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KRONES Academy – Training Manual

KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

TD10006036 EN 03 / 11-EN-00-1011 Update: 01/2014

KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

Table of contents
1 Preface ............................................................................................................. 7

1.1 Notations................................................................................... 7
1.2 Requirements ............................................................................ 7

2 Safety ............................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Safety and hazard information to be observed during service

work .......................................................................................... 8

3 Introduction .................................................................................................... 10

4 Standardised configuration ............................................................................ 11

4.1 Standard Glideliner configuration ............................................ 11

4.2 Standard Block configuration ................................................... 11

5 New developments since the former LCT3 control system ........................... 12

5.1 Operation ................................................................................ 12

5.2 Control system ........................................................................ 14
5.3 Additional functions ................................................................ 16

6 Principles ........................................................................................................ 18

6.1 Signal flow ............................................................................... 18

6.2 Basic set-point value ............................................................... 18
6.3 Container diameter .................................................................. 18
6.4 Adjustment value .................................................................... 19
6.5 Gap control ............................................................................. 19
6.5.1 Objective of the gap control ...................................... 19
6.5.2 Slippage analysis ....................................................... 20
6.5.3 Determining the actual gap (gap counter) .................. 20
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6.5.4 Set-point gap ............................................................ 20

6.5.5 Gap control ................................................................ 20
6.6 Average value control .............................................................. 22
6.7 Slippage control ...................................................................... 25
6.7.1 Pulse-duty factor ....................................................... 25
6.7.2 Slippage control ......................................................... 25
6.8 Stop after number of containers .............................................. 27
6.9 Rejecting fallen containers ...................................................... 28

7 LCT4............................................................................................................... 31

7.1 Operating the LCT4 ................................................................. 31

7.1.1 General information ................................................... 31
7.1.2 Description of the LEDs ............................................. 32
7.1.3 Resetting faults .......................................................... 33
7.1.4 Code entry ................................................................. 33
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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

8 Parameter description .................................................................................... 34

8.1 Main level ................................................................................ 34

8.1.1 Main screen page 0 .................................................... 34
8.1.2 Main screen page 1 .................................................... 34
8.1.3 Main screen page 2 .................................................... 34
8.1.4 Main screen page 3 .................................................... 35
8.2 Operator level .......................................................................... 35
8.3 Set-up mode – General information ........................................ 36
8.4 Set-up mode – System parameters .......................................... 36
8.5 Set-up mode – Type Parameters .............................................. 37
8.5.1 Adjustment values (Glideliner) ................................... 37
8.5.2 Measured values ........................................................ 38
8.5.3 Specific information for the Glideliner, type Glideliner 40
8.5.4 Fill conveyors ............................................................. 44
8.5.5 Braking values ........................................................... 45
8.5.6 Back-up switch .......................................................... 46
8.5.7 Stop after number of containers ................................ 46
8.5.8 Throughput regulating system ................................... 47
8.5.9 Throughput regulating system, feed conveyor ........... 48
8.5.10 Synchronisation ......................................................... 48
8.5.11 Control system .......................................................... 48
8.5.12 Container rejection/pusher ........................................ 49
8.5.13 Machine clock pulse ................................................... 50
8.5.14 Ramps ....................................................................... 51
8.5.15 Copy parameters ....................................................... 51
8.5.16 Edit designation ......................................................... 52
8.5.17 Determine adjustment values .................................... 52
8.5.18 Specific information for the Glideliner, type Block ..... 54
8.6 Machine parameters ................................................................ 55
8.6.1 Specific information for the Glideliner, type Glideliner 55
8.6.2 Specific information for the Glideliner, type Block ..... 59
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8.7 Analog output ......................................................................... 62

8.8 Diagnostics ............................................................................. 63
8.8.1 Event history .............................................................. 64
8.8.2 Analog values diagram .............................................. 66
8.8.3 Digital values diagram ............................................... 68
8.8.4 Version ...................................................................... 69
8.8.5 LCT4 test ................................................................... 69
8.8.6 Profiler ....................................................................... 71
8.8.7 Available memory space ............................................ 71
8.8.8 Glideliner memory capacity utilisation ....................... 71
8.9 Set time ................................................................................... 71

9 Loading and saving parameters ..................................................................... 72

9.1 Saving LCT4 parameters .......................................................... 72

9.2 Documenting LCT4 parameters (plain text print-out) .............. 72
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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

9.3 Loading LCT4 parameters........................................................ 73

9.4 Loading LCT3 parameters........................................................ 74

10 Remote access via a VNC Viewer ................................................................. 76

11 Start-up........................................................................................................... 77

11.1 General information ................................................................ 77

11.1.1 P.E. sensors ............................................................... 77
11.1.2 Frequency inverters ................................................... 77
11.2 Setting the machine parameters .............................................. 77
11.2.1 Language ................................................................... 77
11.2.2 Conveyor mode.......................................................... 77
11.2.3 Type selection............................................................ 77
11.2.4 Machine parameters .................................................. 77
11.3 Setting the type parameters .................................................... 78
11.3.1 Setting the container type .......................................... 78
11.3.2 Ramps ....................................................................... 78
11.3.3 Type parameters ........................................................ 78
11.4 Optimisation............................................................................ 79
11.4.1 Optimising the gap control system ............................ 79
11.4.2 Optimising the slippage control system ..................... 79
11.4.3 Observing the average value ...................................... 79

12 Appendices .................................................................................................... 80

12.1 Overview of the conveyor control system type Glideliner ......... 80

12.2 Overview of the conveyor control system type Block ............... 81

13 Connection assignments – IO modules X2X bus .......................................... 82

13.1 Assignment module 1 (X2X bus receiver module / X20 BR 9300)83

13.2 Assignment module 2 (digital signal processor module / X20
DS1319) 83
13.3 Assignment module 3 (12 inputs / X20 DI 9371) .................... 84
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13.3.1 Glideliner ................................................................... 84

13.3.2 Block .......................................................................... 84
13.4 Assignment module 4 (12 inputs / X20 DI 9371) .................... 85
13.4.1 Glideliner ................................................................... 85
13.4.2 Block .......................................................................... 85
13.5 Assignment module 5 (12 inputs / X20 DO 9322) ................... 86
13.5.1 Glideliner ................................................................... 86
13.5.2 Block .......................................................................... 86
13.6 Assignment module 6 (12 inputs / X20 DO 9322) ................... 86
13.6.1 Glideliner ................................................................... 86
13.6.2 Block .......................................................................... 87

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

13.7 Assignment module 7 (4 analog outputs / X20 AO 4622) ....... 87

13.7.1 Glideliner ................................................................... 87
13.7.2 Block .......................................................................... 87
13.8 Assignment module 8 (4 analog outputs / X20 AO 4622) ....... 88
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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

1 Preface

1.1 Notations
NOTE If there is a risk of injury, damage, or loss of data, the respective warning
will be highlighted with a red bar.

NOTE Important notes will be marked with a grey bar.

1.2 Requirements
 These service instructions assume that you have a basic knowledge of
the mechanical design of the conveyors and of the workflow of the con-
tainer conveyor system.
 These service instructions do not impart any basic knowledge.

NOTE If system, machine or type parameters are changed or if the LCT is re-
placed, the parameters must first be saved to the USB stick.
For more details read the sections "Saving parameters" and "Loading pa-
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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

2 Safety

Always remember: safety first!

The safety equipment which KRONES AG has fitted to the machine provides
only the basic conditions for preventing accidents.
In addition, it is imperative that safety regulations are observed in order to
prevent hazards that may arise when servicing the machine.
 Please observe the generally valid national and international (EU) em-
ployment protection regulations and the safety instructions of the re-
spective customer.
 Please observe the safety instructions in this manual.
 In addition, observe the chapter titled "Safety" in the operating manual.

2.1 Safety and hazard information to be observed during

service work

Risk of injury due to driven machine components!

For machine inspections and adjustments, the machine can be jogged in
"Set-up mode" while the guard doors and protective covers are open. The
person in charge must make sure that there is no one near the machine
WARNING before jogging it.
 There is a potential risk of injury during sequences of motion between
the machinetable and the base frame, at the pull-in points of the infeed
starwheel / discharge starwheel, and at moving machine parts. Do not
reach into driven machine components and do not use aids to reach into
them (e.g. rods).
 Observe the warnings at dangerous areas of the machine.
 Check the adjustment of the top and side guards at dangerous areas.

Crush and/or pull-in hazard during jogging

In "Set-up mode", the machine can be jogged while the protective covers
are open. This poses a high safety risk, making the highest level of precau-
tionary measures imperative so that personal hazards/machine damage are
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WARNING prevented.
 Do not under any circumstances reach into the cutting unit while the
machine is being jogged!

Risk of being crushed by pneumatic and hydraulic components!

Do not start any work on pneumatic or hydraulic components before the
machine has been depressurised.
 If necessary, secure components to prevent uncontrolled movement.

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

Risk of injury due to falling or tripping!

It is imperative that you keep away from the conveyor system and conveyed
 When working in the top system area, use only suitable climbing aids
(e.g. stable ladders).
 Cross conveyors only at appropriate stairs.

Hazard caused by electric voltage!

Prior to working on the electrical system, make sure it has been disconnect-
ed from the power supply. To do so, the following safety precautions must
be taken:
 Isolate.
 Lock the machine to prevent it being turned ON.
 Verify safe isolation from supply.
 Connect to earth and short-circuit.
 Adjacent live components must be covered or safeguarded.

The machine must be emptied and turned OFF!

If turning on the machine cannot be avoided in order to do service work,
turn it on but only as long as is absolutely necessary. When doing so, make
absolutely sure that physical hazards and machine damage are prevented.
 Keep unauthorised persons away from the machine during service and
maintenance work.
 Attach a warning sign to the control cabinet or operating area when car-
rying out service work.
 If the machine must not be operated for maintenance and service work,
turn the main switch to OFF and secure it in this position with a padlock,
to prevent unauthorised persons turning it ON!

Dangers during restart!

Before restarting the machine after all maintenance and service work, en-
sure that:
 The appropriate parts have been completely installed and properly fitted
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WARNING and secured,

 All the adjustment work is completely finished.
 No loose items (tools, cloths, etc.) have been left in the machine.
 Previously removed protective covers and safety devices have all been
refitted and are functioning properly.
 All safety devices have been checked and are functioning properly.
 All pressure and liquid lines have been properly connected and sealed.
 No persons will be endangered and the machine/line will not be dam-
aged when it is turned ON again.

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

3 Introduction
The Glideliner, type Glideliner is used for bringing together, i.e. combining,
containers from multi-track conveyors onto a single-track conveyor.
This can be done via a straight sliding conveyor, a sliding conveyor with a
10-12 degree upward incline, or a sliding conveyor with a 10-12 degree
downward incline.

Combining is performed in order to:

 transfer the containers from the intermediate conveyor to the infeed
conveyor of the lead machine without any gaps,
 reduce the back-up pressure acting on the infeed worm,
 reduce the noise which occurs when the containers are arranged in or-
 minimise the wear between the containers,
 prevent and if necessary remove glass fragments and containers which
have fallen over.

