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(F)Sr Elite, AIIMS S60 and MPL - NEET -24 Final Phase Revision Program
S.NO DATE DAY Botany Zoology Physics - Track-1 Physics - Track-2 Chemistry - Track-1 Chemistry - Track-2 Test
Themometry, Expansion of Atomic structure: up to Bohr's atomic
16-03-24 Sat Living world Animal kingdom Motion in a straight line Organic chemistry: Nomenclature
solids and liquids model

17-03-24 Sun Sunday

Themometry, Expansion of Atomic structure: up to Bohr's atomic Organic chemistry: Nomenclature

1 18-03-24 MON Biological classification Animal kingdom Motion in a straight line NEET DT -01
solids and liquids model and Isomerism

Expansion of gases
Structural organisation in Atomic structure: de Broglies wave Electron migration effects and
2 19-03-24 TUE Plant kingdom Motion in a Plane Kinetic Theory of NEET DT -02
Animals: Animal Tissues concept to end of chapter reaction mechanism

Purification methods, Qualitative

Stoichiometry: Laws of chemical
Morphology of flowering Structural organisation in Laws of Motion: Up to caloriemetry and Quantitative anlaysis and
3 20-03-24 WED combinations, significant figure, Mole NEET DT -03
plants Animals: Forg and Cockroach connected bodies Heat transfer Prepataory methods and
concept and EF and Molecular formula
properties of Alkanes

21-03-24 THU NEET Module Test -01 on Syllabus covered from 18-03-24 to 20-03-24

Stoichiometry: Oxidation state, redox Alkenes, Alkynes and Benzene:

4 22-03-24 FRI Anatomy of flowering plants Breathing and Exchange of gases Laws of Motion: Friction Thermodynamics reactions, applications and numerical Preparatory methods, Properties NEET DT-04
based on equations and uses

Work - Energy - Power: Thermodynamics: up to Hess's law Alkyl and Aryl halides: Preparatory
5 23-03-24 SAT Cell- The unit of life Body fluids and circulation Oscillations NEET DT-05
including vertical circle and applications methods and properties

24-03-24 SUN SUNDAY ( NEET Special Grand Test -01)

25-03-24 MON Holi

Thermodynamics: 2nd law, Gibb's free Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers:

Excretory products and their Collisions,
6 26-03-24 TUE Biomolecules Waves energy, spontainity, entropy and 3rd Preparatory methods and NEET DT -06
elimination Centre of mass
law properties

27-03-24 WED NEET Module Test -02 on Syllabus covered from 22-03-24 to 26-03-24 (50% questions) + 50 % questions are from NEET MT-01
Chemical bonding and Molecular
Systems of Particles and Mechanical Properties of structure: Ionic , Covalent and dative Carbonyl compounds: Preparatory
7 28-03-24 THU Cell cycle and cell division Locomotion and movement NEET DT -07
Rotational motion solids bond, VB theory, hybridisation and methods and properties
VSEPR theory

Chemical bonding and Molecular

Photosynthesis in higher Mechanical Properties of Carboxylic acids, Amines and
8 29-03-24 FRI Neural control and coordination Gravitation structure: Bond para meters, dipole NEET DT -08
plants Fluids diazonuim salts
moment, Hydrogen bond and MOT

Classification of elements and

Chemical coordination and Electric charges and Periodicity in properties: all
9 30-03-24 SAT Respiration in plants Atoms Chemical equilibrium NEET DT -09
integration Fields classifications and trends in
Atomic size

31-03-24 SUN SUNDAY ( NEET Special Grand Test -02)

01-04-24 MON NEET Module Test -03 on Syllabus covered from 28-03-24 to 30-03-24 (50%) + 50 % questions are from 18-03-24 to 26-03-24

Classification of elements and

Electrostatic Potential and Ionic equilibrium: Theories of acids
Plant growth and Human reproduction and Dual nature of Radiation Periodicity in properties:
10 02-04-24 TUE Capacitance: Up to Potential and bases, Ionic product of water and NEET DT -10
development Reproductive health and Matter Ionisation energy to end of
energy and dielectrics pH

