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Developing Tactile Maps

for Students with Visual

Impairments: A Case Study
for Customizing Accommodations
Florian C. Feucht and Chelsea R. Holmgren
Structured abstract: Introduction: The authors of this study evaluated the necessary
features of tactile maps to provide independent, efficient, and safe travel across a
university campus; and a process for developing tactile maps based on user needs
and preferences. Methods: Participants who have low vision provided input, through
interviews and field tests, regarding which features were critical for a tactile map.
The four-phase development and research design process included: phase 1, semi-
structured interviews about campus navigation; phase 2, creating draft maps using
two different tactile media—microcapsule or braille embossed lines; phase 3, field-
testing maps through site visits with participants; and phase 4, finalizing the map.
Four undergraduate students with low vision participated in phases 1 and 3 to assess
their experiences in navigating a campus; and the collected data were used in phases
2 and 4 to create, revise, and finalize the content, layout, and medium of the map.
Results: Three of the participants preferred microcapsule lines to braille embossed
lines, while one participant stated the usefulness of both media. The four-phase
process allowed customization of local maps for individual users. Discussion: Map
features that contribute to readability and efficacy of use include the medium; the
layout; the combination of orientation maps, which provide an “overview” of a large
area; and mobility maps, which contain more detail and are designed to help the
traveler in unfamiliar areas (James, 1982). Implications for practitioners: Colleges
and universities should gather data and create tactile campus maps for students with
low vision or blindness following the four-phase process used during this study.
Although the data show that the map’s medium is a matter of personal preference,
several features are essential to creating a map with maximum readability.

Tactile maps, like their print counter- sual impairments navigate large areas
parts, are most often used by people such as college campuses. Printed cam-
with visual impairments (that is, those pus maps are among the first items
who are blind or have low vision) when given to new students, and these maps
they are becoming familiar with new are useful if the student is sighted. Tac-
geographical areas. Such maps can be tile maps of college campuses are in-
critical to helping individuals with vi- creasing in popularity, but few colleges

©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 143
offer portable tactile maps to students an article in the college’s newspaper or a
with visual impairments. paragraph from the disability services of-
Tactile maps facilitate orientation and fice, describe them as stationary rather
mobility (O&M), a critical life skill for than portable, giving limited access to
people who are visually impaired (Higgins, students with vision impairments. A pri-
1999; Thinking Habitats, 2016). Orienta- mary reason for the scarcity of tactile
tion is a person’s knowledge of their posi- campus maps is the level of complexity
tion within a space, and mobility is the act involved in researching and creating
of traveling through that space safely and them. According to Lawrence and Lob-
efficiently (Higgins, 1999). Although the ben (2011), when compared to print
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) maps, “[t]actile maps contain less infor-
(1990) mandates that O&M services must mation, use rigorous spacing rules, have
be provided, it should be noted that timely fewer overall symbols from which to
and sufficient services can be difficult to choose, and use markedly different print-
obtain, due to the limited availability of ing methods” (p. 684). The challenges of
O&M professionals and the demands on producing tactile maps often keep estab-
their schedules. It would be a daunting ex- lishments from providing this mobility
perience for students with vision impair- tool, but the process can be simplified
ments to discover and navigate their sur- by implementing best practices for their
roundings independently without a tactile
The ability to navigate a campus safely
Tactile maps have been used by people
contributes to the academic and social
with vision impairments for decades. Ori-
development as well as the conceptual,
entation maps provide an overview of a
spatial, and psychological development
large area, while mobility maps contain
of students (Holbrook, Kamei-Hannan, &
more detail that is designed to help the
McCarthy, 2017). Few colleges have tac-
traveler in unfamiliar areas (James,
tile maps for students who are visually
1982). Creating a usable, efficient tactile
impaired, and little research exists on map requires knowing which features
what makes one map better than another would most likely be used by people who
or how an effective map is developed. are visually impaired and determining
which medium presents the map’s infor-
Literature review
mation most clearly, since the medium
TACTILE MAPS, OR TACTILE MAPS used affects the maps’ usability and pro-
ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES duction. Previous studies have discussed
An Internet search of “college campuses the readability of various substrates and
with tactile maps” yielded few results. the use of different types of tactile sym-
The most promising list of approximately bols (Lobben & Lawrence, 2012; Papa-
10 colleges with tactile maps comes from dopoulos & Karanikolas, 2009; Rowell &
a company that specializes in creating Ungar, 2003). In a study by Jehoel, Un-
such maps (Cioffi, 2009). Other colleges gar, McCallum, and Rowell (2005), par-
identified as having tactile maps, by either ticipants preferred and had a high rate of

