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Brgy, Narra, Francisco Homes Subdivision, City of San Jose Del Monte

The Relationship between Urban Gardening and Modern Living

A Research Paper presented to

Senior High School Department of

First City Providential College

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the subjects

Research for Daily Life 1

Research conducted by:

Elnoah Greva Tipay

11-GAS 1

Academic Year 2019 – 2020

2ND Semester



•Abstract................................................. ... ....... ..................................iv



A. Introduction ................................................................................1

B. Review of Related Literature .....................................................1-2

C. Review of Related Studies ........................................................3.-4

D. Conceptual Framework................................................................4

E. Statement of the Problem ............................................................5

F. Significance of the Study ............................................................5

G. Scope and Limitations ................................................................6

H. Definition of Terms ..........................................………….....….6


A. Methodology ..............................................................................8

B. Research Design .........................................................................8

C. Research setting .........................................................................8

D. Respondents of the Study .................................……….......….9

E. Data Gathering Procedure .........................................................9

F. Data Gathering Instruments ......................................................9

G. Statistical Treatment………………………………….....…...11




A. Summary of Findings .........................................................21-22

B. Conclusion............................................................................23

C. Recommendation.................................................................23-24

D. Appendix .............................................................................24-27

E. References ............................................................................28

 Table 1: Distribution of Table According to Gender..................11

 Table 2: Distribution of Table According to Age.......................11
 Table 3: Distribution of Table According to Internet Recruitment
 Table 6:Tally..................................................................................28


 ConceptualFramework...................................................................4

The researcher wishes to dedicate this work to the Grade 11 students,

teachers and to First City Providential college who are definitely affected by
the relationship between urban gardening and modern living.

To the researcher`s families who always support them emotionally and

financially, encourage and help them as they go through this research.

To the students and other future researcher who might conduct similar
studies about the relationship of urban gardening to the modern living.

And above all, God almighty whose love and wisdom are essential to
make this research possible. The researcher wish that this research will
enlighten the students, teachers and future researcher about the relationship
between urban gardening and the modern living.

The researcher would like to express their out most gratitude and
appreciation to those who shared and give their effort for the compilation of
this research. This research will not be successful without their support.

To Ms. Giselle Marie Magtalas, research educator, for her patience,

unselfishguidance, criticism and helpful pointers.

To the Grade 11 students in First City Providential College, for the

support in conducting the survey and giving comments and suggestion.

To the respective parents of the researcher for their unconditional love

and unending support emotionally and financially moreover for their
patience and understanding.

Above all, to God almighty for giving life, wisdom and knowledge to the
researcher for them to continue in searching for what is factual and what is
real needed to accomplish this research.

This study aims to find the relationship between Urban Gardening and Modern Living.

The study about urban gardening which is a kind of practice or activity that involves

gardening inside cities, offices or simply gardening in urban places. It also tackles

about the benefits of it on individual, groups and into society. This descriptive and

qualitative research was accomplished by finding related studies and literature by

summarizing its credible sources and information. The findings are also accomplished

by surveying 25 grade 11 students and gather their perspective and ideas about the main

topic of the study. Based on gather related studies and literature the researcher find that

urban gardening brings beneficial effects to the modern living. In addition base on

general results of my study I realized that urban gardening is an activity that do not

have age standards and it really has good effects to students. The researcher also finds

that many grade 11 students have their awareness and background about what is Urban

Gardening is all about. So I conclude that urban gardening is a beneficial activity that

benefits the modern living.

CHAPTER 1; The Problem and Review
of Related Readings and Studies
I. Introduction

Nowadays some universities, companies and schools are not practicing gardening in urban

and civilize cities. The generation is more focus on academic and their daily works. According to

Myers (2014), urban gardening is used for more than just food security. People find it as a stress

reliever in having green ambience in their environment. It also improves mental, emotional and

social wellbeing of people around it. Being more physically active is also a benefit in managing

an activity such as urban gardening. In simply regularly watering plants, roaming the garden and

taking care of the plants can reduce extra calories in daily and weekly basis. Starting urban

gardening in small empty places is a good way to start improvements in one's lifestyle, mental

and physical states.

This study which is about urban gardening has to understand and analyze the perceptions

of Grade 11 students towards the benefits, reason why urban gardening should be practice and

why it is in to and society and into the modern living as its main objective.

