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3.13.1 Test Case Examples Exampie 1: Login Test Case Test URL; Preconditions : Open Web browser and enter the given url in the address bar. Home page must be displayed. Alltes: cases must be executed from this page. ¥ vaste |Toverythat Log Ere ogh nae aes 1 High Log | name on ogi page any endpraen not message Lag fea rusiegatran adc sone Poles than 3 charactors? characters stor _| mtb dae Enter login name j 88 than 3 ‘message wy An hare (say ab) and password leap eee me and clk Submit buton : ube dplayed | Entrlogh name 8 char (ay Login success full or an Design Le eau it ‘enor message “Invalid Login oc Passnerd must be decayed Valéte Tovey tL | Enerepnaneguatran [as err msgs La Design I ‘Login| name on login page 0 chars (say abcdefghij) and eareet | should not be greater [Password and click Submit characters” mus! be than 10 characters button displayed Ente login nameless than 10 |Login sveess ul oan Design wn chars (say abode end | enor message “val Password and click Submit |Login or Password” must button be dspayld Vaile |Toverty that Login JEnerlagn name staring wih_| an enor message Design High Login {namo onlogin page | specail chars (ao) password |Special chars not alowed ‘does not take special [and click Submit button in login” must be characters displayed Enterlgin name ending with | An eror message Design High specail chars (hel) "Special chars rot allowed password andcick Submit |inlogin? must be buten played Enter login name with special | An eror message Design High ‘chars in middle(he8 io) |Special chars not allowed. password and click Submit inlogn’ must be button splayed Validate |Tovery that Password |enter Password less than 6 | An eror message ae Hy om ogin page must | chars (saya) and Login Name | "Password not ss than 6 greater than 6 and cick Submittbuton —_|charactrs* must be played Enter Password 6 chars (say | Login successfull oan Design High abcde) and Login Name and | eTor message “invalid cick Submit burton Login er Password” must be displayed Enter Pessword greaterthan | An eror message Design ‘High 10 char (saya) and Login _|"Password not greater Name and cick Sub buton han 10 charactors” must be displayed Enter Password wth special charactera(say 1@hi8'P) Login | or7OF ‘Name and cick Submit button Design Design le Hyper inks |Links displayed at ee Footer on ogin page | Click Sign Up Link [Contact Information page Design ln working oF not must be splayed [Clok Contact Us Link Page with Information and Design low Tantt Pian for Advertisers must be displayed ‘Click Advertise Link Terns OF the service page Design low ruse depayed_ [Cick Terms Ot Membership |Privacy Policy page must Design ia nk be displayed be displayed Verty | To Verty the Hyper | CickNEWUSERS Link | New Users Registration Design ow Hyperlinks | Links displayed at Login |ocated in login box Form must be ‘Box on ogin page | Click New on sers(ue Color) | New Users Registration Design Low Design |_| Mat mal Address Test Cane e consider a text box It should accey characters gechnique : : pt ne anne il alphabets. So, here we should ean ia ce patito ; ea Use boundary value analysis and equal estes 8 are given below: TTY £0 design the ex case templaty Properly, There are many validation fr E-mal here we ae defining some of them, or vishal blgalyan @ ven ee iy « 2)3) (a) eno Email 1D in 4 parts. part we have to check invalid condition Input other special character [1#S%8" . ci set fleld as blank. input spaces.etc, spat we have to check invalid domain, a » eal ; pita have to check invalid condition input spaces, Left lank, use special character, symbols et we have to check only valid,, edu, info, org. ete) |\) at the place Valid email Email contains dot in the address field ‘ Email contains dot with subdomain Plus sign is considered valid character mal @123.123,123.123 Domain is vali IP address emall@[] Square bracket around IP address is considered valid ‘email Quotes around email is considered valid Digits in address are valid ‘ Dash in domain name is valid Underscore in the address field is valid name is valid Top Level Domain name Dot in Top Level Domain name also considered valid (use cop as example here) Dash in address field is valid ERA domain domain com nee Tneding dot im address is not slowed email ®domain com Trailing dot in address 16 NOt allowed Multiple dots ‘Unicode char as address Tent followed email is not allowed Missing top level domain (.com/. SME domain com email BLD RA @domain com (Joe Smith) invalid email @domain. web email@ 111.222.333.44444 Invalld IP format ‘Multiple dot in the domain portion is invalid Example 3: Email Address Test Case ‘Guidelines are given below; Try to extend the test case template properly. or Verify all the basic functionality +, 02 \Verify complex functionality like sqrt for both ¢ve and -ve Numbers 03 Verify by dividing by Zero 04 Verify the expressions like 24-4, -4+-4, -4-4 0s Verify = button 06 Verify whether pressing AC button clears the screen 07 Verify by multiplying by Zero 08 Verify that multiplication of two negative numbers is positive. ( Example 4: Email Address Test Case Guidelines to test few of the functions that are performed while withdrawing an amount from an ATM are gv below; Try to extend the test case template properly. ST UUCCCh ify that system qostorer’s ATM card. that system rejects an ynreadable card. reads a Insert a readable card Insert an unreadable card, of PIN. Card is accepted System asks for entry | error Card is ejected and system displays 2° screen and is ready to start a new SessiON~ transaction. that system accepts jon types customer's PIN. Enter PIN, System displays a menu of transaction Hows Verify that system al 3 H | customer to perform a Perform a System asks which type of transaction transaction, ‘transaction. performed. system allows multiple transactions in one session. ‘Answer YES. System displays a menu of transaction tYPe> ‘session ends when customer ee not to do another | Answer NO. System ejects the ATM card and start a new session. ‘system properly handles an invalid PIN. Enter an incorrect PIN and then trya transaction. The Invalid PIN Extension is performed. ‘system asks customer to choose type of account to withdraw from. Choose savings account. System displays a screen where you can enter the withdrawal amount. System verifies that customer has sufficient balance to fulfill his request of withdrawal amount. Enter the amount greater than the account balance. System displays an appropriate message and gives the customer an option of choosing to do another transaction or not. Three incorrect re-entries of PIN result in retaining the card, ‘aborting the transaction and locking the account for 43 Enter incorrect PIN for three times. An appropriate message is displayed, card is retained by machine, session is terminated and the account gets automatically locked for 48 hours. begins when the developer makes mistakes and the cycle ends when the bug is fixed and it Is no

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