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A Game by Alexander Shen

Age: 6+, Game Time: 5 minutes, Players: 1+

● 1x Crumbling Dungeon sheet per player
● 1x six-sided die
● A writing utensil

Goal of the Game

Traverse through the Crumbling Dungeon and try to get the highest score possible.

How to Play
1. Choose any Entrance at a corner in the Crumbling Dungeon to start from.
2. Traverse through the maze, interacting with anything you encounter.
3. If you interact with an item (Key, Chest, Gem, Health Potion), cross off the corresponding spot on your
sheet as you have obtained that item.
4. If you interact with a Monster, resolve combat (see: Combat).
5. Remember: You are not allowed to turn around in the Crumbling Dungeon. It’s a single straight shot
though. The floor is literally crumbling beneath your feet as you make your way through.
6. Repeat until the game ends. Good luck!

Game End
The game ends if one of the following conditions are met:
1. You reach another Entrance at a corner in the Crumbling Dungeon (see: Scoring)
2. You reach a dead end (see: Magic Rope)
3. You run out of HP (see: Death)

1. Only if you successfully leave via another Entrance in the Crumbling Dungeon are you able to score all
2. Add up and record all the points you received from Key and Chest combinations.
3. Record the points you received from defeated Monsters.
4. Record all the points you received from collecting Gems.
5. Important Note: The number of points you receive from defeating Monsters or collecting Gems is based
on the highest value you’ve crossed off, not the sum of all values. For example, if you have collected 3
Gems, your Gems score is 5 and not 10 (2 + 3 + 5 = 10).
Magic Rope (aka Reaching a Dead End)
If you reach a dead end, you use your Magic Rope to escape the dungeon. The Magic Rope has a weight limit, so
you are only able to bring a maximum of 3 treasures with you on your way out.

For example: this may be a mix of 1 Key, 1 Chest, and 1 Gem. It could also be a mix of 2 Monsters, and 1 Gem.

You have died in the Crumbling Dungeon. Your final score is 0. Your legend will be remembered. Probably.

Health Potion
If you encounter a Health Potion, outline an additional box at the end of the HP row. This ultimately shows that
your max HP has increased.

Key and Chest

1. Key and Chest can only be opened after you have left the
Crumbling Dungeon, not during.
2. You may only open a Chest if you have a Key paired with it.
3. To calculate your Chest score, roll 1d6 for each paired Key and
Chest. That is the amount of treasure inside that Chest. Write this
value in the spot that connects the Key and Chest together.
4. Unpaired Keys or Chests are not worth any points.

1. The number inside the Monster represents its current level.
2. Roll 1d6 and add your current ATK value to that result.
3. If the value of that roll is equal to or higher than the Monster’s level you defeat it!
4. If the value of that roll is less than the Monster’s level you defeat it, but also take damage. The amount of
damage taken is equal to the difference of the Monster’s level and your attack result.
a. For example: The Monster’s level is 9. Your ATK level is 1. You roll a 6. Your attack result is thus
7, which is less than the Monster’s level. You take 2 damage (9 - 7 = 2).

Game Variant
Each player to enter the Crumbling Dungeon gets their own copy of the same sheet to play on. The first player to
exit the dungeon either through an Entrance or Magic Rope gets a bonus +5 points. Players may start at the
same Entrance.

Supply Shortage
The demand for Monsters and Gems have skyrocketed. Instead of defeating Monsters or collecting Gems based
on the highest value you’ve crossed off, it is actually the sum of all the crossed off values.

For example: You have collected 3 Gems. Instead of being worth 3 points, it is now worth 6 points (1 + 2 + 3 = 6).

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