountain
slope than the surrounding air column. Katabatic winds are downslope winds created when
the mountain surface is colder than the surrounding air and creates a down slope wind.

89. The Polar Front Theory was given by V. Bjerknes and J. Bjerknes, both

(A) France Meteorologist

(B) German Meteorologist

(C) Norwegian Meteorologist

(D) Swedish Meteorologist

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Answer: C


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90. Which one of the following is correct, when the combined effect of the pressure
gradient force and coriolis force on air current produces?

(A) Deflection force

(B) Geostrophic force

(C) Frictional force

(D) Gravitational force

Answer: B


91. The full form of I.P.C.C. is

(A) Indian Panel on Climate Change

(B) Integration Panel on Climate Change

(C) International Panel on Change Climate

(D) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Answer: D


92. Mediterranean climate is characterized by

(A) Dry Summer and Humid Winter

(B) Humid Summer and Dry Winter

(C) Dry Summer and Dry Winter

(D) Humid Summer with no winter

Answer: A

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Mediterranean climate, major climate type of the Köppen classification is characterized by

hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. It is located between about 30° and 45° latitude north
and south of the Equator and on the western sides of the continents.
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93. Insolation reaches the earth surface in the form of

(A) Short Waves

(B) Long Waves

(C) Microwaves

(D) Lorenz Curve

Answer: A


Our sun is the main source of energy and heat. It provides solar energy or fuel for the process
of weather and climate. The energy emitted by the sun is known as solar radiation. The
incoming radiation to the earth is known as isolation and it reaches in the earth in form of
short waves.

94. Which one of the following regions does not receive much rainfall
during the south-west monsoon?

(A) Eastern Himalayas

(B) Chotanagpur

(C) Maharashtra

(D) Tamil Nadu Coast

Answer: D


Most parts of India get, rainfall from South-west Monsoons with the exception of Tamil
Nadu. Tamil Nadu lies on the leeward side for the southwest monsoon winds and receives
lesser rainfall. Once the monsoon starts retreating after mid- September, North east monsoon
sets in during mid-October, Tamil Nadu lies on the windward side for these winds and hence
gets more rainfall during the winter season.

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95. Seasonal contrast in pressure between land and sea gives rise to

(A) Monsoons

(B) Westerly Winds

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(C) Land and Sea Breezes

(D) Trade Winds

Answer: A


96. Match List-I with List -II and select the correct answer using the code
given below

List-I List-II

A. BWk 1. Cold mid latitude steppe

B. BWh 2. Hot mid-latitude steppe

C. BSh 3. Hot low latitude desert

D. BSk 4. Cold low latitude desert



A. 1 2 3 4

B. 4 2 3 1

C. 4 3 2 1

D. 1 3 2 4

Answer: C


97. Match List-I with List-II and use the code given below-

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List-I List-II

A. Rain Guage 1. Measure Velocity of Wind

B. Barometer 2. Measure Direction of Wind

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C. Hygrometer 3. Measure Rainfall

D. Wind Vane 4. Measure Air Pressure

E. Anemometer 5. Measure Humidity of Air



A. 3 5 4 2 1

B. 3 4 5 2 1

C. 3 4 5 1 2

D. 4 3 5 2 1

Answer: B


98. Isotherm are straight but they bend at the junction of continents and
ocean because of

(A) Strong control of latitudes on the horizontal distribution of temperature

(B) Differential air pressure of land and water

(C) Differential heating and cooling of land and water

(D) Due to rapid rate of temperature

Answer: C


99. Some heat is received by the atmosphere even after Sunset from

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(A) Invisible Solar radiation

(B) Latent heat

(C) Radioactive processes

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(D) Terrestrial radiation
Answer: D


Terrestrial radiation is the energy released by the Earth itself as opposed to solar radiation
that it receives from the Sun.

Apart from the energy generated by the decay of radioactive minerals in rock, the energy that
drives terrestrial radiation ultimately comes from the Sun, and it is a major factor in the study
of global warming

100. Match List-I with List-II and use code from the given below

List-I List-II

(Vegetation Zone) (Climatic Type)

A. Megatherm 1. Very Cold Climate

B. Xerophyte 2. Moderate Temperature and

Moderate rainfall

C. Mesotherm 3. Both cold and warm climate

D. Microtherm 4. Hot and Dry conditions

E. Hekistotherm 5. High Temperature and high

Rainfall throughout the year



A. 1 3 2 4 5

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B. 4 5 2 3 1

C. 5 4 3 2 1

D. 5 4 2 3 1
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Answer: C


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