144 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 ©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved
efficacy when scanning tactile maps that EMERGING ISSUES
used rougher substrates. Research on the effectiveness of tactile
maps has shown that people who are vi-
SYMBOLS sually impaired can use them effectively
Symbols are an important feature of tac- to learn routes through a new location
tile maps. A 1999 study concluded that a (Siekierska et al., 2003): “Tactile maps
map reader may be able to distinguish and and graphics are an important resource, as
remember four to seven symbols on a they can enable blind persons to obtain
tactile map (Slocum, 1999). Informa- images of the world and to become ac-
tion from previous studies, as well as quainted with its changing (geographic
the book Guidelines and Standards for and spatial) realities” (p. 483). Without a
Tactile Graphics, 2010, by the Braille tactile map, mental mapping using a long
Authority of North America (2010), were or white cane, dog guide, or human guide
instrumental in the development of this may take much longer.
study. Tactile maps of facilities and grounds
allow students with visual impairments
LINE ELEVATION efficient and safe access to a campus as
Previous studies have discussed how tac- well as opportunities to optimize their
tile perception in raised-line elevation af- social, academic, and professional devel-
fects a map’s readability. Specifically, in opment, facilitating the O&M of these
a study by Jehoel, Sowden, Ungar, and students. There is a need for universities
Sterr (2009), the design guideline for ac- and other educational institutions to con-
ceptable line elevation was determined to tinue improving O&M training (ADA,
be 0.4 mm. Of the available tactile map- 1990), in particular the development
ping methods, the microcapsule printer
and optimization of tactile maps that
and braille embosser created lines with
account for the input of their actual
the proper elevation.
users on location.
Despite a growing body of research, no Research statement
best practices of accessing information The purposes of this study were: to re-
from tactile displays have yet been iden- search and develop a tactile map that
tified. Based on his study, Berla (1972) facilitates the ability of students who
suggested strategies of systematically ex- are visually impaired to travel indepen-
ploring a tactile display horizontally or dently, efficiently, and safely on cam-
vertically and using three fingers rather pus; and to determine the most suitable
than only one. There are many different medium for the map. The research fol-
factors that influence the reading effi- lowed a four-step development process,
ciency and preferences of people who are guided by action research principles and
visually impaired, such as size and dis- qualitative research methods. The goal
criminable symbols (Schiff & Foulke, was to be able to provide universities
1982). with a means to better accommodate

©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 145
Phase 4
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Interviewing Finalizing
Creating a Field testing
participants the map's
draft map in the map with
about campus two different participants content,
navigation tactile media on campus layout, and

Figure 1. Processes of map development in four phases.

