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Education is a crucial sector in any nation.

Being a major investment in human capital

development, it plays a critical role in long-term productivity and growth at both micro and
macro levels. This explains why the state of education in any country continues to be our
national discourse at all levels. It is important to realize that education and its reforms should
contribute meaningfully to national development. Therefore, this academic writing will discuss
what Education is and it’s benefits to national development.

Education, according to Amaele et al (2011) is seen as the total development of the individual
child through acceptable methods and techniques according to his abilities and interests to meet
up the needs of the society and for the individual to take his rightful place and contribute equally
to the enhancement of the society. In addition, Lichman & Markovitz (2014) stress that a
developed society is the one that has succeeded in providing a source of living for the majority of
its inhabitants and that in such society, premium is attached to elimination of poverty, provision
of food, shelter and clothing to its members.

Loto (2012) states that a developed or educated polity is the one that has enough manpower and
each person occupies his or her rightful position to enhance the growth of the society. Afolabi
(2009) also remarked that education is largely perceived as an indispensable tool which will not
only assist in meeting the nation’s social, political, moral, cultural and economic aspirations but
will also inculcate in the individual knowledge, skills, dexterity, character and desirable values
that will foster national development and self-actualization.

From the definition of education given above, it is clear that education trains an individual to be
useful in the society and to meet up the need of the society for national development. Therefore,
it should be clear that without education, a nation cannot get the needed manpower for material
advancement and enlightenment of the citizenry. The trained engineers, teachers, medical
doctors, inter alia are all the products of education. This explains why it is argued also that the
quality of a nation’s education determines the level of its national development.

In addition, education promotes social and group relationships. Obasanjo (2012) states that
education trains individuals to relate to and interact meaningfully with others in the society and
to appreciate the importance of effective organization for human progress. Here, the school
system within the educational system fosters this development. The school brings people of
different cultural backgrounds together for a common purpose. This promotes mutual co-

existence among the different students. Learners who strongly identify with their school are
thought to have a more positive attitude towards teachers, other learners and the entire
educational enterprise.

Again, in the school system, there are official clubs and organizations in existence. Learners who
participate in these organizations and clubs gain experience in working with others outside the
individual organizations and to some extent in working and competing with outside groups with
minimum friction and this goes a long way to promote national unity and peaceful co-existence
which will lead to national development. Sometimes, organizations not formally sponsored by
the school in some cases make arrangements to use school facilities when classes are not in
session. Learners derive benefits from their association with these groups in the same way they
profit from participation in school sponsored organizations (Armstrong, et al 2006).

Furthermore, education provides a setting within which different learners’ organizations flourish
and a context for helping young people learn appropriate patterns of interpersonal relations.
Through this, it provides a forum for the development of many kinds of acceptable person-to-
person behaviour patterns as the school classes include a variety of individuals. In these classes,
learners meet people from different social, ethnic and cultural backgrounds from their own. Here,
male-female relationships begin to develop as young people mature. It is obvious education
through the system inculcates much to learners beyond the prescribed academic curriculum and
also encourages the development of social behaviours that will be useful to them as adulthood.

Education also promotes the culture of productivity by enabling individuals to discover the
creative potentials in them and apply same the improvement of the existing skill and technique of
performing specific tasks, thereby increasing the efficiency of their personal societal efforts
(Obasanjo 2012). Education teaches or trains people to be useful to themselves and the society
they live. By this, they have to be productive and discover their creative abilities and use this to
perform specific tasks to attain self-actualization. Education also develops in individuals those
values which make for good citizenship, such as honesty, selflessness, tolerance, dedication,
hard-work and personal integrity, all of which provide the rich soil from which good leadership
potential is groomed. As already noted, education trains an individual to be responsible in the
society. From this, it is clear that education gives moral training.

Jega, (1999) states that education aims at all round personality improvement in all its physical,
mental, social, cognitive, moral, theological, and aesthetic manifestations. Without individual
development, national development cannot possibly be achievable. Individual improvement
includes certain qualities — development of self-confidence, generation of scientific temper,
attainment of self-sufficiency, sense of devotion to duty, discipline and decency, sense of
dedication, promotion of social and ethical values, encouragement of a positive attitude towards
nation unity and integrity, and cultivation of social effectiveness. Education therefore allows
individuals to develop and promote the aforementioned qualities required for a nation’s revival
and growth. Education should be broadened and expanded to include all population segments.
Education changes people to create a capitalist, democratic and secular social order socially,
culturally and economically.