The Glideliner, type Block is used to control the flow of containers between
two machines. In this case the lead machine's slave machine is blocked,
thus regulating the incoming flow of containers.

Blocking is performed in order to:

 transfer the containers from the intermediate conveyor to the infeed
conveyor of the lead machine without any gaps,
 reduce the back-up pressure acting on the infeed worm,
 regulate the container flow from the dosing machine,
 minimise the wear between the containers.
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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

4 Standardised configuration

4.1 Standard Glideliner configuration

Figure 1: Standard Glideliner configuration

The drawing shows the minimal Glideliner version. The containers on the
dosing conveyor are still in clusters. On the sliding conveyor the containers
are separated as a result of the different speeds of the individual belts, and
on the accelerating conveyor the gap between the containers is closed. The
intermediate conveyor is used to build up the necessary back-up pressure
in front of the machine. The control system has 4 additional analog outputs
for 4 additional conveyors. These outputs can be installed at random in
front of or between these conveyors. The 4 additional conveyors can be
parameterised in the control system.

4.2 Standard Block configuration

Figure 2: Standard Block configuration

The drawing shows the minimal Block version. The purpose of the Block is
to bring together the containers between 2 machines on one track. The lead
machine dictates the speed. The conveyors run in sync with the lead ma-
chine. The accelerating conveyor still has the job of closing the gap. At the
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same time the discharge conveyor and the speed of the controlled machine
is increased or reduced. As with the Glideliner, the Block version comes with
4 additional analog outputs for 4 conveyors which can be positioned at ran-
dom. The 4 additional conveyors can be parameterised in the control sys-

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

5 New developments since the former LCT3 control system

This chapter briefly describes the changes and expansions made to the pre-
vious LCT3 control system. It can provide a quick overview for service per-
sonnel with experience in LCT3 control systems.

5.1 Operation
When you enter the parameters the numeric keypad is also active. Each pa-
rameter can be entered as in the past with the +/- key and the numeric
keypad. However, this option is disabled during operation if the production
type is the same as the edited type.

Offline editing
Upon opening the menus for the type
parameters you can select the type
you want to edit.
On the example display, type 0 is
shown as currently in production.
Type 1 is the type you want to edit. If
the type which you want to edit does
not match the current production
type, the bar in the setup menu will
be shown in red.
In the top right corner, the produced
type number is shown above the ed- Figure 3: Offline editing
ited type number.

Language selection
Language selection using country
flags on the main screen page 3, see
chapter 8.1.4.
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Figure 4: Language selection

System parameters
System parameters have been intro-
duced for changing over to Glideliner
or Block.
Also, the LCT4 can be connected to
the network via Ethernet. This re-
quires you to enter the network data,
see chapter 8.4

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

Figure 5: System parameters

Save/load parameters
Parameters can be saved to a USB stick and then can be read in again from
there (see chapter 9).

Figure 6: Load parameters from USB Figure 7: Save parameters to USB

In version V3.05 and higher it is pos-

sible to read in LCT3 parameters from
a USB stick (see chapter 9.4).

Figure 8: Load LCT3 parameters

Blocking set-up mode

If you close the LCT4 control system locally and it is still logged on with
code 3, you can use the numerical key 7 in the main screen page 0 to block
set-up mode. The code level with which the operator is currently logged on
is shown in the bottom right-hand corner.
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Faults and messages

If a malfunction occurs, the LED on
the numerical key 9 will flash. All
malfunctions and messages can be
viewed with one press of the numeri-
cal key 9 (the message screen page is
Pressing once again on the numerical
key 9 will delete the message from
the screen.

Figure 9: Alarm messages

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

Returning to the main screen page

You can jump directly to the main
screen page from every menu by
pressing the 0 key.

Figure 10: Main screen page 0

5.2 Control system

Slippage control
The slippage control system also regulates the accelerating conveyor.

Container rejection/pusher
The pusher control system was up-
graded. A virtual fine clock pulse with
a resolution of approx. 1 cm is creat-
ed in the control system. This makes
the pushing out even more exact (see
chapter 8.5.12).

Figure 11: Container rejection/pusher

Conveyor mode
The conveyor mode was expanded
(see chapter 8.5.3).
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Figure 12: Conveyor mode

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

Back-up pressure reduction in front of intermediate conveyor

Back-up pressure reduction in front
of the intermediate conveyor was
implemented (see chapter 8.5.3).

Figure 13: Back-up pressure reduction

Automatic calculation of the adjustment values

For faster commissioning of the
Glideliner, it is possible to calculate
the adjustment values of the individ-
ual conveyors. This requires a num-
ber of parameters (see chapter

Figure 14: Determine adjustment values

Calculation of the number of clock pulses

Calculation of the number of clock
pulses (up to 2 decimal places) per
container for an incremental encoder
(see chapter 8.5.13).
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Figure 15: Machine clock pulse

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

5.3 Additional functions

Event history
All the events are written onto the
memory card and can be viewed in
the control system and saved onto
the USB stick. These data can then be
sent by e-mail to the development
engineer for analysis.

Figure 16: Event history

New measured value screen pages

New measured value screen pages are
used for better presentation of a con-
veyor's control (see chapter 8.5.2).
For the accelerating conveyor, for
example, the control components for
the gap controller / slippage control-
ler and the control components for
the synchronisation are presented.

Figure 17: Measured value screen page 4 (ac-

celerating conveyor)

Graphic diagnostics of the conveyors

This display provides a complete
overview of the control quality for the
individual conveyors as a function of
machine speed (see chapter 8.8.2).
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Figure 18: Analog values diagram

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

Graphic diagnostics of digital inputs/outputs

All inputs/outputs can be displayed,
similar to an 8-channel oscilloscope
with a resolution of 1.2ms. The as-
signment of the inputs/outputs to the
8 channels can be parameterised in
an additional menu. (See chapter

Figure 19: Digital values diagram

External visualisation system

External visualisation with a VNC
Viewer is possible via Ethernet (see
chapter 10).

Figure 20: External visualisation with a VNC

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

6 Principles

6.1 Signal flow

LCT4 Frequency
Motor with gear Conveyor speed

clock/C Rotation
s (m)
Analog 100 Hz output
voltage Frequency
0-10Volt in Hz

adjustment 0-20mA
0 Analog 10 Rotation max 0 t (min)
value input

Figure 21: Signal flow

In Figure 21 you can see that:

 the LCT4 receives one clock pulse per container (with the lead machine
running this is a clock frequency proportional to the speed of the lead
on machines without a container/clock pulse (e.g. an inspector), the
machine clock pulse is generated from the fine clock pulse of the ma-
chine's infeed conveyor (internally in the LCT4);
 the LCT4 determines the current period duration from this clock fre-
quency (internally in the LCT4);
 the LCT4 corrects the determined period duration by a parameterisable
percentage value (adjustment value) ("electronic gear unit");
 the corrected period duration is converted into an analog voltage from
0-10 V and applied to the analog outputs;
 this analog output voltage is forwarded potential-free to the frequency
inverter via an isolating transformer (located in the electronics box of
the LCT4);
 the frequency inverter converts this analog voltage into a frequency via
an "electronic gear unit" and drives the motor with it;
 the motor speed drives the conveyor via a mechanical gear unit.

6.2 Basic set-point value

Basic set-point value = Bit value of the current speed of the lead machine
which produces an analog output voltage of 0-10V.
The clock pulse of the lead machine (conveyor), from which the basic set-
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point value is determined by measurement of the period duration, is read in

via DS1 (input 1 of the counter card DS1319).
The basic set-point value is used to calculate the speed of all the slave con-
If for example the speed of the lead machine increases or decreases, the
basic set-point value will also increase or decrease.
The basic set-point value defines the number of containers taken by the
lead machine and can be viewed in the menu of the measured value screen
page 3 (see chapter 8.5.2) (in % relative to the set reference speed of the
lead machine).
 The basic set-point value specifies the current speed of the lead ma-

6.3 Container diameter

To achieve the specified rated output of the lead machine, it must be sup-
plied with enough containers via the conveyors.
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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

The following should be noted in this connection:

 Even with various container diameters, the speed of the lead machine is
constant for the rated output on account of the constant pitch in the
machine, i.e. the only thing which changes within a pitch is the distance
from one container to another.
 However, the speed of the conveyors changes with various container
diameters (smaller diameters require low conveyor speeds, large diame-
ters require high conveyor speeds).
 If the differences between the biggest and the smallest container diame-
ter are very large, you must ensure that:
 there is a control reserve of 30% for the biggest container diameter
(highest conveyor speed) and therefore for the rated output,
 the analog output voltage is greater than 1.5 V for the smallest con-
tainer diameter (lowest conveyor speed) and therefore at the mini-
mum speed of the lead machine.
(In the range below 1.5 V the frequency inverters no longer control
correctly, there is high friction between the conveyor chains and the
wear strips, and the motors may overheat on account of the low
speeds). This applies above all to asynchronous motors; low voltage
on PM drives reduces only the efficiency rating.

6.4 Adjustment value

The basic set-point value is calculated internally (by the software) on the
basis of the set container output (5,000 – 120,000 cph). If the specified line
output deviates from this fixed container output, all the conveyors must be
With the adjustment value, the conveyor speeds are adjusted to the basic
set-point value of the lead machine on a type-dependent basis.
This means that it is also possible to adjust different mechanical transmis-
sion ratios, which result in different speeds of the individual conveyors, to
the basic set-point value.
This must be done on a type-dependent basis because small containers
require a low conveyor speed and large containers a high conveyor speed.
Example: Fixed container output 72,000 cph
Line output in con- Analog output volt- Adjustment value in Analog output volt-
tainers per hour age, unadjusted, in percent age, adjusted, in
Volt Volt
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72,000 7 100 7
36,000 3.5 200 7
100,000 9.7 72 7

 The basic set-point value is corrected with the adjustment values of the
individual conveyors and is forwarded as an analog output voltage to the
frequency inverters.

6.5 Gap control

6.5.1 Objective of the gap control

Gap control is performed in order to:
 keep the number of containers and therefore the number of gaps be-
tween the lead machine and the P.E. sensor LS1 constant,
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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

 reduce the back-up pressure acting on the infeed worm,

 minimise the friction between the containers and therefore the wear,
 reduce the noise.

6.5.2 Slippage analysis

The slippage analysis function sets the gap counter to 0 when:
 the intermediate and accelerating conveyors are filled and
 LS3 is continuously actuated during the slipping and
 the accelerating conveyor is pulled through under the container for a
number of parameterisable "stopping conveyor clock pulses".
The slippage analysis function represents a basic initialisation of the gap
control system because the gap can be determined with certainty only when
the area between LS1 and the lead machine is completely filled, i.e. is ex-
actly 0.