students who are visually impaired by STUDENT POPULATION, CAMPUS,

creating tactile maps. AND PARTICIPANTS
Student population and campus
Research questions
The study was conducted at a four-year
Midwestern university with approxi-
1. What are the necessary features of a
mately 23,000 students, including 18,100
tactile map of a university’s main cam-
undergraduate and 4,400 graduate stu-
dents. Approximately 20 currently en-
a. Which features pertain to the acces-
rolled students qualified for accommoda-
sibility or ability to travel indepen-
tions due to low vision or blindness, with
dently on the campus?
the degree of vision loss ranging from
b. Which features pertain to the effi-
very mild visual impairment to total
ciency of travel on the campus?
c. Which features pertain to the safety
Although the university has three cam-
of travel on the campus?
puses, the main campus was selected for
2. Which tactile medium is most suitable
the development of the tactile map, be-
for users:
cause it is home to most undergraduate
a. when studying the map to get an
studies and student life, along with all
understanding of the campus grounds
of the university’s residence halls and
in a stationary locale? and
classroom buildings for undergraduate
b. when traveling the grounds of the
courses, the student union, and the main
library. The campus, divided by a small
river, is surrounded by residential
Methods neighborhoods.
Developing the tactile map called for a
four-phase research design and an iter- Participants and sampling strategy
ative process. Using a portfolio of semi- Four undergraduate students (one female
structured interviews, observations, and and three male) with low vision and an
site visits as data collection methods, average age of 22.5 years participated in
four undergraduate students with low the study. Students were identified and
vision participated in phases 1 and 3 to recruited using the following selection
assess their experiences in navigating criteria: a visual impairment that fell un-
campus. The data were used in phases 2 der the category of “legal blindness,” the
and 4 to create, revise, and finalize the ability to read braille, attendance in an
content, layout, and medium of the map undergraduate program on the main cam-
(see Figure 1). pus, and study in a college in a different

146 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 ©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved
area of the main campus than the other

three participants. This purposeful sam-



pling strategy (Flick, 2002) facilitated
identifying specific barriers experienced

Experience with
by the participants and guided the devel-

tactile maps
opment of a tactile map beneficial to stu-



dents with diverse visual impairments.
Table 1 provides the participants’ demo-
graphic information; pseudonyms were
used to protect their identities and pri-




vacy. The ethics committee of the Uni-
versity of Toledo in Ohio approved the

study, and informed consent was obtained




from the participants.


Primary mode

White cane

White cane
White cane
Semi-structured interviews

Dog guide
of travel
Semi-structured interviews were used to
solicit the participants’ demographic in-
formation and their experiences and
knowledge of traveling across the main
onset of VI

13 years
Age of

5 years
campus as part of field-testing of the tac-

tile map (phases 1 and 3). Semi-structured
interviews follow a given set of interview
Light perception

Light perception

questions that allows researchers to ask

Detailed demographic information for individual participants.

Central vision

Central vision
ad hoc questions (Flick, 2002). These
of VI

self-reported data were the main sources

used to inform the development of the
tactile map and were supplemented with
general observations.
impairment (VI)


Optic nerve




Observations are essential in the collec-

tion of data from field tests, allowing the
researchers to probe and analyze inten-

sively the multifaceted characteristics of



an individual unit such as a student, a

classroom, or a community (Flick, 2002).




Participants in this study were observed

reading and using the tactile map while

navigating selected sites on campus

Table 1


(phases 1 and 3). However, no behavior-



scoring rubric was operationalized to

©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 147
specifically report on their performance braille paper with an Index Everest-D V4
in reading comprehension and usage of embosser. The microcapsule map was
the tactile map. This weakness is ad- created using Microsoft Word to draw the
dressed in the limitations and future re- images and was printed on microcapsule
search section. paper that was fed through a Picture in a
Flash (PIAF) machine until all lines on
Site visits the page were of the appropriate tactile
Site visits are typically used to assess how height. The maps, bound using a comb-
participants perform in a certain work- binding machine, contained a cover page
place or living environment. In this study, and keys to orient the user to the symbols
site visits were used to assess the partic- used within the maps, along with a listing
ipants’ ability to navigate the campus us- of buildings and abbreviations, as would
ing their existing mode of navigation appear on traditional campus maps.
(white cane or dog guide) without a tactile
map, and then with the tactile map PROCEDURE
(phases 1 and 3). Detailed field notes The research and development of the tac-
were recorded as participants completed tile map used an iterative, four-phase pro-
three routes in an area in which the par- cess (see Figure 1). In phase 1, partici-
ticipants noted was familiar or easy to pants were interviewed individually,
navigate, an area they indicated was dif- using 30- to 60-minute semi-structured
ficult to navigate, and an area that was phone interviews to solicit demographic
new to the participants. information and experiences in navigat-
ing the campus, including barriers, prob-
MATERIALS lematic areas, and easy zones and times
Video recordings and field notes for traveling. In phase 2, a draft map
Participants were recorded during the in- integrated the data collected in phase 1
terviews and site visits using a standard with the existing nontactile map of the
video camcorder. Interview responses, campus. Then identical tactile versions of
observations, and handwritten site-visit the maps were created using two different
field notes were transcribed with a word- media: embossed and microcapsule pa-
processing program and subsequently per. In phase 3, both versions of the tactile
summarized in a tabular format. map were field-tested with the same par-
ticipants to assess the individuals’ ability
Tactile maps to navigate the campus with the maps.
Two otherwise identical 11⬙ by 11.5⬙ tac- The field testing included interviews and
tile maps were created using different tac- observations of individual participants
tile media, braille embossed paper, and while they explored and read the tactile
microcapsule paper, allowing for the maps in a room on campus and during sub-
identification of the most suitable me- sequent site visits using the tactile map to
dium during field testing. The embossed navigate three selected routes. The 60- to
map was developed using TactileView, a 90-minute-long field tests were video re-
drawing software used in tactile graphic corded and transcribed, and field notes were
production, and it was embossed on taken. In phase 4, the graphical content and

