Second Harmonic Generation For Estimating State of Charge of Lithium-Ion Batteries

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Second harmonic generation for estimating state of charge

of lithium-ion batteries 
Hongbin Sun  ; Pradeep Ramuhalli ; Ruhul Amin ; Ilias Belharouak

Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 073902 (2024)


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Online Citation

25 February 2024 03:30:15

Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE

Second harmonic generation for estimating state

of charge of lithium-ion batteries
Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 073902 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0187829
Submitted: 16 November 2023 . Accepted: 12 January 2024 .
Published Online: 13 February 2024

Hongbin Sun,a) Pradeep Ramuhalli, Ruhul Amin, and Ilias Belharouak

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1 Bethel Valley Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830, USA

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

This study applied the nonlinear ultrasonic method, second harmonic generation, to precisely estimate the state of charge (SoC) in lithium-
ion batteries. The second harmonic of the longitudinal wave is generated on a pouch cell battery at 5 MHz with a through-transmission setup.
The relative nonlinear parameter b0 is determined by analyzing the amplitudes at the fundamental and second harmonic frequencies. To
enhance the nonlinear parameter’s measurement accuracy, multiple excitation amplitudes are employed. Two separate charge/discharge tests
(four-cycle and eight-cycle) are conducted on the battery at a rate of C/10. The nonlinear parameter is measured periodically during the

25 February 2024 03:30:15

charge/discharge process, and temperature compensation is applied to the measurement. The correlation curves between the nonlinear
parameter and the actual SoC align well for the four-cycle and eight-cycle tests, and a robust linear relationship is observed for both correla-
tion curves. A linear model and a second-order polynomial model are applied to fit the correlation using all data points from both tests. The
two models are employed to validate the SoC prediction on a second battery by using a four-cycle test. The results indicate that both models
can predict the SoC with an accuracy of approximately 3%, whereas the polynomial model demonstrates smaller errors in the regions near
0% and 100% SoC. Therefore, the nonlinear parameter b0 , measured through the second harmonic generation, can effectively predict
lithium-ion battery SoC with an accuracy of less than 3%.
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.

The lithium-ion battery (LIB) stands as a widely embraced energy and is insensitive to the initial SoC value. However, the precision
storage solution, making its presence felt across diverse industries and and complexity of the battery model are very critical to the estima-
in our daily routines. For the optimal performance and lifetime of tion accuracy. The neural network model method, a data-driven
LIBs, a battery management system (BMS) is required to regulate their method, exhibits a versatile capability for real-time SoC estimation
operation. The state of charge (SoC) is one of the critical parameters across diverse battery types while demanding extensive training
for battery management. Diverse methods have been implemented to using a substantial dataset. Recently, the acoustic/ultrasonic nonde-
estimate SoC, including the discharge test method, the ampere-hour structive evaluation (NDE) of LIBs has gathered increasing attention
integral (coulomb counting) method,1 the open-circuit voltage (OCV) on the estimation of SoC and state of health (SoH) as well as moni-
method,2 the battery model-based approach,3 and the neural network toring structural changes within LIBs.7–9 The ultrasonic NDE tech-
model method.4 However, each method presents unique advantages nique exhibits several advantages for SoC estimation in LIBs. It is a
and challenges. The discharge test, while simple and reliable, proves nondestructive method that can provide rapid results through
impractical for real-time SoC estimation due to its time-intensive open-circuit measurements, a feature especially advantageous for
nature.5 The ampere-hour integral method’s precision is notably influ- inspecting second-life batteries. Its uncomplicated setup and high
enced by the initial SoC and the battery operating states (SoC, temper- repeatability further facilitate real-time monitoring of battery states.
ature, current, etc.). The OCV method, while simple, confronts Furthermore, the LIB operates as a composite material system com-
challenges with hysteresis during charge/discharge processes, particu- prising multiple layers of anodes and cathodes. The underlying prin-
larly affecting specific battery types (e.g., C/LiFePO4);6 additionally, it ciple of ultrasonic NDE for LIBs lies in its ability to detect the
mandates the battery to be in an equilibrium state for accurate real- physical changes in the material properties and internal structure of
time SoC estimation. The battery model-based method (equivalent the battery. Therefore, this approach can offer a deeper and more
circuit model and electrochemical model) does not require rest time fundamental understanding of the battery’s condition than

Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 073902 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0187829 124, 073902-1
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE

traditional electrochemistry methods for an enhanced determina- Considering 1D wave propagation in an isotropic solid,
tion of SoC, SoH, and battery failure.  
During a LIB’s charge and discharge cycles, the mechanical prop- @ 2 u1 2 @ u1
¼ c 1 þ b ; (1)
erties, such as modulus, density, and Poisson’s ratio, undergo changes @t 2 @X12 X1
as part of the delithiation and lithiation processes. In ultrasonic testing, where u1 is the displacement, t is the time, and c is the longitudinal
the stress wave generated from the ultrasonic transmitter propagates wave velocity. b is the nonlinearity parameter and X1 is the coordinate.
through the thickness of the battery and carries information about the The solution to this equation can be given by considering a time-
material properties and even the changes in the internal structure. harmonic plane wave A1 cosðkX1  xtÞ,
Correlations could be established between the battery’s SoC or SoH and
the various wave features. Among these, time of flight (TOF) is a prom- 1
u1 ¼  bk2 A21 X1 þ A1 cosðkX1  xtÞ
inent parameter that signifies the time it takes for a wave to travel 8
between the transmitter and receiver, typically across the battery’s 1
þ bk2 A21 X1 cos½2ðkX1  xtÞ
thickness.7,10 The signal amplitude,9,11 wave attenuation,12,13 and wave 8
velocity13,14 are also utilized as crucial indicators. In practice, these fea- ¼ A0 þ A1 cosðkX1  xtÞ þ A2 cos½2ðkX1  xtÞ; (2)
tures are often combined to enhance the accuracy of the SoC estimate.
However, to effectively estimate SoC, it is desirable to have an ultrasonic where A1 and A2 represent the absolute amplitudes of the funda-
wave feature that exhibits a linear relationship with the SoC. mental harmonic and second harmonic, respectively, in the fre-
Unfortunately, many studies have shown that TOF and signal ampli- quency spectral. x is the wave propagation distance, and k is the
tude do not exhibit a perfect linear relationship with battery SoC, par- wave number. The nonlinear parameter b can be calculated using
ticularly in the SoC range below 20%. Moreover, these studies have these two amplitudes:
found hysteresis behavior during the charge and discharge pro- 8A2
cesses.7,13,15 This behavior implies that the same SoC may yield signifi- b¼ : (3)
A21 xk
cantly different wave feature values during battery charging and
discharging. These nonlinear behaviors contribute to a substantial mar- However, the solution in Eq. (3) only applies to the longitudinal wave.
gin of error in the battery’s SoC estimation. For the Raleigh wave, a different solution of b is used.16 Furthermore,
These methods, employing various ultrasonic wave features, fall the amplitudes of the fundamental and second harmonics are absolute

