S.T.E.A.M and ELT

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M and English
Language teaching
Mariana Siqueira - Cultura Inglesa São Paulo
01 What is
02 Why use it in the
ELT classroom?

03 How can I
What is S.T.E.A.M?


“STEM education is an interdisciplinary
approach to learning where rigorous
academic concepts are coupled with
real-world lessons as students apply science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics in
contexts that make connections between
school, community, work”

Tsupros, Kohler, and Hallinen (2009)

Inquiry Collaboration

Project-based Critical
learning thinking

At the heart of S.T.E.A.M

What are the roles of
the student and the
Why explore
S.T.E.A.M in the
ELT classroom?
● Value of creating knowledge through experience -
move through assimilation, disequilibrium and
accommodation - integration of new knowledge
(Piaget, 1960)
● Cognitive and pedagogical advantages of
cross-curricular learning: cross-connections of
areas builds up collective knowledge (Driscoll, 2005)
● Development of 21st Century skills
● PBL lends itself to a communicative classroom (Buck
Institute for Education, 2008)
● Better preparing learner for jobs of the future
● Learning is more meaningful through the use of
projects to solve real world problems
● Continuous development of English language skills
● English as a communication tool for inquiry,
problem solving, collaboration
The 4 C’s of 21st
Century Skills
● Communication
● Creativity
● Collaboration
● Critical thinking

Source: National Educational Association (NEA)

How can I implement these
ideas into my lessons?
S.T.E.A.M 6-Step Framework
Focus Detail Discovery Application Presentation Link

Choose a Better Research and Students

Students begin Students reflect
question or understand the understand present their
to try to solve on and revise
problem to problem. Why what are solution, give
the problem their work
solve does it exist? possible and receive
solutions feedback

The Institute for Arts Integration and S.T.E.A.M

Project #1: making our own musical instruments

Focus Detail Discovery

We are learning What types of Research possible
about music and instruments do we ideas: materials,
instruments. We need? (strings, concepts related to
want to play music percussion, brass, sound, ideas for
together but don’t woodwind) How instruments, sketch
have any many? their ideas
instruments at
Project #1: making our own musical instruments

Application Presentation Link

Students make their Students present Students reflect on
instruments their instruments, process, make
together using give and receive changes
recycled material feedback
Project #1: making our own musical instruments
Project #2: making a guide to activities for teens in
your city
Focus Detail Discovery
“There isn’t much Why do you have Research possible
for teenagers to do this impression? ideas of places and
in São Paulo on What do other activities, interview,
weekends other than people (non-teens) plan your guide
go to the mall.” do on weekends?
Project #2: making a guide to free activities for
teens in your city
Application Presentation Link
Students make their Students present Students reflect on
guides: high-tech or their guides process, make
low tech changes
Project #2: making a guide to free activities for
teens in your city
How can we m
ake How mig
our classroom ht
school safer d
/ build a b we
etect o
How c a n w e d
the pandemic
uring the Ging at for
n our erb
po l l u ti o n i ? man to c read
l? ross the
city/schoo river?
How can we make
game to teach othe
about …?
How can w How can w
ei em
the acous mprove herb gard ake a
tics in ou en with
classroom r limited sp
? ace and
More resources:
★ The Ultimate Steam Resource Pack - The Institute for
Arts Integration and S.T.E.A.M
★ 40 S.T.E.A.M websites and apps
★ Teachers Pay Teachers - handouts, worksheets etc (for
★ Brainchild: Netflix series (great for ideas!)
★ Love letters for Computers: resources and ideas on
how to teach computer science
“The goal of education is the development of a
person with character and humane
convictions who understands the great art of
constructive and harmonious living”

(Johann Herbart, 1947)

Thank you!
Cultura Inglesa São Paulo
● Areepattamannil, S. & Khine, M. (2019) STEAM Education: Theory and Practice. Springer.
● Aulls, M. W., & Shore, B. M. (2008). Inquiry in education. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
● Bacich, L. & Holanda, L. (2020) STEAM em Sala de Aula, A Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos Integrando
Conhecimentos na Educação Básica. Grupo A. Educação S.A.

● Herbart. (1947). Herbart. In R. Ulich (Ed.), Three thousand years of educational Selections from great
documents. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
● Piaget, J. (1960). The psychology of intelligence. Totowa, NJ: Littlefield, Adams & Co.
● Tsupros, N., Kohler, R., & Hallinen, J. (2009). STEM education: A project to iden- tify the missing components.
Pittsburgh, PA: Intermediate Unit 1 and Carnegie Mellon.
● Yakman, G. (2008) S.T.E.A.M Education: an overview of creating a model of integrative education. Available at:
● Presentation template by Slidesgo
● Icons by Flaticon
● Infographics by Freepik
● Images created by Freepik
● Author introduction slide photo created by Freepik
● Text & Image slide photo created by Freepik.com


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