148 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 ©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved
layout of the map were revised based on the that help individuals to know their loca-
data collected during phase 3. Similarly, the tion within an environment; they are sta-
best tactile medium in which to produce tionary and allow for consistent location
the final map was determined. recognition (Professional Development
and Research Institute on Blindness,
ANALYSIS 2014). All participants used the shapes,
The method of qualitative content analy- sounds, and textures of specific land-
sis (Mayring, 2000) was used to analyze marks for navigation. The three students
the transcripts of the semi-structured in- who used white canes also described dis-
terviews and observations at the end of tinct surfaces and textures of the ground
phases 1 and 3. This method uses three that helped them with their orientation on
analytical procedures: summarizing aims campus. Each participant was asked to
and reducing data into manageable seg- identify the landmarks they used to nav-
ments; explicating to explain, clarify, and igate the campus.
further reduce data into explicatory cate-
gories; and structuring to compare and • Ramps and hills (changes in elevation):
contrast categories across different data Three participants (Katie, Richard, and
points in search of underlying themes Simon) noted that changes in elevation
(Flick, 2002). An inductive coding scheme such as a ramp or hill were useful in
was developed to answer the two research determining their location on campus.
questions (about the necessary features of Changes in elevation could occur any-
tactile maps and the most suitable me- where on campus and needed to be
dium) and to iteratively develop the final memorized as part of their mental
map (see Figure 1). maps of it.
• Streets (traffic sounds): Two partici-
Results pants (Katie and Eric) identified traffic
This section follows the four phases of the sounds and patterns as landmarks, us-
development and research process. ing traffic sounds on campus roads and
parking lots to identify their position.
PHASE 1: INTERVIEWING PARTICIPANTS • Fountain (shape and sounds): Two par-
ABOUT CAMPUS NAVIGATION ticipants (Katie and Simon) used the
Necessary geographical features decorative shape of a fountain and the
to travel independently sound of splashing water as a landmark
During phase 1, participants were asked to identify their proximity to the student
to discuss, in relation to their experiences union and other landmarks in the center
without tactile maps, what enhanced their of campus.
accessibility and ability to travel indepen- • Bus stops and routes (shape and
dently across campus (research question sounds): Two participants (Eric and Si-
2). Participants mentioned features and mon) identified bus stops and bus
strategies they used to navigate campus routes as campus landmarks. The bus
and identify their location. shelters allowed them to identify fixed
Navigation using landmarks. Landmarks locations on campus; and the sounds
are easily identifiable objects or places of operating buses, such as running