25 February 2024 03:30:15

under the category of linear acoustic/ultrasonic techniques. These tech- displacements, which are challenging to measure. Absolute displace-
niques are based on the assumption that the relationship between ment could be measured either using piezoelectric contact transducers
applied stress or strain and the resulting acoustic/ultrasonic response with careful reciprocity-based calibration procedure23,24 or by using a
adheres to proportionality and follows Hooke’s law. By contrast, non- laser vibrometer.25 In current practice, the relative nonlinear parameter
linear ultrasonic methods assume a nonlinear relationship, giving rise b0 is used based on relative amplitudes of fundamental (A01 ) and sec-
to the generation of higher harmonics and other nonlinear effects ond harmonic (A02 ) as below for longitudinal modes:
caused by the interaction between ultrasonic waves and the material.
Nonlinear ultrasonic methods offer enhanced sensitivity to microstruc- b0 ¼ : (4)
tural changes and damage, making them a prevalent choice for micro- A02
structural characterization and damage assessment.16–19 Considering The LIB cells used in this study were fabricated at the US
that a LIB represents a composite system with high acoustic nonlinear- Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
ity that experiences noticeable microstructural changes throughout its Battery Manufacturing Facility (BMF). These cells were engineered
operation, nonlinear ultrasonic methods become pertinent approaches with specific battery chemistry, featuring a LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2
to detect and monitor these physical transformations during battery (NMC622) cathode, graphite carbon anode, and Gen-2 electrolyte
charge and discharge processes. Surprisingly, nonlinear ultrasonic packaged with aluminum laminate. The cathode was NMC622 (90%/
methods have seen limited use in diagnosing LIBs, with only one nota- 5% polyvinylidene fluoride [PVDF]/5% carbon black) with a total
ble exception.20 The present study explores the application of a specific thickness of 122 lm with double-sided coating. The anode was graph-
nonlinear ultrasonic method—second harmonic generation (SHG)— ite (Superior SLC1520T 92%/6% PVDF/2% carbon black) with a total
to facilitate NDE of LIBs, with the primary aim of achieving highly thickness of 115 lm. The cathode and anode were both calendared to
accurate SoC estimation. The correlation between the nonlinear 35% porosity. The negative/positive ratio was set at 1.1. More details
parameter b0 and the battery SoC is built for SoC prediction. about the battery’s electrochemical properties and performance can be
Higher harmonic generation is a phenomenon that emerges found in previous work.13 The choice of chemistry was influenced by
when an ultrasonic waveform undergoes distortion caused by the non- several essential factors. First, it closely mirrors the chemistry com-
linear reactions within the material. Consequently, it gives rise to monly used in electric vehicle batteries. Second, it enables the consis-
higher harmonic waves. SHG represents a prominent technique within tent production of batteries that have uniform properties and material
the higher harmonic generation family; it is extensively employed to characteristics throughout the cell. Third, the chemistry exhibits pre-
characterize materials and to assess damage. The foundational princi- dictable changes in both chemical and physical properties during
ple of SHG involves the transmission of an ultrasonic wave possessing repeated charge/discharge cycles. Additionally, it aligns with the practi-
a fundamental frequency, denoted as x, through a nonlinear material. cal application of cycling within the standard cell voltage range of 2.5–
This interaction converts a portion of the energy into a second-order 4.5 V, taking into account practical SoC and discharge considerations.
harmonic wave with a frequency of 2x.21,22 The pouch cell had 27 layers: 14 cathode layers and 13 anode layers.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 073902 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0187829 124, 073902-2
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE

(vibration) to an electrical signal (voltage). The received signal was

then digitized by the oscilloscope (Tektronix MS044) and stored in the
computer for further analysis. To acquire data for determining the
nonlinear parameter, multiple ultrasonic signals were collected under
five different excitation amplitudes from 160 to 480 V, in 80 V incre-
ments. The battery cell was charged and discharged using a potentio-
stat (Biologic, SP-200) with a C/10 rate from 3.0 to 4.2 V, maintaining
a constant current of 240 mA. Throughout the charge/discharge cycle,
the nonlinear parameter was assessed at 15 min intervals.
A time-domain signal collected with an excitation amplitude of
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the second harmonic generation test on a lithium-ion 160 V is shown in Fig. 2(a). First, the time-domain signal was win-
dowed from 9 to 16 ls and then transferred to the frequency domain
[Fig. 2(b)] using a fast Fourier transform. In the frequency spectrum,
The total thickness of the cell was about 4.4 mm, including the separa- the amplitude A01 at 2.5 MHz and the amplitude A02 at the second har-
tor and pouch materials, and the total capacity was around 2.6 Ah. monic frequency of 5 MHz were extracted. In Fig. 2(c), the data points
Building upon the work established in the prior study,13 the oper- of (A02 0
1 ; A2 ) for five different excitation amplitudes were fitted using a
ational frequency was determined to be 2.5 MHz, with the second har- linear relationship. The slope of the fitted curve represents the nonlin-
monic frequency at 5 MHz. This work employed longitudinal ear parameter b0 .
transducers of 2.25 MHz (Olympus C106) and 5 MHz (Olympus The battery was first charged and discharged for four cycles at a
C110). The test setup for the SHG is depicted in Fig. 1. Ritec SNAP rate of C/10. Before the test, the battery experienced about 40 cycles of
5000 was used to excite the ultrasonic transmitter at 2.5 MHz with an charge/discharge from the beginning of life for other tests. The nonlin-
eight-cycle sinusoidal tone burst. The resulting ultrasonic wave propa- ear parameter b0 was measured every 15 min. The SoC history and the
gated through the thickness of the battery and was captured by the b0 history over the four charge/discharge cycles are presented in Fig. 3.
receiver. The ultrasonic receiver converted the ultrasonic wave During the charge process, the nonlinear parameter b0 progressively

