Stygian Spells sp34rpg

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Stygian Spells
A collection of New Spells for
Vincent Darlage
the Conan Roleplaying Game

tygia is a land of its own magical Material Components: A small amount of the that his weapons and armour crumble away in
traditions and sorceries. This sorcerer’s blood and some powdered human bone. a shower of corroded flakes in the second round
section includes new spells especially (Will save negates). Then, in the third round,
every bone in the victim’s body pops and twists as
appropriate for Stygian sorcerers for
the existing sorcery styles presented in Conan the Necromancy if a dozen heavy mallets struck him at once (Fort
Roleplaying Game. Desiccation save negates; character drops to 1d10 hit points;
PP Cost: 6 points may have to make a save against massive damage).
Finally, during the fourth round, the victim
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 full round collapses as his blood turns to crimson dust (Fort
save negates, otherwise character is dead).
Trace of the Blood- Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)/ 100 ft.
Target: One creature
Worm Duration: 4 rounds
PP Cost: 1 point
Saving Throw: See text
Components: V, M
Prerequisites: Raise corpse,
Casting Time: 1 action
death touch, the fifth
Range: Personal
mystery of Set (Knowledge
Effect See text
(Mystery: Set) 15 ranks
Duration: 3 rounds
Magic Attack Roll: Sets
Saving Throw: None
DC for target’s saving
Prerequisites: Astrological prediction
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 16
By chanting the formula,
By mixing a small amount of one’s blood with
‘Yotha-hie, eyes to black,
the dust of human bones, this spell turns the
Xet’ta, steel to rust, Hie-
pasty mixture into a small worm. If this worm
Yotha, bones to crack,
is placed on the ground, it will crawl, leaving
Ta’xet, blood to dust,’
either a smeared trail or a furrow (depending on
a sorcerer causes an
the hardness of the ground) that points in the
opponent’s eyes to bulge
direction of the nearest source of food and/or
outward, then vanish
water. The worm coils at the end of the trail,
inside the skull during the
which is only a few inches long, to indicate the
round of utterance (Fort
head of the ‘arrow.’ Each inch of trail or furrow
save negates; otherwise the
means one hour’s worth of travel at human
character is blind); after
walking speed.

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