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Name: Kimberly, Marquez Subject: Clinical Psychology Chapter: Eleven

Psychological Interventions

Action is taken by a psychotherapist to address a client's issues and concerns.

The essence of the issue, the therapist's principles, the environment, and the client's

readiness and capacity to continue the treatment all influence the choice of

intervention. Every client has a different adaptive response in every situation. Some

clients are easily adapted and some are struggling to adapt to the situation, so therapy

needs to understand it and support the client with good care.

All people who have mental illnesses or who are treated as such have had the

right to be safeguarded from inhumane treatment, physiological or other abusive

behaviour, and economic, sexual, as well as other forms of abuse.

Discrimination based on a mental illness is prohibited. Any difference,

exclusion, or personal taste that prevents or lessens the rights enjoyed by all people

equally is referred to as bias.

The individual whose capacity is in question has a right to legal representation.

If the individual whose ability is in question does not obtain such an illustration on his

or her own, it must be provided by that individual without charge to the extent that he

or she lacks the financial resources to do so.

You must look after yourself first in order to be able to care for those around

you. Similar to the advice we receive when flying, you should put on your own face

mask before attempting to assist another person with theirs. In order to effectively
handle stressful situations and assist others when they require you, it is crucial to

safeguard one's mental health and wellbeing each day.

In this chapter 11 topic, I realized how to protect myself from mental illness.

Sometimes I am stressed because of personal issues in life and also being a 4th year

student is really exhausting, full of breakdown moments, but now I realized that I

need to enjoy my life because this is for my future and I want a beautiful future from

now. I want my last year in college to be memorable.


Mental Heath. (2020). Five Ways To Protect Your Mental Health. Retrieved from.

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