2021 - UAS Food Microbiology Answered

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Hari & Tanggal : Selasa, 4 Januari 2021
Waktu : 14.00 – 16.15
Sifat : Closed book

Choose one as the right answer (each contribute 3 points)!

1. Type of food that area suitable for HPP particularly on those, except:
a. Cold pressed juices-cheese-baby food
b. Pasta sauce-fresh avocado-smoothies
c. Ground beef patties- breads-deli meat and cold cuts
d. Vegan lactose and gluten free yogurts-chilled soups-pasta sauce

2. Which one is the proper characteristic genera of LAB that commonly used in food
a. Streptococcus, gram negative bacteria can grow as thermoduric bacteria.
b. Leuconostoc, gram positive bacteria grow well more than 37oC.
c. Lactobacillus gram positive bacteria, usually nonsporulating and heterofermentative
d. Lactococcus nonmotile bacteria, generally capable hydrolyzed lactose, sucrose and

3. Which preservatives that could be fitted for inhibit spoilage on cheese:

a. Lactic acid for inhibit all microorganism.
b. Paraben max use 0,1% for inhibit yeasts and molds.
c. Nisin, max use range 100 ppm for inhibit gram positive bacteria.
d. Ethyl formate, max use range 15-200 ppm for inhibits yeasts and molds.

4. This Yeast usually used to produce single-cell proteins:

a. Debaromyces spp
b. Zygosaccharomyces bailii
c. Hansenula anomal
d. Candida utilis.

5. Which factors that should be considered when using irradiation for inactivate microorganism
a. Type of radiation, oxygen content, age of microorganism.
b. Physical state of foods, nutritive value, composition of foods.
c. nutritive value, age of microorganism, genetic composition of microorganism.
d. Type of radiation, economical in use, age of microorganism.

6. These microbes have their own role during food fermentation: grow anaerobically and utilize
sugar and reproduce asexually budding and further produce alcohol, so that why their
widely used in brewing industries, what microbe is it:
a. S. cerevisiae
b. Zygosaccharomyces rouxii
c. Hansenula
d. Candica utilis

7. The most important thing when doing Food safety assessment for HPP products is:
a. Flow process of products
b. Key intrinsic characteristic of products
c. Potential hazard identified or associated
d. Mechanism of microbial inactivation

8. Propionibacterium is one of genera LAB that have those characteristic, except:

a. Rods shapes or coccus.
b. Responsible to make good flavor of swiss cheese.
c. pleomorphic thick rod, gram negative, obligate aerobic.
d. Transform lactic acid into propionic acids

9. Some example of the main reason for pulsed electric fields (PEF) to be used for cold
pasteurisation and shelf life extension of the orange juice are below, except:
a. Optimize critical control point in the flow process
b. Increased yield of juice due to the plant cell electroporation
c. Enhanced extraction of vitamins, colour and antioxidants
d. Increased yield due to the plant cell electroporation

10. Which dose that could be proper range for irradiation of microorganism:

Microorganism Dose (kGy)

a. Escherichia coli 1-3
b. Campylobacter 0.01-1.0
c. Bacillus Cereus 0.17-2.0
d. Listeria 0.2-1.0

1. Here are common some foods provided:

Fruit juices Shellfish Guacamole Processed Ready meals

Milk Orange juices Liquid eggs Apple juice Drinking water
Hummus Fermented Baby food Pasta sauces shellfish
There are some alternative food processing techniques in term of choosing the proper
techniques of food preservation, those we now until now:

Microwave Ohmic heating High pressure Pulsed electric High voltage

Pulse light Magnetic fields Ultrasound Ozone Pulsed X-ray
Please choose:
Two listed food on the table and two novel technologies that you now well properly in
application of those foods along with the advantage, mechanism of microbial inactivation,
and many factors involved. (35)

**Makanan 1: Guacamole**

**Teknologi Baru 1: Pemrosesan Tekanan Tinggi (HPP)**

**Keuntungan:** Pemrosesan Tekanan Tinggi adalah metode yang efektif untuk

mengawetkan guacamole sambil mempertahankan rasa, warna, dan kandungan nutrisinya
yang segar. Ini membantu memperpanjang umur simpan dan meningkatkan keamanan
makanan dengan mengurangi beban mikroba.

**Mekanisme Inaktivasi Mikroba:** HPP melibatkan pemaparan guacamole ke tekanan

hidrostatik tinggi (biasanya 300-600 MPa) dalam waktu singkat. Tekanan mengganggu
struktur seluler mikroorganisme, termasuk bakteri, ragi, dan jamur, yang menyebabkan
inaktivasi mereka. Proses ini juga menonaktifkan enzim yang bertanggung jawab atas
pencoklatan dan pembusukan, sehingga menjaga kualitas produk.