II. Review of Related Literature

Urban gardening activities do not require big empty places. Having extra spots in your

balcony, windows and roof tops is enough to plant small herbs and flowering plants. In addition

urban gardening is not all about having fresh and relaxing environment it also good sources of

extra fresh vegetables and fruits coming from bearing plants. And the researcher also added that

doing urban gardening do not require good skills with enough creativity and planning is all you

need to start making a urban garden (Cook,2016).

Footer (2016) found that reading books about gardening before starting an urban

gardening can really help you to be a knowledgeable beginner. With enough knowledge and
background one can be a successful and profitable as a farmer. The researcher also added that

people can find easiness when doing urban gardening but it will come if you exert efforts,

practices and hard works. In addition gardeners must learn from their own experiences and push

through hard times.

Carpenter (2011) want to encourage beginners not just sit and read books about urban

gardening but instead seek an expert mentor or famer to teach us the technical practices and

techniques in starting a urban gardening. The researcher also added that one who eat fruits and

vegetables in regular basis should learn to plant a little bit of what one’s eat because the

researcher believe that if everyone starts to plant even just a small plant people can live in a

better place.

Trying to plant in a urban places is not a shameful action one must be proud because it is

not just creating good environment and food for one’s self but to one’s families also. You also

help home to be more livable and relaxing place and you help to reduce the number of people

who buy and depend on markets to get foods and necessities (Simon, et.AL, 2013).

According to Mccrate & Halm (2012), Growing plants is not naturally came to an

individual .Especially in this generation the focus of the people are in sports, social medias and

with a lot of trends in the mass. Everyone must start to encourage their self and find the good

benefits of doing a urban gardening. Not just it gaps one’s from unproductive habits but also give

one’s fresh and relaxing environment.

III. Review Related Studies

Gardening inside an urban community is not all about food security. But it also helps the

people around it to reduce their stress levels and also increase physical and emotional well-being

of the people because people find it a good solace. The researcher also added that we can plant

everywhere in a urban places just to have a place to have till a soil. With this enough practice and

knowledge one can become a urban gardening (Myers, 2014).

Cosep (2019), urban gardening can be done in any forms in the balcony, windows,

alleyways and sidewalks can be a place to plant. The author also added that starting a urban

gardening can be difficult but he said that every expert gardener once kill some plants in the way

of learning so it’s all about how we try and have a lot of patient. One’s patience and time can tell

that one can really become a good gardener.

Urban gardening can be done even in highly populated places thus it is the one that really

need a small or a part of it to have some green plants around it. A small green plant inside a

populated place can have a good impact to people around it and inspire them to the same actions

and be a good gardener (Wallace 2014).

Understanding the efforts of farmers who plant our foods we take in regular basis and

engage our self in planting habits and activities will help our society and lessen the possibilities

of resources shortage in some bad seasons we experience. The author also added that urban

gardening is not just a mobile food source activity but also in brings the people together when

growing plants in some urban gardens inside a community (The ecology center 2016).
According to Greens Grow sometimes urban agriculture is often confused with urban gardening

but urban gardening is not all about massive production and gaining profit from it. It is about

how one grow plants to lessen the demands of specific vegetables and fruits that one can plant

indoor or in a small places around us. The author also teach the readers to be a wise and good

consumer because one shall learn how hard to grow foods buy and eat.

The following review related literature and studies about urban gardening that has been included

was used to support and give reference details about this study

Conceptual Framework


 Explaining what Achieved the objective

is urban of the research which
 Demographic gardening on
is to discover the
profile some
respondents benefits of urban
 Review  Descriptive gardening in the
related studies survey
modern living in First
 Review  Data analyzation
related City Providential
 Data
literature. interpretation College that covers its
benefits to
economical ,psycholog
ical, and emotional .
V. Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this research is to discover the relationship between urban

gardening and modern living

Specifically this study aims the following;

I). Discover the benefits of urban gardening in the modern living in First City Providential


That will cover the following;

 Economical
 Psychological
 Emotional

VI. Significance of the study

This study is significant in probing the relationship between urban gardening and the modern

living the modern living .It is beneficial to the senior high students of them to have awareness in

the urban gardening. This research will also benefit the students who conduct the research to

have good platform about research for their daily life. Most importantly, it will be beneficial for

future researchers for them to have the perspective and the skill to make formal and useful

VII. Scope and limitations

This study covers the Perceptions of Senior high students in First City Providential College

towards the relationship between urban gardening and the modern living. With limited sources

and scopes, this study is bounded to achieve its goal with the help of twenty five respondent

senior high students in First City Providential College, located at barangay Narra , Francisco

Homes, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan . The survey was conducted last January 2020.

VIII. Definition of terms

 Solace (noun)- comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.

