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To demonstrate the relationship

between power input and surface
temperature for free convection and
determine the convection hear transfer
for a flat plate

5.1 Objectives
The objective of this experiment was to investigate the relation between the power input and
the surface temperature when there is no force driving the air.

5.2 Apparatus
The apparatus of the experiment contains the convection apparatus which contains enclosed
pathway for flow with heated rods as the heaters and the air as passing ambient medium.
 Temperature Sensor
 Heating Rods
 Air
 Power Supply

Figure 5.2: Convection Apparatus

5.3 Theory
The convection is a major phenomenon in the heat exchangers and other vast applications as
to keep the body/material cool or hot with interference from outside air. One of major
applications is the cooling of automobile engine where air flow over the surface to extract the
heat generated. Also, for cryogenic fluids to store the air flow or convection Heat transfer
should be minimum.

5.3.1 Heat Convection

Convection is the second mode of heat transfer which occurs when the bulk velocity is
present. When particles or fluid flow over a heated surface a major portion of heat transferred
is due to the heat convection. Convection adheres to the flow property of heat transfer. The
convection includes two major phenomena as:[1]
 Advection
 Diffusion

Figure 5.3.1: Modes of Heat Transfer

5.3.2 Free Convection

Free or natural convection is defined as the convection which occur naturally without the
influence of some external force. The free convection is major phenomenon in the air cooling
where there are no fans or blowers to flow air or simply, we can say that the simple
convection is called Free Convection.

Figure 5.3.2: Air convection through human body

The phenomenon of the natural convection occurs when there is gravitational field exist
where the heavier objects fall and the lighter rises. Same is the case in the free convection of
air. The hotter is being less dense will rise in the atmosphere and the cold air downward that
will create the air convection current.
This phenomenon is important in nature and the air flow and air currents are due to this and it
helps in the world temperature and air flow.[2]

Figure 5.3.3: Air Currents

The free convection in the experiment is carried by the air which is cooler when heated will
rise and will generate the air flow naturally and heat will be transferred.

Figure 5.3.4: Experimental Sketch

5.3.3 Convection Formula

The newton law for cooling is used for convection law and it states as same as of Fourier’s
Law as:
“The heat flux through the surface of the body is directly proportion to temperature
difference between the surfaces.”
q=h A(T 1−T ∞ )
Where h is the convection heat transfer coefficient and T∞ is the ambient air temperature.

5.3.4 Heat Convection in Apparatus

The heat is transferred from the heater rods to air which is cooler and air exchange heat with
the rods and leaves as hot air making a current or flow of the air in case of free convection.
For forced convection we have the fans to perform the operation.

Figure 4.3.5: Figure showing what actually happens in air convection

5.4 Procedure
 First of all, set the apparatus and Turn ON the heater and wait for some time to flow the
air and heat exchanger will have constant heat flux or flow rate.
 Now measure the temperature of the air at the inlet with the thermo-sensor provided.
 Repeat the above step for the heated surface and air outlet and record values to find the
temperature differences.
 Repeat the experiment for different heat flow rates but remember to give the time to heat
exchanger to be cooled before you take the value at lower power or heat flux.
5.5 Observations & Calculations
T∞ =30°C
l =110mm
w =100mm
A = l x w =11000mm^2
No. of Heat supplied (Q) Surface Temperature
Obs. (W) Temperature Difference
Ts ΔT = Ts – T∞
( C) (oC)
1 15.2 41 11

5.6 Graphs
Heat Rate vs Temperature Difference

5.7 Conclusions

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