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8 Spring 2020 Quiz-1 Marks: 10

1. Consider the following scenario: 10

‘User Forum System’.
In this web-based system, any new user can create an account and can
join in any public group. He can join any private group based on group
moderator’s invitation. If it is a restricted group, then joining to that group
depends on some criteria like eligibility to join this group, whether able to
take participation actively in all activities of the group.
Every group has its own home page which displays the detail information of
that group. It will also display the most recent messages and activities list of
the group. The creator of the group will be the moderator of the group.
After joining the group, the user can participate to create, view any message
of the group. At the time of creating any message he can attach any file to
that message. He can chat to any member of that group who is in online. He
can share photos through photo album. There are also some activities
available like polling/ voting on any query, sharing knowledge on any topics
etc. Entering any group, the user will see all messages of that group as Read
and Unread status. At the time of reading any message, the user can also
view the message history by clicking history button.
Draw use case diagram and mention in details of any one (1) use case (For
each use case, you need to mention the use case title, actor, scenario, pre-
condition, post-condition and exception).

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