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Definition of Nanotechnology

What technology does for us

Definition of nanotechnology

Nano is a very small unit of measurement; Nano is equal to one millionth of a millimeter,
meaning it is impossible to see with the naked eye or some simple magnifiers. Nano is used
in atomic measurements in order to determine the sizes of the particles of matter in it. Based
on this, nanotechnology can be defined as the science that studies the possibility of changing
matter at the nano level. In order to produce new materials or advanced devices to serve
human interests in various fields, it must be noted that the term nano is one of the old
scientific terms that the scientist Richard Feynman mentioned in 1959 AD during a lecture
he gave at the American Physical Society. He said that there is a large space inside the atom,
.but the matter was not taken seriously at that time
Difficulties facing nanotechnology are the small size of the material particles, which means
.they are difficult to control, or even perceive

Difficulty controlling material particles after removing them from their places in order to
direct them to new places. Unpredictability of the results of changing molecules, which may
mean undesirable results. Uses of nanotechnology in the medical field: Scientists were able
to create precise machines the size of blood cells to treat many diseases that require surgical
operations, such as: blockages within the arteries, as well as tumors. The Italian researcher
Silvano Dragonieri from the University of Bari also invented an electronic nose using
carbon nanotubes that work To diagnose cancer by analyzing the air that comes out of the
.lungs during exhalation

Aviation: The US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has manufactured precise
machines that operate with nanotechnology in order to inject them into the bodies of
astronauts, with the aim of monitoring the health conditions of their bodies and dealing with
.them immediately without sending a doctor

Energy field: Producing storage batteries that store large amounts of energy for long
periods, thus producing cars powered by clean energy at a lower cost, and not dependent on

Industry field: Manufacture of smart clothes that produce energy, or remove dirt and germs
on their own, as well as the manufacture of materials that are harder than steel and are
lighter in weight, and the manufacture of dust-repellent and non-heat-conductive glass, in
addition to the manufacture of 3D screens that are distinguished by their transparency and
ability to bend. The health effects of nanotechnology cause the appearance of malignant
.tumors in those who deal with it directly

The danger of materials manufactured using nanotubes to human health, and the ease of
their entry through the pores of the skin or through inhalation due to their microscopic
nature, and if they enter the body, it is difficult to get rid of them. So there is no medical
.treatment for it

