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TEDxTalk Guidelines

Topic: Genetically Modified Organisms

Integration of Subjects
1. This is a culminating activity involving your core, applied, and specialized subjects.
2. Your TEDxTalk will be anchored on your specialized subject, applied, and core subjects.
a. ABM- Organization and Management, Earth and Life Science, Communication in
Context, English for Academic and Professional Purposes
i. Organization and Management: How motivation, Leadership and
communication works in an organization
1. Process
2. Team Work
ii. Earth and Life Science: Genetically Modified Organism (Content)
iii. Communication in Context: Process, Delivery
iv. English for Academic and Professional Purposes: Concept Paper,
Preparation, Research (data, pieces of evidences)
b. HUMSS- Earth and Life Science, Communication in Context, English for
Academic and Professional Purposes
i. Earth and Life Science: Genetically Modified Organism (Content)
ii. Communication in Context: Process, Delivery
iii. English for Academic and Professional Purposes: Concept Paper,
Preparation, Research (data, pieces of evidences)
c. STEM- Biology 1, Communication in Context, English for Academic and
Professional Purposes
i. Biology 1: Genetically Modified Organism (Content)
ii. Communication in Context: Process, Delivery
iii. English for Academic and Professional Purposes: Concept Paper,
Preparation, Research (data, pieces of evidences)

Schedule of Pesentation (Tentative)

1. The presentation dates will be January 15 (Joseph) and January 16 (Benjamin)
a. January 15 (Monday) 12:30-2:30 PM (Oral Communication subject)
b. January 16 (Tuesday) 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM

1. Each group will have 15 minutes. Included in the 15 minutes are the following:
a. Preparation time
b. Entry and exit time
c. Presentation time (3-5 minutes)
2. Use downloaded PowerPoint Presentations to avoid delay due to intermittent internet
3. Content of the PPT: images, phrases, or words ONLY.

1. There will be 6 groups for both Benjamin and Joseph
a. Each group must have 2-3 speaker involving HUMSS, ABM and STEM students
b. Other members will do the following tasks:
i. Operate the PowerPoint Presentation, music, and/or lights (if need)
ii. Research on the topic
iii. Write the Concept Paper
iv. Help in designing the stage or bringing props

Creating a TEDxTalk involves several stages, from developing a concept paper to delivering the
actual talk. Below are guidelines for executing a TEDxTalk based on a concept paper:

1. Developing the Concept Paper (Note that these are not the parts of your concept paper,
but these things should be included in your concept paper).

● Title and Theme:

● Choose a compelling and concise title that reflects the essence of your talk.
● Clearly define the theme or central idea that your talk will revolve around.
● Introduction:
● Provide a brief introduction to your background and expertise.
● Clearly state the problem or idea that your talk will address.
● Core Message:
● Define the main message or takeaway you want your audience to grasp.
● Highlight the significance and relevance of your message.
● Supporting Points:
● Outline key points that support your main message.
● Provide evidence, examples, or anecdotes to strengthen your arguments.
● Innovation/Ideas:
● If applicable, introduce any innovative concepts or ideas you'll discuss.
● Emphasize the uniqueness of your perspective.
● Call to Action:
● Suggest actionable steps or encourage a change in mindset.
● Clearly articulate what you want your audience to do after the talk.

2. Structuring the TEDxTalk:

● Introduction:
● Start with a captivating hook or anecdote to grab the audience's attention.
● Clearly state your main message and why it matters.
● Body:
● Divide your talk into sections corresponding to your key points.
● Ensure smooth transitions between sections.
● Use visuals sparingly but effectively to enhance your message.
● Engagement:
● Encourage audience engagement through questions or thought-provoking
● Consider incorporating brief interactive elements if suitable for your topic.
● Storytelling:
● Use storytelling to make your talk more relatable and memorable.
● Share personal experiences or case studies that reinforce your points.
● Visuals and Slides:
● Create visually appealing slides that complement your spoken words.
● Avoid clutter and focus on simplicity and clarity.

3. Rehearsals:

● Timing:
● Ensure your talk adheres to the allotted time limit (3-5 minutes).
● Practice pacing to avoid rushing or dragging.
● Feedback:
● Seek feedback from peers or mentors to refine your content and delivery.
● Address any areas of improvement based on feedback.
● Body Language and Delivery:
● Practice confident and natural body language.
● Refine your tone, pitch, and pace for effective communication.

4. On the TEDx Stage:

● Confidence:
● Project confidence and passion for your topic.
● Establish a connection with the audience through eye contact and genuine
● Delivery:
● Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.
● Utilize pauses for emphasis and allow the audience time to absorb key points.
● Adaptability:
● Be prepared for unexpected situations and adapt to the live environment.
● Embrace spontaneity while staying true to your message.
● Closing:
● Summarize your main points and restate your core message.
● End with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.
5. Post-TEDxTalk:

● Engagement:
● Engage with the audience through Q&A sessions or discussions.
● Leverage social media to continue the conversation.
● Reflection:
● Reflect on your TEDx Talk experience and consider how it contributes to your
ongoing work.
● Evaluate feedback and use it to enhance future presentations.

Executing a TEDx Talk from a concept paper involves meticulous planning, preparation, and
effective communication to convey your ideas compellingly and memorably.

Prepared by:

Ms. Jusmine May J. Enano

Oral Communication and EAPP Subject Teacher

Noted by:

Ms. Jeanette Mendoza Ms. Patricia Singh

Earth and Life Science Subject Teacher Earth and Life Science Subject Teacher

Sir John Matthew Timbangcaya

Biology 1 Subject Teacher

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