**Faktor yang Terlibat:**

1. Tekanan dan Waktu: Pemilihan tekanan dan waktu perawatan yang tepat sangat penting
untuk mencapai inaktivasi mikroba sambil mempertahankan atribut sensorik guacamole.
2. Pengemasan: Bahan pengemasan yang sesuai diperlukan untuk menahan tekanan dan
menjaga integritas produk.
3. Suhu: HPP adalah metode pasteurisasi dingin, sehingga pemantauan dan pengendalian
suhu selama pemrosesan sangat penting untuk mencegah efek buruk pada guacamole.

**Teknologi Baru 2: Medan Listrik Berdenyut (PEF)**

**Keuntungan:** Medan Listrik Berdenyut dapat memperpanjang umur simpan guacamole

dengan menonaktifkan mikroorganisme dan enzim pembusuk, menjaga kesegaran dan nilai

**Mekanisme Inaktivasi Mikroba:** PEF menerapkan pulsa elektrik singkat dan intens ke
guacamole. Pulsa ini membuat pori-pori sementara di membran sel mikroba, menyebabkan
kematian sel. Selain itu, PEF menonaktifkan enzim yang bertanggung jawab untuk
pencoklatan dan degradasi.

**Faktor yang Terlibat:**

1. Kekuatan Medan Listrik dan Durasi Pulsa: Mengoptimalkan kekuatan medan listrik dan
durasi pulsa sangat penting untuk mencapai inaktivasi mikroba yang efektif sambil
meminimalkan perubahan yang tidak diinginkan pada produk.
2. Konduktivitas Produk: Konduktivitas guacamole memengaruhi penetrasi medan listrik,
sehingga penyesuaian mungkin diperlukan untuk formulasi tertentu.
3. Temperatur: PEF dapat menghasilkan panas selama pemrosesan, sehingga kontrol
temperatur diperlukan untuk mencegah efek termal yang tidak diinginkan.

**Makanan 2: Jus Jeruk**

**Teknologi Baru 1: Ultrasound**

**Keuntungan:** Ultrasound adalah metode pengawetan non-termal yang dapat

memperpanjang umur simpan jus jeruk dengan menonaktifkan enzim dan mengurangi
muatan mikroba.

**Mekanisme Inaktivasi Mikroba:** Ultrasound menerapkan gelombang suara frekuensi

tinggi ke jus jeruk, menciptakan gelembung kavitasi yang runtuh dan menghasilkan suhu dan
tekanan tinggi lokal. Ini mengganggu sel mikroba dan menonaktifkan enzim.

**Faktor yang Terlibat:**

1. Frekuensi dan Intensitas Ultrasound: Pemilihan frekuensi dan intensitas ultrasound yang
tepat sangat penting untuk mencapai inaktivasi mikroba tanpa mengorbankan kualitas jus
2. Waktu Perawatan: Durasi perawatan ultrasound mempengaruhi tingkat inaktivasi mikroba
dan pengurangan aktivitas enzim.
3. Suhu: Ultrasound menghasilkan panas, jadi kontrol suhu sangat penting untuk mencegah
efek yang tidak diinginkan pada produk.

**Teknologi Novel 2: Pulsed Light (PL)**

**Keuntungan:** Teknologi Pulsed Light adalah metode non-termal yang dapat secara
efektif mengurangi kontaminasi mikroba dalam jus jeruk, mempertahankan atribut sensorik
dan nutrisinya.

**Mekanisme Inaktivasi Mikroba:** Pulsed Light memancarkan semburan cahaya spektrum

luas yang singkat dan intens yang menargetkan sel mikroba. Energi cahaya merusak DNA dan
struktur seluler mikroorganisme, yang menyebabkan inaktivasi mereka.

**Faktor yang Terlibat:**

1. Intensitas Cahaya dan Waktu Paparan: Optimalisasi intensitas cahaya dan waktu paparan
yang tepat sangat penting untuk mencapai pengurangan mikroba dengan tetap menjaga
kualitas jus jeruk.
2. Pengemasan: Kemasan transparan memungkinkan penetrasi cahaya yang lebih baik ke
dalam jus jeruk, meningkatkan masuknya mikroba

3. Pemeliharaan Sumber Cahaya: Pemeliharaan dan kalibrasi rutin sistem lampu berdenyut
sangat penting untuk memastikan inaktivasi mikroba yang konsisten dan efektif.