Sexual reproduction in Electrostatic Potential and Ionic equilibrium: Salt hydrolysis,

11 03-04-24 WED Human Genetics Nuclei IIIA and IVA group elements NEET DT -11
flowering plants Capacitance: Capacitors Buffer solutions and Solubility product

Principles of inheritance and

Solutions: concentration methods,
Variation: Up to 5.3.1. Law of Current Electricity:
12 04-04-24 THU Evolution Semiconductors henry's law, vapour pressure, ideal VA and VIA group elements NEET DT -12
independent Up to Joule's heating effect
and non ideal solutions

05-04-24 FRI NEET Module Test -04 on Syllabus covered from 02-04-24 to 04-04-24 (50%) + 50% questions are from 18-03-24 to 30-03-24

Principles of inheritance and

Ray optics and Optical Current Electricity:
Variation: from 5.3.2
13 06-04-24 SAT Human health and diseases Instruments: Up to Kirchoff's laws, Wheatstone Solutions: Colligative properties VIIA and Noble gases NEET DT-13
Chromosomal theory of
refraction and TIR; Prism bridge and Meter bridge
inheritance to end of chapter

07-04-24 SUN SUNDAY ( NEET Special Grand Test -03)

Molecular basis of Ray optics and Optical
Moving charges and Magnetism:
14 08-04-24 MON Inheritance: up to 6.5 Biotechnology Instruments: Lenses and Chemical kinetics d- block elements NEET DT-14
Up to Torroid
Transcription optical instruments

09-04-24 TUE Ugadi

Molecular basis of
Electrochemistry: conductances,
Inheritance: from 6.6.1 Moving charges and Magnetism: KMnO4 , K2Cr2O7 and f block
15 10-04-24 WED Organisms and Populations Wave Optics faraday's laws and Single electrode NEET DT-15
Mutations & Genetic code to Remaining part elements
end of chapter

11-04-24 THU Eid-Ul-Fitr (Ramzan)

12-04-24 FRI NEET Module Test -05 on Syllabus covered from 06-04-24 to 10-04-24(50%) + 50% questions are from 18-03-24 to 04-04-24

Biotechnology - Principles & Electro chemistry: Cell EMF, ECS and Complex compounds: Ligands,
16 13-04-24 SAT Ecosystem Units and Measurements EMI NEET DT - 16
Processes Batteries Nomenclature and Isomerism

14-04-24 SUN Dr Ambedkar Jayanti

Biotechnology - Applications
EM Waves Magnetism and Matter & VB theory and Crystal Field theory
17 15-04-24 MON and Microbes in Human Biodiversity and conservation Biomolecules NEET DT-17
Expermental skils AC Circuits and applications

16-04-24 TUE NEET Module Test -06 on Syllabus covered from 13-04-24 to 15-03-24 (30% questions) + 70% questions are from 18-03-24 to 10-04-24

17-04-24 WED Ram Navami

18-04-24 THU NEET Grand Test - 01

19-04-24 FRI NEET Grand Test - 02

20-04-24 SAT NEET Grand Test - 03

21-04-24 SUN Mahavir Jayanti

22-04-24 MON NEET Grand Test - 04

23-04-24 TUE NEET Grand Test - 05

24-04-24 WED Preparation

25-04-24 THU NEET Grand Test - 06

26-04-24 FRI NEET Grand Test - 07

27-04-24 SAT NEET Grand Test - 08

28-04-24 SUN SUNDAY

29-04-24 MON NEET Grand Test -09

30-04-24 TUE NEET Grand Test - 10

01-05-24 WED Preparation

02-05-24 THU NEET Grand Test - 11

03-05-24 FRI NEET Grand Test - 12

04-05-24 SAT Preparation

05-05-24 SUN NEET - 2024

Salient Features:
(1) Number of treaching days: 17
(2) Number of daily tests: 17
(3) Number of Module tests : 6
(4) Number of Grand Tests: 12
(5) Total number of questions to be tested: Botany: 1291 , Zoology: 1274, Physics: 1274 and Chemistry: 1291, Total: 5130

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