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DECEMBER 6, 2021

I. Please answers on your own opinion and site example for every
situation given:

1. Discuss the Biogeochemical Cycle. Explain each cycle (20 points)

 The Biogeochemical Cycle, as from the recent report is the flow of
chemical elements between living organisms and the environment.
With these cycles, interaction of living and non-living organism and
the environment is shown. We have the water cycle, oxygen-carbon
dioxide cycle, nitrogen cycle, and phosphorus cycle as examples.
 The water cycle is the easiest to remember since this cycle was
being taught even in elementary. The process starts with the
evaporation of water from various sources from the wide
ocean to the smallest puddles. From that, the water vapors
gather in the atmosphere and condenses forming clouds. As
water vapors gather, clouds then grow bigger and wider. As
they reach the right requirements to exceed their present
state, the clouds then precipitate turning the vapors back to
water, scattering water to different places which is a very
important thing since almost all organism take water as an
important necessities.
 The oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle is the exchange of oxygen for
carbon dioxide between different organism and plants and
other oxygen producer. During photosynthesis, plants give off
oxygen as a waste product. Carbon dioxide moves from the air
into the leaves of plants through tiny openings in the plant's
leaves. Oxygen moves out of the plant leaf through these same
openings. This by product – oxygen is then taken by us,
animals and some bacteria and is used in respiration. As we
used oxygen to enable many processes in our body we then
produce carbon dioxide. This is then expelled outside the body
into the environment. From that the cycle continues.
 The nitrogen cycle is a set of activities that occur in the
atmosphere, soil, water, plants, animals, and microbes, and
involves both living and non-living creatures. Bacteria in soils
can decompose organic substances, triggering breakdown. To
progress through the various stages of the cycle, nitrogen must
change forms. Nitrogen is found in the atmosphere as a gas
(N2), but it also exists in soils as nitrogen oxide (NO) and
nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and when used as a fertilizer, it can
also be found in other forms, such as ammonia (NH3), which
can be processed further into ammonium nitrate, a distinct
fertilizer (NH4NO3). Fixation or volatilization, mineralization,
nitrification, immobilization, and denitrification are the five
phases in the nitrogen cycle. Because bacteria in the soil
transform nitrogen gas (N2) into volatile ammonia, the fixation
process is called volatilization (NH3). Leaching occurs when a
mineral or chemical (such as nitrate, or NO3) drains from soil
or other earth materials and overflows into the surrounding
area. Nitrate contamination occurs when certain kinds of
nitrogen (such as nitrate, or NO3) break down in water and
leak out of the soil, polluting streams.
 Lastly, the phosphorus cycle happens when phosphate ions
and other minerals are liberated from rocks by rain and
weathering throughout time. After then, the inorganic
phosphate is disseminated throughout the soil and water.
Plants absorb inorganic phosphate from the soil. After then,
animals may consume the plants. Once it reaches the plant or
animal, phosphorus is incorporated into organic compounds
such as DNA. Decomposition of a plant or animal releases
organic phosphate into the soil. Organic forms of phosphate
can be made available to plants in the soil by bacteria that
break down organic materials to inorganic forms of
phosphorus. This process is known as mineralization. Soil
phosphorus can end up in streams and, eventually, the oceans.
Once it reaches that region, it might be incorporated into
sediments over time.
2. What are the methods to estimate secondary production? Site Example (20
 Estimating secondary production can be done using a variety of
methods. Enigmatic, theoretically tough, and frequently challenging
to use, and frequently fraught with significant uncertainty than first-
class manufacturing. Examples of it are:
 Radioactive tracers are a method of estimation of secondary
production that make use of chemical tracers. However, this
method though in theory is simple but it’s estimates often
have large errors and must be carefully interpreted.
Radioactive tracers are used to estimate bacterial or fungal
production. It has been proposed on occasion for predicting
animal population production, but they are experimental and
have not been adopted for general use.
 Turn over methods Estimate animal production as the product
of standing biomass and the turnover rate of that biomass. It
refers to periods of increase and decrease of a species, as a
result of which the organisms, like animal and plants, after the
interval differs dramatically from that before it. Increase are
due to immigration and/or speciation, while decrease are due
to emigration and extinction. The idea of turnover can also be
applied to the study of species rise in number and extinction
rates, as well as to the study of harvested populations in
 Biochemical proxy method is a way of measuring growth of
organisms by examining easy to measure substances. Tough
easy, it is usually expensive, but it can be used in multiple
species at once. Example of Biochemical Proxy Method
collection of feces is a way this can show what the species is
eating and how it affects them making it easy to determine
their growth and number
 Empirical models use the equation P=(P/ B) B . it is based on
body mass, environmental temperature, and other features of
the organism and its environment. These empirical models still
require good estimates of the mean annual biomass, and are
subjected to large errors, but it can be applied to a wide range
of events and can allow rough estimates of production over
large regions.
 Demographic methods is a method where large errors are
frequent and requires good estimates of population size and
mass. Example of differentiating the two is when identifying
the population of a certain species and its growth, this is done
by method of estimations based on sightings and other
observations is done and by applying certain calculations the
estimated results are collected.

