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 Sewilam's Clinical Medicine:

 This is a sample of Sewilam's Clinical Medicine book, available in the

book stores.
 Each chapter includes the following:

1. Anatomical & Physiological introduction

2. History and analysis of the symptoms
3. Illustrations for examinations & signs
4. Discussion about examination
5. Diagnosis of the case (Etiological, Anatomical, Functional,
6. Summary of examination (in one page)
7. Investigation of the related case e.g. cardiac, chest, abdomen,
neurology … etc.
8. Clinical discussion during round.
9. Algorithms for diagnosis of the case from history
10. Algorithms for diagnosis of the case from examination
11. Frequently asked questions for mid & end round exam
12. Short cases questions & OSCE questions
13. Full sheets of Long cases in details
14. Full data in examination of Long cases in details
15. Full discussion of Long cases
 The book contains the following chapters:

1. General.

2. Cardiology: including cases of:

 Uni-valvular lesion:
o PS, AS, VSD, MT, TR, AR , MS
 Multi-valuvular lesion:
o Double mitral lesion = MR + MS
o Double aortic lesion = AR + AS
o Aortic stenosis with Mitral stenosis
o Mitral regurge with Aortic regurge
o Mitral stenosis with Aortic regurge
o Mitral regurge with Aortic stenosis
o Double Mitral with Double Aortic
 As a part of cardiac case:
o Valve replacement case
o Marfan syndrome
o Noonan syndrome
3. Chest: including cases of:
 Cor-pulmonale
 Suppurative lung syndrome = cavitary syndrome :
o Bronchiectasis
o Lung abscess
o Infected lung cyst
o Empyema & broncho-pleural fistula
 Pleural effusion
 Pulmonary fibrosis

4. Abdomen : including a cases of :

 Bilharziasis “pure ß fibrosis"
 Mixed bilharzial & hepatitis cirrhosis

5. Hematology : including cases of:

 Hemolytic anemia:
o BETA Thalassemia "Thalassemia major, Mediterranean anemia”
o Sickle cell anemia
 Huge splenomegaly
 Bleeding tendency
6. Nephrology : Generalized oedema

7. Lymphadenopathy : including cases of:

 Generalized Lymphadenopathy, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, TB
 Localized Lymphadenopathy

8. Neurology: including cases of:

 Capsular hemiplegia, Thrombotic
 Capsular hemiplegia, Embolic
 Brown Sequard syndrome, Spinal hemiplegia (Hemi-section of spinal
 Paraplegia
 Peripheral neuropathy
 Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
 Peroneal muscle atrophy
 Myopathy, Becker variety
 Friedreich's ataxia
 Marie's ataxia
 Motor neuron disease; MND
 Parkinsonism
 Disseminated sclerosis = Multiple sclerosis
9. Rheumatology : including cases of:
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
 Osteoarthrosis = Osteoarthritis = OA
 Ankylosing spondylitis
 Scleroderma
10. Endocrinology
 Acromegaly
 Cushing syndrome
 Addison’s disease (Hypocorticism)
 Diabetes mellitus
 Tetany
 Dwarfism, Stunted growth, Short Stature
 Myxedema; hypothyroidism in adults
 Sheehan’s Syndrome
 Goiter :Thyrotoxicosis

 By :

Mahmoud Sewilam

Kasr Al-Ainy School Of Medicine

Cairo University

E-mail :

Phone No. : 01008855731

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