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2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing,Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)

Application of Game Theory in Path Planning

of Multiple Robots.
Ms.Jasna.S.B Dr. Supriya P Dr. T N P Nambiar
Ph.D scholar, Associate Professor Professor
EEE Dept., Amrita School Of Engineering, Coimbatore
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, India

Abstract— Game theory is a mathematical discipline which is based on the process of making offers and counter offers etc.
applied to areas where the conflicts as well as a coordination is But the cooperative game is mainly depending on the
needed as in economics, politics .Various aspects of game theory, grouping of players, coalitions. In cooperative GT, the procedures
their solutions based on the type of game theory is discussed in the and details describes only the outcomes when the players are coming
paper. A case study for robotic path planning of two robots using together with possible combinations of players. Here, the CGT
cooperative game theory with static obstacles and with different embodies not only for competition but also for coordination. So, it is
probability distribution value and obstacle positions is modeled and known as combinational Game Theory. It formulates the games
its output is tracked in MATLAB platform. To verify the where procedures and concentrations are on the possibilities of
performance of Game theory based path planning it is compared with agreement. Here negotiations also came to play.
the popular A * algorithm used in robotic path planning simulated Section two describes the related work in Game Theory.
under similar conditions. Cooperative game theory is explained in section three with the
methods of GT solutions used. Section four gives the MATLAB
Keywords- Mobile robot agents, Cooperative Game simulation results for a case study using preliminary concepts of
theory, single shot simultaneous move. game theory along with a comparison with the conventional(
standard) A * algorithm in a similar environment. The conclusions
I. INTRODUCTION and future scope of the paper are brought out in Section five.
Game Theory (GT) is a branch of mathematics that
primarily focuses the action of individuals in a scenario where a II. RELATED WORK IN GAME THEORY.
mutually dependent decision is to be made. The decision making
process is involved with the outcome of the action on the individual Game theory provides insight to the nature of the robotics
and on others. An analogy to the human daily life, where under problems and the methods of solutions [1, 2]. GT provides a
different situations decisions are formulated based on the knowledge compromise or an optimisation among the agents or players by
available. Centred on the interdependence in the action of acquiring the information of different agents for planning as well as
individuals, the game theory formulates a suitable decision. controlling. Thus it gives an optimal solution among the players.
Several terminologies are commonly used in Game There are some methods for the path planning problems in
Theory. The collection of decision makers are known as players in the area of soft computing like fuzzy logic [3, 4], Genetic algorithm
the game. When there are a set of players they are called as agents in based approach [5] and ant colony approach [6]. For all the soft
Game Theory . The determination of movement choice for all the computing methods the limitation is, the path planning is done with
players collectively known as the outcome of the game. The single variable like distance. The decision making is according to the
preferences of individual players forms the value of the game which single constraint. Among the other methods, the Remodelled A*
is known to be utility or the pay offs of the game. For each player the algorithms [7] is found to be more relevant as it compares the
movement in each step is determined by a describing plan known to movement factor also. Since coordinated movement is happening
be strategy of the game. If there are a set of moves for the agent, the with the comparison of different variables, GT may be a better option
agent forms the best strategy according to the best response (pay off) in robotic path planning.
to the given environment. A game is said to be an equilibrium game Game theory thus gives a trade off between the planning
when the best responses of all players are in accordance with each strategy and control strategy. In robotics or in conflict multi agent
other. If there are more strategies for a particular move then a systems [8, 2] the cooperative game theory gives a solution by
probability distribution effectively used to find the best strategy over considering the payoffs with different combinations. Also, it provides
a collection of moves which is called as mixed strategy. a consideration on mutual sacrifices among the agents. But for non
GT can again be sub divided into non-cooperative and cooperative games, each and every movement of every player are
cooperative game theory. As the name implies, the non cooperative considered independently to solve the goal.
GT, the outcome depends on every agents play. There are some Since game theory is a generalized decision theory, it gives a
limitations to the non cooperative game theory as it has to consider statistical modelling. In ref [9, 10] sensor based information
all the possible moves in the game. Also the predictions are highly gathering in robotics, statistical modelling and estimations are the
sensitive to the details. Non cooperative game theory is known as main concerns. That is the main advantage of GT. The different
procedural GT, as it consider all the possible combinational moves concepts, definitions and the use of game theory are discussed in
available. The outcome of a non cooperative game analysis will be paper [11].
There are so many applications of game theory in the field of