The tremendous technical development was the unique feature of the twentieth century,
which we bid farewell to a few years ago. Experts have unanimously agreed that the most
important technical development in the last half of the current century is the invention of
silicon or transistor electronics and electronic laboratories. Their development led to the
emergence of what are called microchips, which It led to a technical revolution in all fields
such as communications, computers, medicine, etc. Until 1950, there was only black and
white television, and there were only ten computers in the entire world. There were no
mobile phones, digital watches, or the Internet. All of these inventions are thanks to
microchips, the increased demand for which led to a decrease in their prices, facilitating
their entry into the manufacturing of all consumer electronics that surround us today. During
the past few years, a new term has emerged that has weighed heavily on the world and
”.become the focus of great attention. This term is “nanotechnology
This promising technology heralds a huge leap in all branches of science and engineering,
and optimists believe that it will cast a shadow over all areas of modern medicine, the global
economy, international relations, and even the daily life of the average individual. Quite
simply, it will enable us to make anything we can imagine by lining up particles of matter
next to each other. In an unimaginable way and at the lowest possible cost, let us imagine
super-performance computers that can be placed on the tips of pens and pins, and let us
imagine a fleet of medical nanorobots that we can inject into the blood or swallow to treat
.blood clots, tumors, and incurable diseases
Nano is a field of applied science and technology covering a wide range of topics. The main
topic of standardization is the control of any order of magnitude smaller than a micrometer,
as well as the manufacture of the devices themselves along this scale. It is a highly multi-
disciplinary field, drawing on fields such as device prosthetics, physics and chemistry.
There is much speculation about what new science and technology may result from these
lines of research. Some see nanomarketing as a term that describes pre-existing research
applied to the sub-micron scale. Despite the simplicity of this definition, nanotechnology
encompasses various fields of investigation. Nanoscales across many fields, including
science, chemistry, biology, and applied physics. It can be considered an extension of
existing sciences, either reformulating existing sciences using the latest and most modern
methods. There are two main approaches using nanotechnology: it is the “base” that is the
building materials and tools from molecules that combine chemical elements using the
principles of molecular recognition; The other “top-down” that opposes nano-building is
larger sub-atomic entities. The momentum of nanotechnology stems from a new interest in
science, adding a new generation of analytical tools such as the atomic force microscope
(AFP) and scanning tunneling microscope (MET). Combined and refined processes such as
electron beam lithography and lithography, these two tools in the deliberate manipulation of
nanostructures, have in turn led to the observation of phenomena. Nanoscale also provides
an umbrella for describing emerging technical developments associated with sub-
dimensional microscopy. Despite the great promise of numerous nanoscale techniques such
as dot size and nanometers, real applications have come out of the laboratory and into the
market in which the advantages of nanoparticles are mainly used in most forms such as
.suntan lotions and lotions. Cosmetics, protective coatings and stain resistance clothing
Scientists believe that nanotechnology will solve a number of challenges facing humanity,
such as diseases, providing clean water for everyone, as well as cheap space flights that are
.not affected by radiation
The origin of the word “nano” is derived from the Greek word “nanos,” which is a Greek
word that means dwarf, and by it it means everything small, and here it means nanomaterial
technology, microscopic technology, or miniature technology. Nanoscience is the study of
the basic principles of molecules and compounds whose size does not exceed 100
nanometers. The nanometer is the most accurate metric unit known to date, and its length is
one billionth of a meter, which is equivalent to ten times the atomic measurement unit
known as the angstrom. A nanometer is defined as part of A billionth of a metre, and a
thousandth of a micrometre. To bring this definition closer to reality, the diameter of a hair
is approximately 75,000 nanometers, and the size of a red blood cell reaches 2,000
nanometers. The nano world is considered the dividing line between the world of atoms and
.molecules and the macro world

the reviewer
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What technology does for us ?

:Technology greatly affects our lives in many aspects. Some of the things that technology does for us

It contributes to improving communications: Technology provides us with advanced means of .1

communication such as smartphones, email, and instant messaging applications, allowing us to communicate
.with others easily and highly effectively, whether they are in the same room or thousands of miles away

Improving the speed and efficiency of work: Technology allows us to use advanced computers and .2
software to get things done faster and more effectively. Various applications and programs help us manage
.time, organize tasks, and simplify processes

Availability of wide information sources: Through the Internet, we can access huge and diverse .3
information sources at any time and from anywhere. We can search for answers to our questions and benefit
.from knowledge and learning via distance learning platforms and other digital resources

It contributes to the development of innovation and creativity: Technology enables us to produce and share .4
ideas and innovations easily. Smartphone applications and social platforms enhance interaction and
.collaboration and help develop new solutions to the challenges we face

Improving the quality of life: Technology provides us with various means of entertainment and .5
entertainment, such as electronic games, movies, music, and e-books. It also contributes to improving health
care, providing remote medical services, and enabling us to monitor our health condition and consult with
.doctors via the Internet

Economic change: Technology fosters innovation, the development of new industries, and transforms the .6
.economic structure. Technology may create new jobs, improve productivity, and increase economic growth

Improving teaching and learning: Technology contributes to improving education curricula and providing .7
innovative educational tools. It helps expand access to education, enables distance learning, and enhances
.interaction and communication between students and teachers

Scientific and medical progress: Technology contributes to accelerating and facilitating scientific research .8
and the development of medical technology. Advanced technologies can lead to new discoveries, improve
.patient care, and increase our understanding of the natural world

Improving infrastructure and the environment: Technology can contribute to improving the infrastructure .9
of cities and the technological structure of communities, leading to improved quality of life and the provision
of advanced urban services. Technology can also be used to preserve the environment and develop
.sustainable energy sources

Social and cultural change: Technology has the effect of changing social and cultural dynamics. Social .10
media and digital platforms may lead to a change in the ways people interact and communicate, promoting
.cultural diversity and global interaction

Personal improvement and health: Technology provides tools to enhance personal development and .11
health. Fitness apps and health apps can be used to track physical activity, diet, and improve overall

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