 Ambience (noun)- the character and atmosphere of a place

 Wellbeing (noun)- the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy

 Trend (noun)-new popular things that many people are doing

 Mobile (adjective) - able to move or be moved freely or easily.

 Middle man (noun) - the reseller, the person who buys the goods to the producers and sell
it to the consumers.
I. Methodology

The methodology section of this research is all about the descriptive research that tackles

about the Relationship between urban gardening and modern living. This research was done in

the vicinity of First City Providential College. The sources of this research which are to answer

survey questions honestly and truthfully, the results or the information that will be gained from

the answers of the respondents were very convenient for the research. Lastly the respondents are

Grade 11 students .l

II. Research Design

A descriptive research about the relationship between urban gardening and modern

living which is a qualitative research, The method is used because it identifies various idea,

different opinions and several perspective of the respondents who are the Grade 11 student . This

research is made to determine the impact of urban gardening in the modern living. This method

also summarizes credible sources of information and applies high standards defines that the

research can be imitated, reproduced, observed and differentiated with other studies.

III. Research Setting

The qualitative research was done in the vicinity of First City Providential College. The

researcher knew there are relationship between urban gardening and modern living.
IV. Respondents of the Study

The respondents were the grade 11 students from the First City Providential College. The

respondents must know the relationship between urban gardening and modern living for him or

her to be eligible for the research. Lastly, the respondents must be honest and truthful when

answering the interview questions. This study has used the biased samples specifically

convenience sample.

V. Data Gathering Procedure

At least a minute or two is given to the respondents before they respectively answer the

questions. Each questions have its own significant means that can give explanation to the said

topic. Also, the questions that were asked to elaborate more the research questions which were

very convenient to the study. Furthermore, biased sampling, specifically convenience sampling is

the kind of sampling that was used.

VI. Data Gathering Instruments

The researcher used survey questions for this study with a qualitative type. 15 questions

comprised the said survey.

VII. Data Processing

The researcher asked 15 questions to the respondents through a survey . Each question

has its own significant means in explaining the impact of the urban gardening in the modern

Chapter III:
Analysis of data

These data below are accomplished by doing survey about the impact of urban gardening
in the modern living. The data are gathered by surveying 25 grade 11 respondents in First City
Providential College.

Respondent’s gender percentage

The conducted surveys have 25 respondents which consist of 10 male Grade 11 students
and 15 female Grade 11 students.

Respondents Gender Percentage

60% 40% FEMALE

Respondent’s Age Percentages

18 Years old=4%
17 Years old=28%
16 Years old=44%
Survey question result scaling

Q1;I believe that urban gardening provides good physical

20% 44% 48%
0% 4% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

Based on the conducted survey to 25 Grade 11 student 44% answered strongly agree in
the question 1, 48% answered that they are agreeing to the Q1 , 4% answered neutral , 0%
answered disagree and 4 % answered that they are strongly disagree to Q1.

Q.2 I believe that people get relaxation and reduce

their stress when have contact to urban gardening.
30% Q.1
15% 40% 44%
5% 8%
4% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

Based on table above after surveying 25 grade 11 students .40% answered strongly
disagree ,44% answered agree ,4% answered neutral ,8% answered disagree, and 4% answered
strongly disagree.
Q.3 I believe that urban gardening provide an
access in some fresh and quality foods



20% 56% 36%

4% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

After surveying 25 grade 11 students 56% answered strongly agree, 36 %answered

agre,4% answered neutral,0% answered disagree and 4% answered strongly disagree.

Q.4 I believe that urban gardening inside a com-

munity triggers team/community building




10% 28% 48%

8% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

After surveying 25 grade 11 students 28% answered strongly agree, 48% answered
agree ,12% answered neutral ,8% answered disagree , and 4% strongly disagree
Q.5 I believe that urban gardening is a good
trend for the community
25% Q.3
36% 32 24%
% 4% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

Based on the table below 36% answered strongly agree,32% answered agree, 24%
answered ,4% answered and 4% answered strongly disagree

Q.6 I believe that urban gardening gaps

people from their unproductive habits
32 28 28 4%
5% % % 8%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree

After surveying 25 grade 11 students 32 % answered strongly agree, 28% answered agree,
28%neutral , 8% answered disagree and 4% answered strongly disagree.
Q.7 I believe that urban gardening provides
good ambience inside/indoor building .



40% Q.3



10% 40 52
% % 4% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

Based on the table above out of 25 grade 11 students 40% answered strongly agree ,52%
answered agree ,4% neutral ,0% answered disagree and 4% answered strongly disagree.