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2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing,Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)

robotics. When the situations of multiple robot coordination, players (cooperating players). Then V(s) will give the value of
information gathering and sensor planning etc. comes, there apply characteristics function which is having particular combinations of
game theory because it avoids the problem of conflicts. In real world the parameters in the player set. Hence one can be represented pair of
settings, robots must be automated so as to plan and perform in cooperative game as (N,V) where N represents a finite set of players
dynamics as well as uncertain environments. In robotics so many and V represents the value of that particular function. So not only the
uncertainties are there like low sensor accuracy, sensor interfaces, value of a subset is taken but also the combination and effectiveness
charging environment, discrepancy between geometric as well as is also taken into consideration. Also some pay-offs can be added to
physical objects. Etc. As discussed in the introduction, game theory the value to improve the overall interaction vectors. The pay off is
represents a generalization of optimal controlling and decision denoted usually as xi where ‘x’ is the gain for the player ‘i’. The pay
making so it provides the following advantages in robot tasks. That is off can be addedto the group according to the problem of
it insight into the problem nature and suggests the solutions. There cooperation.
occurs a formulation of payoff between controlling and planning. An For a given game (N,V) there exist a value V(N)
optimisation between conflicts, competition and coordination is which is the overall value created. A pay-off vector is the collection
happening. This encourages the statistical modelling in games. In of numbers, (x1,x2,x3,x4,..... xn) which gives the independent gain for
discrete time systems also the GT is applicable [12]. The Nash each player in the game having different combinations of
equilibrium policies and best-response policies are given in terms of interactions. After the pay off gain, coalition or different combination
solutions for the discrete-time coupled Hamilton–Jacobi equations is taken into account. Coalition is the foundational agreement that
[12]. In the other article [13], simultaneous discrete games are played binds the different individuals as a coordinated entity. An allocation
using exact backward induction algorithm. must be individually rational. There is a marginal contribution value
In another paper by skrzypczyk [14] , “ A real time collision for the player which is the amount by which the overall gain value
free movement coordination proposed using the normal formation of shrinks when the particular player leaves the game.
games “.For unmanned aerial vehicles a pursuit evasion problem was The value of a combination can be assigned using a
decided in Hespan heat at 2000 and an extension of that work is done characteristic equation with optimization concept or priority concept.
in 2002 by implementing probabilistic game theoretical frame work For making different coalition values we can have different value
to control a team of vehicles assigning methods like and solution methods, like the core method,
There are some published works in the field of robotics Shapley value method, nucleolus method, bargaining method etc.
with the application of game theory. The key issue of a multi robot The computational complexity increases exponentially as the number
system is the coordination among the robots in an optimized fashion. of subset of players and the number of players increases. So for each
There are certain articles which emphasis on the different control situation different value finding methods are taken to consideration.
technique in the field of robotic agents using game theory. Looking Here, the agents utility maximization ability to make a choice
