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AIM: Given an array of integers, with Trie structure find out two elements whose XOR is



// Assumed int size
#define INT_SIZE 32
// A Trie Node
struct TrieNode
int value; // Only used in leaf nodes
struct TrieNode *arr[2];
// Utility function tp create a Trie node
struct TrieNode *newNode()
struct TrieNode *temp =malloc(sizeof(struct TrieNode));
temp->value = 0;
temp->arr[0] = temp->arr[1] = NULL;
return temp;
// Inserts pre_xor to trie with given root
void insert(struct TrieNode *root, int pre_xor)
struct TrieNode *temp = root;
// Start from the msb, insert all bits of
// pre_xor into Trie
for (int i=INT_SIZE-1; i>=0; i--)
// Find current bit in given prefix
bool val = pre_xor & (1<<i);
// Create a new node if needed
if (temp->arr[val] == NULL)
temp->arr[val] = newNode();
temp = temp->arr[val];
// Store value at leaf node
temp->value = pre_xor;
// Finds the maximum XOR ending with last number in
// prefix XOR 'pre_xor' and returns the XOR of this maximum
// with pre_xor which is maximum XOR ending with last element
// of pre_xor.
int query(struct TrieNode *root, int pre_xor)
struct TrieNode *temp = root;
for (int i=INT_SIZE-1; i>=0; i--)
// Find current bit in given prefix
bool val = pre_xor & (1<<i);

// Traverse Trie, first look for a

// prefix that has opposite bit
if (temp->arr[1-val]!=NULL)
temp = temp->arr[1-val];

// If there is no prefix with opposite

// bit, then look for same bit.
else if (temp->arr[val] != NULL)
temp = temp->arr[val];
return pre_xor^(temp->value);

int max(int result,int x)


return (result > x )?result:x;


// Returns maximum XOR value of a subarray in arr[0..n-1]

int maxSubarrayXOR(int arr[], int n)
// Create a Trie and insert 0 into it
struct TrieNode *root = newNode();
insert(root, 0);

// Initialize answer and xor of current prefix

int result = INT_SIZE;
int pre_xor =0;

// Traverse all input array element

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
// update current prefix xor and insert it into Trie
pre_xor = pre_xor^arr[i];
insert(root, pre_xor);

// Query for current prefix xor in Trie and update

// result if required
int result = max(result, query(root, pre_xor));
return result;

// Driver program to test above functions

int main()
int arr[] = {8, 1, 2, 12};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]); int result;
printf("Max subarray XOR is %d", result);
return 0;


Max subarray XOR is 21870

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