6.5.3 Determining the actual gap (gap counter)

Figure 22: Container infeed counter

 The accelerating conveyor transports the containers in the direction of
the arrow.
 With each container which the lead machine receives, the gap counter
increases by one (actual gap = 1).
 With each container which passes LS1, the gap counter decreases by one
(actual gap = 0).
 For reliable detection of lever-stopper bottles, a second P.E. sensor (LS2)
is added and works together with LS1 like a flip-flop.
After a parameterisable number of containers the control system carries out
a "synchronisation" (slippage analysis).
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6.5.4 Set-point gap

The "Set-point gap" parameter specifies the set-point gap size in terms of
container diameter between the lead machine and LS1.

6.5.5 Gap control

The gap control system responds immediately to deviations of the actual
gap from the parameterised "set-point gap".
If the actual gap is greater than the "set-point gap" parameter, the gap con-
trol system will immediately increase the speed of all the conveyors in order
to achieve the set-point gap.
If the actual gap is smaller than the "set-point gap" parameter, the gap
control system will immediately decrease the speed of all the conveyors in
order to achieve the set-point gap.

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When the gap control system is in the steady state, the area between the
lead machine and LS1 is comprised of two parts (set-point gap = actual
See Figure 23: Coherent actual gap = 2.
1st part: lead machine and back-up point (containers stand side by side),
2nd part: back-up point and LS1 (there are gaps between the containers).
The set-point gap specifies the position between the lead machine and LS1.
In Figure 23 you can see that the actual gap in the area between the back-
up point and LS1 results from the sum of the individual gaps between the

Figure 23: Coherent actual gap = 2

Pushing together all the containers from LS1 in the direction of the lead
machine results in the coherent actual gap of 2 container diameters
(see Figure 23).

Example: "Set-point gap" parameter = 2 (see Figure 24)

 After the slippage analysis the intermediate and accelerating conveyors
are filled.
 The gap counter is given the value 0.
 The following control difference results for the gap control system:
 Control difference (-2) = Actual value (0) - Set-
point value (2)
= Gap counter after the slippage analysis
minus the set-point gap.
The negative sign indicates that there are 2 containers too many between
the lead machine and LS1.
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Figure 24: Actual gap = 1

The gap control system uses a percentage value from the gap table to re-
duce the speeds of all the conveyors in order to achieve the selected set-
point value (set-point gap = 2).
The back-up point wanders from LS1 in the direction of the lead machine.
The number of actual gaps has increased in Figure 24 from 0 to 1.

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Figure 25: Actual gap = 2

The selected set-point gap is reached.

The control system cancels the speed reduction.
The gap control system is in the steady state; it is not active.

Figure 26: Actual gap = 3

If the current gap is too big (actual gap = 3) and the back-up point too
close to the lead machine, the speeds of all the conveyors will be increased
by a percentage value from the gap table in order to achieve the selected
set-point value (set-point gap = 2).
The back-up point wanders from the lead machine in the direction of LS1.
The number of gaps is reduced.
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Once the set-point value (set-point gap = 2) is reached, the speed increase
will be cancelled.

The gap control system keeps the number of containers and therefore the
number of gaps between the lead machine and LS1 constant.
The gap control system responds immediately to deviations of the actual
gap from the set-point gap.

6.6 Average value control

Average value control is performed in order to keep the number of contain-
ers arriving from the dosing conveyor 1 constant. The following example is
based on a set-point gap of 2.

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Figure 27: Actual gap = 1

 Actual gap is too small.
 With each machine clock pulse, the average value counter decreases by
 If the average value counter is lower than a set value, it will be set to 0
and the average value will be reduced by 1%.
 The average value reduces the speed of the dosing conveyor 1 by 1%.
The number of arriving containers is reduced and the actual gap is in-
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Figure 28: Actual gap = 3

 Actual gap is too big.
 With each machine clock pulse, the average value counter increases by
 If the average value counter is greater than a set value, it will be set to 0
and the average value will be increased by 1%.
 The average value increases the speed of the dosing conveyor 1 by 1%.
The number of arriving containers is increased and the actual gap is de-

Figure 29: Actual gap = 2

 Actual gap = Set-point gap
 The average value control system is in the steady state.
 The average value counter is neither increased nor decreased.

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 The average value keeps the number of containers arriving from the
dosing conveyor 1 constant. It changes the speed of the conveyors as
from dosing conveyor 1 only when the average value counter has
reached the set positive or negative limit value.
 For a more fluid control, adjustments to the average value are already
being made in the parts-per-thousand range. This occurs upon reach-
ing the 1/10 increments of the set limit values.
 Example: set positive limit value +500
 If the average value counter reaches the value +50, the average val-
ue will be increased by 0.1%.
 If the average value counter reaches the value +50, the average val-
ue will again be increased by 0.1%.
 Therefore, if the value +500 is reached, there will be an increase of

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6.7 Slippage control

6.7.1 Pulse-duty factor

Figure 30: Pulse-duty factor

The pulse-duty factor is the quotient from T1 and T2 in percent.

T1 corresponds to the time which a container takes from LS1 to LS2.
T2 corresponds to the time from one conveyor clock pulse to the next.

6.7.2 Slippage control

Slippage control is performed in order to:
 detect slipping containers on the accelerating belt by means of the
pulse-duty factor,
 reduce the resulting container back-up on the accelerating conveyor,
 prevent jamming of the containers in the sliding area.
If the slippage control system detects a slipping container via the pulse-
duty factor, this will be indicated via the output A2 = 1.
If this state continues for longer than one machine clock pulse, the speeds
of the accelerating conveyor, sliding conveyor and dosing conveyor 1 will be
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reduced by a percentage value. The sliding and dosing conveyors will be

decelerated more than the accelerating conveyor in order to create a gap
after the sliding area.
The value is taken from a table and increases with each additional machine
clock pulse.
The lower conveyor speeds mean that fewer containers arrive and the con-
tainer back-up is reduced.
When there are containers standing on the accelerating conveyor again, the
speed reduction will be cancelled and LED A1 will light up.
Slippage tables of various intensities are available for adjusting the slippage
control to the mechanical conditions.
Slippage control can work only when the correct pulse-duty factor is set.
If it is set too low, the arriving number of containers will be reduced.
The resulting gaps must then be compensated via the gap and average val-
ue control systems.

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If the pulse-duty factor is set too high, the container back-up will not be
reduced and the containers will jam in the sliding area.

Figure 31: Slippage control

In the following example the pulse-duty factor is set to 100%. In this con-
nection see Figure 31: Slippage control
 In example No. 1:
 the current pulse-duty factor is 100% (T1 / T2 * 100%),
 the set pulse-duty factor is not exceeded,
 LED A1 lights up, containers are standing on the accelerating con-
 the slippage control system is not active!
 In example No. 2:
 the current pulse-duty factor is 82%,
 see example No.1
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 In example No. 3:
 the current pulse-duty factor is 110%,
 the set pulse-duty factor is exceeded,
 LED A12 lights up, containers are slipping on the accelerating con-
 the slippage control system is active!
The slippage control system immediately reduces the speed of the dosing
conveyor after it detects containers slipping on the accelerating belt (the
container back-up is reduced).

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6.8 Stop after number of containers

Figure 32: Stop after number of containers fallen over

The purpose of the module "Stop after number of containers fallen over" is
to stop the conveyors immediately after a back-up (in the area between the
lead machine and the sliding conveyor), i.e. not until after a pile of fallen
containers has actuated the P.E. sensor.
In addition: "Stop after number of containers fallen over" when the P.E. sen-
sor is actuated for more than 2.

Mechanical requirements:
Inliner standing in a straight line.
A P.E. sensor must be connected to E11 (E3.11) and be positioned over the
collecting bin so that it can count all the fallen bottles.
A14 (A6.2) must be connected to the higher-level PLC in order to report the
The parameters "Number of containers" and "Number of conveyor clock
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pulses" must contain values greater than 0.

Method of operation:
The method of operation will be described using the above figure.
The parameter "Number of containers" has the value 3, and the parameter
"Number of conveyor clock pulse" has the value 5.
The signal diagram is divided into sections A to D.
 In area "A":
With the accelerating conveyor in operation, an internal conveyor clock
pulse counter is continuously increased with each conveyor clock pulse
and is always set to 0 when it reaches the value parameterised under
"Number of conveyor clock pulses" and no containers have fallen in this
The output A14 remains on "Low".

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 In area "B":
The conveyor clock pulse cycle is increased as in area "A". Each fallen
container actuates the P.E. sensor and therefore increases a container
counter (Z1).
When this container counter reaches the value 3, the conveyor clock
pulse counter and the container counter will be set to 0 (Z2). The output
A14 remains on "Low".
 In area "C":
The conveyor clock pulse counter and container counter are increased
Because 3 containers have fallen in the area of the 5th conveyor clock
pulse (Z4), the output A14 will be set to "High" (Z5) and a signal will be
sent to the PLC to report a back-up in the area of the sliding conveyor /
accelerating conveyor.
The accelerating conveyor and the intermediate conveyor continue to
follow the lead machine.
All the conveyors as from the sliding conveyor are stopped so that no
more containers fall over. A message appears on the main screen page
and the LED of button 9 lights up red.
 In area "D":
After button 9 on the LCT4 (Z6) is actuated, The conveyor clock pulse
counter and the container counter are set to 0 (Z7).

All the conveyors as from the sliding conveyor will stop if more than a pa-
rameterised number of containers fall from the accelerating conveyor in a
parameterised conveyor clock pulse range.

6.9 Rejecting fallen containers

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Figure 33: Rejecting fallen containers

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The purpose of the module "Rejecting fallen containers" is to reject contain-
ers which did not roll out in the area of the sliding conveyor or did not fall
over until at the end of the sliding conveyor.

Mechanical requirements:
 Inliner standing in a straight line.
 The P.E. sensors LS21 and LS22 must be in a vertical axis.
 The rejection unit must be mounted at a reasonable mechanical distance
from the LS21 and LS22 (between 50 and 300mm). If the distance is too
short, the control valve will not be able to switch early enough. If the
distance is too large, the distance calculation will be corrupted when the
speed varies.
 The conveyor clock pulse or a special encoder for the pusher must be
connected to DS2.
 Parameters: The parameters "Number of clock pulses container fallen"
must contain values greater than 0 ("Number of clock pulses, blowing
out" = 0 = OFF).

Virtual conveyor clock pulse (pusher clock pulse):

In most cases the conveyor clock pulse creates a very rough resolution (with
a 10-step incremental encoder a drive wheel circumference of approx.
400mm results in 40mm per clock pulse); therefore a virtual conveyor clock
pulse with a resolution of approx. 10mm per clock pulse is generated on
the basis of the conveyor clock pulse. Calculation of the resolution is based
on the parameters "Number of increments encoder" and "Drive wheel cir-
cumference". No virtual conveyor clock pulse is created if a high-resolution
encoder is installed whose resolution already results in less than 15mm per
conveyor clock pulse.
The edge evaluations are based on this virtual conveyor clock pulse, which
in the following will be referred to as the pusher clock pulse.

