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Ako dobijem priliku živjeti jednu godinu u inozemstvu, odabrala bih Pariz.

Odabrala bih Pariz jer je on

jedan on najromantičnijih gradova na svijetu te je poznat po bogatoj povijesti, kulturi i umjetnosti.
Kada bih živjela u Parizu, odabrala bih studij o kulturi i povijesti Pariza. Iz tog iskustva nadam se
naučiti više o umjetnosti, kulturi i povijesti Francuske, naučiti francsuki jezik i upoznati ljude različitih

If I get the chance to live abroad for a year, I would choose Paris. I would choose Paris because it is
one of the most romantic cities in the world and is known for its rich history, culture and art. If I lived
in Paris, I would choose to study the culture and history of Paris. From this experience, I hope to
learn more about the art, culture and history of France, learn the French language and meet people
from different cultures.

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