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Learning Activity 1: Answer the following questions.

1. What are the ways on how China and India slowed their population

China implemented the one-child policy in 1979 to slow down population growth by allowing
families to have only one child. To solve demographic issues and encourage balanced growth,
this restrictive policy was relaxed in 2015 and in year 2016 it was changed to a two-child limit.
India, on the other hand, promotes family planning with massive awareness campaigns, broad
contraceptive distribution, and a significant focus on education, especially for women. Both
countries use various approaches, combining social projects and policy initiatives to control and
lessen the effects of population increase on various aspects of society.

2. How effective is the result of their ways to slow down the rapid
increase of population in China and India?

The approaches used by China and India to reduce population growth differ in their efficacy.
Although China's one-child policy was criticized for social and ethical reasons, it did play a
substantial role in slowing down population growth. Some of these issues were intended to be
addressed by the change to a two-child policy. While there has been success in India in
promoting family planning and education, a multitude of factors, including cultural norms,
economic situations, and regional differences, can affect the country's population growth rates.
Although both nations have made progress, the results are varied and dependent on a wide
range of factors. Success is often measured not just in population numbers but also in socio-
economic development and the well-being of citizens, resulting in difference in efficacy of both

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