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Department of Geography, Environmental Management and Energy




Date: 14 April 2021 Total: 80 Marks

Time: 1.5 hours Lecturer: Ms Stockigt



Q1 True/False
Scale is the relationship between a portion of the earth being studied and the whole earth.

Among the elements of globalization of culture are tendencies toward
A) uniform consumption preferences, enhanced communications, unequal access to
resources, and uniformity in cultural forms.
B) enhanced communications, heterogeneity, and equal access to resources.
C) uniform consumption preferences, slower communications, unequal access to resources,
greater access to entertainment, and a mixture of uniformity and variety in cultural forms.
E) maintaining local traditions along with uniformity of cultural beliefs and forms.

The arrangement of a phenomenon across Earth's surface is
A) dispersal.
B) spatial analysis.
D) distribution.
E) regional dissociation.

The increasing gap in economic conditions between regions is described as
A) balance of power.
B) trade theory.
C) uneven development.
E) resource exploitation.
A branch of human geography that emphasizes the different ways that individuals form ideas
about place and give those places symbolic meaning is
A) Poststructuralist Geography.
B) Humanistic Geography.
C) Behavioral Geography.
D) Feminist Geography.

The state of Texas is BEST considered a formal region because
A) only one language is spoken in most of the cities of the region.
B) the same state laws apply everywhere in the region.
C) religion is the same everywhere in the region.
D) transportation systems converge in the major highways of the region.

The name of a location on Earth's surface is a ______________

Situation identifies a place by its
A) location relative to other objects or places.
B) mathematical location on Earth's surface.
C) nominal location.
D) unique, internal physical and cultural characteristics.

The percentage by which a population grows in years is called the
A) doubling time.
B) crude birth rate.
C) natural increase rate.
E) life expectancy.

The world's annual ________ is currently approximately 1.2 percent, at which rate the
world's population is projected to double in about 54 years.
A) natural increase rate (NIR)
B) life expectancy rate (LER)
C) crude birth rate (CBR)
E) natural expectancy rate (NER)

The average number of births women bear in their lifetimes is
A) total birth rate.
B) crude birth rate.
C) total fertility rate.
E) crude fertility rate.

Which three demographic measures most closely parallel each other in terms of global
B) crude death rate, crude birth rate, total fertility rate
C) natural increase rate, crude birth rate, total fertility rate
D) natural increase rate, crude birth rate, crude death rate
E) life expectancy, crude death rate, total fertility rate

The highest natural increase rates are found in countries in which stage of the demographic
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4

Efforts to lower CBR through education and health care have shown statistically to result in
all but which of the following?
A) With the survival of more infants secure, women would be more likely to use
contraceptives to limit pregnancies.
B) With improved education, women would be more aware of reproductive rights and make
more informed reproductive decisions.
C) With greater education comes a higher skill set, thus women would have an improved
opportunity to make economic decisions.
E) Men would more likely take on the burden of contraception.

A possible stage five epidemiological transition is the stage of
A) pestilence and famine.
C) degenerative and human-created diseases.
D) delayed degenerative diseases.
E) reemergence of infectious and parasitic diseases.

Which of the following events would be considered a migration pull factor?
B) failed harvest
C) flooding of a river
D) opening of a new factory
E) civil war

Refugees migrate most often because of which type of push factor?
A) economic
B) environmental
C) cultural
E) political

According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in 2014, the
largest number of refugees were forced to migrate from ________, which have seen a great
deal of armed conflict in recent years.
A) Vietnam and Indonesia
B) Afghanistan and Syria
C) Sudan, South Africa, and Colombia
D) Mexico and Colombia

"Snow bird" (individuals who reside in the north during the summer and move south in the
winter) movement from north to south
A) is specific to the United States' elderly population.
B) demonstrates an environmental pull factor.
D) demonstrates a cultural pull factor.
E) represents internally displaced retirees.

The transfer of money by migrants to family or community members in their country of
origin is
A) a visa tax.
B) a form of global aid.
C) reimbursement for travel.
D) a remittance.

Mexico provides the United States with its largest numbers of
A) voluntary immigrants and political refugees.
B) both legal and undocumented immigrants.
C) laborers.
E) European and Asian migrants, excepting those who have entered from Guatemala.

Brain drain is
A) the large-scale emigration of talented people.
B) the process by which people are given reference for migration.
D) a cultural feature that hinders migration.
E) a net decline in literacy.

The body of customary beliefs, social forms and material traits that constitute a group's
distinct traditions would best describe a specific population's
A) folklore.
B) political agenda.
C) culture.
E) religious organization.

Cultural diversity is promoted by
A) the relative isolation of a group from others.
B) globalization.
D) expansion diffusion.
E) the connections between homogeneous groups.
Typically, popular culture
B) reflects the characteristics of a distinctive physical environment.
C) experiences frequent changes through time and space.
D) is practiced by small homogeneous groups.
E) is practiced by small heterogeneous groups that become large homogeneous groups.