Catatan: Saat menerapkan teknologi pemrosesan makanan baru, penting untuk melakukan
penelitian, validasi, dan kepatuhan yang tepat terhadap standar peraturan untuk
memastikan keamanan dan kualitas makanan. Parameter dan kondisi khusus untuk setiap
teknologi harus dioptimalkan untuk produk pangan tertentu untuk mencapai efek
pengawetan yang diinginkan.

**Food 1: Guacamole**

**Novel Technology 1: High Pressure Processing (HPP)**

**Advantage:** High Pressure Processing is an effective method to preserve guacamole

while retaining its fresh flavor, color, and nutrient content. It helps to extend shelf life and
improve food safety by reducing the microbial load.

**Mechanism of Microbial Inactivation:** HPP involves subjecting guacamole to high

hydrostatic pressure (typically 300-600 MPa) for a short time. The pressure disrupts the
cellular structures of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, and molds, leading to their
inactivation. The process also inactivates enzymes responsible for browning and spoilage,
thereby maintaining the product's quality.

**Factors Involved:**
1. Pressure and Time: Proper selection of pressure and treatment time is crucial to achieve
microbial inactivation while preserving the sensory attributes of guacamole.
2. Packaging: Suitable packaging materials are necessary to withstand the pressure and
maintain product integrity.
3. Temperature: HPP is a cold pasteurization method, so monitoring and controlling the
temperature during processing is essential to prevent adverse effects on the guacamole.

**Novel Technology 2: Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF)**

**Advantage:** Pulsed Electric Fields can extend the shelf life of guacamole by inactivating
spoilage microorganisms and enzymes, preserving its freshness and nutritional value.

**Mechanism of Microbial Inactivation:** PEF applies short, intense electric pulses to

guacamole. These pulses create temporary pores in the microbial cell membranes, causing
cell death. Additionally, PEF inactivates enzymes responsible for browning and degradation.

**Factors Involved:**
1. Electric Field Strength and Pulse Duration: Optimizing the electric field strength and pulse
duration is essential to achieve effective microbial inactivation while minimizing undesirable
changes to the product.
2. Product Conductivity: The conductivity of guacamole affects the penetration of electric
fields, so adjustments may be needed for specific formulations.
3. Temperature: PEF can generate heat during processing, so temperature control is
necessary to prevent unwanted thermal effects.
**Food 2: Orange Juices**

**Novel Technology 1: Ultrasound**

**Advantage:** Ultrasound is a non-thermal preservation method that can extend the shelf
life of orange juices by inactivating enzymes and reducing microbial load.

**Mechanism of Microbial Inactivation:** Ultrasound applies high-frequency sound waves

to the orange juice, creating cavitation bubbles that collapse and produce localized high
temperatures and pressures. This disrupts microbial cells and inactivates enzymes.

**Factors Involved:**
1. Frequency and Intensity of Ultrasound: Proper selection of ultrasound frequency and
intensity is critical for achieving microbial inactivation without compromising the quality of
the orange juice.
2. Treatment Time: The duration of ultrasound treatment influences the extent of microbial
inactivation and enzyme activity reduction.
3. Temperature: Ultrasound generates heat, so temperature control is essential to prevent
unwanted effects on the product.

**Novel Technology 2: Pulsed Light (PL)**

**Advantage:** Pulsed Light technology is a non-thermal method that can effectively

reduce microbial contamination in orange juices, preserving their sensory and nutritional

**Mechanism of Microbial Inactivation:** Pulsed Light emits short, intense bursts of broad-
spectrum light that target microbial cells. The light energy damages the DNA and cellular
structures of microorganisms, leading to their inactivation.

**Factors Involved:**
1. Light Intensity and Exposure Time: Proper optimization of light intensity and exposure
time is crucial to achieve microbial reduction while maintaining the quality of the orange
2. Packaging: Transparent packaging allows better penetration of light into the orange juice,
enhancing microbial in

3. Light Source Maintenance: Regular maintenance and calibration of the pulsed light system
are essential to ensure consistent and effective microbial inactivation.