deep into the game theory based control, in an article by Bertuceli is the movement detection criteria. It is the fact that decides the
L.F and how J.P at 2006 [15], the relevance of dynamic target applicability of multi-agent systems. The concept of single-shot
searching with the uncertain probability maps are pointed out. In this simultaneous-move [18] game is the simple game theoretic approach
article the dynamically changed map is given to the multirobot agent for a multi agent system. In this, all the agents must take one
and the relevance of game theory in such a situation is beautifully simultaneous effective action. Each agent receives a utility that is a
presented. cost function of the combinational values of players. A single-shot
game is a good model for multi agent systems where the effective
In the article of “Game theoretic control of robot terms” [16] cost value mostly requires coordination.
by Rosemary Emery Montemerto presented an idea of non In this type of approach for GT, ie, simultaneous move
cooperative game theory in robotic path planning on 2005. In 2008, game each player, i comes to a strategy Ni Î Si, where Si is the
Yan Ming presented an important and rare idea of multirobot search collection of all strategies for player i. These strategies represent the
by the implementation of GT in his paper “Multi robot searching different values of the player can take. The set of all possible values
using the game theory based approach” [17]. In that article the author by all the player is the strategy profile for that game. Each player set
proposed a dynamic programming equation to estimate the utility receives a utility value according to the function or characters we
function for individual robot. Based on the utility function a non zero received. All the player’s utility value depends on the combinations
sum game is proposed and in that paper Nash equilibrium and mixed made by robotic agents. A Game can be characterized by3 factors.
strategy equilibrium approaches are presented. Simply, game, G = {N, β, v}. Where,
. * N is the number of players,
However there are no such works fire fighting area where the *β = {βi}i =1…N; βi = {βi1,… βiMi} is the set of variables available
advantages of cooperative game theory can be used. In this work g an to player i, and v is the Payoff function, i.e. Assigns each player a
automated team of robots (agents) considering different constraints real number payoff for any combination of all players actions.
for decision making, by taking the advantages of cooperative game
theoretic approach is introduced.. For example, consider a two player game involving only two
players, i and j. They are often represented using a game matrix such
as the one shown in Fig. 1. Here in the matrix we can see that if
III. COOPERATIVE GAME THEORY IN ROBOTICS. Robot 1 (the one from the rows) is having a variable (may be
reliability) action A and Robot 2 have an action B with the same
Since the competition as well as the coordination is variable then player 1 will receive a utility value of 3 according to the
considered in the case of cooperative GT, it is a compatible method characteristic equation created by max-min concept. While player 2
for the robotic area. As discussed, it mainly concentrates on the receives a utility value of 4. The equation can be formed by us
cooperation among the players. The game can be described by a according to the environment or the value can be assigned by our self
finite set of players ‘N’ and characteristics function having a value, V as per the GT rules. Since the max- min of the player A isat the same
which is created by various subsets of the players in the game. move of the Min-max of player B,that move will be the best choice
Suppose, N is the group of players and‘s’ is the subset of interacting of the game. If the player A has a profit, then the second player will