©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 149
engines, switching of gears, and use of Richard) discussed the importance of
brakes, permitted them to deduce their buildings and landmarks in facilitating
relative location along existing campus independent travel and promoting the
bus routes. ability to deduce their position on cam-
• Statue (shape): One participant (Eric) pus relatively easily according to their
noted a large and uniquely shaped mental maps of campus.
sculpture in front of one of the campus
buildings as a landmark when traveling; Efficiency of travel
he was able to see it and know his A portion of the interview focused on
location. how efficiently participants traveled on
• Bridges (surface texture and sounds): campus, according to their own percep-
One participant (Eric) identified the tions. Traveling in specific areas fre-
walkway bridges in the middle of cam- quently allowed them to become more
pus as landmarks. To orient himself, he efficient in navigating those areas. All
used the distinct texture change from participants said that they traveled the
the general walkways to the bridge sur- areas directly related to their academic
faces, along with sounds from the river college most often and that the campus
that could be heard occasionally. bus system facilitated their movement
around campus.
Navigation with cane. Participants men-
tioned a mobility strategy referred to as Safety of travel
shorelining (that is, following a distinct The final portion of the phase 1 interview
part of the environment when using a related to how safe the participants felt
cane). Participants said that it was easy to when traveling on campus. Three partici-
shoreline with streets and sidewalks, pants (Eric, Katie, and Simon) said that they
grass, and buildings, and they identified felt safer traveling during the daytime than
streets in general as an accessibility- at night, which Eric and Simon attributed to
enhancing feature of the campus. Two the unsafe feeling of traveling with de-
participants found that streets lined with creased usable vision and which Katie felt
sidewalks were particularly helpful in was due to the scarcity of people nearby.
navigating the campus, since they could One participant (Richard) said that the lack
use the curb for orientation (Katie and of lighting in some areas on campus made it
Simon). Furthermore, two participants unsafe to travel after dark.
(Katie and Eric) also identified grass as a
benefit to accessibility because shorelin- PHASE 2: CREATING DRAFT MAPS USING
ing was easier in grassy areas; when trav- TWO DIFFERENT TACTILE MEDIA
eling, participants could touch the side- The tactile map’s first draft was designed
walk on one side and the grass on the specifically for ease of readability by a
other to walk in a straight line. Simon, person with low vision and geographical
who has usable vision, could see the accuracy. The first draft, developed based
contrast between the grass and the ce- on data gathered during phase 1 and in-
ment sidewalks to facilitate navigation. formed by the expertise of the author in
Finally, two participants (Eric and her capacity as an O&M specialist on

150 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 ©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved
campus, comprised 16 pages in 11⬙ by A1, A2, B1, or B2, according to the cor-
11.5⬙ paper format, comb-bound as a responding quadrant of the university’s
booklet. main campus (A and B representing the
The cover page stated the title of the y-axis, 1 and 2 the x-axis). The last five
map, “Tactile Map of the University Main pages of geographical information were
Campus,” the name of its creator, the date dedicated to the various locations the par-
(edition), and information on obtaining ticipants had identified as difficult to nav-
additional copies. The next three pages, igate during phase 1. Finally, almost ev-
keys for using the map, were prefaced by ery page in the booklet was embossed
the following statement: “The following with three diagonal lines in the top right
keys are related to each individual map corner so the reader could easily orient
page. Most of the symbols and lines are the map.
consistent throughout the maps except
minor changes due to the specificity of the PHASE 3: FIELD-TESTING THE MAP WITH
area being mapped.” According to Slo- PARTICIPANTS ON CAMPUS
cum (1999), a maximum of seven tactile
Each participant was interviewed individ-
symbols can be recognized and remem-
ually before embarking on three pre-
bered by a map reader with low vision;
defined routes (familiar, difficult, and
none of the participants in the present
new location) on campus. Their verbal
study commented on the number of sym-
responses and performance were video
bols being too great to recognize or re-
recorded and transcribed. All participants
member. The tactile map created in this
discussed key issues for the general im-
study included seven different symbols
and a key for each section of the map that provement of the tactile map and pro-
fostered independent use of the map. vided feedback unique to them as individ-
Next were three pages of building uals, including the most suitable medium
names and their abbreviations, with the for the map. The general observation re-
buildings identified by acronyms for effi- vealed that Eric, Katie and Richard used
cient use of space. For example, the “Stu- the tactile map while traveling the famil-
dent Union” (13 total cells in contracted iar routes. Eric and Richard made slight
braille) was changed to “su” (two cells in errors while traveling and consulted the
contracted braille). tactile map to reorient themselves and
Geographical information was pro- continue to the desired destination. Simon
vided on nine pages: The first four pages was able to travel the entire route without
featured the “general map,” with build- referring to the map. When traveling the
ings drawn as small as possible to depict unfamiliar routes, all four participants
the complete terrain of the main campus; were able to navigate successfully to the
these pages included only buildings, main desired location with the use of the tactile
roads, the river, and railroad tracks, while map. No behavior-scoring rubric was op-
sidewalks and landmarks were omitted. erationalized to measure the reading com-
This big-picture approach allowed read- prehension of the tactile map specifically;
ers to build a mental map of the campus. this is addressed as an opportunity for
Pages of the general map were labeled future research below.