Note: When applying novel food processing technologies, it is important to conduct proper
research, validation, and compliance with regulatory standards to ensure food safety and
quality. Specific parameters and conditions for each technology should be optimized for the
particular food product to achieve the desired preservation effects.
2. Suppose you are ready with the big plan as food entrepreneur on expanding food business,
one of the big chances is exported shellfish products to European countries, they are
welcome on shellfish product using novel processing technologies. Questions:
a. What shellfish product on your view that would be prospect to exported into EU
countries? (5)
b. What novel processing technology you choose? What should be the proper
consideration on it? (10)
c. Describe the food safety assessment on specified product you choose! (20)

A. Produk kerang yang bisa menjadi prospek ekspor ke negara-negara UE:

1. Udang Beku: Negara-negara UE memiliki permintaan udang yang tinggi, dan udang beku adalah
produk populer yang dapat diekspor karena keserbagunaan dan umur simpannya yang lebih lama.

2. Kerang yang dikemas vakum: Kerang banyak dikonsumsi di negara-negara Eropa, dan pengemasan
vakum memastikan kesegarannya dan memperpanjang umur simpannya, membuatnya cocok untuk

3. Tiram Asap: Tiram asap adalah kelezatan di banyak masakan Eropa, dan rasanya yang unik
menjadikannya produk potensial untuk ekspor.

4. Daging Kepiting Kalengan: Daging kepiting kalengan nyaman dan memiliki umur simpan yang lebih
lama, menjadikannya pilihan yang menarik untuk diekspor ke negara-negara UE.

5. Kerang Asin: Kerang asin dengan rasa dan bumbu yang unik dapat memenuhi preferensi
konsumen Eropa untuk produk makanan laut gourmet.

B. Teknologi pemrosesan baru dan pertimbangan yang tepat:

Teknologi Pemrosesan Baru: Pemrosesan Tekanan Tinggi (HPP)

HPP adalah teknologi pemrosesan non-termal yang membuat produk makanan terkena tekanan
tinggi, yang dapat membantu menjaga kualitas sensorik dan nutrisi kerang sekaligus mengurangi
mikroorganisme patogen secara efektif.

Pertimbangan yang tepat:

1. Kompatibilitas Produk: Pastikan produk kerang yang dipilih untuk HPP dapat menahan tekanan
tinggi tanpa mengurangi tekstur dan kualitasnya.

2. Pengemasan: Pilih bahan pengemas yang sesuai yang dapat menahan tekanan dan menjaga
keutuhan produk selama pemrosesan.

3. Validasi Proses: Lakukan studi validasi untuk menentukan parameter tekanan, waktu, dan suhu
yang optimal untuk produk kerang tertentu untuk mencapai tujuan keamanan dan kualitas

4. Peralatan dan Fasilitas: Berinvestasi pada peralatan HPP berkualitas tinggi dan menjaga sanitasi
dan kebersihan yang baik di fasilitas pemrosesan untuk mencegah kontaminasi silang.

5. Kepatuhan terhadap Peraturan: Pastikan bahwa teknologi HPP yang dipilih mematuhi peraturan
dan standar UE untuk keamanan dan kualitas makanan.
6. Penilaian Umur Simpan: Lakukan studi umur simpan untuk menentukan dampak HPP pada umur
simpan produk kerang di bawah kondisi penyimpanan yang berbeda.

7. Penerimaan Konsumen: Mengevaluasi penerimaan konsumen atas produk kerang yang diproses
HPP melalui evaluasi sensorik dan riset pasar untuk memastikan kesuksesan komersial mereka di
pasar UE

8. Analisis Biaya-Manfaat: Mengevaluasi efektivitas biaya dan manfaat penerapan HPP untuk
pengolahan kerang dibandingkan dengan metode tradisional.

C. Kajian Keamanan Pangan untuk Produk Kerang Olahan HPP:

1. Keamanan Mikrobiologi: Lakukan penilaian mikrobiologi untuk menentukan beban mikroba awal
produk kerang dan evaluasi kemanjuran HPP dalam mengurangi patogen seperti Vibrio spp., E. coli,
dan Salmonella.

2. Keamanan Bahan Kimia: Analisis produk kerang untuk kontaminan kimia, termasuk logam berat,
pestisida, dan racun, untuk memastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan UE.

3. Pengendalian Alergen: Terapkan tindakan pengendalian alergen yang ketat untuk mencegah
kontaminasi silang dan memastikan produk bebas dari zat alergen.

4. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP): Kembangkan rencana HACCP yang komprehensif
untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengendalikan potensi bahaya pada titik kritis di seluruh rantai
pemrosesan dan distribusi.

5. Kontrol Kualitas: Tetapkan prosedur kontrol kualitas untuk memantau atribut sensorik, tekstur,
dan warna produk sebelum dan sesudah pemrosesan HPP.

