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2 Important Phrases: Match the pinyin/characters with their English meaning

Qù jīchǎng jiē péngyǒu 去机场接朋友 1. They will be taking the American

Airlines’ flight to San Francisco
Háng kōng gōng sī 航空公司 2. Take the subway

Guójì jīchǎng 国际机场 3. Airport shuttle

Yī lù píngān 一路平安 4. Please tell me the time and flight

Huí běijīng 回北京 5. We have to take the subway first, and
then switch to the airport shuttle
Zuò dìtiě 坐地铁 6. Airlines

Jīchǎng zhuānxiànchē 机场专线车 7. International airport

Huàn jīchǎng èrhàoxiàn 换机场二号线 8. Change to Line 2 for the airport

Qǐng gàosu wǒ shíjiān hé hángbānhào 请告诉我时间和航班号 9. Bon voyage

Wǒ kěyǐ qù jīchǎng jiē nǐ 我可以去机场接你 10. I can go to pick you up at the airport

Tā de fēijī sāndiǎn dào shànghǎi guójì 他的飞机三点到上海国际机场 11. His flight arrives at the Shanghai
jīchǎng International Airport at three
Wǒmen děi xiān zuò dìtiě, zài huàn 我们得先坐地铁,再换机场专线车 12. Return to Beijing
jīchǎng zhuānxiànchē
Tāmen zuò měiguó hángkōng gōngsī 他们坐美国航空公司的飞机到旧金 13. Pick up a friend at the airport
de fēijī dào jiùjīnshān 山

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