©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 151
General key issues that he or she felt needed to be in-
The following key issues were experienced cluded in the second draft of the map.
and addressed by all participants during the For instance, Richard suggested increas-
interview or before, during, and after they ing the scope of one of the maps to
walked the three routes: include the tennis courts as a landmark,
and Eric suggested adding street names
1. Written description of map layout: Par- to the specific maps instead of the gen-
ticipants suggested short descriptions to eral map. Simon suggested abbreviating
explain the layout of the map in words; one of the buildings as it appears on the
for instance, a short paragraph describ- print main campus map (North Student
ing how the map is divided into quad- Union ⫽ nsu and South Student Union ⫽
rants and how the quadrants compose ssu, instead of only labeling the building
the general map of the main campus. Student Union ⫽ su).
2. Order of building abbreviations: Katie
2. Table of contents: Participants identi-
suggested reversing the order in which
fied the need for a table of contents
the building abbreviations were pre-
after the cover page to help the reader
sented. The list included the full building
move throughout the map quickly and
name first, followed by the abbreviation,
but when reading the map, the reader is
3. Page numbers: Participants expressed
presented with the abbreviation, so it
the need for page numbers, preferably in
made sense to use the abbreviation as the
the upper right corner of all pages in the
organizing principle of the list.
map booklet, as found in most braille 3. Compass rose: When planning a route
books. Page numbers would correspond or orienting to a new area, people with
to the table of contents to allow for quick visual impairments frequently use the
and easy location of specific portions of cardinal directions (north, south, east,
the map booklet. In the final map, page and west). For this reason, it would be
numbers replaced the three diagonal beneficial to include a compass rose on
lines, serving the purpose of orienting each map within the booklet.
the reader to both the correct page and 4. Contrast on embossed map: While dis-
the way to hold the booklet. cussing his preferred map medium, Si-
mon mentioned that he could see the
Unique feedback of individual contrast of the black line on the light-
participants colored microcapsule paper. Adding
All participants provided feedback unique similar black lines to the embossed
to their individual needs and personal ex- map would allow readers with low vi-
periences of reading and using the draft sion to benefit from the map as well.
map. Their feedback was accumulated 5. Protective cover and backing: A protec-
into the following suggestions for im- tive cover and backing could add to the
provement and consideration: life span of the map booklet by protect-
ing the pages. All participants remarked
1. Adding parts to existing maps: Each on the durability of the microcapsule
participant identified at least one area paper map versus the embossed map.