Q.8 I believe that urban gardening brings the

people together when starting a commu-
nity/wide urban gardening

40% Q.3
10% 40%
5% 12% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

After surveying 25 grade 11 students 44% answered strongly agree, 40% answered agree
, 12 % neutral ,0% disagree and 4%answered disagree.
Q.9 I believe that urban gardening save us
some money from buying foods in local

50% Q.3
10% 48 32% 16
% % 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

After surveying 25 senior high students 48% answered strongly agree, 32%answered
agree , 16% answered neutral , 0 % answered disagree and 4% answered strongly disagree.

Q.10 I believe that urban gardening reduces

stress levels



40% Q.3


36 52%
10% %
4% 4% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

After conducting the survey to 25 grade 11 students in First City Providential College
36% answered strongly agree, 52 % answered agre,4% neutral ,4% answered disagree and 4%
answered strongly disagree.
Q.11 I prefer a place with green leaves am-
bience specially in offices and schools



40% Q.3



10% 56% 32%

8% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

After surveying in 25 grade 11 students 56% answered strongly agree,32 % answered

agree ,8% answered neutral,0% answered disagree and 4% answered strongly disagree.

Q.12 I believe that urban gardening have the

ability to be trend today

30% Q.3
10% 32 40% 20
5% % %
4% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

After conducting survey to 25 grade 11 students 32% answered strongly agree , 40%
answered agree , 20% neutral ,4% answered disagree and 4% answered strongly disagree.
Q.13 I recommend doing urban gardening
when I have free time

35% Q.3
10% 32 % 20%
5% % 4
0% %
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

After surveying to 25 grade 11 students 32% answered strongly agree, 44% answered
agree, 20% answered neutral , 0% answered disagree and 4% answered strongly disagree.

Q.14 I believe that urban gardening is trend

with no age standard



40% Q.3



10% 48% 36%

8% 4% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

After surveying to 25 grade 11 student 48% answered strongly agree,36% answered

agree, 8% answered neutral ,4% answered disagree and 4% answered strongly disagree.
Q.15 I believe that if urban gardening will be
done by many people our place will look
peaceful,relaxing and better .

20% 28
10% %
4% 4%
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly

After surveying to 25 grade 11 student 64% answered strongly agree, 28% answered
agree, 4% answered neutral ,0% answered disagree and 4% answered strongly disagree.

I. Summary of Findings

Distribution of Students According to Gender the respondents are divided according to

gender. Male students got 40% and female students got 60%

Distribution of Students According to Age shows the classified distribution of students

according to age of students who are 16-17 got 72%, 18 above got 4% ,and undeclared got 24%

of 25. In this tally, 16-17 years old students got the most number of percentage because it is the

midpoint age of Senior High School students.

Mean Distribution of Respondents (Grade 11 student) the summation of the table shows

that the total mean of the first sub objective were 80% and its verbal interpretation falls on agree,

7% in neutral and 13% in disagree . The second sub objective has the total mean of 88% and its

verbal interpretation falls on agree,6% on neutral and 6% in disagree. The last objective has

mean of 80% and its verbal interpretation falls on agree ,14% in neutral and 6% in disagree.

Sub Objective 1: Economical benefits

Statement number (3,4,5,9,12,15)

Agree=80% Disagree=13% Neutral=7%

3. I believe that urban gardening provide an access in some fresh and quality foods

4. I believe that urban gardening inside a community triggers team\community building.

5. I believe that urban gardening is a good trend for the community

9.I believe that urban gardening save us some money from buying foods in local markets

12. I believe that urban gardening have the ability to be trend today
15. I believe if urban gardening will be done by many people our place will look peaceful,
relaxing and better.

Sub Objective 2; Emotional benefits

Statement number (2,7,10,11)

Agree=88% Disagree=6% Neutral=6%

2. I believe that people get relaxation and reduce their stress when have contact to urban

7.I believe that urban gardening provides good ambience inside\indoor building

10.I believe that urban gardening reduce stress levels specifically in emotional and well-being of
the people

11. I prefer a place with green leaves ambience specifically in offices and schools

Sub Objective 3:Psychological benefits

Statement number (1,6,8,13,14)

Agree=80% Disagree=6% Neutral=14%

1. I believe that urban gardening provides good physical activities.

8.I believe that urban gardening brings the people together when starting a community\wide
urban gardening

6.I believe that urban gardening gaps people from their unproductive hobbits

13. I recommend doing urban gardening when I have free time

14. I believe urban gardening is trend with no age standard

II. Conclusion

For the foregoing summary of the findings, the researcher had drawn the following findings.

