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Table of Contents
Part- A........................................................................................................................................1

Part- B........................................................................................................................................2



Part- A
Selecting Australian Red Cross Community
A key focus of my research will be to examine the leadership and operations of the Australian
Red Cross, a humanitarian organization that provides worldwide disaster relief, emergency
assistance, and social assistance in times of crises or dire need (Australian Red Cross , 2023).

Board of Directors Leadership Evaluation:

There are eleven directors on the Australian Red Cross board, including the chair, deputy
chair, and nine directors. In addition to their business, legal, academic, and non-profit
experience, these individuals have diverse perspectives.

The Australian Red Cross board serves as an excellent example of leadership. Board
members not deeply embody the organizations values and mission. Also possess a
comprehensive understanding of its operations. This board's response to the COVID-19
pandemic is a great example of its robust leadership (Australian Red Cross, 2020). This crisis
was made possible by the Australian Red Cross's mandated services. The board of directors
supported and guided the staff of the organization throughout this pandemic emergency. In
addition, to showing their commitment to diversity and inclusivity the board has displayed

Leadership Theory:

Australian Red Cross board leadership's alignment with the organization's objectives can be
better understood through transformational leadership theory. As a fundamental principle,
this theory stresses inspiring and motivating employees, cultivating a sense of belonging, and
articulating a compelling vision for the organization's future (Alessa, 2021).

 Inspiration and Motivation: A transformational leader motivates and inspires his or

her team. Members of the Australian Red Cross board demonstrate this characteristic
exceptionally well.
 Fostering Teamwork and Community Spirit: A strong sense of community and
teamwork are vital components of transformational leadership. By championing
diversity and inclusion within the organization, the Australian Red Cross board
exemplifies these principles.
 Articulating a Vision: Transformational leadership enables an organization's future to
be envisioned in a compelling manner. With visionary leadership, the board drives the
Australian Red Cross forward toward humanitarian objectives.
Part- B
Five Modes of Governance:

 Hierarchy: This mode of governance is characterized by a top-down approach, with

top-level leaders making decisions.
 Market: In this mode, governance decisions are based on supply and demand
principles, aiming to achieve the organization's objectives.
 Network: A diverse group of stakeholders comes to decisions by consensus or
negotiation based on relationships and collaboration.
 Community: In this mode, stakeholder collaboration and deliberation are used to
reach decisions based on shared values and goals.
 Hybrid: This approach combines elements of all four modes to meet the organization's
specific needs, incorporating a variety of governance principles.

Theoretical Perspectives of Governance:

 New Public Management (NPM): The Red Cross embraces some NPM concepts like
performance measurement and accountability while maintaining a balanced approach.
While it emphasizes efficiency, it does not place it above other critical objectives,
including its core humanitarian mission (Lapuente & Walle, 2020).
 Network Governance: The Red Cross considers network governance to be a key
theoretical perspective. A comprehensive network of partners has been established,
including government agencies, businesses, and humanitarian organizations. The Red
Cross can leverage its expertise and resources effectively with this network approach,
enhancing its ability to achieve its goals.

Analysis of Leadership Effectiveness:

According to an analysis of the leadership of the Australian Red Cross, the organization's
success was facilitated by a hybrid governance approach anchored on theory such as NPM
and network governance. The Australian Red Cross Community is governed by a board of
directors that consists of a group of individuals who are dedicated to upholding the
organization's mission and values. The board follows governance principles and also
promotes inclusive decision-making processes that prioritize transparency, participation and
accountability. As well, the network governance approach, as well as strong partnerships with
numerous stakeholders, contribute to the accomplishment of the organization's goals. In
addition to leveraging resources and expertise effectively, these collaborations enhance the
Red Cross' capacity to make a meaningful impact.

Potential Challenges

There are a number of generic, as well as role-specific difficulties that employees face within
the multifaceted environment of the Australian Red Cross:

 Work-Life Balance: Work-Life Balance is often difficult for Red Cross personnel,
particularly during crises. Long work hours can interfere with their ability to balance
their professional and family commitments.
 Stress: Working in a demanding and stressful environment can result in stress and
burnout, negatively impacting employee retention.
 Safety: Employees may be exposed to hazardous environments in some roles that are
part of the Red Cross.
 Compassion Fatigue: Exposure to suffering for an extended period can lead to
compassion fatigue, which is an emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged work with
the needy.
 Resource Constraints: Employees may be hindered from performing their duties as
they are lacking adequate funding, staffing, and equipment.

Moreover, role-specific challenges can arise, such as coping with trauma and displacement
for refugees, or disaster relief workers confronting unpredictability and danger.

Ways in which leaders can keep their teams motivated

Leaders can maintain employee motivation through various means:

 Clear and Meaningful Goals: A leader should ensure that employees understand their
objectives, how it connects with the organizations mission and how their efforts
contribute to its success.
 Positive Work Environment: Creating a work environment involves showing respect
valuing employees contributions and providing support. To create a positive
environment, it is important to encourage growth, teamwork, and collaboration.
 Recognition and Rewards: Employee motivation and job satisfaction are boosted
when employers regularly acknowledge and reward their achievements.
 Professional Development Opportunities: The ability to develop skills and advance
career opportunities motivates employees.

Motivation Theory of Motivation

The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory that can be used by managers to
motivate teams (Gao & Taormina, 2013). In order to meet employee needs, leaders must
address physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization:

 Physiological Needs: Maintain an environment that is safe and comfortable for

 Safety Needs: Ensure the safety of employees and provide them with job security.
 Love and Belonging Needs: Create an environment in which employees feel valued
and respected at work.
 Esteem Needs: Give employees recognition and rewards for their achievements.
 Self-Actualization Needs: Provide growth opportunities for both professionals and
 Leading to a positive impact on the culture of the organization and maintaining team
motivation are all possible through the use of these strategies.

Alessa, G. S. (2021). The Dimensions of Transformational Leadership and Its Organizational
Effects in Public Universities in Saudi Arabia: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in
Psychology, 12. doi:

Australian Red Cross . (2023). About Us. Retrieved from

Australian Red Cross. (2020). Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Retrieved from

Gao, J. H., & Taormina, R. J. (2013). Maslow and the Motivation Hierarchy: Measuring
Satisfaction of the Needs. The American Journal of Psychology, 126(2), 155-177.
Retrieved from

Lapuente, V., & Walle, S. V. (2020). The effects of new public management on the quality of
public services. Governance. Retrieved from

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