Method of operation:
If a container is detected, an internal counter will be increased with each
pusher clock pulse. This counter is set to 0 when the LS21 detects a gap or
the LS22 a container neck.
If the internal counter reaches the value set under "Number of clock pulses
container fallen", then the rejection unit (e.g. solenoid valve) will be turned
ON. To allow the valve enough actuating time, the rejection unit is fitted
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behind the LS21 and L22. The distance must be saved in the parameter
"Distance P.E. sensor – pusher". The distance can be converted into clock
pulses via the resolution of the pusher clock pulse, and the turning on of
the rejection unit can be delayed by exactly this distance.
The rejection unit remains ON until the value in pusher clock pulses set
under "Number of clock pulses container fallen" has elapsed.
The value of the parameter "Number of clock pulses container fallen" is
based therefore only on the width of the container type.

NOTE If the value of the parameter "Number of clock pulses container fallen" is set
too low, then standing containers will be rejected. If it is high, fallen bottles
will not be detected.
If the parameter "Number of clock pulses, blowing out" is set too high, the
following containers will also be rejected.

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The example in the figure "Rejecting fallen containers" is based on the fol-
lowing parameters:
 Number of clock pulses bottle fallen =3
 Distance P.E. sensor – pusher = 30mm
 Number of increments, encoder = 10
 Drive wheel circumference = 400mm
 Real resolution = 40mm per clock pulse
 Virtual resolution = 10mm per pusher clock pulse
 Number of clock pulses, blowing-out =3

 Z1: A container is detected with a change of signal from Low to High at

LS21 (container provided).
 Z2: The counter is increased with each further conveyor clock pulse.
 Z3: A standing container is detected with a change of signal from Low to
High at LS22 and the counter is set to 0.
 Z4: Container detected.
 Z5: The counter is increased with each further conveyor clock pulse.
 Z6: LS21 detects a gap. The counter is set to 0.
 Z7: Container detected.
 Z8: The counter is increased with each further conveyor clock pulse.
 Z9: The counter reaches the value 3, which was set under the parameter
"Number of clock pulses bottle fallen". The rejection unit will be turned
ON after a delay.
 Z10: The distance is 30mm, which corresponds to 3 pusher clock
pulses. The turning ON of the rejection unit is delayed by this value.
 Z11: The rejection unit was active for the clock pulses set under
"Number of clock pulses, blowing out" and is turned OFF.

The parameter "Number of clock pulses container fallen" sets the virtual
conveyor clock pulses for detecting a container.
A High signal at LS22 and each Low signal at LS21 will reset the detection.
The length of the blowing out in milliseconds is specified with the parame-
ter "Number of clock pulses, blowing out".
A delay in the rejection by offsetting the rejection unit relative to LS21 and
LS22 is specified by the parameter "Distance P.E. sensor – pusher". The off-
set is converted into a number of likely pusher clock pulses on the basis of
the resolution of the conveyor clock pulse or the pusher clock pulse (calcu-
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lated with "Number of increments, encoder" and "Drive wheel circumfer-


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7 LCT4

7.1 Operating the LCT4

7.1.1 General information

Figure 34: User interface of the LCT4

Description of the keys:

 HELP ?
 The help screen for the current screen page.
The help screen can be comprised of several pages
which you can scroll through using the arrow buttons  - and + .
The ESC button returns you to the current screen page.

The help screen pages are numbered.

The number of the particular screen
page is in the top left corner.
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If there are two or more help pages

on a particular subject, you can scroll
through them with the arrow buttons
 - and + . The total number of
help pages on the particular subject
is indicated in the top right corner
together with the number of the cur-
rent page. Figure 35: Pulse-duty factor
 Arrow buttons  - and + 
 Selection of a menu point.
Selection of a numerical or symbolic value.
After you have activated the parameter entry with ENTER (the param-
eter contents will flash), you can increase or decrease the value with
the arrow buttons.
If one of the arrow buttons is pressed for longer than one second,
the value will be increased in cyclic mode at increasingly slower
 The parameters can also be entered with the numerical keypad.

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NOTE The numerical keypad is enabled only when the machine has stopped or the
set type is not the type currently in production.

 For selecting a menu point.
For activating the parameter entry (the value will flash).
For confirming the parameter entry and adopting the value.
 For selecting to close a menu point.
For cancelling an entry without changing the parameter.
For closing a function.

7.1.2 Description of the LEDs

The LEDs indicate the current status of the following digital inputs and out-
E1 => LS1 (1st P.E. sensor in the direction of movement)
E2 => LS2 (2nd P.E. sensor in the direction of movement)
E3 => LS3 ( in the centre below LS1 and LS2)
E4 => Line ready
E5 => Back-up switch
E6 => Conveyor clock pulse, accelerating conveyor
E7 => Machine clock pulse
E8 => Container stop released
E9 => Conveyor stop, throughput regulating system
E10 => Speed increase, feed conveyors
E11 => Conveyor stop, container counter
E12 => Conveyor stop, sliding conveyor (low-active)
E13 => P.E. sensor, throughput regulating system
E14 => Malfunction, infeed monitoring unit
E15 => Emptying
E16 => Start lead machine

A1 => Container standing

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A2 => Container slipping

A3 => Ready
A4 => Conveyor stop, throughput regulating system
A5 => Controller enable, conveyors
A6 => Gap is too large
A7 => Back-up stop
A8 => Sliding/dosing conveyor stop

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7.1.3 Resetting faults

If a fault occurs and requires a reset by the operator, the LED on function
button 9 will flash.
Function button 9 is reserved for resetting faults. Pressing this button calls
up the screen page with all the currently active faults. Pressing it again will
reset all the faults.
If function button 9 flashes yellow, this indicates that there are warnings
which do not require the operator to intervene.
The fault can be reset with function
button 9

Figure 36: Alarm messages

7.1.4 Code entry

The access authorisation control system prevents unauthorised changes to
the parameters.
The query 'Code 2:' must be answered with the button combination

The query 'Code 3:' must be answered with the button combination
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The code query must be answered
with the following button combina-

Figure 37: Code query

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8 Parameter description

8.1 Main level

The various main screen pages can be reached with the short-cut buttons
"0" to "3". You can also jump directly to the main screen page 0 from every
menu by pressing the 0 key.

8.1.1 Main screen page 0

The main screen page 0 shows the
set container type, the activated
mode of operation and the controller
status. Additional messages appear
when they are active, e.g. the back-
up switch assignment or the average
value to be corrected or a conveyor
which is at the control limit.
 Function button 8
Resetting the average value
 Function button 7
Logging out of set-up mode Figure 38: Container type, activated operating
mode, controller status, messages, etc.

8.1.2 Main screen page 1

The main screen page 1 shows the
current time, the current date, the
elapsed operating hours, and the
inner temperature of the LCT.
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Figure 39: Time, date, operating hours and

inner temperature of the LCT

8.1.3 Main screen page 2

The main screen page 2 shows the
fault messages which must be RESET
with the "9" button.

Figure 40: Fault messages

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8.1.4 Main screen page 3

On the main screen page 3 you can
select a language by national flag so
that the set-up personnel can always
understand the user interface.

Figure 41: Language selection

8.2 Operator level

If the "Type selection" line is shown in
"inverse" mode, it can be edited only
via the external container type selec-
tion switch.
However, if you want to edit it from
the "Type selection" menu point, then
you must go to "Set-up mode" / "Ma-
chine parameters" and change the
parameter "Type selection" from "ex-
ternal" to "internal".

Figure 42: "Type selection" in inverse mode

Type selection
 Use the right-hand arrow button
to switch to the "Production type"
line and confirm with "ENTER".
 From the flashing line use the
arrow buttons to set the required
container type and confirm with
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Figure 43: Changing the "Production type"

 If "Yes":
The type parameters of the set
container type will be adopted.
 If "No":
The old type parameters will be

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Figure 44: Save parameters? No/Yes

8.3 Set-up mode – General information

Figure 45: Set-up mode – General information

8.4 Set-up mode – System parameters

Mode: Glideliner or Block
"Save parameters" query:
Here you can set whether a query is
to appear upon closing a menu, ask-
ing whether you want to save the
changed parameters or whether you
want to retain the old values.
The control system can be connected
to a network via Ethernet, therefore
the currently set network parameters
are shown here.
Figure 46: Set-up mode – System parameters

Setting the network address

The IP address / subnet mask and
gateway are set here. It should be
noted that no zeros are permitted as
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first digits.

Figure 47: Setting the network address

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8.5 Set-up mode – Type Parameters

Figure 48: Set-up mode – Type selection Figure 49: Set-up mode – Type parameters

The type parameters can be edited offline. This means that e.g. type 1 can
be in production while type 2 is being edited.
 When offline editing is active, the bar colour will change to "red".

8.5.1 Adjustment values (Glideliner)

Adjustment values:
Percentage values with which the in-
dividual conveyor speeds of the lead
machine and the conveyors can be
adjusted relative to one another.
With the left bar you can switch be-
tween the various outputs.
The bars in the graphic will be updat-

Figure 50: Adjustment values (Glideliner)

The indicated output is selected with "ENTER" and the value flashing on the
right can be edited. If the machine is at a standstill, you can also enter the
value with the numerical keypad.
The penultimate line shows the current average value and indicates whether
the control system is ON or OFF.
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The analog voltage of the selected output is indicated in Volt.

The percentage value which influences the inspector speed and therefore
the number of containers is indicated in the line "Average value".
If the adjustment value of the dosing conveyor 1 is changed and confirmed
with "ENTER", the average value counter and the percentage value will be
The function button "1" can be used
to turn the control system ON or OFF.
 Control system ON:
 The conveyors are controlled.
 Control system OFF:
 The conveyors run in sync with
the lead machine; any gaps
which have formed will not be
If the control system is OFF, the dos-
ing conveyor 1 will not be changed by

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the average value. Figure 51: Deactivate the control system

8.5.2 Measured values

Several measured value screen pages are available for diagnostics purposes.
These pages show a number of important actual values for tracking the
conveyor control system. The parameters are self-explanatory. You can
move to the help page with the "?" button.

Measured value screen page 1:

The first two lines show whether the
control system is ON or OFF. The cur-
rent system status is also indicated.

You can use the arrow buttons to

move forward to the next screen page
or back to the previous screen page.

Figure 52: Measured value screen page 1

Measured value screen page 2:

Figure 53: Measured value screen page 2

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Measured value screen page 3:

The digital values for the set-point
values of the 8 conveyors are pre-
sented here. 10V corresponds to
 Basic set-point value:
 The basic set-point value is
the ratio between the current
speed and the maximum
speed of the machine in %.

Figure 54: Measured value screen page 3

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Measured value screen page 4 (accelerating conveyor):

The set-point value of the accelerat-
ing conveyor is affected by various
 Gap controller:
 The bigger the gaps, the quick
the conveyor.
 Synchronisation:
 For synchronisation the accel-
erating conveyor must run
quicker so that the container
slips under the P.E. sensor.
 Slippage controller:
 If the container slips under the Figure 55: Measured value screen page 4 (ac-
celerating conveyor)
P.E. sensor, the accelerating
conveyor must slow down.

