My Body and Face Test EXTRA ADV Unit 3

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My body Test
and face 3
Imię i nazwisko ......................................................................... Klasa ..................

RAZEM: ............ / 15 0–7 8 – 11 12 – 15

1 Listen and circle.

6 ............ /4
Posłuchaj i zakreśl.

1 2

3 4

2 Listen and tick (✔) or cross (✘).

7 ............ /4
Posłuchaj i zaznacz ✔ (tak) lub nie ✘ (nie).

1 She's got blond hair.

2 She's got long hair.
3 She's got blue eyes.
4 She's got glasses.

P H OTO CO P I A B L E © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 2 33

3 Look, read and write. ............ /5
Popatrz, przeczytaj i napisz.

1 she's short long 2

got hasn't

Has she got short hair?

Is he strong?

No, she’s got 1 Yes, he’s 3

hair, big eyes and a small nose. strong arms.

Has she got small ears? Has he got long legs?

No, 2
got No, he 4
big ears and big feet.
He's got 5
legs and small feet.

4 Draw your friend and write. ............ /2

Narysuj kolegę/koleżankę i opisz go/ją.

’s got hair.

’s got eyes.


hasn’t got .

34 P H OTO CO P I A B L E © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 2

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