Comparison Essay Example

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The Cello and the Contrabass : They Are the Same, but They Are Different

Have you ever seen orchestra performance personally or by video? I think you’ve

probably seen instruments sitting side by side by the type and the part of them. Cello and

Contrabass especially have similar-looking among Western string instruments. Most of their

bodies are made by maple trees and their bows are made by horse tails. We can play them

with the ‘pizzicato’ technique by bouncing strings.

Then, what are the differences between the two seemingly different instruments? One

of the main differences between the Cello and The Contrabass is a fundamental tone. The

Cello is tuned in C, G, D, and A and its range is about 5 octaves, while the Contrabass has E,

A, D, and G for its tuning (The sound of E from Contrabass is lower than the Cello C.) and a

maximum range of 4 octaves. In other words, the result of these fundamental tones, the Cello

can max out at about 5 octaves, but the Contrabass can max out around 4.

The most noticeable difference is the size of the two instruments. Both Cello and

Contrabass are classified as the two largest string instruments, but the Contrabass measures in

at about 6 feet long, the Cello, on the other hand, is slightly smaller, as it was originally

called ‘a small double bass’, and has many sizes. Most adults play the 4/4 size Cello (full

size). (It usually recommends 4/4 size for people who are a little over 5 feet tall.)

There is also a difference in the way how to play both instruments. Unlike other string

instruments, the Cello must be played sitting on. After sitting, the neck of the Cello should be

to the left of performer’s head and we have to use our knees to keep the Cello steady.

Meanwhile, because of its size, the Contrabass has to be played standing or sitting on a high
standing chair. (Standing is the most common method.) If we play it standing, we should

spread our feet to the width of our shoulders, then turn the Contrabass slightly to the right and

lay it back.

Even though they are all string instruments and have similar looks, there are various

differences such as tuning, size, and how they are played. When you have a chance to go and

see the orchestra performance in the future, you will be able to answer the questions about

them if you consider and see these differences.

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