According to Himmelstrend, (2019) education is key to a country’s socio-economic

development. It plays an important role in human capacity building and accelerates economic
growth through a society’s knowledge, skills and creative strength. Education’s positive
outcomes include poverty reduction and injustice, health status change and socio-economic
policy development and good governance. Education’s multifaceted impact makes it an essential
element of the framework or element for policy. Developing countries, where the majority of the
world’s population resides, need to overhaul educational policies to encourage competitiveness
in various sectors of the economy by developing highly skilled workforce and addressing their
rapid industrialization needs for growth or development.

In addition, education is an essential factor in reducing poverty and inequality. It provides people
with the skills and knowledge necessary to get better jobs and higher wages, enabling them to
escape poverty. Education also strengthens social mobility, allowing individuals to climb the
socioeconomic ladder through merit rather than birth or luck. Additionally, education can create
a more equitable society by broadening individuals’ access to opportunities such as higher
career-track jobs and improved healthcare. As a result, it can help bridge gaps between the rich
and the poor while teaching individuals valuable life skills that they can use to navigate the
world around them.

Kingsley, (2010) education also creates employment opportunities in the economy which
contributes to development. Education creates direct employment to people who provide direct

service to the education system such as teachers, administrators and also service providers. It
also empowers individuals with skills of creativity which enables them to identify opportunities
and transform them into practice with an aim of earning. As a result this contributes to National
development because it provides people with a source of income that liberates them from poverty
because they are able to meet their demands.

This point was supported by Lichman, (2008) who stated that education is closely linked to
improvements in health outcomes and overall well-being. Educated individuals are more likely
to make informed decisions about their health, leading to lower rates of disease, higher life
expectancy, and better quality of life. Education also empowers individuals to adopt healthy
behaviors, seek medical care when needed, and access essential healthcare services. By investing
in education, nations can improve the health outcomes of their populations and reduce healthcare
costs in the long run.

Again, education is a driving force behind technological innovation and scientific progress. A
well-educated workforce is essential for research and development activities that lead to new
discoveries, inventions, and advancements in various fields. Countries that prioritize education
invest in building a knowledge-based economy that thrives on creativity, entrepreneurship, and
continuous learning. By fostering a culture of innovation through education, nations can stay at
the forefront of technological advancements and maintain their competitive edge in the global
marketplace (Adesina, 2005).

Education plays a critical role in promoting sustainable development by raising awareness about
environmental issues, climate change, and resource management. Ajayi, & Afolabi, (2009)
through education, individuals learn about the importance of conservation, sustainability, and
responsible consumption practices. Educated citizens are more likely to adopt environmentally
friendly behaviors, support conservation efforts, and advocate for policies that protect the planet
for future generations. By integrating environmental education into school curricula, nations can
build a more sustainable future for all.

In conclusion, education plays a great role in a country. They help in the every field of life. It
informs us in about the every thing after this is in our control that how we use that thing. We can
use them positively or negatively. If we want to develop a country then we should be use it

positively. Hence the education plays a huge and a great role in developing a country. Due to this
the Diogenes Caertius says that “The foundation of every state is the education of its youth”.


Adesina, S. (2005) Governance and Economic Development in the Fourth Republic, Abeokuta:
Educational Industries Ltd.

Ajayi, A.I. and Afolabi, F.O. (2009) “The Role of Tertiary Education in National Development:
The Nigerian Scenario; Journal of Teacher Education, 10(1), 34-46.

Armstrong, D.G., et al (2006) Education: An Introduction. 4th edition, Canada: Macmillan

Publishing Company, p.142 and 143.

Amaele, S. et al (2011) History of Education: from Ancient to Contemporary Era: The Global
and Nigerian Perspectives. Port Harcourt: Hrey Publications Coy, p. 6 and 7.

Himmelstrend, ULF (2019) In Search of a New paradigm for the Study of African
Development. London: Inliers Publications, N7, p. 18-21.

Jega, M.A. (1999). The State and Education in Nigeria Today., Lecture Delivered at the
Opening Ceremony of Kano Students Week, Udu, Sokoto, p. 5.

Lichman, W. (2008) The Political Economy of Development. Berkeley and Los Angeles:
University of Califonia Press, P. 57

Kingsley, L. Loto, P. (2010) Governance and Economic Development in the Fourth Republic.
Nigeria State: Aboki publishers, P. 284.

Lichman & Markovitz (2014) Economic Development. England: Pearson Education Limited

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