Measured value screen page 5 (sliding conveyor):

The set-point value of the sliding
conveyor is affected by various pa-
 E5 back-up switch
 If the E5 back-up switch is ac-
tivated, the speed of the slid-
ing conveyor will be reduced
very quickly.
 Slippage controller
 If the container slips under the
P.E. sensor, the sliding con-
veyor must slow down very
Figure 56: Measured value screen page 5 (slid-
quickly. ing conveyor)

Measured value screen page 6 (dosing conveyor 1):

The set-point value of the dosing
conveyor is affected by various pa-
 Gap controller:
 The bigger the gaps, the quick
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the conveyor.
 Average value:
 The average value is incre-
mented or decremented line-
arly to the set-point value of
the dosing conveyor.
 E5 back-up switch
 If the E5 back-up switch is ac- Figure 57: Measured value screen page 6 (dos-
ing conveyor)
tivated, the speed of the dos-
ing conveyor will be reduced
very quickly.
 Slippage controller:
 If the container slips under the
P.E. sensor, the dosing con-
veyor 1 must slow down very

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Measured value screen page 7 (intermediate conveyor):

This measured value screen page is
available only when the back-up
pressure reduction function is active.
The set-point value of the intermedi-
ate conveyor is changed by the back-
up pressure reduction.
This requires the intermediate con-
veyor to be activated in the parame-
ters for the back-up pressure reduc-

Figure 58: Measured value screen page 7 (in-

termediate conveyor)

8.5.3 Specific information for the Glideliner, type Glideliner

Here are the most important parame-
ters for the Glideliner control system.

Figure 59: Specific parameters for the Glidelin-

er, type Glideliner

 Set-point gap:
 The set-point gap on the ac-
celerating conveyor after the
P.E. sensors LS1…3 (min.
0…max. 20) is shown here.
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 Selection gap table:

 This value defines the control
intensity. The higher the value,
the faster the control system
tries to achieve the set-point
gap (min. 0...max. 6).
 Output gap too large:
 If the gap is greater than the Figure 60: Gap
value set here, output A6 will
become Low and a warning
will be issued. Button 9 flashes

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 Selection slippage table
 The higher the value, the
greater the sliding conveyor
and the dosing conveyor will
be decelerated.
 Back-up stop:
 If the lead machine is running
and there is no container flow
at LS1…3, A7 will be switched
to Low after the number of
container clock pulses set here
and the A7 LED will light up
red. A fault will also be en- Figure 61: Slippage
tered in the event history (nu-
merical key 9 flashes red).

Back-up pressure reduction

As already explained, back-up pressure reduction is possible only when
there is another conveyor between the accelerating conveyor and the inter-
mediate conveyor. A P.E. sensor must be mounted vertical to the intermedi-
ate conveyor shortly after the transfer point to the intermediate conveyor so
that the width of the gap can be measured.

Figure 62: Back-up pressure reduction (principle)

 Back-up pressure reduction:

 The back-up pressure reduc-
tion can be turned ON or OFF
 Ratio gap/container:
 The width of the gap relative
to the container width is set
here in %.
 Control conveyor:
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 The control conveyor is used

to define which conveyor is
between the accelerating con-
Figure 63: Back-up pressure reduction
veyor and the intermediate
 Intermediate conveyor control:
 If you want the intermediate
conveyor to be controlled as
well, "ON" must be activated.
This means that the interme-
diate conveyor will become
quicker or slower depending
on the gap size.

Diagnostics of back-up pressure reduction:

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 P.E. sensor Low signal:

 The P.E. sensor issues a Low
signal when there is a gap.
The gap width is thus meas-
ured in ms.
 P.E. sensor High signal:
 The P.E. sensor issues a High
signal when there is a contain-
er. The container width is thus
measured in ms.
 Ratio gap/container:
 The ratio of the gap to the
container is calculated here Figure 64: Diagnostics of back-up pressure
in %. reduction

The lower bar graph shows the control value of the back-up pressure con-
troller. It is limited to +/-2%. If the bar is always on one side, the conveyor
adjustment value must be changed.
If it is always negative, the adjustment value of the conveyor should be re-
If it is always positive, you should increase the conveyor adjustment value.
Reduce machine speed:
If the difference between the current
gap and set-point gap is greater than
the value set here, A13 will become
High and the lead machine should
therefore be decelerated. When the
parameter is 0, this function is deac-

Figure 65: Reducing the machine speed

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Diagnostics for reducing the machine speed:

The current values for the function
"Reduce machine speed" are shown

Figure 66: Reducing the machine speed (diag-


Starting speed
Can be set from 0 - 100 percent (0 V - 7 V).
The starting speed is needed so that no gaps form on the intermediate con-
veyor when the lead machine starts up. Can be set in % of the maximum
selectable machine speed.

 Counter set-point E16 / E8:

 A count value is set with the High
edge of the input E16/E8, which is
decremented with each container
clock pulse. When the value is 0,
the starting phase is ended and
the intermediate conveyor runs at
control speed. If the control speed
exceeds the starting speed during
the starting phase, the intermedi-
ate conveyor will run at control
Figure 67: Starting speed

Average value
The average value is needed for the
exact adjustment of the container
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dosing on the sliding conveyor.

There is an average value counter
which is incremented with each con-
tainer when the current gap is larger
than the set-point gap. If the current
gap is smaller than the set-point gap,
the average value counter will be
decremented. If the counter reaches
the value set here (+-500), the set-
point value of the dosing conveyor 1 Figure 68: Average value
will be changed by 1%. (Internally the
set-point value is already changed by
0.1% at 1/10 value (here 50)).
After approx. 10-15 minutes of production, the average value should be
adjusted to the adjustment value of the dosing conveyor 1. The average
value is saved and remains valid until the container type is changed.
Time average value reset:

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If the conveyors remain stationary for a lengthy period, they will become dry.
Starting up with dry conveyors can result in overdosing of the dosing con-
veyor to the sliding conveyor. It makes sense in this case to reduce the ad-
justment value for the dosing conveyor by approx. 5-10%. When the con-
veyors are running, the adjustment value will then by increased via the av-
erage value control system. Here you can set the length of time after which
you want the average value to be deleted when the conveyors are stationary.

8.5.4 Fill conveyors

 Slow filling:
 Slow filling speed in % (100% =
 Fast filling:
 Fast filling speed in % (100% =
 Stop conveyor clock pulses:
 This parameter defines the
number of conveyor clock
pulses after which the filling
operation is ended when the
containers slip.
Figure 69: Fill conveyors

More current diagnostics variables are shown in the bottom part of the
screen page.
The current system status is indicated. The conveyor clock pulse counter for
changing over from slow filling to fast filling is shown. The "Counter stop
after number of containers" is incremented when the containers slip.
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8.5.5 Braking values

 Sliding conveyor:
 Can be set from 0 - 20 per-
0 = OFF.
If the "Sliding conveyor" pa-
rameter is greater than 0 and
the lead machine speed is be-
ing continuously reduced,
each further machine clock
pulse will reduce the speed of
the sliding conveyor by the set
The reduction limit is fixed at Figure 70: Braking values
 Dosing conveyor 1:
 Can be set from 0 - 20 per-
0 = OFF.
(see "Sliding conveyor").
If a gap occurs between the accel-
erating conveyor and the sliding
conveyor after stopping, the value
must be reduced.
If the sliding area is overfilled, the
value must be increased.
 Sliding conveyor stop:
 Can be set from 0 - 20 con-
veyor clock pulses.
0 = OFF.
If the "Sliding conveyor stop"
parameter is greater than 0,
the sliding conveyor and the
dosing conveyor 1 will be
stopped before each slippage
analysis for the set number of
conveyor clock pulses in order
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to prevent overfilling of the

sliding area.
If the area between the accelerat-
ing conveyor and the sliding con-
veyor is overfilled after a slippage
analysis, the set number of con-
veyor clock pulses must be in-
If a large gap occurs, the number
must be decreased.

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8.5.6 Back-up switch

 Braking values:
 If a back-up switch is con-
nected to E5 (Low Active), the
sliding conveyor will be re-
duced by this percentage value
with each 5th conveyor clock
If 0 is set, this function will be
 Delay:
 If the safety switch E12 (Low
Active) is 0 for the conveyor
clock pulses set here, all the Figure 71: Back-up switch
conveyors will be stopped, the
output A8 will become 0 and
LED A8 will light up.

8.5.7 Stop after number of containers

A signal from a P.E. sensor mounted
parallel to the accelerating conveyor
is read into input 11. If the set num-
ber of containers fall from the inliner
within the conveyor clock pulses set
here, then the output A14 will be-
come High and a fault message will
be issued (button 9 flashes).

Figure 72: Stop after number of containers

Diagnostics for stop after number of containers

The current variables for stop after
number of containers are output
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Figure 73: Diagnostics for stop after number of


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8.5.8 Throughput regulating system

The throughput regulating system regulates the container flow in front of
the dosing conveyor. This requires a feed conveyor and a conveyor in re-
serve. The conveyor in reserve must be set to throughput regulating system
in "Machine conveyors" under "Conveyor mode".
There are 2 P.E. sensors at the feed
conveyor. One P.E. sensor is at input
13 and the other at input 9. They
both control the speed of the convey-
or which is set as the throughput
regulation system (in this figure it is
conveyor in reserve 1)

Figure 74: Throughput regulation system (prin-


The control parameters are set here.

Control via P.E. sensor E13:
 Clock pulse time: Setting the clock
pulse frequency
 V increase
If P.E. sensor E13 is free, the
speed of the conveyor in reserve
will be increased by the percent-
age value set here (up to max.
50%) with each clock pulse.
 Lower limit
If P.E. sensor E13 is activated, Figure 75: Throughput regulating system
then the speed will be reduced to
this lower limit with each clock
Safety via P.E. sensor E9:
 If P.E. sensor E9 is activated, then
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the conveyor in reserve will be

turned OFF via output 4 after the
time set here. When this P.E. sen-
sor becomes free again, then the
conveyor will be controlled again
via P.E. sensor E13.

The regulation can be displayed in

the diagnostics window. The status of
the P.E. sensor E13 and the clock
pulse are shown here. The dynamic
speed adjustment is also presented.
Switching off via P.E. sensor E9 of the
conveyor in reserve can also be

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Figure 76: Throughput regulating system,


8.5.9 Throughput regulating system, feed conveyor

Before the Glideliner can go into operation, there must be containers on the
feed conveyor. The filling speed before operation is set in the menu "Feed

The filling speed of the feed conveyor

is set here.
The feed conveyor is controlled via a
back-up switch on the conveyor,
which is connected to input 10. If the
back-up switch is free, the conveyor
speed will be increased by an adjust-
able percentage value (here: 13%)
until the back-up switch is activated

Figure 77: Feed conveyor

8.5.10 Synchronisation
The synchronisation function is re-
quired in order to synchronise the
gap counter after a defined number
of containers. The speed of the accel-
erating conveyor is increased until
the containers slip under LS1..3. Then
the gap counter is zeroed and the
synchronisation ended.
The synchronisation function can be
turned ON or OFF.
The value of the synchronisation
counter defines the number of con- Figure 78: Synchronisation
tainers after which synchronisation is
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started (the value is multiplied by


8.5.11 Control system

Here the control system can be
turned ON or OFF for the set type.