3. Discuss elaborately the organic matter decomposition. Site examples. (20

 Organic matter decomposition is defined as the process in which
organic matter is broken down physically and biochemically or in
other words, it is the transformation of complex organic molecules
into simpler organic and inorganic molecules. PAGKABULOK sa
tagalog. There are many examples of it and wag na tayong lumayo,
our body is an organic matter and after our death – slowly, we would
decay. Our body then turns into various inorganic materials. This
decomposition or decaying is of course also a natural phenomenon
for other living organisms – animals and plants. Parang way sya ng
pagrerecycle ng mga katawan natin para after ng death natin
mapapakinabangan parin tayo. However, this does not happen
without the involvement of various soil organisms that break down
organic matter. We can observe it when earthworms and other
insects gather around to consume dead bodies. The decomposition
of organic matter is an important process since it return the nutrients
of organisms to use after the organism can no longer function.

4. What are the properties of soil? Site Example each. (20 points)
 Soil contains different properties. Form the reports during class,
properties of soil can be grouped into three: physical, chemical, and
 First, the physical properties. Infiltration, erosion, nutrient
cycling, and biologic activity are all affected by these features.
These characteristics also influence the suitability of soil for
many applications, such as stormwater infiltration, road
subgrade, and structural strength. Physical properties of soil
include color, texture, structure, porosity, density, consistence,
aggregate stability, and temperature.
 Next is chemical properties, which define the chemical
composition or chemical (elements/compounds) present in the
soil. Chemical features of soil include the levels and availability
of key mineral elements for plants, as well as the chemical
qualities of soil in connection to their restoration or
availability. The nitrogen and phosphorus levels are thoroughly
described. pH and cation exchange capacity are two more
chemical factors that are mentioned. Chemical properties of
the soil are important to soil fertility, plant growth and
 Lastly, biological property. The direct and indirect influence of
living organisms inhabiting a certain soil is described as
biological properties. The biological qualities of a soil reveal its
suitability for supporting life. This include the organic matter,
enzymes, earthworms, fungi and bacteria, and other

5. Discuss the Production of a Guild of consumers? (20 points)

 A guild is a group of species that share resources or exploit them in
similar ways (hindi sa laro, sa ecosystem haha). It isn't necessary for
species in a guild to share or even inhabit the same ecological niches.
An ecological niche is the role of a decomposer, primary producer, or
other creature in its community. Guilds are based on the locations,
features, or activities of the species that make up the guild. A guild
can be defined by the species' method of getting nutrients,
movement, and ecological zones occupied or exploited. The number
of guilds existing in an ecosystem is referred to as its disparity. Guild
members may fight for resources such as space and light while
cooperating to resist wind forces, attract pollinators, and detect
predators. Studies of both animals and bacteria have shown that the
production of a functional group of consumers is correlated with the
supply rate of its food. Or in other words the production rates of
guild of consumers are often constrained by food supply. Meaning, as
food supplies diminishes or decreases the production rates also
follows, same if the food supplies increase the production rates also

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