The distribution of the subjects of art in the Himalayas shows how folk cultures
A) always include paintings of religious subjects.
B) are influenced by distinctive vegetation, climate, and religion.
D) typically paint scenes of nature but not people.
E) abandon customary forms as they engage in migration.

Groups living in close proximity to one another yet practicing uniquely different social
customs suggests
A) refusal to teach other customs in schools.
B) refusal to share other customs in religious ceremonies.
C) inability to set up telephone service.
D) limited connections due to topographic, linguistic or ethnic barriers.

A practiced folk culture that represents a syncretism between the old and the new is
B) assimilation.
C) acculturation.
D) attitude bias.
E) anti-globalization.

One of the primary effects of modern communications on social customs has been to
A) preserve folk cultures, by increasing awareness of their uniqueness.
B) stimulate the diffusion of folk cultures around the world.
C) increase the similarity of social customs in different locations.
E) slow the rate of change.

On the continent of Africa, the great number of languages results from
A) transfer of Indo-European languages by missionaries.
B) colonial influence.
C) at least 5,000 years of minimal interaction among the thousands of culture groups.
D) migration patterns from Asia and the Western Hemisphere.

Scandinavian languages such as Norwegian and Swedish all derive from which Indo-
European language branch?
A) Indo-Iranian
B) Balto-Slavic
C) Romance
D) Germanic
Which of the following is NOT a Romance language?
A) Bulgarian
B) Italian
C) Portuguese
D) Romanian

The English language is a "second" or "third" language in many regions where it is used as
A) colonial dialect.
B) expansion diffusion.
D) global lingua.
E) lingua franca.

Chinese is traditionally written in the form of
A) a literary tradition.
B) a Latin alphabet.
C) logograms.
E) phonemes.

Official languages
A) are used by the government to conduct public and legislative business.
B) ensure that everyone in the country speaks that language.
D) require all media to broadcast in that language.
E) are spoken only in international and diplomatic negotiations.

A regional variation of a language including a distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and
pronunciation of words is called a(n)
A) vigorous language.
B) isogloss.
C) developing language.
D) dialect.

For most of the past 2,000 years, most Jews have been
A) highly clustered in present-day Israel.
B) dispersed around the world.
C) concentrated in the United States.
D) forced to live in ghettos.

North America receives ________ percent of the world's Muslim migrants.
A) 1
B) 10
C) 15
E) 50

Most immigrants to the United States are
A) Jewish.
B) Christian.
C) Muslim.
E) unaffiliated.

Buddhism began to diffuse eastward to China
A) only after the texts were translated into Chinese.
B) only when Asoka mandated Buddhism as the official religion.
C) only when the Magadhan Empire collapse.
D) only when trade routes were actively traveled.

The dominance of Christianity was assured during the fourth century Roman Empire largely
due to
A) stimulus diffusion.
B) hierarchical diffusion.
C) contagious diffusion.
D) expansion diffusion.

The belief in the existence of only one god is
A) animism.
B) cosmogony.
C) monotheism.
D) polytheism.

________ is the founder of Buddhism.
A) Siddhartha Gautama
B) Dalai Lama
C) Lao-Zi
D) Confucius

From 1910 to 1950, population density of African Americans in ghettos
A) increased.
B) remained the same.
C) decreased.
E) fluctuated.

An example of white flight is the
A) movement of whites from northern cities like Chicago and New York to southern cities.
C) establishment of suburbs around Los Angeles.
D) decrease in the percent of whites remaining in the Southeast because of black migration
from the Southeast.
E) emigration of whites from central Los Angeles as blacks were arriving.

Neighborhood changes in ethnicity are sometimes caused by the illegal practice of
A) segregation.
B) separate but equal.
C) blockbusting.
E) white flight.

South Africa
A) still practices apartheid despite efforts to end the practice.
B) is completely landlocked.
C) first elected a black president during the 1990s.
D) signed the Law of the Sea despite concerns over ethnic segregation.

The "separate but equal" doctrine of racial equality was accompanied by
A) the abolition of discriminatory lending practices and restrictive covenants.
B) the end of the U.S. Civil War.
C) the required integration of schools.
E) "Jim Crow" laws across the American South.

Loyalty and devotion to a state that represents a particular group's culture is
A) nationalism.
B) nation-state.
C) nation.
E) multiculturalism.

Turkish nationalism has often involved
A) assimilation of the Kurdish population.
B) equal participation of Kurdish people in government.
C) repression of the Kurds.
D) conscription of the Kurds.


Who is most likely to migrate, motivate why and give examples of some of the challenges
they may face [5]


When introducing geography there are 5 core concepts that are essential to understanding the
study. Identify and define these five core concepts. [5]

Why was India's population control policy in the 1970s regarded as controversial? [5]


Write an essay detailing the origin, diffusion and distribution of both Folk and Popular
culture using examples. [15]

Total: 50 Marks

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