Figure 79: Control system

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8.5.12 Container rejection/pusher

The principle of the container rejection system is described in chapter 6.9.
In this menu the related parameters are set. It should be noted that the
clock pulses are converted internally so that 1 clock pulse equals approx. 1
cm. A more exact container rejection is thus possible.

 No. of clock pulses, container

fallen over
 Here you can set the number
of clock pulses during which
the lower P.E. sensor must be
activated in order for the con-
trol system to detect a fallen
container, e.g. container di-
ameter 8 cm./ container
length 20 cm / a reasonable
value would be 12-15 clock
 Distance P.E. sensor - pusher Figure 80: Container rejection/pusher
 The distance between the P.E.
sensor and the pusher is set
here in mm.
Must be greater than 50 mm!
 Number of increments, encoder:
 The number of clock pulses
for one revolution of the
 Drive wheel circumference:
 Circumference of sprocket in
 Number of clock pulses, blowing-
 The length of the pusher sig-
nal is set with this value. (1
clock pulse is approx. 1 cm
conveyor length)
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Diagnostics, pusher
The current parameters and the sig-
nals of the inputs and outputs for the
container rejection system are pre-
sented here.

Figure 81: Diagnostics, pusher

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8.5.13 Machine clock pulse

 Incremental encoder:
 If no encoder is connected, a 1
must stand here. If an incre-
mental encoder is fitted, the
resolution of the encoder must
be set here.
 Container diameter:
 The container diameter is en-
tered here in mm (necessary
only when the parameter for
the incremental encoder is >
Figure 82: Machine clock pulse
 Drive wheel circumference:
 The circumference of the drive
wheel is entered in mm (nec-
essary only when the parame-
ter for the incremental encod-
er is > 1).
 Number of increments/container:
 This number is calculated
when the 3 previous parame-
ters are changed.

Determine increments / containers

This function was included in order to be able to determine or check the
parameters for the increments / containers. You just need to follow the
instructions and enter the values; the calculation will be performed auto-
matically. The figures are self-explanatory.
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Figure 83: Instruction: Turn OFF the conveyor Figure 84: Instruction: Provide a mark

Figure 85: Instruction: Operate the conveyor Figure 86: Instruction: Enter the distance

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The result is shown here and the val-

ue can be adopted.

Figure 87: Instruction: Accept values

8.5.14 Ramps
The maximum acceleration time and
the braking time are entered here.
This is the ramp-up time from 0 to
10V and the ramp-down time of the
set-point value from 10V to 0V
It should be noted that the control
system will work reasonably only if
the inverter ramps are not very much
bigger. The ramps are valid for all 8

Figure 88: Ramps

8.5.15 Copy parameters

Once a type has been set up, this
type can be copied to a different type
Copying to all other types is also
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Figure 89: Copy parameters

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8.5.16 Edit designation

Figure 90: Designation, type number Figure 91: Text input, type number

A container name (max. 19 characters) can be assigned to each type num-

The texts can be entered with the control buttons or you can use an Ether-
net cable to link up to a VNC Viewer and enter the texts via a PC keyboard.

8.5.17 Determine adjustment values

For faster commissioning of the Glideliner, it is possible to calculate the
adjustment values of the individual conveyors. Several parameters are re-
quired for this.

Figure 92: Determine adjustment values Figure 93: Type selection

Setting the type for which the adjustment values are to be determined.
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(See Figure 93)

Then some Glideliner data is re-

 Line speed: (for the set type)
 Width of dosing conveyor:
 The narrowest point of the
dosing conveyor must be en-
tered here in mm.
 Container diameter:
 Diameter of the container in
 Number of containers side by
 This value is calculated using a Figure 94: Enter parameters
special equation.

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The controller enable and the set-

point value 5V are now output on all
the active conveyors.
A speedometer must then be used to
measure the speeds of the individual

Figure 95: Analog output

The measured speeds are entered in

the table.

Figure 96: Enter speeds

The adjustment values can now be

calculated from the values entered so
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Figure 97: Calculate

The calculated adjustment values can

then be adopted into the type param-
eters and the Glideliner can be start-
ed up. These adjustment values may
still differ somewhat from the ideal
values for this type, but they enable a
quick start-up.

Figure 98: End

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8.5.18 Specific information for the Glideliner, type Block

There are some additional parameters
and some modified parameters for
the Glideliner, type Block.
The 3 previous menus are identical to
those for the Glideliner, type Glidelin-
 Gap increase:
 If a container is rejected by the
inspector, then after the num-
ber of container clock pulses
(clock pulse counter in Ma-
chine parameters / Block) the Figure 99: Block
inspector conveyor will be in-
creased for 5 inspector clock
pulses by the percentage value
set here.
 Inspector limit
 The maximum inspector output (0…100) is set here in 1000 cph.
The maximum set-point value is 10V.
 Control system:
 Here the control system can be turned OFF or ON.
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8.6 Machine parameters

 V min machine:
 This parameter indicates the
minimum speed of the lead
machine. If this value is un-
derranged, the conveyors will
be stopped.
 Type selection:
 This parameter indicates the
way in which the production
type is set. You can select be-
tween "internal" (manually at
the LCT4 under "User level –
Type selection"), "external" (by Figure 100: Machine parameters
PLC using 4 type selection
bits) or "serial" (by PLC using
the clock pulse data protocol).
 Language:
 This defines the language used for the menu texts and help texts.
The languages are no longer limited. Each CompactFlash contains
every available language. The language can also be selected via main
screen page 4.
 Line speed:
 Is the reference value for calculating the basic set-point value. It can
be set from 5,000 to 120,000 in increments of 1000.

8.6.1 Specific information for the Glideliner, type Glideliner

Machine parameters for specific op-
erating modes are edited which are
not available in all operating modes.
Specific parameters for the Glideliner,
type Glideliner are also on the Glide-
liner, type Block and are simply sup-
plemented by additional parameters.
 Output display:
 Indicates how the output is
presented in the main menu. It
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can be set to "Containers per

hour" or "Containers per mi-
nute". The time is now availa- Figure 101: Glideliner
ble only in main screen page

Pulse-duty factor
Pulse-duty factor:
 Can be set from 75 -125.
 The pulse-duty factor is the basis
for slippage detection.
 See also "Control principles" "Slip-
page control system" "Pulse-duty

Figure 102: Pulse-duty factor

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Container stop
 V container stop release:
 Can be set from 1000 - 50000
containers per hour. After fill-
ing up to the set-point gap or
after a slippage analysis, the
control system will not issue
the finished signal A3 = 1 un-
til the speed of the lead ma-
chine has dropped below the
parameterised value. This pa-
rameter is used to prevent
containers entering the infeed
worm too quickly and destroy- Figure 103: Container stop
ing it.
 Coasting time:
 Can be set from 0.0 – 15.0 seconds. 0.0: without moveable container
stop; in the range 0.1 - 15.0: with moveable container stop.
 Container stop speed adjustment:
 Can be set from 0 - 100 percent (0 - 7 V).
 This indicates the speed at which the conveyors continue running for
the coasting time in seconds after the container stop is locked.

Coasting time = 0.5, container stop speed adjustment = 20.0%
The conveyors coast for 0.5 seconds at 1.4 V output voltage after the
moveable container stop is locked.

NOTE The coasting time and speed are defined by the throttle of the pneumatic
If the containers bump loudly into each other after stopping, then the
coasting time or the coasting speed (container stop speed adjustment) must
be reduced.
If a gap forms between the machine infeed conveyor and the intermediate
conveyor, then the coasting time or the coasting speed (container stop
speed adjustment) must be increased.
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Measured values
The control system response can be observed in a selection of measured
The menu has a direct link to the measured value screen pages of the type
Read the description there.

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Conveyor mode
You can set the operating mode of
the intermediate conveyor, the con-
veyor in reserve 1, the conveyor in
reserve 2, the dosing conveyor 2 and
the feed conveyor.

Figure 104: Conveyor mode

 Intermediate conveyor
 Not used
 Synchronous with lead machine
 Synchronous with accelerating conveyor

 Conveyor in reserve 1 and conveyor in reserve 2:

 Not used
 Synchronous with lead machine
 Synchronous with accelerating conveyor
 Synchronous with dosing conveyor 1
 Synchronous with sliding conveyor
 Synchronous with intermediate conveyor
 Throughput regulating system

Requirements for throughput regulating system:

 A P.E. sensor positioned on the feed conveyor is connected at E13. The
speed of the conveyor in reserve is regulated via the P.E. sensor.
 Dosing conveyor 2 and feed conveyor:
 Not used
 Synchronous with lead machine
 Synchronous with accelerating conveyor
 Synchronous with dosing conveyor 1
 Synchronous with sliding conveyor
 Synchronous with intermediate conveyor
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Vmin. conveyors
 Vmin. conveyors:
 The conveyors must not run
slower than the conveyor
speeds set here.

Figure 105: Vmin. conveyors

NOTE The set Vmin will be output to the conveyor in reserve 1, 2 only in conveyor
mode = 1 (lead machine)!
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Customer data
Specific information regarding the
customer and the machine serial
numbers can be saved here. In par-
ticular parameter documentation can
thus be clearly assigned.

Figure 106: Customer data

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8.6.2 Specific information for the Glideliner, type Block

Machine parameters for specific op-
erating modes are edited which are
relevant for the Glideliner, type Block.
 Clearing:
 If the inspector is turned OFF
(E13 = 0) while the control
system is working, the con-
veyor will be cleared up to the
corresponding P.E. sensors. If
P.E. sensors 4 and 5 are pro-
vided, the conveyor will be
cleared up to these sensors. If
Figure 107: Type Block
they are not provided, the
conveyor will be cleared up to
LS1 and LS2.
 Clock pulse counter:
 Can be set from 0 to 99

 The inspector output signal is connected to E5.
This signal issues one High pulse per rejected container.
 The inspector clock pulse which outputs one High pulse per container is
connected to E11.
Can be set from 0-99.
"0" not active.

The clock pulse counter parameter defines the distance between the in-
spector rejection system and the first transfer point (after the inspector) in
inspector clock pulses. The gap increase is delayed by this value.
See under "Type parameters" "Block" "Gap increase".

 LS4 and LS5 provided:

 If LS4 and 5 are provided, the conveyor can be filled or cleared up to
these sensors.
 If not, the conveyor will be filled or cleared up to LS1 and 2.
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Pulse-duty factor
The ""Pulse-duty factor" menu is identical to that for the Glideliner, type

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Container stop
 V container stop release:
 Can be set from 1000 - 50000
containers per hour.
After filling up to the set-point gap
or after a slippage analysis, the con-
trol system will not issue the finished
signal A3 = 1 until the speed of the
lead machine has dropped below the
parameterised value. This parameter
is used to prevent containers from
entering the infeed worm too quickly
and destroying it.
Figure 108: Container stop

Coasting time and container stop speed adjustment are the same as for the
Glideliner, type Glideliner.

 Inspector coasting:
 Can be set from 0.0 – 15.0 seconds. The maximum possible value
equals the coasting time.
 0.0: without moveable container stop; in the range 0.1 - 15.0: with
moveable container stop. Defines how long the inspector coasts with
the "Container stop speed adjustment" when the container stop is
locked in order to minimise the gap between the inspector and the
discharge conveyor 2.