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2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing,Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)

have a loss of that much. In this example only the coordination set is R1 and R2. That is if R1 gains a movement then R2 will lose the
among the players are explained. This is one form of representation move.
where the values represent the gain and loss of the players. Formed a grid mapping environment in the game. In each node, for
the next move the robots will communicate according to the pay offs
A B obtained by comparison. For the payoff calculation, two utilities are
considered. They are probability distribution including the diagonal
A 1,2 3,4 grid and minimum moving node according to distance. These utilities
are compared for different combinations among the players. For each
B 3,2 2,1 node, if there is any obstacle in path the value of probability in that
grid node will be decreasing according to the calculation of “r”,
Fig. 1. A sample two player game matrix where r is the number of moves the robot need to play for reaching
the next grid. So if any obstacle is there in the path the value of
It is possible that a player will choose randomly between its probability is decreasing. The coalition among the robots will check
variables choices, using different prior probabilities for each choice. the maximum probability value and chose that as the next moving
These types of strategies are called mixed strategies and they are a grid. The algorithm for the game is explained below.
probability distribution over an agent’s actions. It has been shown
that every game has at least one Nash equilibrium, as long as mixed Algorithm for the proposed Game Theory approach.
strategies are allowed. If the system is in equilibrium then no agent
will be tempted to take a different action. In a 2 player game, Step.1: The work space is divided into grids.
consider player A chooses a strategy and plays by it. Player B tries to
learn A's strategy and design his strategy as a best response to it. This Step.2: Robot Position, target position and the known obstacle
is the concept of cooperation among the players and thus the name positions are initialized.
cooperative game theory.
The above mentioned game representation is one form of GT Step.3: P.D value and r value is calculated for each grid position,
strategy. In other way the game can be played using zero sum game (xi,yi ) for all, i>1
matrixes. That is the game matrix is formed by considering the a
threshold value of the game and the combination of player one and Step.4: Coalition values of players are calculated for nearby 8
two is carried out in such a way that the effective sum in a particular moves. If obstacles are in path, pay off decreases as utility decreases.
row or column is zero. Here for each move in the play firstly the
value is assigned to be +1 if the player has the move and in the same Step.6: Chose the path with best payoff.
time the second player goes to a value of -1 as it loses the game. The
sum of the move must be zero in column and row. Here the column Step.7: Step.4 is repeated with (i+1) th grid.
will represent the Game Theory values obtained by player.1 for the
different combination of players. The row will represent the payoff Step.8: If target reached Stop.
value of the player.2. The basic zero sum game will be as in Fig.2
Here, a MATLAB simulation environment is taken
R2 for algorithm simulation. MATLAB is a fourth generation
R1 -1 +1 programming language which is used to visualize the output
effectively. In this game a grid mapping system is generated. The
+1 -1 coalition value and the payoffs are calculated according to the
method of game as explained in section 3.The path with the
Fig.2. Zero sum game representation for a 2 player Game.
maximum coalition value is chosen for each move. A grid of size
120x120 is taken for the simulation work in the, MATLAB 2013
Another advantage of cooperative game is that we can
version. The simulation is carried out for proposed Game Theory
add a marginal contribution idea to familiarize the infinite time of
application with 2, 4, 6, 8 obstacles in the path of robot. Also, for
reasoning in the bargaining ie, if some player have to capture more
multiple obstacles the algorithm simulation is carried out. However,
than the marginal contribution, then we can set that also in the
results are portrayed for the 4 and 8 obstacles in Fig. (3-5)
cooperative value for the subsets. So we can allocate, bargains and
pay off the values in a cooperative manner to fulfil the requirements
of the game.


A two robot game is planned in such a fashion that conflict and

the path planning is carried out by the robot itself. Here two robots
are in a grid environment which has to be automated and select the
path by avoiding obstacles. The basic game is planned by considering
a player set of two robots having different Probability distribution
and distance. Here the payoff value is calculated according to the
comparison between the probability distribution (P.D) and the
Consider the Game Theory way of solution, and then there are
different methods to solve. In this paper, the usage of Matrix method
Fig.3. MATLAB simulated output for a single robotic agent using G.T
with simultaneous single shot movement is taken. The game Player concept for four known obstacles.

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2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing,Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)

done in ref [13], the proposed method is more suitable for the robot
path planning because of the following reasons. Firstly, only the
distance values are taken for the calculation in A* algorithm. But in
GT based path planning in addition to distance as many combinations
of different strategies and the payoff can be taken. Secondly, there
was no coordination among the players in A* algorithm, only a
competition is present. But in GT based algorithm, coordination,
combination and an optimization are considered. Moreover, by
referring the comparison table, it is seen that the Game Theoretic
concept is much better for the robotic path planning in its speed of


Several attributes of Game Theory and concepts of

Cooperative Game Theory are discussed in the paper. A simulation
Fig.4. MATLAB simulated output for two robotic agents using G.T concept study of two robots with 2,4,6,8 and multi static obstacles in the path
for eight known obstacles. with a grid type environment is investigated with different
probability distribution value and with least distance as the main
criteria. The result is compared with that of Remodeled A* algorithm
in the same environment. The comparison with the popular A *
algorithm indicates that Cooperative GT approach is faster in terms
of distance travelled.


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