25 February 2024 03:30:15

FIG. 2. Measurement of the nonlinear
parameter b0 from second harmonic gen-
eration: (a) time-domain signal, (b) fre-
quency spectrum, and (c) A02 vs A021 for
fitting b0 .

Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 073902 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0187829 124, 073902-3
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE

FIG. 4. Correlation between the SoC and nonlinear parameter b0 for the four-cycle
and eight-cycle charge/discharge tests.

closely aligns with the correlation curve from the four-cycle test, dis-
playing a similar approximately linear relationship. This robust repeat-
FIG. 3. (a) SoC history for a four-cycle charge/discharge and (b) corresponding ability indicates that the nonlinear parameter b0 maintains a consistent
nonlinear parameter b0 measured. linear relationship with the battery SoC across multiple test cycles.
The linear relationship was fitted using all the data points gath-
increased [blue curve in Fig. 3(b)], escalating as the SoC advanced ered from both the four-cycle and eight-cycle tests. The fitted relation-
from 0% to 100%. Conversely, in the discharge phase, b0 decreased ship (magenta curve) can be expressed as b0 ¼ ð0:0208  SoC
with the SoC’s return to 0%. During charge, lithium ions are driven þ 4:562Þ  106 with a high goodness of fit R2 ¼ 0:984 and small
from the cathode to the anode. This migration causes structural root mean square error (RMSE). However, the data points falling below

25 February 2024 03:30:15

changes in the electrodes, including expansion of the anode and con- 10% and exceeding 90% SoC did not align well with the linear curve, indi-
traction of the cathode. These mechanical changes can introduce non- cating a suboptimal fit within these two regions. To enhance the fitting
linearities in the acoustic response of the battery materials. Meanwhile, accuracy in the low- and high-SoC ranges, a second-order polynomial
the cathode materials often undergo phase transformations, and these curve was employed (red curve). The improved curve can be represented
transformations can cause abrupt changes in the material’s mechanical as b0 ¼ ð0:000 049  SoC2 þ 0:0159  SoC þ 4:643Þ  106 . This for-
properties and increase the acoustic nonlinearity. The expansion and mulation increases the R2 slightly and decreases the RMSE, enhancing the
contraction of the electrodes because of lithium insertion and extrac- curve’s suitability for describing the nonlinear parameter b0 across the
tion create significant stress and strain on the battery materials, also entire SoC range.
causing nonlinear effects. The ultrasonic wave can also be influenced To assess the efficacy of SoC prediction using the nonlinear
by interactions between the electrodes and the electrolyte. The chang- parameter b0 , a third test was conducted on a second battery, which
ing chemical and mechanical interactions between these components underwent a four-cycle charge/discharge procedure. This second bat-
during charge can contribute to nonlinear acoustic effects. In sum- tery was manufactured from the same batch and had experienced simi-
mary, the increase/decrease in acoustic nonlinearity during the charge/ lar charge/discharge cycles as the previous battery. The SoC of this
discharge process of a LIB is a result of complex physical and chemical battery in the third four-cycle test was predicted by using the previ-
changes within the battery materials. The measured nonlinear parame- ously fitted linear and second-order polynomial relationships and the
ter b0 serves as a clear indicator of these changes in acoustic nonlinear- real-time measurement of the nonlinear parameter b0 . The two real-
ity throughout the charge and discharge processes. This study revealed time SoC predictions are plotted in Fig. 5 along with the actual SoC
that the nonlinear parameter b0 was also sensitive to temperature
change. Therefore, the temperature sensitivity of b0 was measured at
different SoC percentages in the temperature range of 20–30  C. The
sensitive coefficient was estimated to be around 0:25  106 = C. The
corrected b0 (red curve) with a temperature compensation on the origi-
nal data (blue curve) is shown in Fig. 3(b).
The correlation between the SoC and the measured nonlinear
parameter b0 is illustrated in Fig. 4 (depicted by the blue curve). The
nonlinear parameter b0 demonstrates an almost linear relationship
with the battery’s SoC, and no obvious hysteresis is observed in the
correlation curves. To confirm the reliability of this association, an
additional eight-cycle charge/discharge test was initiated 34 h after the
end of the four-cycle test. The correlation between the SoC and the FIG. 5. Battery SoC prediction for a separate four-cycle test using linear fit and
nonlinear parameter b0 is presented in Fig. 4 (yellow curve). This curve second-order polynomial.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 073902 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0187829 124, 073902-4
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE

measured by the potentiostat. The predicted SoC curves closely match Energy (DOE). The U.S. government retains and the publisher, by
the actual SoC values, demonstrating the viability of employing the accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the U.S.
nonlinear parameter b0 to predict SoC. When using the linear fit, the government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide
mean absolute error (MAE) of the predicted SoC was 3.1% compared license to publish or reproduce the published form of this
with the actual SoC measured by the potentiostat, and the predicted R2 manuscript or allow others to do so, for U.S. government purposes.
value was 0.981, indicating a high level of prediction accuracy. DOE will provide public access to these results of federally
However, a relatively larger prediction error, approximately 10%, sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan
appeared as the battery neared 100%. Using the second-order polyno- (
mial model, the MAE improved to 2.8%, and the R2 increased slightly
to 0.985. Most notably, the maximum absolute error in prediction near AUTHOR DECLARATIONS
100% SoC was reduced to 6%. Thus, the second-order polynomial Conflict of Interest
model appears to offer greater accuracy for SoC prediction than the
linear model, particularly in SoC regions near 0% and 100%. In con- The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
clusion, the proposed method employing the nonlinear parameter b0 ,
measured via SHG, effectively predicts LIB SoC with an accuracy of Author Contributions
less than 3%. Further improvements may be achieved by using nonlin- Hongbin Sun: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal);
ear models, particularly in SoC regions close to 0% and 100%. Formal analysis (equal); Funding acquisition (equal); Investigation
In this work, a nonlinear ultrasonic method, SHG, was used to (equal); Methodology (equal); Validation (equal); Writing – original
estimate the SoC of LIBs. The nonlinear parameter b0 was measured draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Pradeep Ramuhalli:
with the wave amplitudes at 2.5 and 5 MHz using a through- Funding acquisition (equal); Methodology (equal); Project administra-
transmission test setup. This nonlinear parameter was continuously tion (equal); Supervision (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).
monitored throughout multiple charge and discharge cycles. A robust Ruhul Amin: Conceptualization (equal); Investigation (equal);
linear relationship was observed between the nonlinear parameter b0 Resources (equal); Software (equal); Writing – original draft (equal);
and actual SoC. To model this relationship, both a linear and a Writing – review & editing (equal). Ilias Belharouak: Funding acquisi-
second-order polynomial model were employed, and the two fitted tion (equal); Project administration (equal); Supervision (equal);
models were applied to predict SoC in a second battery based on the Writing – review & editing (equal).

25 February 2024 03:30:15

measured nonlinear parameter b0 history. The results indicated that
both models could predict SoC reasonably accurately, with an accuracy
of approximately 3%. The linear model exhibited larger prediction DATA AVAILABILITY
errors when the SoC approached 0% and 100%, whereas the second- The data that support the findings of this study are available from
order polynomial model demonstrated smaller errors in these specific the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 073902 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0187829 124, 073902-6
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing

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