Measured values
The control system response can be observed in a selection of measured
The menu has a direct link to the measured value screen pages of the type
parameters. Read the description there.

Conveyor mode
You can set the operating mode of the intermediate conveyor, the conveyor
in reserve 1, the conveyor in reserve 2, the dosing conveyor 2 and the feed
 Intermediate conveyor
 Not used
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 Synchronous with lead ma-

 Synchronous with accelerating
 Conveyor in reserve 1, conveyor in
reserve 2, feed conveyor and dos-
ing conveyor 2:
 Not used
 Synchronous with lead ma-
chine Figure 109: Conveyor mode
 Synchronous with accelerating
 Synchronous with inspector
 Synchronous with discharge
conveyor 2
 Synchronous with intermediate

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Vmin. conveyors
Identical to Glideliner, type Glideliner

Customer data
Identical to Glideliner, type Glideliner
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8.7 Analog output

NOTE Analog output enables the outputs to be set manually. The menu is disa-
bled during the control phase and may be used only with caution!

After the confirmation prompt is con-

firmed with "ENTER", 0V will be set on
all the analog outputs.
The menu can be closed again with

Figure 110: Analog outputs are set

You can switch between the various

analog outputs.
The indicated output is selected with
"ENTER" and the value now flashing
on the right can be edited with the
arrow buttons  - and + . Editing
is possible in 5% increments from 0%
to 100% (0-10V).
Pressing the arrow button  when 0%
is set will change the value to maxi-
mum (100%).
The bar indicates the current ma- Figure 111: Analog output bar graph
nipulated variable in V.

To measure the speed of the convey-

ors you can activate the menu point
"All to 5V". 5 V will be output on all
the analog outputs.
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Figure 112: Analog output

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8.8 Diagnostics
The diagnostics menu provides various options for checking the functiona-
bility of the LCT4 and the current response.
 Event history:
 Various events are logged and
indicated during operation.
They can be saved on a USB
 Analog values diagram:
 Records and presents the ma-
nipulated variables of the con-
veyors over a certain period.
 Digital values diagram:
 Records and presents the digi-
tal inputs/outputs over a cer-
tain period. Figure 113: Diagnostics
 Version:
 Indicates the versions of the
various modules.
 LCT4 test:
 Various equipment tests.
 Profiler:
 Indicates the current CPU
 Available memory space:
 Indicates the memory space in
use in the various memory ar-
 Glideliner memory capacity utili-
 Indicates the space needed by
the various parameter struc-
 Measured values:
 Indicates the current control
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8.8.1 Event history

The following events are always
 Memory and loading operations
from CF and USB
 Change of control states
 Faults and warnings
 Parameter changes
With the button "8" or "Enter" you can
move to a sub-menu for saving the
event history to a USB stick or for
activating and deactivating other log
events Figure 114: Event history

Save on USB:
The event history can be saved to a
USB stick. The system saves a .br file
which can be opened with Automa-
tion Studio.
 Dig IO:
If this flag is activated, the edges
of the following inputs and out-
puts will be logged.
 E4 – Line ready
 E8 – Container stop released
 E16 – Start lead machine
 E13 – Inspector ON
Figure 115: Save parameters on USB
 A3 – Controller ready
 A5 – Controller enable
 A4 – Controller enable inspec-
 System status
The recording of the operating
states is activated here.
 Reject container
If this parameter is set to "On",
the rejection of each fallen bottle
will be recorded.
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 Type selection
The recording of type changes can
be activated.

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The edges are presented as follows:

 Rising edge: "_|" and on a light
grey background
 Falling edge: "|_" and on a dark
grey background
The function is used for checking the
signal transmission to the lead ma-
chine and the PLC.

Figure 116: Event history of digital in-


Some additional recordings can be

made on demand.

 System status change

 Reject container
 Type selection

Figure 117: Event history, functions

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8.8.2 Analog values diagram

This menu can be used to view the manipulated variables of the individual
conveyors over a certain period.
You can therefore check the follow-up response to the lead machine (al-
ways shown in blue) and the control response.
The recording can be stopped with
the arrow button . Then you can
use the arrow buttons  - and + 
to scroll through time. On the right
you are shown the manipulated vari-
ables (in V) and the speed of the lead
machine (in cph) at the selected mo-
ment in time.
The current value is also indicated
when recording is in progress.
With "ENTER" you can open a menu
for making settings for the recording Figure 118: Analog values diagram
or for starting or stopping the re-
 When this screen page is active, a
number of numerical keys will
light up. These keys have the fol-
lowing meaning.
 <1> Zoom out
 <2> Zoom in
 <5> Stop recording
 <6> Start recording
 <-> Scroll cursor to the left
 <+> Scroll cursor to the right
 <7> Screenshot to USB
(only when the recording was
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 Start :
 Starts the recording with the
selected settings.
 Stop:
 Stops the recording.
 Interval [ms]:
 Defines the frequency at which
the recording is made. (20ms
means that the current value is
saved in intervals of 20ms.)
 Sample time [min:sec]:
 Defines the period of time
over which values are to re- Figure 119: Analog values diagram, functions
main available after the re-
cording is stopped. Is derived
from the interval and therefore
cannot be edited: The longer
the interval, the longer the re-
cording time.
 Zoom:
 Indicates how much of the re-
cording time can be seen in
the window. With x1, the com-
plete recording time will be
shown; with x2, half the re-
cording time will be shown,
 Ramps
This parameter can be used to se-
lect whether the presented analog
values are presented before or af-
ter the ramp calculation.
 Curves display:
 Here you can select the con-
veyors for which the manipu-
lated variables are to be rec-
orded and shown.

Different conveyors are available for

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viewing, depending on the type. Con-

veyors marked with "Yes" are dis-
played in the colour as shown.

Figure 120: Analog values diagram, selection

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8.8.3 Digital values diagram

 All inputs/outputs can be dis-
played, similar to an 8-channel
oscilloscope with a resolution of
Each input/output can be as-
signed at random to one of the 8

Figure 121: Digital values diagram

 Use the <Enter> button or the

numerical key <8> to move to the
menu for assigning in-
puts/outputs to the channels.

Figure 122: Digital values diagram, channel


When this screen page is active, a

number of numerical keys will light
up. These keys have the following
 <1> Zoom out
 <2> Zoom größer
 <5> Stop recording
 <6> Start recording
 <-> Scroll cursor to the left
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 <+> Scroll cursor to the right

 <7> Screenshot to USB
(only when the recording was
stopped). Figure 123: Digital values diagram, zooming
 In the last line you are shown the
current operating mode and to the
right of that the current machine

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8.8.4 Version
The version used is indicated for the
following modules:
 Software
 Parameter file
 Automation studio
 Runtime
 Visual Components

Figure 124: Versions

8.8.5 LCT4 test

Here you can test various device-
specific functions and reset the oper-
ating hours.
 I/O test:
 Testing the digital inputs and
 Analog output
 Testing the conveyor speeds
 Front panel:
 Button test and LED test.
 Other:
 Setting the clock and resetting
Figure 125: LCT4 hardware test
the operating hours

I/O test
The inputs and outputs can be tested
The status of the digital inputs is in-
dicated using a green (1) or grey (0)
Digital outputs can be switched by
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selection and then pressing "Enter".

Their status is indicated using a red
(1) or grey (0) light.

Figure 126: I/O test

Analog outputs cannot be switched manually at this point. Their status is

only indicated using a red (>0) or grey (0) light.
When an input/output is selected, its designation and function are dis-

Analog output (for a description see 8.7)

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Front panel
 Keyboard test:
 Testing the keys
 LED test:
If this menu is selected, all of the
LEDs will be actuated in sequence
and light up briefly. This occurs in
the following order:
 Red LEDs on the numerical
keys, in ascending order
 Green LEDs on the numerical
keys, in ascending order
 Input LEDs, in ascending order
 Output LEDs, in ascending or- Figure 127: Test front panel

 Keyboard test:
 When a button is pressed, a
symbol of this button will ap-
pear in the display.
If no symbol appears, the but-
ton is faulty or the X2X bus is
The menu can be closed by pressing
and holding the "ESC" button for 3

Figure 128: Keyboard test

 Operating hours:
 You are shown the number of
hours that the LCT4 was in the
power ON state and the num-
ber of hours within this time
that were operating hours.
(Operating hours is time when
the control system was in a
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higher status than the basic

 Delete counters:
Both counters can be reset
here. Code 4 is required for Figure 129: Reset operating hours
 Set time:
 This is a direct link to the menu "User level" - "Set time". Refer there-
fore to the specific description in chapter 8.9.

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8.8.6 Profiler
The profiler automatically logs all of
the tasks performed and their pro-
cessing times under the running time.
The current CPU workload can be
read off directly (after loading the
screen page it takes approx. 1-2 sec-
onds to update).
 Save on USB:
 A detailed excerpt of the pro-
filer is saved to the USB stick.
The profiler excerpt is saved in
pd format and can be dis-
played and analysed with Au- Figure 130: Profiler
tomation Studio.

8.8.7 Available memory space

Indicates the memory available in the different memory areas of the LCT 4
in bytes.

8.8.8 Glideliner memory capacity utilisation

Indicates the memory needed for the permanently saved variables on the
LCT4 in bytes.

8.9 Set time

 Set time:
 You can set the real-time
clock and the date of the
 Use "Enter" to confirm a digit
and select the next one. Se-
lecting an entry is possible
only with the arrow buttons 
- and + . You can then close
the menu again with "ESC".
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 The clock has no influence on

the operating hours counter.
However, it does serve as ref- Figure 131: Set time
erence for saved files (file
names and saving date/time)

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9 Loading and saving parameters

The system, machine and type parameters can be read out of the LCT4 onto
a USB stick.
It is thus possible to save and archive the parameter base of a configured
LCT4 when the set-up work is completed.
The saved data can be reloaded after a new LCT4 is installed, after the
CompactFlash is replaced with a new control program, or after parameters
have been corrupted.

Requirements for reading out and reading in parameters:

 A USB stick must be inserted in one of the two USB ports on the rear of
the LCT4.
 The stick must contain enough free memory space.
 There is no need for a connection to a computer!
A copy of the saved data must be given to the customer and to EKO for ar-

9.1 Saving LCT4 parameters

 Save parameters to USB:
 The system, machine and type
parameters will be saved in in-
dividual binary files on the USB
If no USB stick is inserted or a
writing error occurs, a fault
message will be issued.
The following files are created:
 SysPar.bin
 MPar.bin
 SPar.bin Figure 132: Save parameters to USB

The files are saved with a date stamp and time stamp. The latest version is
always saved without a time stamp (for reading in again) and with a time
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stamp. To read in one of the older parameter files, its time stamp must be
removed first.

