Challenges & Coping Mechanisms in Making Ims Docs - 050913

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Background of the Study

Faize and Dahan (2011) defined instructional materials as both print

and non-print items designed to convey information during the educational

process, encompassing materials like textbooks, magazines, slides, pictures,

and electronic media. These also includes book, audio-visual, software and

hardware of educational technology (Farombi, 1998). Instructional materials

plays a vital role in enhancing their teaching skills by equipping them with

effective strategies and techniques. Teaching materials play a vital role in the

teaching practicum, serving as the focal point of instruction and significantly

influencing the classroom experience. The development of effective teaching

materials and aids is critical for the success of educational activities

(Rahayuningsih, 2016). These materials are needed for the formation of

knowledge, skills and attitudes that students must master in order to meet

the set competency standards (Jingga, 2013). Lockheed (1991) also stated

that instructional materials play a crucial role in the learning process,

emphasizing that the curriculum would face considerable challenges in

implementation without their integral support.

Developing instructional materials can be a challenging task, as it

involves overcoming various obstacles throughout the creation process. This

is supported by Cayabas & Sumeg-ang (2023) who claimed that teachers

face difficulties in making teaching materials. Based on the initial survey, it


appears that, in practice, developing digital learning resources poses a

distinct challenge to teachers. Nugroho et al. (2021) conducted research on

the challenges faced by teachers in developing learning resources and

offered recommendations. They found that a significant number of teachers

faced challenges, primarily related to technical skills in utilizing tools and

devices for creating digital learning resources. Sixty percent of the sampled

teachers (33 respondents) encountered difficulties, including using

applications for online learning, managing Learning Management Systems

(LMS), crafting digital learning media, and addressing issues with devices

and internet networks. Another notable challenge, reported by 13% of

respondents, was the struggle in selecting appropriate content for students,

involving difficulties in determining sub-materials, suitable media, and

effective delivery methods, especially for subjects with formulas or vocational

content. Time management was also identified as the common problem

among teachers, with some lacking the time to create their own learning

resources. This finding aligns with Hinchliffe's (2020) assertion that the

creation of effective instructional materials doesn't require expensive

equipment or specialized skills in graphic design or multimedia tools, but it

does demand a considerable amount of time and, perhaps, some practice.

To address these challenges, the study suggests fostering collaboration

between teachers and educational technologists, along with the


recommendation to hire graduates from the Education Technology Study

Program to specialize in creating learning resources within each school.

On the other hand, Alfin et al. (2019) analyzed the problems that

pre-service teachers face when making visual teaching materials. One issue

is that many students use similar things like flashcards and PowerPoint, so

students suggested finding new ideas online or using real-world materials

like newspapers. Another problem is that making visual materials takes a lot

of time, as students need to carefully choose relevant and unique materials.

To solve this, students suggested looking in uncommon places online for

materials. Lastly, students mentioned that making visual materials can be

expensive, especially if they need to print them. Some solutions included

borrowing materials from friends, printing in cheaper ways like black and

white, or using lower-quality materials to save money.

In Philippines, Cayabas and Sumeg-ang (2023) explore the

challenges faced by public school teachers in Bauko District II in developing

instructional materials. The study mentioned the obstacles of teachers in

Bauko District II encounter when crafting instructional materials, such as time

constraints, inadequate technical skills, limited post-training opportunities,

and a lack of support. Proposed solutions, like forming school-based or

district-wide instructional committees, partnering with higher education

institutions, and providing training and workshops, aim to offer crucial support

and capacity-building opportunities for teachers in developing effective

instructional materials.

While existing literature acknowledges the challenges faced by

teachers, particularly BEED students, in developing instructional materials,

there is a notable gap in understanding the specific coping mechanisms

employed by these individuals to overcome these challenges. The current

research has provided valuable insights into the difficulties faced by BEED

students, such as technical skills, time constraints, and content selection

issues. However, a comprehensive exploration of the strategies, techniques,

or adaptive measures that BEED students employ to address these

challenges is lacking. Additionally, there is a limited number of studies

conducted on the creation of instructional materials, further underscoring the

need for more research in this area. Thus, the study aims to uncover the

difficulties faced by BEED students in developing instructional materials and

explore the strategies they employ to overcome these challenges. The

significance of this research lies in its potential to contribute to various

aspects of education. For student teachers, the study offers a unique

opportunity for skill development, providing insights into the challenges they

may encounter in instructional material development and, more crucially,

presenting effective coping mechanisms. This knowledge not only equips

future educators with practical strategies but also fosters a sense of

confidence and adaptability as they embark on their teaching careers.


