Portfolio in MGT 101

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Human Resource Management- MGT 101

This subject is all about Human Resource Management whereas our tracher distributed each
lesson per group and I was assigned as the reporter of the third lesson which is all about The
Manager’s Role in Strategic Human Resource Management.

Explanation: This means that Manager’s objective are used as a tool to decide about the
company’s goal. Objectives are used for employees to become more efficient when it comes
to achieving their company’s goal.

Explanation: The acronym “SMART” which means specific, measurable, attainable,

relevant and timely are used to test if the goal they are setting if effective. When it come to
specific goal, the company should be more specified of what goal they want toattain while
being measurable and attainable means the goal they are setting is achievable. On the other
hand, Relevant and Timely means realistic and time-based goal.
Explanation: Goals can be achievable if employees who are participating are motivated in
working. Setting motivational goals have different suggestion in order for it to be more
specific. Assigning Specific and Measurable Goals means that those employees who have a
target of achieving that goal performs better rather than waiting for it to become successful.
If the Goals are challenging make sure its also doable meaning the goal must be realistic.
While Encouraging Participation in the company will help the team works efficiently.

Explanation: Typically used by those management whose goal is build through its
company’s objective.

Explanation: 1. Set organization goals. Top management sets strategic goals for the
Explanation: the first steps is about how the Top management sets a specific goals to get their
desired results in completing the challenge
2. Set department goals. Department heads and their superiors jointly set supporting goals for
their departments.
Explanation: To effectively implement the goal, the Top Management divides the task by
each department to fits their ability.
3. Discuss department goals. Department heads present department goals and ask all
subordinates to develop their own individual goals.
Explanation: Departmental goals are discussed to the department or subordinate to clearly
explain the goals and objectives in order for the employee to create an individual goal

4. Set individual goals. Goals are set for each subordinate, and a timetable is assigned for
accomplishing those goals.
Explanation: To measure the employees progress in the goals, timetable is used for
measuring the percentage of progress
5. Give feedback. Supervisor and subordinate meet periodically to review the subordinate's
performance and to monitor and analyze progress toward his or her goals.
Explanation: In line with the last step, the top management plays an important role in
achieving their goal since their feedback about the performance of the employees helps the
department to analyze in which area they should improve.

Explanation: Even though MBO is a simple process of how to achieve their goals, its
downside is time consuming since it involves numerous meetings to track the progress of
their goal.

Explanation: The strategic plan define how the company’s status when it comes to
company’s competitiveness in the global market my maintaining its competitive advantage.
The company formulates the goal to foresee its future in the business.
Explanation: 1. Define the Current Business -A logical place to start is by defining
one's current business. Specifically, what products do we sell, where do we sell them,
and how do our products or services differ from our competitors.
● As we plan to build a business, it is important as an owner to know what type of
business are we engaging to know our business
2. Perform External and Internal Audits- "Are we heading in the right direction?"
● Performing external and internal audits will help us to lessen the competitive
pressure since we can't deny that it is normal to every businessman to be pressured to
other business
3. Formulate a New Direction- The question now is, based on the environmental
scan and SWOT analysis, what should our new business be, in terms of three things--
what products we will sell, where we will sell them, and how our products or services
will differ from competitors' products?
● Identifying your strengths and weaknesses as well as your threats and
opportunities will help the business to become more advantage in the market.
4. Translate the Mission into Strategic Goals- translate the mission-such as vertical
integration, product scope (diversity), geographic coverage, and competitive
advantage into strategic goals or objectives.
● in this process, the manager would be able to foresee their mission if they translated
it into strategic goals
5. Formulate Strategies to Achieve the Strategic Goals- the manager chooses
strategies courses of action- -that will enable the company to achieve its strategic
● creates a strategy to achieve the strategic goal
6. Implement the Strategies Strategy implementation or execution means translating
the strategies into action.
● As we create strategy, we must also implement it to our subordinates
7. Evaluate Performance Things don't always turn out as planned.
● Evaluating performance helps us to lessen the effect of some uncertainty in the

Explanation: Types of Strategies

In practice, managers use three types of strategies, one for each level of the
company. There is corporate wide strategic planning, business unit (or competitive)
strategic planning, and functional (or departmental) strategic planning
Corporate Strategy -The question here is, "How many and what kind of businesses
should we be in?"
• A diversification corporate strategy implies that the firm will expand by adding
new product lines.
Competitive Strategy -On what basis will each of our businesses compete?
• identifies how to build and strengthen the business's long-term competitive position
in the marketplace.
Functional Strategy -what do our strategic choices (such as maintaining the lowest
costs) mean for each of the departments that actually must do the work?
•identify the broad activities that each department will pursue in order to help the
business accomplish its competitive goals.

Strategic Fit
- Strategic fit is the degree to which your strategy, structure, culture, and resources
are aligned with your external environment. It means that you have a good
understanding of your customers, competitors, suppliers, and other stakeholders, and
that you can adapt and respond to their needs and expectations
● In simple terms, Strategic fit help the company to
be able to understand their business

On the other hand, the other groups also reported their

given topics which is presented every Face-to-face and
Online Set Up whereas they have different way of reporting like giving Ice Breaker to
make the reporting enjoyable. Here are some of the example of their ice breaker.
MGT 101
Keije Lawrence M. Mendoza

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