9.2 Documenting LCT4 parameters (plain text print-out)

 Document parameters to USB:
 The system, machine and type
parameters are saved in two
html files (system and machine
parameters together) as a
plain text print-out on the USB
stick. These files are saved
with a time stamp. The files
can be analysed and printed
using a standard browser
(e.g. Internet Explorer).
The following files will be created:
Figure 133: Document parameters to USB
 ParReport_SysParMPar.html
 ParReport_SPar.html
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9.3 Loading LCT4 parameters

 Load parameters from USB:
 The inserted USB stick will be
searched for parameter files
and existing files will be load-
ed in RAM and then onto the
CompactFlash in the LCT4.
The old parameter set will be
Only binary files with the following
names can be read in:
 SysPar.bin
 MPar.bin
Figure 134: Load parameters from USB
 SPar.bin

Figure 135: Confirmation prompt Figure 136: Cancel the loading process

To read a parameter file with an older time stamp, its time stamp must be
removed first.
Before the parameters are loaded you will be asked whether you want to
overwrite the parameter set. You can still cancel the loading at this point.
 Automatic version update:
 During the loading, the version
string of the parameter set
saved in the file will be evalu-
ated. If it is no longer up to
date, an automatic update
routine will be started and the
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parameters will be interpreted.

Then a dialog window will ap-
pear to inform the user about
this update.

Figure 137: Automatic version update

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9.4 Loading LCT3 parameters

With software version V3.05 and
higher, machine and type parameter
sets from LCT3 can be read into
The system parameters must have
been correctly set already.

Requirements for loading LCT3 pa-

 A USB stick must be inserted in
one of the two USB ports on the
rear of the LCT4. Figure 138: Load LCT3 parameters
 This stick must contain an LCT3
parameter file.
 This file must have been read out
of the LCT3 using PDWin.

 Create PDWin file:

 The parameter file must be
saved on the USB stick under
the name par_bin.bin.
Before the file is created, the settings
shown in the figure must have been
made in PDWin.

Figure 139: PDW settings

 Query mode:
 To be able to assign the pa-
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rameters correctly, a query will

appear before reading in ask-
ing whether the correct mode
is set on the LCT4. Parameter
files from Glideliner, type
Glideliner are allowed to be
read in only in Glideliner
mode. The same applies to
Block mode.
 Automatic version update:
 LCT3 parameters are always Figure 140: LCT3 parameters, query mode
read in on parameter version
V01.01.01. Then an automatic
version update is performed.

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 Automatic parameter adjustment:

 The following parameters are automatically adjusted from LCT3 to
LCT4 and therefore are not exactly the same:
 VMin conveyors (LCT3 based on 10V, LCT4 based on 7V)
 Container stop speed adjustment (LCT3 based on 10V, LCT4 based
on 7V)
 Filling speeds (LCT3 based on 10V, LCT4 based on 7V)
 Start speed (LCT3 based on 10V, LCT4 based on 7V)
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10 Remote access via a VNC Viewer

The LCT4 supports remote access via

a VNC Viewer (e.g. Ultr@VNC Viewer.
 Connecting the PCs to the LCT4
using an Ethernet cable (port on
the rear of the LCT4).
 Network settings of the PC ad-
justed to the IP address of the
For connection you simply need to
specify the IP address set in the sys-
tem parameters.

Figure 141: Dialog window "Ultr@VNC Viewer"

 Password query:
 The password is "c".

Figure 142: VNC Viewer password query

 Operation:
To operate, you need the follow-
ing keys on the PC keyboard:
 "Enter" = "Return"
 "ESC"= "ESC"
 „?“ = "F12"
 „1“ – "9" = "F1" – "F9"
 "0" = "F10"
 Text input:
 For entering texts (customer
data, type designations,…) you
can use the complete PC key-
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Figure 143: External visualisation with a VNC


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11 Start-up

11.1 General information

When the memory card is inserted and activated for the first time, the con-
trol system will find no parameters. The controller performs a basic initiali-
sation. This entails writing all the parameters with a default value. All the
parameters are written to the memory card. When hardware is replaced, the
old memory card must simply be inserted into the new hardware and all the
parameters will be immediately available. However, an additional parameter
back-up in binary format and readable HTML format should be created at
regular intervals on the USB stick in case the memory card should develop a

11.1.1 P.E. sensors

 For LS1 to LS3 (LS1..LS5 for type Block) use clear glass P.E. sensors.
LS1 (E1) is the first and LS2 (E2) the second P.E. sensor in the container
flow direction at the top.
P.E. sensor LS3 (E3) is in the middle underneath LS1 and LS2.
 Adjust the sensitivity so that multiple triggering is prevented.
 The P.E. sensors LS4 (E9) and LS5 (E10) must be on a vertical axis!

11.1.2 Frequency inverters

 Set the frequency inverters of all the conveyors as follows:
 starting and braking ramp: 1 second,
 minimum frequency: 0Hz,
 maximum frequency: 100Hz.

11.2 Setting the machine parameters

11.2.1 Language
 Go to the menu point "Set-up mode" "Machine parameters" and select
the required language.
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11.2.2 Conveyor mode

 Go to the menu point "Set-up mode""Machine parameters""Conveyor
mode" and set the conveyor assignment.
 Conveyors which are not connected must be set to "Not used".

11.2.3 Type selection

 Go to the menu point "Set-up mode""Machine parameters" and set the
parameter "Type selection" to "Internal".

11.2.4 Machine parameters

 Go to the menu point "Set-up mode""Machine parame-
ters""Glideliner" and set the parameters as follows:
 Pulse-duty factor: 105%
 Output display: cph
 Container stop:
V container stop release 20 (20000)

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

Coasting time 0 (if no moveable container stop is in-

Coasting time 1.0 (if a moveable container stop is in-
Container stop speed adjustment 20.0%

Specific machine parameters for the Glideliner, type Block

 Go to the menu point "Set-up mode""Machine parameters""Block"
and set the parameters as follows:
 Clock pulse counter 20 (number of inspector clock impulses
between the inspector output and the
next transfer point)
 Clearing Yes
 LS4 / LS5 provided Yes (if provided)

11.3 Setting the type parameters

11.3.1 Setting the container type

 Go to the menu point "User level""Type selection" and set the contain-
er type 0 .

11.3.2 Ramps
 Go to the menu point "Set-up mode""Type parameters""Ramps" and
set the parameters "Starting ramp" and "Braking ramp" to 2.0 seconds.

11.3.3 Type parameters

 Set the parameters:
 Set-point gap 2
 SelectionGapTab 2
 SelectionSlippageTab 1
 OutputsGapTooBig 0
(outputs gap too big and back-up stop OFF).
 Stopping conveyor clock pulses 5
 Starting speed 20%
 Set the machine clock pulse (if an encoder is installed, you must use the
learning function (see chapter 8.5.13).
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 Adjust the container diameter.

 Determine the adjustment values via the help functions
"Set-up mode""Type parameters""Determine adjustment values" (see
 Go to the menu point "Set-up mode""Type parameters""Adjustment
values" and turn OFF the control system with the numerical key 1.
 Enable the container flow.
A reasonable container flow should be possible with these adjustment
values. If not, the adjustment value of the individual conveyors must be
 After you have adjusted the adjustment values, turn on the control sys-
tem again with the numerical key 1.
 With type Block, set the gap increase to 2 %.
 With type Block, set the inspector limit to the maximum speed of the
 If a pusher is provided, first deactivate the pusher
(set number of clock pulses, blowing out to 0).

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

11.4 Optimisation

11.4.1 Optimising the gap control system

 Go to the menu point "Set-up mode""Type parameters""Glideliner"
"Gap slippage" "Gap".
The higher the parameter "SelectionGapTab" is set, the quicker the gap
will be corrected.

11.4.2 Optimising the slippage control system

 Create slippage by increasing the adjustment value of dosing conveyor 1
by 5%.
The increased number of containers will lead to a back-up on the accel-
erating conveyor.
The slippage control system is active and the LED A2 lights up.
 Observe the slippage control:
 Reduce the value of the parameter "SelectionSlippageTab"
if the control system reduces the back-up too much with the result
that gaps form on the sliding conveyor.
 Increase the value of the parameter "SelectionSlippageTab"
if the control system fails to reduce the back-up with the result that
the containers form a back-up on the accelerating conveyor and into
the sliding area.

11.4.3 Observing the average value

 Observe the average value after approx. 10 minutes production:
 If greater than 1%, change the adjustment value of the dosing con-
veyor 1 by the average value.
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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

12 Appendices

12.1 Overview of the conveyor control system type Glideliner

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Figure 144: Overview of the conveyor control system type Glideliner

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

12.2 Overview of the conveyor control system type Block

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Figure 145: Overview of the conveyor control system type Block

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

13 Connection assignments – IO modules X2X bus

The inputs/outputs are actuated decentrally via an X2X bus. The X20 mod-
ules can be configured as required. The IO unit for the Glideliner, type Block
contains the following modules from left to right:

 Module 1 X20 BR 9300 X2X bus receiver module

 Module 2 X20 DS 1319 Digital signal processor module
 Module 3 X20 DI 9371 12 digital inputs 24V
 Module 4 X20 DI 9371 12 digital inputs 24V
 Module 5 X20 DO 9322 12 digital outputs 24V
 Module 6 X20 DO 9322 12 digital outputs 24V
 Module 7 X20 AO 4622 4 analog outputs 0..10V / 0..20mA
 Module 8 X20 AO 4622 4 analog outputs 0..10V / 0..20mA

X20 AO 4622
X20 DO 9322
X20 DI 9371

X20 AO 4622
X20 DO 9322
X20 DI 9371
X20 DS1319

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
X20 BR 9300

3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4
5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6
7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8
9 10 9 10 9 10 9 10
11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12

Figure 146: X20 module

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

13.1 Assignment module 1 (X2X bus receiver module / X20 BR


Figure 147: Assignment module 1

13.2 Assignment module 2 (digital signal processor module /

X20 DS1319)

Figure 148: Assignment module 2

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

13.3 Assignment module 3 (12 inputs / X20 DI 9371)

13.3.1 Glideliner

Figure 149: Assignment module 3, Glideliner

13.3.2 Block

Figure 150: Assignment module 3, Block

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

13.4 Assignment module 4 (12 inputs / X20 DI 9371)

13.4.1 Glideliner

Figure 151: Assignment module 4, Glideliner

13.4.2 Block

Figure 152: Assignment module 4, Block

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

13.5 Assignment module 5 (12 inputs / X20 DO 9322)

13.5.1 Glideliner

Figure 153: Assignment module 5, Glideliner

13.5.2 Block

Figure 154: Assignment module 5, Block

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13.6 Assignment module 6 (12 inputs / X20 DO 9322)

13.6.1 Glideliner

Figure 155: Assignment module 6, Glideliner

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

13.6.2 Block

Figure 156: Assignment module 6, Block

13.7 Assignment module 7 (4 analog outputs / X20 AO 4622)

13.7.1 Glideliner

Figure 157: Assignment module 7, Glideliner

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13.7.2 Block

Figure 158: Assignment module 7, Block

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KRONES Glideliner control system with LCT4
Type Glideliner and type Block

13.8 Assignment module 8 (4 analog outputs / X20 AO 4622)

Figure 159: Assignment module 8

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