Through instructional development, BEED students will learn how to plan,

design, and deliver engaging and meaningful lessons to their future students.

It also contributes to their professional growth, fosters a mindset of lifelong

learning and continuous improvement in their teaching practices. For

teachers currently in service, the findings act as a valuable resource for

ongoing professional development, offering guidance on efficient instructional

material creation and strategies to navigate common challenges. Additionally,

administrators benefit from the study's insights by gaining a comprehensive

understanding of the obstacles faced by educators, enabling them to

enhance teacher education programs, formulate supportive policies, and

contribute to the overall improvement of educational quality.

Conceptual Framework

Instructional materials serve as tools and resources that

educators employ to support the teaching and learning processes. As future

teachers, Bachelor of Elementary Education students play a pivotal role in

this process ,as they are tasked with developing materials tailored for diverse

learners, a crucial aspect of their preparation for their future classrooms.

They should not only utilize instructional materials but they should also

possess the ability to create both traditional and digital resources (Nugroho

et al., 2021). However One common challenge in developing instructional

materials is time constraints. This is supported by Nugroho et al. (2021) who


discovered that time management or not having time to make their own

learning resources is one of the problems faced by teachers in developing

learning resources. Cayabas and Sumeg-ang (2023) also found out that time

constraints is one obstacles of teachers in Bauko District II encountered

when crafting instructional materials. Alfin et al. (2019) found out that

instructional materials like visual media take a long time for the preparation.

Another problem in creating instructional material is financial constraints

where it restrict the ability of students to purchase materials such as art

supplies, printing resources, technology tools needed for creating diverse

and interactive instructional materials. Based on the findings of Alfin et al.'s

(2019) study, visual media can be costly due to the need for printing

materials. To overcome these challenges, BEED students can seek guidance

and support from their professors, collaborate with peers to exchange ideas

and resources, and explore online platforms and resources dedicated to

instructional material design. Attending workshops or training sessions

focused on instructional design can also enhance their skills. Staying

updated with current educational trends and best practices can help BEED

students overcome challenges and create impactful instructional materials

that meet the needs of their future students. Another solution is borrowing the

friends’ materials, and also printing the materials with the cheapest way,

such as black and white or using the bad quality of the materials such as the

paper (Alfin et al., 2019).


VARIABLE Difficulties in Making
BEED students’ Instructional Materials
challenges in creating Coping Strategies in
IMs Making Instructional

Figure 1. Paradigm of the study

Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between the variables. The

independent variable represents the experiences faced by BEED students in

the development of instructional materials. Instructional development refers

to the systematic and intentional process of creating, designing, and

improving educational materials and experiences to facilitate effective

learning. The dependent variable in this study is the observed outcome that

aligns with the research objectives. This variable focuses on the specific

difficulties that BEED students face when making instructional materials. It

encompasses obstacles or problems encountered during the development

process, such as content organization, visual design, language proficiency,

selecting appropriate teaching strategies, and ensuring the materials are

engaging and effective for the target audience. It also explores the coping

strategies that BEED students employ to overcome the challenges they face

in making instructional materials. It includes the approaches, techniques, or


strategies used to address the difficulties encountered during the

development process. Coping strategies can include seeking guidance from

instructors or peers, conducting research, utilizing online resources,

attending workshops or training sessions, collaborating with others, and

adapting or modifying existing materials.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of this study is to investigate the challenges encountered

by Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) students in creating

instructional materials and to explore the coping mechanisms employed by

these students to address these challenges.

1. What are the instructional materials created by the BEED students?

2. What are the challenges encountered by the BEED students in

making instructional materials?

3. What coping mechanisms do BEED students employ to overcome

challenges faced during the creation of instructional materials?

Hypothesis of the Study

Alternative hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between the

challenges faced by BEED students in creating instructional materials and

the coping mechanisms employed to address these challenges.



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