6. Integritas Kemasan: Nilai integritas bahan kemasan setelah HPP untuk memastikannya bebas dari
kebocoran atau kerusakan yang dapat membahayakan keamanan produk.

7. Pelatihan dan Pendidikan: Berikan pelatihan yang tepat kepada karyawan tentang penanganan
peralatan HPP yang benar dan kepatuhan terhadap protokol keamanan pangan.

8. Ketertelusuran: Terapkan sistem ketertelusuran yang kuat untuk melacak produk kerang dari
sumber ke konsumen, memungkinkan penarikan kembali produk dengan cepat jika perlu.

9. Kepatuhan terhadap Peraturan UE: Pastikan bahwa produk kerang yang diproses HPP mematuhi
semua peraturan keamanan pangan UE yang relevan

dan standar.

10. Pemantauan dan Validasi Berkesinambungan: Secara teratur memantau dan memvalidasi
langkah-langkah keamanan pangan yang diterapkan untuk memastikan kepatuhan yang
berkelanjutan dan mengatasi masalah keamanan yang muncul dengan segera.

a. Shellfish products that could be prospects for export to EU countries:

1. Frozen Shrimp: EU countries have a high demand for shrimp, and frozen shrimp is a popular
product that can be exported due to its versatility and longer shelf life.

2. Vacuum-packed Mussels: Mussels are widely consumed in European countries, and vacuum-
packing ensures their freshness and extends their shelf life, making them suitable for export.
3. Smoked Oysters: Smoked oysters are a delicacy in many European cuisines, and their unique
flavor makes them a potential product for export.

4. Canned Crab Meat: Canned crab meat is convenient and has a longer shelf life, making it an
attractive option for export to EU countries.

5. Marinated Scallops: Marinated scallops with unique flavors and seasoning can cater to European
consumers' preferences for gourmet seafood products.

b. Novel processing technology and proper considerations:

Novel Processing Technology: High-Pressure Processing (HPP)

HPP is a non-thermal processing technology that subjects food products to high pressures, which can
help in preserving the sensory and nutritional qualities of shellfish while effectively reducing
pathogenic microorganisms.

Proper Considerations:

1. Product Compatibility: Ensure that the shellfish products chosen for HPP can withstand the high
pressure without compromising their texture and quality.

2. Packaging: Select appropriate packaging materials that can withstand the pressure and maintain
the integrity of the product during processing.

3. Process Validation: Perform validation studies to determine the optimal pressure, time, and
temperature parameters for the specific shellfish products to achieve food safety and quality

4. Equipment and Facility: Invest in high-quality HPP equipment and maintain proper sanitation and
hygiene in the processing facility to prevent cross-contamination.

5. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the chosen HPP technology complies with EU regulations and
standards for food safety and quality.

6. Shelf Life Assessment: Conduct shelf life studies to determine the impact of HPP on the shelf life
of the shellfish products under different storage conditions.

7. Consumer Acceptance: Evaluate consumer acceptance of HPP-processed shellfish products

through sensory evaluations and market research to ensure their commercial success in the EU

8. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness and benefits of implementing HPP for
shellfish processing compared to traditional methods.

c. Food Safety Assessment for HPP-Processed Shellfish Product:

1. Microbiological Safety: Conduct a microbiological assessment to determine the initial microbial

load of the shellfish product and evaluate the efficacy of HPP in reducing pathogens such as Vibrio
spp., E. coli, and Salmonella.

2. Chemical Safety: Analyze the shellfish product for chemical contaminants, including heavy metals,
pesticides, and toxins, to ensure compliance with EU regulations.

3. Allergen Control: Implement stringent allergen control measures to prevent cross-contamination

and ensure the product is free from allergenic substances.
4. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP): Develop a comprehensive HACCP plan to identify
and control potential hazards at critical points throughout the processing and distribution chain.

5. Quality Control: Establish quality control procedures to monitor the product's sensory attributes,
texture, and color before and after HPP processing.

6. Packaging Integrity: Assess the packaging materials' integrity after HPP to ensure they are free
from leaks or damage that may compromise the product's safety.

7. Training and Education: Provide appropriate training to employees on proper handling of HPP
equipment and adherence to food safety protocols.

8. Traceability: Implement robust traceability systems to track the shellfish product from the source
to the consumer, enabling rapid product recall if necessary.

9. Compliance with EU Regulations: Ensure that the HPP-processed shellfish product complies with
all relevant EU food safety regulations

and standards.

10. Ongoing Monitoring and Validation: Regularly monitor and validate the food safety measures in
place to ensure continuous compliance and address any emerging safety concerns promptly.


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