The researcher found out that most of the Senior High School students of First City

Providential College are agreeing to the benefits that comes with urban gardening, reasons why

they should do urban gardening, and why it is a good trend for the society because the student

got the highest total mean of strongly agree and agree in the statements on the conducted survey.

The researcher also found out that some of the students which are not agreeing to the impacts of

urban gardening. This is because some of the respondents do not know a lot about urban


The urban gardening affects the activities of the students which like physically, mentally

and food security. The data that the researcher gathered shows that there are positive effects and

benefits of urban gardening in modern living. Some of the positive effects are really good for our

wellbeing especially in schools, community, workplaces and generally places around a urban


III. Recommendations

After researching about the impacts of urban gardening in our modern living I would like to

recommend the following ;

For the students

Even the current generation is in a modern society full of high technology gadgets and

activities I recommend to practice urban gardening in their lives because it’s not just an old
fashioned activity but it is such a beneficial and enjoying activity if student will put passion and

time to it. Students can find enjoyment to this kind of activity while improving their social ability

specifically when gardening together in a group such as family, peers and the community.

For the society

Urban gardening provides good physical activity which is very good for people who have

free time such as adults and retired workers. It is not just planting to have foods and having

decoration .with simply regular checking and taking care to the plants in daily and weekly basis

it also serve as source of physical exercise. In addition natures movement and patterns like

moving leaves the sound of the nature has very good way to reduce stress and relax.

For other researcher

This study was gathered information in to reliable materials, studies and sources

researchers. It contain the benefits of urban gardening, reason why people should do gardening in

urban cities and the reason why this is a good trend to the society.

IV. Appendices

Survey questions

 I believe that urban gardening provides good physical activities.

 I believe that people get relaxation and reduce their stress when have contact to urban

 I believe that urban gardening provide an access in some fresh and quality foods

 I believe that urban gardening inside a community triggers team\community building.

 I believe that urban gardening is a good trend for the community

 I believe that urban gardening gaps people from their unproductive hobbits

 I believe that urban gardening provides good ambience inside\indoor building.

 I believe that urban gardening brings the people together when starting a community\

wide urban gardening.

 I believe that urban gardening save us some money from buying foods in local markets.

 I believe that urban gardening reduce stress levels specifically in emotional and well-

being of the people.

 .I prefer a place with green leaves ambience specifically in offices and schools

 I believe that urban gardening have the ability to be trend today

 I recommend doing urban gardening when I have free time

 I believe urban gardening is trend with no age standards

 .I believe if urban gardening will be done by many people our place will look peaceful,

relaxing and better

Curriculum Vitae


Block 8 Lot 2 Sitio Pakulis Barangay Gaya Gaya ,City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan



 To support our family financial needs

 To have investments in the future
 To earn money and to make a business

Personal information;

Nick name: Noah Gender: Male

Birthdate: September 27 2002 Civil status: Single

Age: 17. Religion: Catholic

Father’s name: Nelson Patagan Tipay Mother’s name: Emely Greva Tipay

Occupation: None/House husband Occupation: OFW/Tailor


 Visual artist
 Journalist/ Editorial Cartooning
 Cooking
 AutoCAD drafting and Manual drafting
 ICT Basic education

Education Background:

Primary: San Jose Del Monte Central Elementary school (since grade 1 to 6 graduated)

Secondary: San Jose Del Monte National High school (since grade 7 to 10 graduated)

First City Providential College (Present)

On the job training:


Seminar attended:

Work experience:

Character references:

Glaiza Flores Tipay Sister 09462323287

Hadasah Angel Andrade Fellow campus journalism alumni 09999137256

I hereby certify that the information above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

Applicant’s Signature
Elnoah Greva Tipay
QUESTION 1 11 12 1 0 1
QUESTION 2 10 11 1 2 1
QUESTION 3 14 9 1 0 1
QUESTION 4 7 12 3 2 1
QUESTION 5 9 8 6 1 1
QUESTION 6 8 7 7 2 1
QUESTION 7 10 13 1 0 1
QUESTION 8 11 10 3 0 1
QUESTION 9 12 8 4 0 1
QUESTION 10 9 13 1 1 1
QUESTION 11 14 8 2 0 1
QUESTION 12 8 10 5 1 1
QUESTION 13 8 11 5 0 1
QUESTION 14 12 9 2 1 1
QUESTION 15 16 7 1 0 1


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