152 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 ©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved
Suitability of the tactile medium
for the map Checklist for developing
After participants had read the map and a tactile map
completed a field test, they commented Individual needs of map user
on the two media in which the tactile 䡺 Visual impairment
maps were produced: microcapsule 䡺 Implications of visual impairment
lines or embossed paper (research ques- 䡺 Primary mode of travel
tion two). Three participants (Katie, 䡺 Braille reader
Richard, and Simon) preferred the mi- 䡺 Main traffic routes (e.g., dormitory
to college and student union)
crocapsule medium for both studying
䡺 Safety needs of user
the map in a stationary location and
using it during travel. Katie and Richard Orientation map
noted that the microcapsule map was
䡺 Streets
“easy” on their fingers, likely because 䡺 Buildings
tactile graphics on microcapsule paper
tend to have a more rounded, softer Mobility map
edge compared to the rougher edge of 䡺 Streets
an embossed image. 䡺 Buildings
Although he also preferred the micro- 䡺 Sidewalks
capsule map for studying details and for 䡺 Landmarks including, but not
travel, Eric found a benefit in using both limited to:
media. He said that the embossed map 䡺 Changes in elevation
made it easy to distinguish the patterns or 䡺 Fountains, statues, etc.
shapes he was feeling, while the micro- 䡺 Bus stops
capsule map could produce finer detail, 䡺 Bridges
likely because it is possible to create
much thinner lines with microcapsule General suggestions
versus embossing paper. No participant 䡺 Map keys/legends
䡺 Table of contents
thought the embossed paper was a suit-
䡺 Building abbreviation list
able medium in its own right, but rather
䡺 Compass rose on each page
in combination with a microcapsule map. 䡺 Page numbering in upper right
䡺 Protective cover and backing
䡺 Braille and large print labels
During phase 4, the final draft of the map 䡺 Print and raised lines for contrast
was created, accounting for all key issues
and suggestions identified in phase 3. The
Box 1
map’s finalized content, layout, specifica-
tions, and processes, as described earlier, pants in their preferred media and to the
included the student-centered approach to university’s office for students with dis-
produce the maps in both media to suit abilities. Box 1 includes a checklist of the
users’ tactile preferences. Finally, copies content and features of the final version of
of the map were provided to the partici- the map.

©2018 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March-April 2018 153
NECESSARY FEATURES OF A TACTILE MAP In providing accommodations for stu-
OF CAMPUS dents with visual impairments, a college
In this study, four participants with low or university campus should create a tac-
vision provided input about which fea- tile map of the campus, the development
tures were critical in creating a tactile of which should follow the four-phase
map with maximum readability for peo- process used during this study to create
ple with visual impairments. These fea- and adapt an initial map according to the
tures were included in the initial draft of individual needs of students. It is impor-
the tactile map and were field-tested with tant to note that both an orientation map
the participants. Each participant traveled (that is, a general overview of campus), and
and successfully completed an unfamiliar an area-specific mobility map may be nec-
route with the aid of the final map; thus, it essary in ensuring that the most comprehen-
can be assumed that the map contained sive tactile map is produced. If possible,
the information necessary for participants maps should be created in at least two dif-
to travel independently. ferent media to allow users to choose the
most suitable map for them.
This study identified features that result in
The participants were asked to choose the
high degrees of readability and efficacy of
most suitable medium, either microcap-
use of tactile maps. It is suggested that
sule or embossed paper. According to the
map medium is a matter of personal pref-
data collected in the present study, the
erence, and that tactile maps should be
most suitable medium is based entirely
available to students in a variety of media
on personal preference. All participants
to allow for individualized needs. Future
agreed that both maps had a high degree
research in this area may involve partic-
of readability, yet most participants chose
ipants who are unfamiliar with a campus
the microcapsule map over the embossed
and analyze their ability to navigate it
with a tactile map, as well as test other
high-quality media and conduct large-
LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH scale intervention studies.
The generalizability of results is limited
because of the small volunteer sample, References
and no procedures were conducted to en- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
sure that the data reported were trustwor- (1990). 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.
thy, dependable, or confirmable. In the Berla, E. P. (1972). Behavioral strategies and
future, this study could be used as a pilot problems in scanning and interpreting tac-
to conduct large-scale intervention re- tual displays. New Outlook for the Blind,
66(8), 277–286.
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Braille Authority of North America (BANA).
tactile map, including pre- and post- (2010). Guidelines and standards for tac-
assessment of reading comprehension and tile graphics, 2010. Baltimore, MD:
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